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    Wednesday, November 24, 2021

    Had a junior web dev interview and I kinda bombed it web developers

    Had a junior web dev interview and I kinda bombed it web developers

    Had a junior web dev interview and I kinda bombed it

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 05:55 AM PST

    I had an interview for a junior web dev position which had as requirement js, css, html this sort of good stuff.

    And I couldn't answer simple questions. Such were: difference between get/post; what's in a get request And some other stuff which I cant remember atm but were very basic.

    Can somebody point me to a good source that teaches these? I'm not looking for a whole course in x lang/framework. Not sure how to put it, any help is appreciated

    Edit: foundational web development topics, that's what I'm looking for. Any good books or links?

    submitted by /u/dawningstars
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    React Query & JSON Server Beginner Tutorials: Recommendations or Suggestions?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 02:45 PM PST

    Codevolution dropped new playlist tutorials for React Query & JSON Server

    React Query : youtube .com/playlist?list=PLC3y8-rFHvwjTELCrPrcZlo6blLBUspd2

    JSON Server: youtube .com/playlist?list=PLC3y8-rFHvwhc9YZIdqNL5sWeTCGxF4ya

    Usually his stuff is pretty good but has anyone gone through these specifically? I've been getting my feet wet with new projects the past couple of months (python, next, etc.) but now I think I'd like to spend a few months on React & JSON, maybe even make them my Q1 and Q2 new years resolutions.

    I'll probably go through these eventually but any suggestions for other playlists, sites, or places to start? Any advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/OkHat5
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    Let’s say I’m Apple. Why should I allow other browser engines on iOS?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 03:52 PM PST

    I've taken a look at several recent articles about the Apple browser ban (see this list). People are making great arguments, but I don't think Apple cares much about them.

    So let's try something else. I will play Apple, and you try to persuade me to end the browser ban. The goal is to find arguments that could motivate Apple to end the ban. I think finding these arguments is important because the other two alternatives — suing Apple and trying to "cancel" Apple on social media — don't seem to have a high likelihood of success.

    submitted by /u/Zagrebian
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    Are there tests to see what you know and don't know so you know what to brush up on?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 09:56 AM PST

    See question

    submitted by /u/OneBeautifulDog
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    I built as a side project an online coding platform / playground for kids and codenewbies. I appreciate your constructive feedback and suggestions.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 12:19 PM PST

    New to web development? Don't know any frameworks? Yes, it is still possible to get a job - even a remote one. Here's my experience and advice.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 04:57 PM PST

    Hi, everyone!

    As a relatively new web developer, I want to share my experience with the community about getting my first position as a junior dev. Please note that it is not my intention to brag in any way, but to encourage and motivate other new web developers in a well-oversaturated industry, and to let them know that they're not alone. To also be clear, I understand this is just one person's experience that many may attribute to luck. Luck is always a small part of it, but there is also so much more. I am just one guy in my late 20's, and this is my experience that I hope others find some value in.

    To preface, I was recently offered a 100% remote position as a junior web developer for a company based in Atlanta with a salary of $74k/year and benefits. Here's the thing that might surprise you: This is my first official position in the software or even IT industry, including no internships. After obtaining my degree in 2019, I struggled to find any software job. I simply had nothing to show other than a degree. So I took a non-tech job, which I left only a few months ago to pursue web development.

    So how did I do it?

    I will outline a couple short lists of both technical skills and soft skills that I believe helped me land this position.

    Technical Skills

    • I have a bachelor's degree in Software Development.

    Yes, this may sound like a huge component of my success and may discourage others without a degree. Truthfully, I don't think it mattered much. I put the degree at the very bottom of my two-page resume, and they never once brought it up in conversation. They cared way more about my actual experience and technical skills, among other things that I'll touch on.

    • I created my own website "business".

    This sounds fancier than it actually is. Basically, I created my own LLC (costs $100 in my state), and found two personal clients, offering to remake their websites for free. The idea was to use these sites to create a solid business portfolio to help me land paying clients, but instead, I used it to find a job because I realized I'd rather have a stable income with another baby on the way.In total, I created three multi-page static websites (two client sites plus my company site) using nothing more than HTML, CSS, and a little vanilla Javascript. I also designed the sites using Figma. To be honest, I knew very little of these languages going into it (my degree focused heavily on Java and SQL projects). These projects gave me experience creating websites from initiation, through to development, and into deployment and maintenance. This is vital. Good employers love seeing that you simply get it. You're not just a developer or just a designer, you see the whole picture. On top of that, I now consider myself advanced at HTML and CSS and intermediate at Javascript thanks to these projects.

