• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 12, 2021

    The Odin Project updated their Foundations course with brand new HTML and CSS courses! learn programming

    The Odin Project updated their Foundations course with brand new HTML and CSS courses! learn programming

    The Odin Project updated their Foundations course with brand new HTML and CSS courses!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    "It's a big day! Today we are releasing an all-new set of lessons in our Foundations track. These lessons cover the foundations of HTML and CSS, and will completely replace the existing HTML and CSS content, including the lesson that goes through FreeCodeCamp and the Google Homepage Project.

    For the moment we've left up the old content for the benefit of people who are nearly done with that material, but we'd like to suggest that everyone immediately start using the new content. If you're in the middle of FreeCodeCamp we suggest you go ahead and jump to the beginning of the new stuff. We think it is superior in every way. Some of the early lessons go deeper than FCC on topics that we feel are important."


    I haven't done the added new parts yet but they look pretty good.

    submitted by /u/Stormaier
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    If you're looking for a mentor, I can mentor you

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    I am a senior developer and I'm looking for people to mentor. Basically I'm creating a free website that will teach people javascript for free, similar to the website Free Code Camp in many ways. Through mentorship I want to learn more about the specific ways people struggle when they try to learn programming, that way I can build this website with more accurate knowledge of how to help people.

    I'll provide advice, help you work through issues, help explain things to you. I don't need anything in return as just hearing what you're struggling on will already be very helpful!

    More specifically, I'd like to help with learning the fundamentals of javascript and react. My discord is moo#9610

    Edit: there has been a lot of interest. I will respond to everybody adding me on discord but I'm going to pace myself as to not get overwhelmed. If I don't accept your friend request today, I'll accept it in the next few weeks

    Second Edit: A lot of people have asked me to create a discord. I have decided not to do that because they are already discords that focus on helping people learn to code and I feel like it is better for me to redirect them to those discords. So here are the links to some helpful ones:

    - Learn to code - https://discord.gg/UfhhEwZV

    - Free Code camp - https://discord.gg/KVUmVXA

    - The Odin Project - https://discord.gg/fbFCkYabZB

    With that said, I have decided to create a discord server specifically for feedback on this website I'm creating. I would really appreciate it if you joined, as I'm going to ask questions on there to try to hear people's experiences/stories - https://discord.gg/8K4s3PR4

    submitted by /u/uncreativeuser1234
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    Hackernews is not what it used to be, what else do you guys use these days?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 11:01 PM PDT

    Hackernews has become too maintstream these days, which has led down the quality of discussions there. you don't get the same vibe you used in earlier days. What are some other forums/platforms with good quality discussions and news?

    submitted by /u/xwolfalpha
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    I'm having trouble being objective and unbiased; what hardware/infrastructure do I REALLY need to keep for programming: Downsizing a home lab from a "do anything" environment, to a "strictly programming" environment.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: For no reason in particular, I don't play video games. None of these things are used for that purpose. I figured that might be relevant for your recommendations.

    I'll try to keep this short. For the past year or so I've been messing around with a home lab. I've gone from old servers, to desktops, to white box servers, and everything in between. I've recently made the decision that I want to get serious about programming, and I'm accepting that as long as my lab exists, I will always struggle to not tinker with it. Essentially, it's become a (beautiful) distraction.

    I've dismantled and sold most of it, and I'm left with the following:

    • Server
      • Not getting rid of this; serves as my homes router and security appliance
      • Embedded Xeon with 4 cores
      • 64GB ECC memory
      • 10Gbps networking

    • 2020 MacBook
      • i5 with 4 cores
      • 16GB memory
      • 10Gbps Networking through thunderbolt NIC

    • Workstation
      • i9-10850K with 10 cores
      • 96GB memory
      • 5600XT GPU
      • 10Gbps Networking

    What I am trying to decide is how to move forward. I feel like having a desktop and a laptop is wasteful, since majority of the time one of them is going to be gathering dust and losing value.

    The server is staying, so part of me thinks that since I use VS Code, I could easily host an Ubuntu VM on the server and make all of my development remote through SSH on my MacBook. VS Code is awesome for having that ability, and its no different than being on an actual Ubuntu machine...ish.

    However, if I ever leave the house, I would need to run that VM internally...and lets just say the MacBook is not a very powerful machine.

