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    Thursday, November 25, 2021

    Earned 452.76$ for my first game at almost 9 months of solo dev with 0$ costs

    Earned 452.76$ for my first game at almost 9 months of solo dev with 0$ costs

    Earned 452.76$ for my first game at almost 9 months of solo dev with 0$ costs

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 05:28 PM PST

    This is a postmortem of my first game, Legend of Labot: The Golden Pearl. If I were to focus on the earnings, my game didn't do well. However, for the things that I have learned throughout that 9 months of solo development, I learned a lot.

    First and foremost, I want to clarify that I didn't made the game solely for the revenue but my end goal is to practice and enhance my programming skills so I can apply for a job perhaps in game development companies.

    I focused on learning C# through free online resources. Then, I started learning Unity with the help of Brackeys YouTube tutorials. I was able to publish my first clone of a game into PlayStore but it was suspended because of copyright issues or whatever. Moving forward, after that I began creating my first ever game, Legend of Labot: The Golden Pearl.

    Creating that game was so freaking hard at first because I was just learning Unity and I really don't have any idea how to do it. Also, to add, I'm a broke solo dev so buying assets on the asset store is not an option. What I did first is to build the main story of my game that was inspired by one of the legendary national hero of our country. Then, the settings or environment was influenced by my beloved hometown. The building of skeletal framework of the game was one of the reason I was able to push throughout the entire development process.

    The launching of the game at Itch didn't go smoothly as I expected it to be as I had zero downloads at my first days. The reason was, I didn't market the game. No one knows the game except me and a few friends during launch on Itch. Thanks to gamedev, I was able to learn my mistakes and a lot of people donated money and bought the game as well. The gross revenue that I've earned on itch was 356.76$. It's a lot of money considering I lived in a third world country. A lot of developers encouraged me to put in on Steam, so I did.

    Putting it on steam wasn't easy as I expected it to be. There's a lot of documents to read and polishing the game was like 99% of the game itself. But I was able to push through since I have already the 100$ steam fee needed to publish the game, thanks to gamedev again.

    I don't know if should include it in the postmortem but the impact of the things that happened in real life heavily influenced the outcome of my game. My father died at a hospital bed so I had to stop developing the game. My whole family got tested positive on Covid. I was sent to a quarantine facility for days pondering what to do in life. The final build of the game was stuck in the laptop at home waiting to be sent to Steam. Thankfully, I recovered from the virus but the event that happened after was a total heartbreaker. My laptop where all the game files was stored broke.

    Luckily, I was able to send the first version of the game to Steam before all the tragedy happened in life. I released the game on November 17 with a total of 123 wishlists. It's not much but to me it doesn't matter. After a week, I earned a gross revenue of 96$.

    The money that I've earned doesn't matter to me. I can now apply for a job using the game that I've built thanks to Brackeys and game dev community. That's all folks, thank you very much for everything and wish you the best to all your games. Ciao!

    submitted by /u/naknamu
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    We've released our studio's PS Pixel Art 380+ Brush pack for free

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 03:38 AM PST

    what is some cool math in game programming?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 05:32 PM PST

    i love math! i'm a math major and i've been loving game dev. i've seen some cool math like

    • bézier curves
    • shaders
    • voronoi noise
    • procedural geometry

    and i'd love to know some more! i wanna play around with some sick math in programming :D

    submitted by /u/zdgra
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    I am a Japanese student. I wrote a story about the failure of an online FPS game that I spent a year and a half developing. It's all in Japanese, but you can read it at DeepL etc. if you want.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 06:44 AM PST

    Learning Animation and Modeling As a Programmer?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 07:25 PM PST

    Basically the title. I'm a programmer, and I want to pick up 3d modeling and animation just to expand my repertoire. Do any of you have any suggestions as to how to go about this process? I figured it's just like programming, where you just need to start doing it.,=

    submitted by /u/Satchale
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    Curious about this Esenthel engine

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 03:55 PM PST


    Has anyone given this one a spin? Asking because it's listed in the Engine FAQ. It's fully free, but it looks like they love exaggerating when comparing to Unreal and Unity: "Super optimized", "Zero known bugs", (a quick glance at the forums shows the contrary). For some reason, it also lists its own "improved and simplified C++" as better than normal C++ or C#

    The main admin is still very active in the forums and seems to have bee permanently working on it since 2009, at least.

    There's nothing on the site about who's behind it. At least judging from the github, this is a one man project which, if it really started back in 2000, is now 21 years old.

    submitted by /u/icastfist
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    Fun with hard surface modelling in Blender

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 01:06 AM PST

    How much will is cost to start an indie video game company/studio?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 11:41 PM PST

    So right now me and some friends of mine are making a video game and we think that it will take 5 years to finish off, so not only am I wondering how much it will cost to get a company created but I'm also wondering if I can get my company created before I finish my first game. So in that case, can I??

    submitted by /u/ThadFTTG
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    Game Design Metadocument - A compendium on game design

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 04:43 AM PST


    Hello, since I started in game design school I was working on this document, where I collected everything I learn through teaching, reading and self-study to have a work document for when working on games. Game Design is such a big and vast topic, which makes a compendium very useful in my opinion.