    • I highlighted every technology that I knew.

    If you are like me and have no knowledge of frameworks, it's important to play up any hot technologies that you do know. On my resume, I made sure to include that I designed each project in Figma, developed them in Visual Studio Code, and deployed them on Netlify via GitHub. Most people are familiar with all four of these technologies, and it also once again highlighted that I had experience with the entire development process, which is a big plus for a junior developer. I also offered my clients Google Analytics and form capabilities (which Netlify will take care of for you with zero back-end development on your part - I highly recommend it). In interviews, I once again made sure to bring these up in conversation. Additionally, I recommend highlighting any coding techniques or models that you know. For example, I was clear in my resume that I use CSS flexbox, pseudo-elements, and media queries in my projects. In my interview for my new employer, they asked me a lot of questions on flexbox because they were unfamiliar with how it worked. This provided some extra value in hiring me.

    • I maintain good, clean code.

    It doesn't matter how advanced your code is, but it must look good. If an employer skims over your code but has no clue what they're looking at, that's a bad sign. Use comments as much as absolutely possible. This is absolutely the easiest technical skill to master. It simply takes extra effort and only a little bit of practice before you pick up the habit.

    Soft Skills

    Soft skills are arguably more important than technical skills, which is good because it's something that you just do rather than something that you need to prove through a test or project. But when I say "soft skills", I don't mean things like "be nice" and "smile a lot". You want to stand out to your interviewer. You want them to end the interview thinking to themselves, "Damn, we gotta have this guy/gal around." So here is my list of soft skills that I believe helped me land this job, although I am sure there are more that I'm not thinking of.

    • Know what you know and know what you don't know.

    This is one of the best pieces of life advice I have ever received that was actually given to me by my last boss. No one likes a know-it-all, because frankly, no one knows it all. It's just plain annoying, and employers want to know that you're teachable. One thing I said in my first interview for this job is that "I recognize that I don't know everything and never will, and that's part of what makes web development so exciting. There will always be more to learn." This statement shows them that I have teachability. This is an incredibly valuable skill that employers not only recognize but is one they actively seek. If they're a solid company, they won't expect you to know everything you need to know coming into the job, but they do expect you to have the ability to learn what you need to know and to do it quickly. Show them that you're capable of this.

    • Show that you work well in both a team environment and by yourself.

    This is especially important in a remote position. They need to know that you're an accountable person. I believed that my website experience by that point had already proven my ability to self-teach and work alone, but I knew that I also needed to prove that I work well with others. On my resume, I made sure to highlight any opportunities I had to work with a team or group, even if it was non-technical. Even better, be sure to include any instances in which you have led a team in a project, even if it was small. Again, this is one of those rare chances to include anything non-technical on your resume. As junior developers, sometimes we have to get creative.

    • Be communicative and descriptive in your communication.

    One thing that I haven't noted yet is that my employer used a recruiting agency for this position. The first person I talked to was a third-party recruiter, which means that it was completely up to her who she would decide to send their way. Other than my resume, she said that one thing that really caught her eye is that I was extremely communicative with her when she first reached out to me. This helped her choose me which allowed me to get my foot into the door with the company. After that, I maintained great communication with the interviewers. It proves to all of them that you're not just some Joe Blow who doesn't really care about the job or the company.

    • Show them that you truly are detail-oriented.

    Every job posting lists this as a requirement, right? But how do you prove it to them about yourself? You need to prove it to them every chance you get. Through every interaction, written communication, project example, technical test, etc, you need to show detail. Show detail in your code, in your emails, with your speaking. Good detail results in effective communication. Your detailed code is communicating both its functionality as well as your technical knowledge. Your detailed emails are communicating that you know your written language well and care about purposefully relaying your message to the receiver. Your detailed speaking helps you communicate all those soft skills and technical skills that you want to prove to them you have. Be purposeful in everything you do. Good employers will notice.

    So there you have it. Those are some of the most important skills that I believe helped land me my new job, despite lacking what many would call necessary skills that every web developer should have. A good employer understands that you don't know everything, but it is up to you to convince them that out of the potentially hundreds of other applicants, they should pick you in particular (my recruiter said she received over 600 applications, personally).

    I'm positive that there are so many more things that could be added to my list, so please feel free to comment any suggestions you also have for other junior web developers or even experienced developers who may be looking to take the next step in their career. I may even make an edit to my post to include your suggestion.