    So ultimately, I'm at this weird crossroads of a Desktop vs Laptop debate, while simultaneously being a MAC vs Windows debate, and I can't seem to logically work my way through it.

    I think my choices are between:

    -Sell the workstation and use the MacBook in conjunction with the server

    -Sell the MacBook and use the workstation, run a virtual desktop through my 13" iPad if I need to go mobile.

    -Sell both and buy a more powerful laptop that is more virtualization friendly

    I clearly failed to keep things short, sorry. What do you think I should do? What would you do if you were in my shoes? I feel like this is an unsolvable problem right now...and I know its not...I just need some input I guess. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/bmantic
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    Looking to land an internship, where should I start?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 09:13 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a fresh high school graduate living in Toronto and am looking to land an internship in the CS/Software engineering industry.

    I'm taking a gap year before starting Uni next fall and currently spent my summer completing Harvards this is CS50 course, my end goal is to land an internship before starting Uni and to use this gap year as effectively as possible. I'm looking for advice on what i should do next and how I can attract and land an internship without having a year of uni under my belt (as this is a requirement by a lot of places).

    Currently, I know basic HTML, CSS, and JS along with some python and flask to create a site where we trade stocks (this was a problem set in the CS50 course)

    A lot of people recommend creating a personal project but I don't know what to create or where to start or what should my portfolio look like?

    It's all really confusing and I really want to land an internship but don't really have the connection or knowledge on how to get there. If anyone could give some advice or resources that be greatly appreciated.

    TLDR: Just graduated high school and looking to land a tech internship, advice?

    submitted by /u/Vegetable_Fix2399
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    Big O notation question

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    Short question: Can big O be used to compare the complexity of algorithms that solve for different problems or can it only be used to compare algorithms that solve the same problem?

    submitted by /u/DeathlinkCB
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    What do I do after I learned C++?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    I've been coding for around a year in C++ but I want experience with projects, not small challenges problems that take an hour at most to solve. I've heard of contributing to open source but there's absolutely no way to start contributing. And I'm not looking to contribute just to contribute (fixing typos). How can I find projects with people of similar skill to me instead of massive projects that have too many experienced people?

    Also, I don't know exactly how to word this question so I'll just say what my problem is. I tried to make graphics in C++ in visual studio but I can't understand the tutorials. I installed cmake but I have no idea what to put for Where is the source code and etc. I'm following this tutorial: http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/beginners-tutorials/tutorial-1-opening-a-window/

    If someone can help with one or both problems that'll be appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/1Link2Link
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    Does traditional programming require input always?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 11:29 PM PDT

    Learned about traditional programming vs Machine learning. I get with traditional programming you are making up the logic for the computer to follow instead of machine learning, where the computer makes the logic on its own. However, just to ensure I understand traditional programming, does it always need some sort of data input in the program for it to be traditional programming, or can the idea of traditional programming work without data input?

    submitted by /u/wildguy57
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    Should I still self-study even when I'm pursuing Computer Science as my degree?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    Greetings. So I will be starting college this week for my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. I've also recently started self-studying for about a week now learning some basic programming with Python.

    Should I continue studying on my own once college starts? Or should I just follow the curriculum and focus on my GPA?

    submitted by /u/creekygreen
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    What's the name for the language feature where code executes sequentially?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    Line 2 only executes after line 1. To my best knowledge, JavaScript goes against some of this with it's hoisting (though execution is still sequential).

    Is there a name for this? Something like "linear execution" or "linear variable declaration"? Like how there is static/dynamic typing.

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    I am considering a new career path - is the tuition worth it?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    What these courses effectively promise an unskilled bloke like me is that they take me from 0 knowledge to a programmer (of whichever field) in a couple months time, good enough that I'd be job-ready. The courses usually look like this: You have certain training segments you take, tasks to complete as homework and mentors for 1 on 1s to help you stay motivated and find solutions to your problems.

    So far I have not decided which one yet (I am in the UK, so if you have suggestions or experience to share about which one to pick I'd appreciate a PM) but I am seriously considering it. I have the spare money at the moment and really would love to get a remote job like this as a career for the future.

    Now of course I don't expect to be the best programmer at the end of training, but are the 6 grand worth it and is it realistic that I walk out of it ready for the job market (entry level)?

    I know some guys take YEARS studying themselves before they were ready for taking on actual work but maybe that was just the lack of guidance a course like this would offer.

