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    Sunday, September 5, 2021

    Scambaiters Ask Programming

    Scambaiters Ask Programming


    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    hi, I ve been seeing some YouTubers reverse connecting to a scammers computer and i have a few questions about it. First of all i know there is a reverse connection option and i heard they use programs named RATs, is it even legal? how do they do it unnoticed like how do they execute/open the rat file without the scammer noticing in the first place? I recently started programming so i want to know how it works and be aware. thanks!

    submitted by /u/isoduk
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    How to build a affilate network

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    I want to build my own affiliate network to my application, but I'm a little bit lost to how I can implement it to my application.

    I want to know, which kind of topics I need to learn before I can develop an affiliate network. Websites, books or other sources are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/moshah80
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    Extracting data from website into spreadsheet

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 08:50 PM PDT


    I apologize if this is in the wrong section. My main question is is it possible to make a program or other tool to take data from a website and put it into a spreadsheet like Excel or Google sheets


    submitted by /u/OriginalIulus
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    A Problem Solving Question

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:46 PM PDT

    This is a Question I have been trying to solve for 2 days now. My program is giving the correct output for example test cases. But for some test case it is failing, and I have no idea what it might be.

    I have posted the Question, and then my solution. If anyone could help me figure out where my solution is wrong I'd really appreciate that.

    Or if anyone wants to solve this question with their own method, I'd appreciate that too. That way I can run the programs through a random test case generator, and figure out what's wrong with mine :).


    You are given N distinct points in a 2-D plane, numbered 1 through N. The X-coordinate of the points are X1,X2,…,XN respectively and the Y-coordinates are Y1,Y2,…,YN respectively. Your goal is to make the location of all the N

    points equal to that of each other. To achieve this, you can do some operations.

    In one operation, you choose an index i(1≤iN)

    and a real number K and change the location of the ith

    point in one of the following ways:

    • Set (Xi,Yi)=(Xi+K,Yi)
    • Set (Xi,Yi)=(Xi,Yi+K)
    • Set (Xi,Yi)=(Xi+K,Yi+K)
    • Set (Xi,Yi)=(Xi+K,YiK)

    Find the minimum number of operations to achieve the goal.

    Input Format

    The first line of the input contains a single integer T denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follows.

    Each test case contains three lines of input.

    The first line contains a single integer N

    The second line contains N space-separated integers X1,X2,…,XN

    The third line contains N space-separated integers Y1,Y2,…,YN.

    Output Format

    For each test case, print a single line containing one integer - the minimum number of operations to achieve the goal.


    • 1≤T≤300
    • 2≤N≤100
    • −109≤Xi,Yi≤109
    • (Xi,Yi)≠(Xj,Yj) if (ij)
    • Sum of N over all test cases does not exceed 600.


    2 3 0 1 -4 0 1 5 3 0 1 3 1 1 -1 

    Sample Output

    3 2 


    Test case 1

    • In the first operation, you choose i=2, and K=−1 and apply the third type of operation. So the location of 2nd point becomes (1−1,1−1)=(0,0).
    • In the second operation, you choose i=3, and K=4 and apply the first type of operation. So the location of 3rd point becomes (−4+4,5)=(0,5).
    • In the third operation, you choose i=3, and K=−5 and apply the second type of operation. So the location of 3rd point becomes (0,5−5)=(0,0).

    Hence after the above operations, the location of the given three points becomes equal to each other.

    Test case 2

    : In the first operation, you choose i=1 and K=1 and apply the first type of operation. So the location of 1st point becomes (0+1,1)=(1,1).

    • In the second operation, you choose i=3, and K=−2 and apply the fourth type of operation. So the location of 3rd point becomes (3−2,−1−(−2))=(1,1).

    Hence after the above operations, the location of the given three points becomes equal to each other.



    submitted by /u/abillionasians
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    Automated form filling

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    Hello all,
    I have been programming for a couple of years, and I have some experience with automating some browser tasks, such as filling a particular web form. However, I usually do this by manually inspecting the webpage containing the form, deciphering its structure, identifying the relevant xpaths or selectors, and finally writing a script to fill out the web form based on the structure of the page and the input data.

    So, I know it is possible to automatically fill a form. Thus, the question is: is it possible to fill out ANY form, without knowing the page and form structure beforehand?

