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    Monday, September 13, 2021

    What is the most direct, efficient and effective way to explain to an intelligent absolute beginner the purpose (the why) of a variable? Ask Programming

    What is the most direct, efficient and effective way to explain to an intelligent absolute beginner the purpose (the why) of a variable? Ask Programming

    What is the most direct, efficient and effective way to explain to an intelligent absolute beginner the purpose (the why) of a variable?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    One would start with the cliche that a computer program is a set of statements, executed one by one, from top to bottom. Then come values, their types and operations performed on them. Then come assigning them to variables. The definition of a variable is straightforward: A named container, in which a value is stored. But why?

    Bjarne Stroustrup, in his C++ book, introduces variables in the context of "reading" input. After a hello world program, he says "It (the program) does not get input from its user. That's rather a bore" and any input will have to be stored in a variable. But firstly this is not true. "hello world" is a literal which is literally inputed. In the context of storage, "hello world" still has to be evaluated and passed to the alert function, so it has to be stored in memory. Secondly, one could enter (indisputable) input and output it as such

    alert( prompt() );

    My point is, input in no way explains why a variable is necessary.

    The few other books I have make no attempt at explaining why variables are being introduced and I presume they presume the purpose will become clear once the reader starts using them.

    In my mind the purpose of a variable is to "store change". For example, definite loops cannot be written without storing the change from the last iteration. But what is the best way to introduce this (before introducing compound assignment and loops)?

    In other words, having so far only written

    alert( "hello world" );


    alert( 1 + 1 );

    how does one go about explaining why we now need to introduce variables?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/femke_0
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    Unable to compile in VSCode (C)

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 03:48 PM PDT


    Im atm learning to program in C. I'm using an virtual machine called ubuntu and have downloaded VSCoder on the machine. I have installed the extension for C/C++ and I can compile simple programs. Today we started to learn about threads and such and when I added the #include <pthread.h> the program didn't want to compile. I can't figure out what to do. This is the error that pops upp when I try to compile

    /usr/bin/ld:/tmp/cccbmo5f.o: in function 'main':

    hej.c:(.text+0x63): undefined reference to 'pthread_create'

    /usr/bin/ld:hej.c:(.text+0x74): undefined reference to 'pthread_join'

    collect2: error:ld returned 1 exit status,

    Do I need to download something more to make it work?

    submitted by /u/bravebomb01
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    Need help understanding Java code

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 06:43 PM PDT

    Hi there! I've just started learning Java and I have come across this code which I don't understand how it works, could someone here help me figure it out? Why when I type 012 in Java and print it out does it come out as 10 and not 012? Thank you in advance :)

    public class IntegralDataType2 {

    `public static void main(String args[]) {` `int num = 12;` `int num2 = 012;` `System.out.println(num);//12` `System.out.println(num2);//10 - This is the line I need help understanding` `}` 


    submitted by /u/shashaspamzz
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    Python, Importing a single column of data from excel as an [nx1] matrix

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 06:34 PM PDT


    I've tried using pandas to do this as it seems to be the go-to for importing data from excel files in python but I have not had any luck. When I do this, my original [nx1] data set gets imported as an [nx2] data frame where the first column is a list of index values and the second is my data. Also the first value in my original data is imported as the columns name.

    I do not want to work with data frames, I just want to import a column of data for further processing. How can I do this?


    submitted by /u/BISONBOT94
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    Anyone familiar with interesting statistics about adoption of technologies by companies?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    I was wondering what technologies are being adopted by new and old company (frameworks, languages, DB, homemade vs generic)

    Maybe see what new companies are choosing as their technology stack, distribution of technological choices.

    Would be amazing if there is something like the stackoverflow developer survey but for companies!

    submitted by /u/Othinsson
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    If I wanted to build a simple calendar app with no experience. Where do I start?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    I want to make a simple calendar app with a few features that tailor to my needs. I have absolutely no experience but I figure this would be a good way to introduce myself to coding.

    Where should I begin?

    What software?

    Youtube video recommendations?

    submitted by /u/MooseHeadDrinkMOAR
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    Is planning ever really "required"? asking because...

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    I don't mean to ask whether managers require some projects to be planned, I mean is it technically a necessity that every programmer needs to plan a project in order for it to "go well" (have good structure, readability and modularity) ?