    So what is your advice for me? Share freely.

    submitted by /u/BonvivantNamedDom
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    How come this line of Java code does not execute sequentially?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 11:15 PM PDT

    Java along with most programming languages is sequential - code at line 3 executes only after code at line 2 finished executing. Thus you cannot have:

    println(var); String var; var = "Hello world"; 

    But if that is the case, how does the following code compile?

    public enum Permission { USER_READ("user:read"), USER_WRITE("user:write"); private final String permission; Permission(String permission) { this.permission = permission; } public String getPermission(){ return permission; } } 

    For USER_READ("user:read") to compile, the class needs a constructor. But the constructor must appear only after the aforementioned argument. Yet Java doesn't have hoisting like JS, so how is that code legal?

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    Need help! Receiving error: Assets\Scripts\PlayerController.cs(21,6): error CS1513: } expected

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 11:10 PM PDT

    I followed this tutorial on character movement but when I finished the script I can't test it. I am receiving the following error: Assets\Scripts\PlayerController.cs(21,6): error CS1513: } expected

    Here is my code:

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using UnityEngine;

    public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour


    private Rigidbody2D rb2D;

    private float moveSpeed;

    private float jumpForce;

    private float moveHorizontal;

    private float moveVertical;

    // Start is called before the first frame update

    void Start()


    rb2D = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();

    movespeed = 3f;

    jumpForce = 60f;


    // Update is called once per frame

    void Update()


    moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");

    moveVertical = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");


    void FixedUpdate()


    if (moveHorizontal > 0.1f || moveHorizontal < -0.1f)


    rb2D.AddForce(new Vector2(moveHorizontal * moveSpeed, 0f), ForceMode2D.Impulse);


    if (moveVertical > 0.1f)


    rb2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, moveVertical * jumpForce), ForceMode2D.Impulse);



    submitted by /u/Ben_Rw
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    New to Machine Learning - is this an example of overfitting?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    I believe the accuracy curve shows overfitting and perhaps the loss one does too to a lesser extent. The spike at 11 is also curious, but not sure what can really be determined about it.

    I used a partial test set for these results so that I could do more epochs, but I'm not real sure about the results. Figure I should try on the full test set with epoch 5 based on this data but I'm really trying to understand what the graphs indicate.





    submitted by /u/Know_Shit_Sherlock
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    I dont get an output cand u see what i did wrong? it works when i run it though

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 10:31 PM PDT

    import numpy as np def fillSudokuRow(sudokuRow): print(fillSudokuRow(np.array([9,4,0,1,5,7,2,3,8]))) return sudokuRow i am working in python 
    submitted by /u/Mobile_Cantaloupe_20
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    Java, don't understand difference between x++ and ++x.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    So from my textbook I learned that these are used to increment variables.

    However my textbook gives an example of an expression with them:

    int x =10, y =20, z = ++x * y--;

    It says "The third assignment increments x to 11 and decrements y to 19, but in computing z, it

    uses the new value of x * the old value of y

    How is it using the old value of y if it ALREADY decremented it to 19?

    Aside from that,

    if y-- evaluates to the old value of y, why does it return y-1 when used in a line by itself? Is returning a value different than evaluating the value?

    submitted by /u/adviceformee
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    Where can I find a quick refresher on Python?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    Back in May-June I did a Udemy course on Python. I got pretty far however life got in the way and I sort of dropped it for a few months. I'd like to get back into it but I find myself in a vicious cycle - I can remember the concepts if my memory is jogged but I find it hard to code independently as I don't remember a ton on my own, so I don't really want to code but I also don't want to do the course again because I don't think I need to re-do all 30+ hours that I've already done.

    Can anyone recommend a good free refresher tutorial or something that can bring me back up to speed? TIA.

    submitted by /u/cattle-baron-
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    Some advice about getting a job. [OC]

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    I've noticed that there's a lot of people here who are learning programming for a career and want to know how to get hired, so I wrote some thoughts from the other side. It also might help to think of this process as a programmatical one, so I've tried to slant things from a programmer's thought process.


    Convince a potential employer you're worth hiring.


    Read the advert carefully, that's your project specification. Evaluate if your product (you!) meets enough of the criteria to proceed, or if you can adapt it quickly enough. Learn a bit about the customer (employer) and see if they're someone you want to sell to. (Their ethos, Glassdoor reviews, general web searching, share price and financial news, etc. No point going further if they're not a place you want to work.)


