Frustrated with misleading tutorials and courses (beginner to intermediate) learn programming |
- Frustrated with misleading tutorials and courses (beginner to intermediate)
- Realistically how long will it take to learn JavaScript?
- Self-taught Programmer looking at the next steps. Need advice on where to go next.
- Caught up a bit in Tutorial Hell! What Can I do with Java?
- Is it possible to still get a job in CS without having a degree
- Assembly language programing
- Can a program be programmed using two languages at once?
- Do you guys recommend the Odin project to become a front end developer?
- Is this printing the memory location/block
- Need help in preorder traversal with Binary Search Tree
- What is the best interpereter/IDE for python basic programming?
- Does a software engineer work for a company that develops software or for a company that needs software? Or both?
- Take your first shot at Numpy - A Python library for Data Analysis
- What is the difference in data structures using only classes and using pointers?
- How to use input from html in Java
- Looking for general pointers/advice for my Java course final project.
- How does one draw arrows between objects in such a way that the arrows down overlap? Example included.
- what i should know about javascript as a beginner?
- Questions to senior programmer/developers/coders [as a noob]
- What is a good udemy course geared towards physicists?
- Which data structure to use for opcodes for emulating a CPU? [C++]
- I can't even get to solving problems...............
- How to make commit changes to github (in English)?
- Where to start (for what I have already learned) ?
Frustrated with misleading tutorials and courses (beginner to intermediate) Posted: 21 Nov 2021 05:35 AM PST I've been wanting to learn webdev for years now (literally), jumping from one course to the next, and for some reason I could never actually do anything with the supposed skills I've learned. Recently I had the random idea to make an app for my job, and to my surprise I am just now discovering concepts that I've never heard of before from all these courses. "API , webpack ,async ,bundlers,etc" All these different technologies and tools I never heard of and why they're useful for development It seems that all that these overly expensive courses teach you is nothing but syntax, and not how to actually build something usable or more importantly figure out how to build something. Seriously, how is building a tic-tac-toe game useful or relevant? Why do I get bombarded with ads and courses and books when at the end of the day one hour of trying to figure things out online is better than the entire course I just went through? I think these "Tech-fluencers" do more harm than good. Am I alone with this realization or is this the silent norm that no one talks about? How, then can I move from the beginner to the intermediate stage? It seems like I'm just stacking random tricks here and there and slowly forming a cohesive big picture.. is this how it's supposed to be or is there another more methodological approach? [link] [comments] |
Realistically how long will it take to learn JavaScript? Posted: 21 Nov 2021 01:53 PM PST And after being a decent bit knowledgeable what other languages should I learn? How many would be needed to be "Job Ready" ? side questions, whats the difference between Java and JavaScript? [link] [comments] |
Self-taught Programmer looking at the next steps. Need advice on where to go next. Posted: 21 Nov 2021 05:16 PM PST Taught myself C# with the idea of making small games in Unity as a hobby during the pandemic a little over a year ago, and in the time since my trip down the rabbit hole began, I've completed MIT's intro to CS 6.001 and all assignments, a Unity 2D course, the Mosh Hammedani beginner, intermediate and advanced C# tutorials on Udemy, a few 2d Unity games on my own, and wrote a highly useful tool for work which auto-updates game config files saving our project managers a bunch of work. (I happen to work for a game developer, alas not as a programmer, however this is the ultimate goal). I've tried to focus on the practical aspects of computer engineering since I think actually making things is the most useful thing you can do when learning, however with my tool for work completed, I'm lost in the weeds. I want to be a better computer scientist, and I've roughly been following along with this teach yourself CS breakdown. Should I: - Complete MIT Intro to CS 6.002? - the Nand to Tetris computer archictecture course? - Steven Skiena's CSE 373 Intro to algorithms class? Or, should I forget all of those things and find some new project to start on? I'm currently jazzed on the idea of truly learning algorithms, but don't wanna jump the gun. I don't have a super strong foundation in math outside of standard Algebra either, so wanted to get opinions on where to aim next. Honestly, any input is super appreciated! [link] [comments] |
Caught up a bit in Tutorial Hell! What Can I do with Java? Posted: 21 Nov 2021 08:06 PM PST Hello all! I've been grinding java for the past few weeks and I feel much more comfortable with the language. I'm looking to take a break from the ongoing tutorials to do a project, and I honestly don't even know where to start. I have a close friend who has been guiding me a bit with this journey and when I asked him what can I do with Java he said "anything". And while I'm sure that's true to an extent, I'm certainly not to the point where I feel I could do anything. What type of projects can I do that are beginner friendly? I made a mortgage calculator that prints to the terminal through a tutorial, but I am looking to do something maybe with an app or webpage. I want to do something fun where I can see my work, but also isn't too far out of my skill range that I end up copying something from a YT tutorial. Anything helps, thank you! [link] [comments] |
