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    Prototype in game dev

    Prototype in game dev

    Prototype in game dev

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 07:07 AM PST

    Hello everyone... I have a question about prototypes and sketchen in games... Is it necessary, before starting your game, to develop a paper prototype in which you explain the mechanics, general system rules, etc. and how much time it takes? And did the big companies do it or no.

    submitted by /u/toumi25g
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    Unreal hatching shader tutorial

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 03:19 AM PST

    Okay, dumb server question time:

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 01:44 AM PST

    Right now we are using a basic semi high end gaming computer for compilation and beta test as a server.

    My knowledge in hardware is normally consumer or basic workstation use, i don't ever do anything with quote unquote gaming servers.

    A little about the game is Unity engine, 3d modelling. Eventually it will be a MMO so obviously a lot of client interaction.

    I want to slowly upgrade as we get more and more players, my idea is to have mirrored servers on physical sites so we aren't limited in simultaneous connections.

    So what type of hardware is different between a game server and normal server if any?

    What are you using for yours? Cloud or not, i need to figure this out.

    submitted by /u/roncburj
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    What's country choose to get education (undergraduate)?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 07:09 AM PST

    Hey Guys. I have a very important problem and I need advice. I'm going to leave my country (because Russia's mandatory army it's necessarily to avoid it) and get into english-speaking community and get acquainted with european culture. I'm on 4th year of bachelor (software engineering) and beginner in gamedev and I think free master programs (or with grands) is good idea. But what country should I choose? I'm earning money for living abroad, but have no money for education. So I choose between USA and Germany. The latter is much closer to me, and I know, that it's easier to stay to live in Germany. But USA have much bigger gaming industry. What should I do and choose and what's your experience?

    submitted by /u/CardinalPrefect
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    How to use Unity Tilemaps - from beginner to advanced. Things you didn't know about them, Scripting and more!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 07:04 AM PST

    In-Game Advertising as a Monetization Method?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 06:58 AM PST

    Doing a little research on In-game Advertising (native within game, i.e. Football Manager targeted pitch side ads) and was wonering if anyone here has experience using this as a monetization model. If so, how was the experience? Did it provide the level of monetization you expected? What did you utilize to make IGA possible? Did you receive and player feedback on the ads (i.e. affected game quality, etc.)? Any other color you could add would be appreciated.


    submitted by /u/Expensive-Republic-2
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    Blender 3 Sculpting Features: Switch Objects

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 06:53 AM PST

    Hi everyone, we've just released a tutorial looking at how to create an animated jump for a character in Unity. Hope you find it useful.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 06:50 AM PST

    I'm looking for a tutorial on linear level design for single player games (FPS)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 10:14 PM PST

    I know there's lot of level design tutorials on YouTube but so far I've only been able to find ones that are very broad and could fit into multiple categories. Nothing specific. I need to know how to design good levels for a single player FPS. Anybody know of a video or guide on how to make good FPS levels? The type of game I'm designing is linear, not open world.

    submitted by /u/justaguyjoshua
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    Can high frequency noises like flashbangs and tinnitus in games damage your hearing?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 04:24 PM PST

    I wanna implement a flashbang system where it's followed by a high frequency noise like tinnitus, but don't want do damage the players hearing. Can I do this or should I just make the sound deeper?

    submitted by /u/NooblyGod
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    What's your opinion about modern C++ compared the old days do you feel the language is becoming bloated ? too complex ? C# is better or just different for you ? still worth learning C++ today ? What's your opinion about the STL hate it love it ? too slow for games ?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 03:57 AM PST

    1) What's your opinion about modern C++ compared the old days do you feel the language is becoming bloated ? too complex ? C# is better or just different for you ? still worth learning C++ today ? What's your opinion about the STL hate it love it ? too slow for games ?

    2) What's the best approach to learn advanced 3d graphics today with Directx/Vulkan and work on AAA titles in the game industry ? master C++ after go straight to a graphics api with 3d graphics algorithms /concept ? is the pay still low compared others programming fields like webdev / java / c# or C++ finances / database etc Is it true its impossible to create a big 3d engine alone now like Carmack did in the 90's ? is it possible to create a 3d room with examples in it light reflections shadow etc as somekind of portfolio ? how one will be employ working on unreal for a studio games ? custom code with stl ? I mean studio made code outside epic source etc

    submitted by /u/Dereference_operator
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    Aspiring game dev seeking advice

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 07:52 PM PST

    I'm trying to get into game dev, but I'm indecisive AF, so I figured why not have a bunch of strangers on the internet help me figure out my problems. I will try to provide some background without it turning into incoherent rambling.