    Well marketed software changes depending on the audience it's reaching.

    Get that CV and covering letter just right. Concise and - importantly - reflective to the spec.

    If you're disheartened by someone saying "I fired off my cv to a hundred companies this morning" - don't be. Every application should be worded and restructured for that specific job - if you're sending out loads of identical CVs it will show and you'll be filed in the bin on the first scan. Pick your platform and select your build tools.

    They think they know what they want so only give them the info that the job requires, and a little bit more. Don't list everything you've ever done, down to your school swimming certificate. Do add a paragraph of personal fluff to make you seem rounded and not a serial killer. Plus, your hobbies are likely to come up in the interview, so don't be wrong-footed if the interview asks about them. It's a good settling tool for a nervous candidate, plus sometimes you can make a genuine shared connection with them if they like the same thing.)

    Look for applications everywhere. Target not only the right markets, but you try other less obvious ones. Personal networks, open source projects, blogs. If there's a place you really like that's not currently advertising, try sending them your (tailored) CV and a covering letter just in case - you might get lucky, you might not. Worst case you've wasted some time, but you've probably got a lot of that right now.


    Make sure your UI is up to scratch. Write well, you don't mispeel and capitalise properly. When you meet in person, you've washed, smell nice and look like someone's designed you as well as they could. Get your social skills good. Practice talking. Use a friend to interview you, encourage them to ask you odd questions so you can improve thinking-on-the-spot. They're not just hiring your coding skills, they're going to be sharing time and often physical space with you. They want someone who'll fit into the team and not piss everyone off. Be chill, be positive, be happy. Be the software that encourages you to use it, not punishes you for not knowing the right key combination.


    Obviously you need to know the skills required, you need to deliver the core functionality. Just as software that looks shiny might get bought, it won't last long unless it does what you need. If the job requires you to know a particular language, be reasonably proficient in it - at least to the level required. (Ie, don't bother applying for a senior development role in Java if you've not got a bunch of projects under your belt. These things usually aren't just about the language, but about the build systems and process, and working in a team.)

    Don't be put off by a shopping list of requirements. Often being proficient in a few, and willingess to learn is enough. But do spent a few minutes googling them so you at least have a knowledge what each thing is about.

    If the job requires specific qualifications, it can still be worth applying if you fit the experience. Good IT staff are in higher demand since Covid.


    When you go for the interview, prepare the day before. Get your clothes ready, eat well and go to bed early. (Don't have a drink or a smoke to settle your nerves, and absolutely stay away from garlic or onions, the former stinks up your breath and the latter seeps out of your pores for 24 hours, especially if you get nervous and start sweating.)

    If you're asked to wait, don't immediately open your phone and zone out. Look around, take an interest. Remember that you're being watched from the moment you leave the street! Treat everyone with friendly respect, regardless of their rank. Not just for the interview process, but if you were standoffish to the receptionist or curt with a janitor, they'll have noticed and you'll need to work with them. If you think "So what?" then you don't know the power that the support people often hold in offices!

    (One of my favourite techniques was, after the interview, ask if the applicant wants a tour of the site - and I'd hand them over to an associate who "just happened to be passing" with "Hi, George, do you might taking Fred here for a little tour?" and leave them to it, often going into another interview. Then I'd talk to George later on - it was often very revealing how candidates reacted once they were out of the formal interview situation, they often relaxed a little too much and got sloppy, or clearly weren't interested in the actual work or people, or were just rude.)

    If it's a video interview, make sure what they can see is tidy and neutral. No bongs or embarrassing items left on view, no flags on the wall. Make sure anyone who could interrupt you is going to be quiet. If you've an annoyingly barking dog, ask someone to take them for a walk. Provide a calm, relaxed space that you're proud to be seen in - as much for your mental preparedness as for their judgement of you.

    Be friendly, open and interested. Listen to what's being said to you. Focus the whole time you're there. Treat the interviewers with respect but not reverence. (Unless it's a particularly formal situation, use their first name as introduced, not Sir and Madam).

    I think the ideal thing to portray is something like "Hi. I'm /u/digdilem and it's nice to meet you. I'm pretty good at {thing} and I get on with people. My life is stable and undramatic, I have transport to get here each day. I hope to get this job, but I don't assume that I will. If you don't hire me, that's fine - I'll try someone else."