Is it possible to still get a job in CS without having a degree Posted: 21 Nov 2021 09:01 PM PST Before you say dozens of other people have asked this question, I have looked through them and couldn't quite find one with a similar situation. Some backstory: I am currently a 20 yr old CS student at college but due to severe mental health issues, I have been performing badly and most likely will be kicked out due to poor marks. Would this reflect badly on future employment opportunities? Would I be able to get by without a degree? I am currently getting help for my issues but I still feel pretty hopeless about my future. My parents and siblings are college grads so I feel like I'm the disappointment in the family. They had high expectations for me because I got into the advanced course but I just can't handle the combined stress with my mental state. TLDR; I'm at the lowest point in my life rn, probably will get kicked out of college, and don't know what to do next [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Nov 2021 04:01 PM PST Is there a good free course out there on assembly language programming. I know someone who is struggling (and finds it difficult to ask for help). Everyone I ask seems more or less traumatized by their experiences. [link] [comments] |
Can a program be programmed using two languages at once? Posted: 21 Nov 2021 02:31 PM PST For example: I coded something using Language X, I want to add something but I can't add it with Language X, so I add it using Language Y I apologize for any mistakes, and if I haven't made myself too clear [link] [comments] |
Do you guys recommend the Odin project to become a front end developer? Posted: 21 Nov 2021 09:41 AM PST I'm confused whether I should go with Udemy courses which are long (like the one from Jonas on JavaScript which is about 68hrs) or the Odin project? I fear the Odin project does not go in as much detail as other 40-50 hours Udemy courses ? [link] [comments] |
Is this printing the memory location/block Posted: 21 Nov 2021 09:38 PM PST In C: The printf gives me a long digit, is that the memory block? [link] [comments] |
Need help in preorder traversal with Binary Search Tree Posted: 22 Nov 2021 12:42 AM PST class Node: The ouput I am getting is : 10 , 13, 13, 14, 15 What is wrong with my code ? [link] [comments] |
What is the best interpereter/IDE for python basic programming? Posted: 22 Nov 2021 12:30 AM PST What is the best IDE out there? It should be easy to use. Not as easy as online editors though. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 21 Nov 2021 01:10 PM PST I'm not sure what does a software engineer exactly do in a company. Do they just make software for a company that needs it (for example, developing a program that generates spreadsheets) or for a company that makes software? Or does it depend and can be both? [link] [comments] |
Take your first shot at Numpy - A Python library for Data Analysis Posted: 22 Nov 2021 12:27 AM PST |
What is the difference in data structures using only classes and using pointers? Posted: 22 Nov 2021 12:15 AM PST I see different languages implement data structures differently. More specifically in oop like Java, the implementation usually is uses objects for referencing other nodes. As opposed to c/c++, sometimes implements using pointers. Is this something that matters at all? Is there any difference or is this something that has no relavant consequence? Sorry for this random question, I didn't find anything online and was hoping someone had insight. [link] [comments] |
How to use input from html in Java Posted: 22 Nov 2021 12:14 AM PST For a project at school, I need to make a working program in html and Java. Now, I know how I can do both seperate but have no clue on how to combine them. For example, if a user registers with a username, how can I check if that username already exists via Java. For context: I'm programming in Intellij for both html and Java and I'm also utilising a MySQL database to register al my data. [link] [comments] |
Looking for general pointers/advice for my Java course final project. Posted: 22 Nov 2021 12:09 AM PST Hello everyone! I am looking for some advice that could help me make sense of my final project for OOP. Admittedly, I am in way over my head and after searching for hours on my own (which I prefer to do), I am looking for any advice that could help get me started rather than browsing aimlessly. Basically, I have to create a Java program containing multiple classes and its primary purpose is to fulfill various functions of a rental software that facilitates customer interaction and transactions. I have until the weekend to finish, so I have a fair bit of time left. The functions include: Fortunately, we were provided with the classes we must use. These are: I think we are also limited to using 1d arrays, but honestly at this point I'm open to using ArrayLists (or other alternatives) if I can fulfil the functions while using the classes as outlined. Also, the customer class and product class are specified as "data classes" in the project description, but I'm not exactly sure what a data class is. Everything I have looked up regarding data classes in Java points to Kotlin, but we're not using that. Currently, I am hung up on where to even get started. I think if I can figure out how the classes need to be placed and how I need to do these lists, I can go from there. I realize this is a lot to just unpack here, so I genuinely appreciate any help at all. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 22 Nov 2021 12:07 AM PST What I mean by the title is this: These nodes have illustrated connections, and the connections do not overlap, meaning they are rendered in a way. Particularly on the left-hand side, with nodes N1 and N0. My question is: what is the math or process of implementing this kind of thing in code? Don't worry, I'm not asking for a step by step process (though I wouldn't turn it down). I'm really just asking for what this is called. Normally this is something I'd google, but I have no idea what to type into the search bar. Any leads are greatly appreciated! Edit: damn I wish we could edit titles. Should say "don't overlap", of course. [link] [comments] |