    Thanks for reading, all. Happy coding!

    submitted by /u/Bulbous-Bouffant
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    JWT: Ultimate How-To Guide With Best Practices In JavaScript. Did I miss anything in the guide? Do you agree with the recommendations?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 12:49 PM PST

    Does anyone have an idea on how to build out this design but have the gradient be dynamically shifting, like on the stripe.com homepage?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 04:46 PM PST

    Creating PDF to print or save using @print media queries

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 04:40 PM PST

    Hi everybody, Hi doctor nick,
    I'm trying to create dynamic data sheets using @media print queries. I, for the most part, seem to have things laid out how I'd like, can be tested on a product page such as this one (https://www.selectlok.com/collections/all-products/products/heavy-duty-folding-t-handle).

    I'm struggling with using position:fixed to maintain a footer. When I emulate print media query using Chrome, and go to print it applies the footer correctly with landscape and portrait. When I reduce the window size to about under 800, it applies the footer correctly with landscape and portrait. But when I try to print at a normal window size, the footer is pushed to the last page on portrait and applied correctly during landscape! I have tested this with edge and it's the same. Firefox seems to work fine. Safari just seems to push it to the last page regardless.

    But the W3C documentation states that position:fixed should be repeated on each

    So, what gives?

    I know there is a chatbox that is injected after the css is parsed so I can't remove it using the print media query and display:none. I was hoping to remove that with some javascript before the page gets converted to pdf for download or printing....which seems to be a whole other thing to deal with.

    submitted by /u/Ka_Coffiney
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    Looking at the Permissions API on MDN...

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 04:38 PM PST

    I am looking to build a permissions toggle component, and I knew I'd be using navigator.permssions.query(). Turns out there are also navigator.permissions.request() (not supported) and navigator.permissions.revoke() (removed) methods.

    The whole permissions API seems pretty important and obvious to me. One API to query permissions for geolocation, notifications, camera, clipboard, microphone... So much better than having to use Notification.permission or actually having to make an attempt at getting location for geolocation permission. I'm hoping to see permissions.request() available soon, as having a single API for requesting permissions would be pretty convenient.

    But why was permissions.revoke() removed? I mean, I guess it wouldn't be as common to be revoking permissions as requesting them, but that seems like a mistake to have been removed. There is no other means that we as developers have of doing this, so removing that method makes building a permissions toggle impossible, and we cannot provide a convenient way to offer users this control without giving them instructions for their specific browser.

    What does everyone else here think? Is the Permissions API useful, and was it wise to remove the revoke() method? Would you have used a <permission-toggle for="geolocation"> component?

    submitted by /u/shgysk8zer0
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    Dynamic Color Manipulation with CSS Relative Colors

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 05:23 AM PST

    Design/layout feedback

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 11:22 AM PST

    I've worked for a couple weeks on this, some things feel out of place to me, not really good at design.

    Could anyone give me some feedback on what I could improve/add on/remove


    submitted by /u/posties413
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    Website developer associates, is it worth?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 02:42 PM PST

    I'm currently at job corps where they offer you a free 2 years at the college supported by them which mine is Skagit valley college and they have a program they offer a associates degree in being a "website developer" but I spoke with one of the teachers here at JC he said he went to college there and pretty much said that you can't get a job alone with a degree in website development mainly because most employers are looking for someone that knows back end programming as well, and I just strictly want to learn front end, I don't mind learning back end if I get my degree in Web dev but most companies require that you know back end and other types of things that are not offered through SVC degree program, so now idk what to do and I really could use some advice please! 🙏🙏 I've wanted to work as a front end developer most my life and now idk what to pursue anymore or what to do..

    submitted by /u/SnooHobbies6599
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    Moving from vanilla js to a framework?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 07:50 AM PST

    Hello all,

    I've built all my websites so far with plain html, css and js. Used Bootstrap for the design.

    My next project will be a multi-page website with a backend though, so I think now is the right time to start looking into javascript frameworks. Looking at the syntax from React, Vue and Svelte I like Svelte the most, looks the most familiar. Its apparently the fastest too, which is very important for me. Downside is that its rather young, so most tutorials are made for React.

    My question is, should I even use a framework for that project? My website will mostly be static content, I will have a single page which will be a dashboard for users to sign into and interact with -- the rest is just static html. Nothing too complex. I did create multi page static websites in the past with plain html css js, but it was very annoying having to copy all content from one html file to another (like the navbar or the footer, which stayed the same).

    Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/bnksk
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    An Engineer's Hype-Free Observations on Web3 (and its Possibilities)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 11:20 AM PST

    PostCSS 8.4 Change Log

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 07:29 AM PST

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