    Remember that they're not just looking for someone that can do the actual job, they want someone that will do the job. By that, I mean that they don't want someone vague who'll get distracted if left alone, or who is constantly under pressure by their life outside of work, but someone who'll self-manage enough to finish tasks and find other ones by themselves if there's time. Also bear in mind that they don't owe you anything, you have no right to a job - but that goes both ways - you don't owe them anything either, at least until you sign a contract and start being paid. Basically, just pretend to be a functioning adult and leave a favourable impression.

    A good interviewer is basically speccing you up to ensure you meet criteria and they have a short window to figure you out. Know your subject, but don't be tempted to wing it. If you don't know the answer to a question, pause and think about it, then just say, "I'm sorry, I don't know that." You might expand occasionally, say something like, "but I'm curious too. I'm going to find out later." Trust me, saying you don't know something rather than guessing is the best answer you could possibly give. Even when the interviewer seems like they don't know they're talking about, they might be acting dumb. It's far better to admit ignorance and be prepared to learn - we all have huge holes in our knowledge, IT moves too quickly for that not to be possible, unless you're siloed in some particularly dead-end project. To keep to the analogy - whilst it might be frustrating to use a program that doesn't do exactly what you want, if the developer says "It can't do that right now, but if you give me a moment I'll add it right in". That's a good feeling, right?

    Do have a question or two to ask them if they give you an opportunity. This can be hard, and don't make it about money or working conditions, nor make it sound too contrived. Rather than give you crap examples, I'm just going to say - be ready to interview them, be interested in the company. This is a two-way deal, don't be passive.

    Don't be:

    • Weird: Like that guy who wore a full length trenchcoat throughout his interview and wouldn't remove it. I scanned the headlines for weeks after meeting him, wondering if he'd been seen climbing a bell tower with a suspiciously long bag.
    • Too nervous: Like, literally, this one woman who literally, said like, literally and like every sentance. Literally.
    • Too honest: "I want this job because I need some money." As much as you might think that's all a job's about, it really shouldn't be. Both sides should enjoy the work and environment. That answer's not 'refreshingly honest', it's a goodbye.
    • Too chatty: Answer the question then shut up, and give conversational clues that you're finishing your sentence so there's not that embarassing pause when they think "Oh, has he finished talking?" Be aware that some interviewers will let silence run too long to see if you'll try to fill it, but it's okay to be comfortably quiet at times if you've said all you should say.
    • Unlikeable: Interviewers rarely hire people they wouldn't like to share an office with.

    Source: Over several years I've been a lead interviewer, worked in HR, and been a candidate. I don't claim to be an expert, and I've hired the wrong people at times, but these are my words. Use them, or not, as you will.

    submitted by /u/digdilem
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    How to go about self-learning Software Engineering/Development?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 09:03 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I'm a High School student who's looking to get into the world of software! Tho I'm also a beginner web developer, I'm pretty new to the field (as I started it a month ago) and am aiming for the knowledge of software development now. Actually had a quick question regarding the learning procedure for becoming a software engineer in the domain of my choice (which I dunno at the moment). My main Concern is simply regarding the wide branches and specializations available in the domain of software engineering. To elaborate my words lets have a look at what I concluded after my research on Google regarding the term Software Engineering/Development:

    --> Fundamentally there are three domains under software engineering:

    1. Web/Web app development, & Mobile App Development.
    2. Application Software Development
    3. Robotics Software Development

    Now each of these domains have sub-domains under them. For example Web Dev have frontend and backend routes. Same goes with Application Development, covering a huge variety of software from Content management systems to MS Word and Premiere Pro, for instance. Last comes Robotics where you go about building IoT devices by programming Embedded Systems and building smart solutions for today's problems.

    Now for me the confusion is that I don't know where to start. As for Web Dev, I'm feeling that Web Designing is for me as compared to that of Web "Development". I like to Design websites and apps (UI & UX) but I don't really find the coding section that interesting and engaging, personally. Naturally, since my childhood days I was into bit of electronics and used to mess with Operating Systems. When I look back today, I can relate and can say that I was (& is) love the idea of making my own gadgets out of nothing. Today, I like using Linux and idea of developing smart IoT systems seems exciting and awesome.

    Now because the community on this subreddit is full of Software Engineers (the poeple who have gone through the phase I'm in at the moment), I'm posting this post here to get some genuine advice from you guys.