    I always intended to make this document openly available to everyone, who might find it useful as well.

    This document is for everyone who looking into designing games, no mater the experience level.

    This document is living and never finished, nor do I claim correctness or ownership. I'd appreciate if you could share your insights, corrections or additions for me to add.

    For any questions reach me out here or on my twitter @Dominik_Dammer

    submitted by /u/Lauri7x3
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    General questions about topology and workflow (after Military Radio Tutorial)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 10:25 PM PST

    Hello everyone. I am a beginner in 3D modeling (3 month). Used Blender for the first month, then switched to Maya.

    I've just completed "Military Radio Tutorial" by Simon Fuchs, which some of you are probably familiar with (the tutorial I mean)

    So, after successfully finishing it, I realized I have some questions about topology and worflow used in the tutorial. Would really appreciate If anyone could answer some of them! I will try to be short.

    1. Simon used Maya for most of the modeling, and Zbrush for making high poly version and polishing it. He triangulated high poly meshes in Zbrush and then imported back to Maya. Then created low poly in Maya that consisted mostly of triangles. If felt like he didn't care about the topology at all. Why? Shouldn't we stick to making only quads?
    2. I know that the mesh is triangulated when it is in a game engine. So, I ASSUME that in order for mesh to look good, the topology should be as clean as possible. If we make triangles during modeling a mesh won't look perfect. With only quads it will. Is it right or wrong? Then why Simon was modeling mostly in triangles and how should I do in general?
    3. Simon created one low poly version, did UVs for it, and then he created a copy of this low poly and moved its UVs to the second UV area (is it called udim or am I wrong?). Texturing was done on the original and the copy was automaticaly textured. So why did he need a copy of the low poly? Couldn't it be done with just one low poly mesh?
    4. There is a subdivision modeling for smoothing, and modeling without subdivision. So how do I know which one to use? Now, after this tutorial, I understand that we can make a game asset without subdivison, without quads, and just bake a high poly into a poly poly. Or if we are not making a game asset, we can just make a high poly - but should it be subdivided for smoothing or not?

    Support loops, bevels etc. - we need to use these for correct smoothing. But when do I need to smooth?

    Last one: where else can I ask questions like this or get some help with modeling?

    I really hope my questions make some sense lol. Thank you all and best wishes to everyone!

    submitted by /u/Kozlina31
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    Looking for job outside of my country. How rare is remote working in gamedev (regardless of covid)?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 01:57 AM PST

    Hi, I'm asking as a person with a cs bachelor degree, and an almost master degree in game development (not yet completed and if i get a job in gamedev won't complete, because at this point I'm just stuck in bureocracy). I'm having a very short work experience which I don't think would matter much in my curriculum either, since I'm literally the only programmer in the company I'm working in, so there's no teamwork nor established procedures to follow; they work in digital cinema, and the only game dev related thing is that I'm making plugins for Unreal 4.27.

    My dream for the future is leaving Italy, but right now I'm also having some family issues I don't want to get in detail about, so starting in remote for few months would be ideal (although not required).

    Do you think it's too pretentious to look for a job with a foreign company and ask to work in remote given my negligible experience? Or is it common to have remote workers in gamedev industry?

    I really want to do the next step towards the future I dream of, but I'm quite insecure

    submitted by /u/sephirothbahamut
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    I spent last weekend making a new file format for gamedev; does any one else get stuck in this trap?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 03:47 PM PST

    The file format is sort of a conf file format thing that I've named mkvconf: https://github.com/connected-web/mkvconf - the idea being that I can quickly copy/paste blocks of data together when creating items for my game.

    Maybe it'll actually be useful to me, or maybe someone else. It feels like a distraction to actually making my game! Anyone else have any favourite / similar / different file formats they like to work with?

    submitted by /u/Markavian
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    Collaboration in Unity

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 03:41 PM PST

    I have mostly worked alone on small projects but now a few people are interested in joining in and I am not sure how to worked together efficiently. Got any tips on what version control to use ? How to collaborate in unity with a small team, from code to assets and scenes ? Hope it is the right place to ask!