    I've heard that it's a good idea to plan projects and break down the program into subcomponents and break those down further until I'm left with small enough tasks that don't seem intimidating. Although that idea sounds great to me, I find it intimidating and avoid it. Maybe I should add that the way I try to do this is "top down", and I often find myself jumping down too many levels of abstraction and getting overwhelmed by all the thing I need to do instead of staying at the high level, planning that one, and planning every level of abstraction each time completely.

    I also heard that some programmers who are considered good, don't really do the whole planning thing. Instead, they just start hacking, building things incrementally. Kernighan was one of them, although I don't recall whether he said he worked on big programs so that might not be a good example. This also runs in contradiction to the idea that "the right way" to, say, engineer software, is to plan it like engineers in other fields do. Although admittedly I haven't tried working on something very big.

    submitted by /u/BadWolf2077
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    Question about a script thing?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    This is super broad but is it possible to have a script running in the background of your computer so when you join a specific wifi it executes specific commands, in this case entering credentials and the secure code that it asks for since it's annoying. Thus allowing me to stop going through this annoying process, and how would I do, what programs can do or what do I need to study

    submitted by /u/CommunicationLanky79
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    Parliament voting surveillance web application

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 08:50 PM PDT


    Objective: Build an online application that

    1. Requests voting information and case information from government API,
    2. Displays this in a tool that- Displays all votes that has taken place in a list- Lets user review each vote and add comments/sort each vote- stores this to a database- shows all processed and unprocessed cases
    3. publishes this information online

    I am a complete coding beginner. The nearest i've been to coding is markup languages.

    What coding languages should I learn for this?What environments or tools should I use?Tips to YouTube tutorials?

    Thank you! Any kind of tips or concepts I should be familiar with will be very helpful!!!

    submitted by /u/Hvetemel
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    How do you filter stuff like products, using AJAX? Does it depend on how many items you have?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    I am wondering about a good way of filtering something like products using AJAX.
    A common example would be a sidebar with checkboxes and range inputs, based on something like category and price.

    Is it a good idea to:

    1. Get all products, just using a server side language.
    2. Store information about the product, like the price and category in HTML data attributes
    3. Show/hide products based on those data attributes using JS.

    I am wondering if there is a better way?

    Also, what is good way to deal with pagination, in case I have a lot of items? - I assume, in this case, getting all products, and hiding most of them, wouldn't be a good idea for performance. Would I have to fetch the products after each user interaction with the filter, making it unnecessary to store the date in THML data attributes?

    submitted by /u/bikepep
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    Fellow Programmers: How often do you find yourself stuck on a problem, only to type some code almost subconsciously that fixes your problem?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 08:42 PM PDT

    This happens surprisingly often to me and I'm curious how many others experience this.

    I'll be working on some kind of problem like a weird coordinate transform or something that requires me to juggle multiple coordinate spaces in my head at once trying to figure out how it should work, I'll fail multiple times trying to understand exactly how it all needs to fit together, then all of a sudden I'll just subconsciously type a line or two of math that makes it all work and still not understand why.

    Anyone else get this?

    submitted by /u/zachtheperson
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    Unable to figure out Laravel interview test

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    I am a fresh graduate and have basic Laravel experience. What I mean by that is i can make a crud app with Laravel and use some basic features which is offered in laravel.

    For an internship assignment i have been told to create an app where a user can send money to another user only using their name and email. A link to accept the cash will be sent to the specified email and when clicked on the receiver can login or register and accept the money. An additional requirement is that I need to figure out a way to secure the link so that if a hacker gains access to the email they should not be able to access the link.

    I understand how to create the app and send mail in Laravel but what i don't understand is to generate the URL and what can be done for the extra security measure.

    I dont need the exact answers maybe if someone can just let me know what i should look into in either the docs or any other online resources it would a big help

    submitted by /u/SnapeSFW
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    Question about powershell scripting:

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    I'm tasked with collecting system errors (shell scripting class), but it was a very vague assignment, I figured a good way of going about it is running get-error with each and every command that is run in the session or something like that that alters the way powershell session works, is that possible with scripts? Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/PeanutBand
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    Is scrum master an easy job compaired to programmer?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    Not disrespecting the role, just seem like they never work late and stuff and seems low pressure.