    When I see this huge amount of domains and sub-domains under software engineering, I feel overwhelmed and do nothing except wasting my time playing video games or chilling out with friends. I seriously want to focus on one particular thing but different options always drag my focus and I end up doing nothing and at last, feeling aimless and unproductive.

    I would love to hear out your words on this, like how you started your engineering journey and how did you go about choosing a particular domain under Software engineering/Development.

    P.S.: If by chance anybody is to suggest here that I must look to get into a college and then study Software Engineering there; Not want to sound offensive but that's not what I'm asking for here. I think going to college, spending thousands of dollars and then becoming a software engineer is something super obvious. Literally anybody can do that. I simply want to proceed learning things myself rather than depending on an institutional body who feed me some knowledge (I could learn myself from internet) and in return demand thousands of $$. And we have seen people doing that and making good amount of money by working as a freelancer or landing a Job that pays well. I believe that at the end of the day, what matters is your work and your personality not the formal education that we generally likes to show off.

    submitted by /u/MusicProductionDude
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    Any structural differences between 32-bit and 64-bit PE files?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    I'm currently doing a hobby project right now that involves writing libraries for analyzing a PE file, as sort of a for fun project to familiarize me with the language I'm making it in. While working on some of the parsing for the PE file, I realize (this project is also to familiarize me with PE file structure, as I don't have experience reverse engineering those), the address values will be a 64 bit, or 32 bit depending on whether the binary is 64 or 32 bit. That's no huge issue, I can just allocate a 64 bit variable and if the address is 32 bit store it in the 64 bit type, it's allocating space to a type than is necessary, but I'm fine with that. But it got me thinking, are there any structural differences between a 64-bit and 32-bit PE other than like a magic number and the ability to have more addresses? Things such as different fields or headers? I found some scattered answers online but nothing that comprehensively satisfied me. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/jonathangreek01
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    Would you consider Goder Escer Bach as a must-read for a cs student?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    Last week i was looking at the FAQ of this subreddit and i noticed that the GEB book was one of the top five. Doing some researches i see that it isn't about programming but about logic and others concepts interesting and important for programming and even life, so i went ahead and borrowed it naively from my university's library. I soon got surprised by the size of the book and of course how dense its information is haha so it would obviously take me a lot of time to process it and actually get some of its ideas, in addition to the fact that it isn't on my native language. However as a CS student who lacks of time to study, i wonder if it's worth it to get really into it or if it's better to wait some time until i get comfortable with the idea of spending a lot of time deepening it and focus instead in others such as The Pragmatic Programmer or The Code Complete.

    For those who have read it, what do you guys think would be the best?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/rchacons
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    I want to start a coding club at my high school. Can i get any advice on what to do in the club.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    I've been programming for around 4 months now and I was thinking of starting a coding club at my high school. I am very passionate about coding and I want to make a community of people with a common interest. I know how to program in python and a little bit of C. What should I do in this club go get people interested? What activities can we do? I was thinking we could make a game or something but that seems like not enough. Any advice is welcome

    submitted by /u/RegisteredS3xoffendR
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    [C++] Comparing elements of a vector

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 08:04 PM PDT

    I want to compare elements of two vectors of a struct. Following is struct:

    struct order_book { string action; long order_id; string side; long quantity; long price; }; vector<order_book> buy_side; vector<order_book> sell_side; 

    What I am trying to do:

    if(buy_side.at(0).price == sell_side.at(0).price){ // do something } 

    However, whenever I try to compare these elements, I get the following error:

    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 0) >= this->size() (which is 0) 

    Why can't we compare? We know that the vectors are not empty (I make sure they are not while testing)

    submitted by /u/egomanego
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    Pagination: How do I find the last page in an API?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 07:56 PM PDT

    I'm practicing with the iTunes API: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/iTuneSearchAPI/Searching.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40017632-CH5-SW1

    Here's my code to get all songs by The Beatles on iTunes:

    base_url = "https://itunes.apple.com/search" r = requests.get( base_url, params = { "term":"the+beatles", "country":"us", "media":"music", "entity":"song", "offset":25 } ) print( json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4) ) 

    How do I know that I've actually reached the end of the results? How do I know, for example, that there aren't more on page 26.

    submitted by /u/IamWarmduscher
    [link] [comments]

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