    Have a nice day !

    submitted by /u/JB_The_Whisky
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    Who now owns the IP to this other obscure arcade only fighting game Asura Blade and Asura Buster?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 11:47 PM PST

    This game was also developed and bublished by an obscure game company called Fuuki.Co Only in the arcades and in Japan. But when I've heard that when asura buster was released, Fuuki went out of business for some reason abandoning their own game franchises abandoned and unsupported. So did they sell their IP does someone else hold the rights to the series?

    submitted by /u/Cowerkerdouch
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    Tech Tree Project in web browser

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 07:46 PM PST

    I'm working on a tech tree project that lets a user choose available techs based on what has been previously selected. The player starts with 6 available parent nodes and unlocks child nodes by choosing from any that are available to select. Nodes can have one or multiple parents with both and/or requirements. Some selections would also leave orphans that can no longer be selected.

    I found an example of what I'm trying to do here:

    Path of Exile Tree

    but so far its beyond my very basic programing skills to backwards engineer to my needs.

    I'm looking for some help to get me started with a html/css/js framwork that will allow me to...

    1. display the tree in a web browser and allow a user to interact with it
    2. use logic gates to correctly determine which nodes can be selected
    3. calculate and display scoring data based on which nodes are selected

    So far my efforts have been around using D3.js and excel (all of my current data is in an excel sheet) and I think I should be using a double linked tree/graph in an object oriented way but I don't have any idea what that means! Any advice would be great!

    submitted by /u/llcoolj87
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    Tutorial for young learner

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 04:59 PM PST

    My son (12 years old) has been doing scratch for some time. He wants to try next level game dev with a mature engine like unity. Anyone suggest a learning path or tutorials for him to get started in this journey. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Salt-Masterpiece5457
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    How should I learn to be able to use machine learning with unity?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 04:57 PM PST

    1 . How should I learn to be able to use machine learning with unity?

    2 . How difficult is it to be fully able to use mlagents?

    I've failed learning methods in other areas so far, so I'd like to hear some advice from people who have already learned.

    submitted by /u/User012340
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    How successful was your game on Steamworks before you got access to upload profile backgrounds & cards?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 10:22 AM PST

    Wondering if getting access to these items is a pipedream currently for my recently released game or there is a chance my game will get them, was just wondering how large of a player-base you had. ty

    submitted by /u/PlanetRenox
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    Why Making Titanfall was Hard - video interview with 2 lead designers at Respawn Entertainment

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 07:56 AM PST

    Hey everyone - I did a video interview with two of the lead designers on the Titanfall games, about all the design and development challenges of making them, and I thought people here might be interested to see it :)

    Hope it's interesting, let me know what you think, cheers!


    submitted by /u/essell2
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    Currently making a small WebGL game and need advice

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 03:04 PM PST

    Making my second ever game with unity and need to know if sound effects and music is something I should include in my webGL game. I have never done anything related to it and don't know where to start if I even should start

    submitted by /u/Red10193
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    How do you guys prevent yourself from keep yourselves from getting involved in a project that is way too overly ambitious?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 04:30 PM PST

    It's obviously very easy to fall into this trap. Day dream about a concept for a new game that you just know would be revolutionary, but you deep down in side know you could never complete. This is happening to me right now. My wife and I are about to start a new survival game, and it's starting to get overly complicated. How do you guys talk yourself/team out of making mistakes like this?

    submitted by /u/TangoKiloOscar18ZE9
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    Does University of Tampa Game Development Program?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 03:47 PM PST

    Hello! I'm a person hoping to pursue a career in game development and is currently looking at schools. I found that University of Tampa had a "New Media" program that has a whole range of classes that would help boost the skills of a game developer. The problem with this program is that I can't find any example work from the students projects. I was starting to doubt if their curriculum was for me or not and was wondering if it was good for someone entering the game development industry. If there is someone who has enrolled at the University of Tampa and/or knows someone who has taken classes there, could you please let me know what the program entails and if you would recommend the college? I would love to attend this college but I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Heirioten
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    Math programming - divide by whole numbers, multiply by decimal, or multiply by fractions/improper fractions?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 12:53 PM PST

    Is there any difference in programming? I don't know enough about programming to know how it affects processing speed or if it even matters in the modern age, but i know enough about programming to know there are some weird nuances i should maybe ask about.

    Adding and multiplying whole numbers is straightforward i assume/hope.

    I am working on an equation now where at points i reduce a number. For example, diving a total by 4.

    Will i have a difference writing this "divide by 4", or "multiplied by .25" or "multiplied by 1/4"?

    Should i be using one over the other, should u always use multiplying decimals and not division by whole numbers, any effect if i combine them besides it maybe appears messy and harder to read for someone else?

    Thanks. Just want to be consistent in advance and not have to change something for a dumb reason later.

    submitted by /u/Sovarius
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    Recommendations for a cheap MacBook and iPhone pairing (for testing and iOS deployment)?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 03:30 PM PST

    I understand the costs involved with registering as an Apple Developer etc, but still looking to package and release games for iOS.

    I will still be developing on Windows and doing most of my testing on my PC, but just need a decent MacBook to get access to XCode and a decent iPhone to test my games on.

    Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/AISulyman
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