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    Notability or Good Notes for notes on iPad Pro if you're a software engineer?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    Notability or Good Notes for notes on iPad Pro if you're a software engineer?

    submitted by /u/Lekowski
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    A program that's similar to powerpoint for designing software architecture diagrams?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 05:06 AM PDT

    Between all of my development projects, I will make architecture diagrams to explain the flow of data and how various classes interact with each other. At the moment, I'm using powerpoint because it's pretty simple to use and helps me quickly draw up a diagram explaining the data flow within my applications. Very useful for coming back to a project too, since sometimes I forget how I've implemented something.

    However powerpoint isn't really designed for this, and even though it works fine, I'm wondering if there's any similar applications that exist that are designed more specifically for this purpose.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/IrishGameDeveloper
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    So if I wanted to make an Airbnb type of app... what do I need to learn?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    From googling & redditing it looks like React Native is the cross platform golden goose. But does that include a backend? And if not.. shouldn't I just learn a backend + Swift to get a one platform MVP out there then expand to Android after? I'd like links people could share so I can't go full Swift only there needs to be a web component, but things like TikTok/Twitter/OfferUp are definitely web based with shareable links but they use Swift. I bet the answer is easy but I'm just unsure of what to learn to get an eventual startup rolling

    submitted by /u/MarbleHoneycomb
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    What are some impressive uses of python file handling?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    I need to make a project that will impress my teacher, come up short of ideas. The project has to use python file handling. I just want ideas, not the SC.

    submitted by /u/serg_____
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    Unable to give estimates. How can I improve?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    Hi r/askprogramming,

    Background: Full-Stack Dev, 2y exp. (1y in this company).

    First of all, after going through reddit looking for similar posts I found some useful explanations and advice like:

    • Estimates are no guarantee
    • Always estimate a bit more than you think it will take just to deal with unexpected problems

    And well, even though I've tried to focus on that and give longer and longer estimates, I still manage to not finish on time. I see myself working as much as I can and doing extra hours when needed, but I always need a few more days, maybe another week.

    It's reaching the point where after giving an estimate, I feel like my team thinks that it shouldn't take me that much time, but it does. I feel like I'm really slow.

    Also, it doesn't help that the app has seen too many developers over the years and is kind of a mess (the last one left after 1.5 years because he couldn't stand the project leader and the state of the app). And well, sadly I'm kind of understanding him but I'm not willing to leave this in the middle of a big task.

    How can I improve at giving estimates for an app like that with unexpected errors arising quite often?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/cilterico10
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    Is it always bad practice to store foreign keys of relational databases in document databases documents?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    Suppose in Sql Server I had a table called Jobs And in MongoDB I had Job Results. I don't want to store in a relational database a massive json object so I choose to store it in MongoDB and reference it via Sql Server.

    submitted by /u/throwawaybaldingman
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    Is TechLead the most successful techtuber if we go by the amount of people who can't help but make reactions to his videos?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    The amount of people having the joke go a thousand miles over their head is so high.

    Btw my career began thanks to TechLead

    submitted by /u/September-1st
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    Feeling down. Multiple failed interviews. Need job . Suggestions please.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:19 AM PDT

    Hii I am fresher ..I have completed a python full stack course recently but I where i learnt HTML,CSS,JS(basic) ,Python in detail,django and MySQL database. But I struggled a lot and could not complete my project. I feel like knows everything but none is perfect. I have appeared for 4 interviews as of now. No response. What should I do? In order to get job and get better at cracking interviews and learning better. Also I think my learning pace is slow so how can I improved there? I am still confused if I should go into web development using django or c and c++ . In a dangerous confuse state with increasing pressure of unemployment. Please guide me. Would be greatful. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Intelligent_Ad7284
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    What title should I take between Technical Lead and Senior Software Engineer?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    What title should I take between Technical Lead and Senior Software Engineer?

    I am working as Technical Lead now, but I am a bit afraid that recruiters will miss me out because they won't know I am a senior software engineer, in case of work offers on LinkedIn.

    Which title would you say benefits keeping and what is normal to e.g. have on LinkedIn if I decide to have the technical lead, what would be the proper title to have, would it actually be "Technical Lead"? Would be "explained" enough for recruiters if I have technical lead as title?

    Or should I have Tech Lead Engineer?

    submitted by /u/Lekowski
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