what i should know about javascript as a beginner? Posted: 22 Nov 2021 12:00 AM PST i'm new to javascript and started learning the language few days ago. finally i want to become a backend developer.and i think javascript is a good (not the best) start point. [link] [comments] |
Questions to senior programmer/developers/coders [as a noob] Posted: 21 Nov 2021 05:31 PM PST Is my approach wrong? Or am I dong something wrong? I'm doing a course with a peer graded activities, and the task given to us are: Task 1: Print all prime numbers below 200 For task 1, this is my solution: For task 2: For task 3: With this solutions, I got a comment such as this during my peer review: -"Specification is in Amateur level, the code works but does not produce correct results." -"Readability is acceptable, the code is 'fairly' easy to follow." -"Efficiency is in amateur level, the code is brute force and long." Additional comment from a peer: "First all of the code is copied from the internet and if you want to copy from the internet please erase the comments they start with a hash mark like this "#let x_number = 2 to 200\n" that was pulled from your code." Honestly, as a noob, it hurts reading this comments. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Maybe my approach is not really correct? Was it wrong to put comments? Was it wrong to copy code from in the internet? Yes I copied some but I modified it, change some variable to be readable and even explain how the code functions? Is this wrong? [link] [comments] |
What is a good udemy course geared towards physicists? Posted: 21 Nov 2021 07:26 PM PST It needn't be udemy, I meant any course. I need Python in so far as Machine Learning and require it to compute data (as in, data analysis) with lesser emphasis on web dev and more on packages used to model, calculate and so on. I have zero experience with coding (well, I can add two numbers and draw a cirlce on C++ and thats literally it), what course would you recommend? Thank you. [link] [comments] |
Which data structure to use for opcodes for emulating a CPU? [C++] Posted: 21 Nov 2021 06:59 PM PST Im currently in the process of emulating a CPU, but how should I store the opcodes? I was thinking of maybe doing storing opcodes in an enum and then doing a switch statement? Is there a better way to do this? [link] [comments] |
I can't even get to solving problems............... Posted: 21 Nov 2021 10:36 PM PST Ok so apparently i decided that i'm gonna learn how to code. So none other than Python Goes to DataCamp I try the first chapter of the Python course, i'm like damn this is hard, but i patiently do the exercises and rarely did i ask to show the solution, i would stare and do the debugging process on my own, because idk my belief was First you must try, then you must ask Cert, recieved. Then on to learning about using matplotlib, halfway through, pLeAsE paY $149 bucks to finish the course (>:( im broke whr am i gna fork that out) then i went in and out of courses, couldn't find any good one that i know i could stick to and go on learning how to code. I stopped using Spyder and that program sits in my desktop, never used. idk i lost interest, i sorta felt im not really gonna make much use of it, if i don't have a problem to solve. So after watching the legendary video on How To Learn How To Code, i was like ok i have a problem hmm, so i thought that i wanted to make an app that could churn out relevant notes and videos to students who struggle to find a complete help guide. So based on their queries and nature of study, should the search engine pull out the resource they want. okay, problem sound Firstly, this obviously needs a programming language that can handle a lot of data, so Python would be important But then how do i program a good interface so that the person doesn't stare at a CLI doing the work, where it actually becomes a Windows executable, where the design is at least not an eyesore. So many questions, so much confusion. So the big question is, what and how do i pick another language to accompany Python? Do i use C# or C++? [link] [comments] |
How to make commit changes to github (in English)? Posted: 21 Nov 2021 06:46 PM PST When opening up my repository I get something which seems the same as this error, and when I try to commit changes I get the following:
I know this probably isn't the place to ask but I've just started using github and encountered this problem and have no idea how to solve it. It seems to be a fairly common problem but every answer is completely indecipherable through the sheer volume of jargon and even googling each word and phrase I can't fully understand what the solutions are. Can anyone please explain how I resolve this issue and avoid it in future, and bear with my complete lack of relevant vocabulary? [link] [comments] |
Where to start (for what I have already learned) ? Posted: 21 Nov 2021 02:43 PM PST I'll try to be brief, I've taken several network trainings, with several interactive games (like setting up a big game room virtually and allocating a number of things to each PC etc.). I've set up several PCs in my life, fiddled with windows to make it more optimized for games, read some docs on how a PC works etc. So I'm at least familiar with the computer world, however I don't know where to start, even though this question has already been asked I'd rather ask since I haven't seen anyone like me, almost every topic wants to start from scratch, maybe the path will be different for me ? Anyway, I've seen advice like starting with CS50, or the Odin Project, or some Coursera to start with something, learn algorithm, debuggers etc. I don't have a particular language or affinity for anything at the moment, I like everything as long as I'm coding (I definitely don't want to go into computer security, at least not for now), but I have an affinity for design and creation in general if that helps (3 years of beatmaking, 1 year of dance, 2 years of drawing). I'm 22 years old and my goal is to be ready to participate in professional projects within 2-4 years maximum (I'm studying at the same time). I have put all the necessary and / or useful information, so where do you think I should start ? [link] [comments] |
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