    I've been wanting to get into game dev and have spend the past year or more learning Unreal Engine and Unity (both 2D and 3D). I'm solo and look at this as more of a hobby than a future profession. Don't get me wrong it would be awesome to turn this into a career, but I'm not rushing to quit my current job. My main goal is to create a game from scratch (code, assets, etc). I just don't want to make a game, I want the sense of accomplishment that comes with creating a game, for me that means not relying on a bunch of 3rd party assets. I don't have anything specific in mind, but I want to create some kind of 3rd person RPG (action, survival crafting, dungeon crawler, etc).

    I'm primarily a coder and definitely not an artist, so I'm having an issue trying to decide if I should do a 2D pixel art game or a low poly 3D game. I enjoy 3D games, but would rather create a more feature complete 2D game than a shell of a 3D game. I know this decision can effect my engine of choice because Unreal has no baked in 2D support and I've enjoyed Unreal more than Unity in my limited experience. So I'm just going through this cycle of indecision where all I have really done is complete Youtube tutorials and courses on Udemy. I'm hoping someone else has went through this same battle and has some advice. I'm married with two kids, so I maybe have 3-4 hours daily to work towards this goal and the longer I take to decide means kicking this dream further down the road.

    submitted by /u/Shawkwaive
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    Is it worth it to set up a Steam Developer Homepage?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 05:38 PM PST

    Over a year ago I noticed that some Steam games were using a new-ish feature called "Creator homepage" to showcase other games by the same developer. The instructions and information on it can be seen in the Steamworks documentation here. Basically it serves as an index of developers with a sort of "YouTube channel" type of feel where you can customize the layout and put your games into lists with a bigger format. As an example of that, this is the Square Enix page.

    My question mainly for people that have used it is: are there any hidden benefits or problems with setting one up?

    Possible Downsides

    I've noticed from other games that once you link it to the Creator Homepage, the "Developer" button on the Steam page no longer takes you to the query search on Steam but to that Creator Homepage. So instead of users getting links like this, they'd just be seeing your developer page. This might not be a big difference if you only have a few titles, but if you've got a lot like Square Enix you'd see many more of those games right away with the store's query view instead of the homepage. There could also be other complications or UI differences that are potentially less appealing than just seeing the search in Steam. Of course I should note that these links still exist, and you can still post it outside of Steam. And I don't hate the look of the homepage either, it just feels a little permanent considering that's the button people will likely click if they want to see my other projects after playing my game.

    Possible Benefits

    Besides the page being a somewhat better way to organize my games, the documentation says "When a Steam customer follows your homepage, they are giving Steam a strong signal that they enjoy your content. Which lets Steam find ways to keep them informed on your major updates." So it seems people will be recommended games that are linked to the page and receive emails about it if they choose to follow, which is great. I'm not sure how much of an audience I really have at the moment that would want to follow, but it could be useful in the future.


    So basically it comes down to weighing all of these aspects together and hearing from anyone else that has familiarity with it. If a lot of developers are using this feature and customers are used to seeing these pages then it would be worth it to follow that trend and promote the page. Otherwise, if it's not inviting enough to customers then I could hold off on this Beta feature so that it doesn't interfere with the more direct store links and simplify my online presence. Thanks for your help, I'd appreciate any insight here!

    submitted by /u/SomeGuy322
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    Unity Isometric Tilemap: How to fix Z-fighting?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 09:55 PM PST

    I'm developing an isometric tilemap game in Unity that places a large number of characters on to the map. The characters are restricted to move directly between integer positions, so they often overlap exactly and this causes z-fighting.

    It seems that the usual methods for dealing with z-fighting are not available because of how Unity displays the isometric tilemaps to ensure things overlap correctly.

    If the characters are placed in a different "order in layer", then they no longer get sorted by their y-values along with the tilemap. The same thing occurs if they are placed into a different sort layer entirely.

    submitted by /u/see_zero_
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    Any popular game development competitions? (GDWC)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 08:49 PM PST

    Hi, game developer here. I'm curious to know if there are some gamedev events that have a high-level of competition, like the form of a tournament. I know jams are probably the most obvious answer, but most of them are more casual without the antagonistic mindset. Are there any popular contests like these?

    Usually jams with big prizes are a good start, but they are not marketed that way. I'm looking for something "try-hard", to push me and motivate me to get better. I found out about the Game Development World Championship but I don't know much about it. It has some sort of awards as well, which make it interesting. Has anyone participated? What is it like?

    submitted by /u/g_mavroe
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    How To MAKE Time For YOUR Solo #GameDEV Projects

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 08:21 PM PST

    How to Create Procedural Smoke with VFX and Shader Graph

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 04:12 PM PST

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