    Let me provide an example which may clarify what I am looking for.
    Consider you have your own personal data, like name, age, address, hobbies, etc.
    Now consider that there are two different web pages, which ask for some of this data in different ways.
    For example, page one may ask you for your "name" and "age", while page two may ask you for your "identification" and "date of birth".
    Both forms are asking for the same data, but they are asking it in a different way.

    So, I guess the first step would be to identify what the form is looking for, and mapping it to the relevant data, right?

    If the above was done, and I was able to identify the form goal and map it to the relevant data, then I guess the second problem would be to fill that form. This would require me to identify the relevant form selector. Once again, I usually do this by explicitly looking at the webpage and manually identifying it. So my question regarding this is, would it be possible to automate the filling of the form without knowing the relevant selectors beforehand?

    I hope these questions make sense, and if I did not explain myself very well I would be happy to try to clarify. Thank you very much for your help!

    submitted by /u/rafaelmarques7
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    Questions for programmers.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Hello, all! I just went into college this fall and I'm taking my first few computer science classes! Currently, I'm taking a python class and my professor wants me to interview other programmers questions and their experiences in the field of computer science. If you would like to participate in my interview, please answer the questions below. All answers are accepted. I'm interested in you guy's responses. Thank you for reading!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Why did you choose to take computer courses? What do you find interesting about it?
    • What do you find interesting about the field / what is your field of interest related computer science?
    • What advice would give a new developer / something they wish they had known when they started programming?
    • What are the most challenging parts in being a programmer? What should I expect?
    • Have you created anything that gave you great satisfaction? If so, what was it?
    submitted by /u/Phantalsm
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    Google Sheets... Finance LON:CCC

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    Trying to program a google sheet including a company listed into the London exchange :

    Computacenter plc

    The way I figure I would program it is to use the Ticker :


    However, it doesn't give back anything... Does anyone know what gives?

    submitted by /u/theLOLbird
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    Can some one explain to me why the border-color black doesn't work on a <hr> element in Firefox?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    First post here and hopefully this is allowed but I literally can't find an explanation anywhere else. Basically the title but if you use <hr> to make a line break and try to style it with border-color:black or even border-color:#000000 it will just be the normal white grey color, but as soon as you make it even literally one point different to a slightly different shade of black it will work fine and be black. I've only found this problem on Firefox and was wondering why it is that way.

    submitted by /u/Dmon24
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    A way to have visual studio telephone emulator on windows 10?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    Hey, so i am starting to learn to develop apps with visual studio and windows 10. VS has an emulator but I can't get it to work since I have windows 10. I downloaded another separate emulator but I don't know how to link it to VS so I can debug and try. Any ideas?

    Thank you in advance :)

    submitted by /u/raggatat9
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    Thoughts on creating a logging endpoint

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    What are your thoughts on creating an endpoint for logging from a client that does not need authorization?

    I have situations where a user is not logged in or has no authentication token and I want to see their request with all the data in a log (can't touch middleware on server end)

    submitted by /u/Head_Watercress_6260
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    Burnout from work

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    I work as an app/devops admin.

    I've been in a corporate environment for a number of years - there's a lot of stress and bullshit, things must be done quickly and preferably yesterday, the upper managements sacked a number of people last year and likely don't want to spend money on new (good) employees.... I don't have time to work on things I like... vacations help but only for a limited time.

    I'm thinking how it would look like if I ditched the whole thing I'm doing now and started doing something else entirely, like piecing together some Arduinos or something....

    Anyone else with similar experiences?

    submitted by /u/western_cringe
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    Draft protocol

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    If anyone can help me with this exercise, I would be grateful.

    Draft protocol:

    Imagine developing a service in a local network that records the ambient temperature of all connected computers. It should not be considered here how this temperature is measured and digitized. Take that as if it's already given. You should also define a protocol.

    1. What questions remain unanswered in this brief description? Write down any questions you have left!

    2. Answer the questions you have asked in such a way that the answers do not contradict each other and a meaningful protocol can emerge.

    3. Sketch an application protocol for this application.

    4. What decisions do you make for the lower log levels?

    submitted by /u/triumfi
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    How hard is it to change an existing back-end tech stack from one thing to another?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    Our current back-end runs on Ruby on Rails. The original developers who built it have mostly left, and most of our remaining team have their expertise in other backend stacks.

    Not only that, but hiring is also more difficult if we have to look for devs with expertise in Rails.

    Is it time to change our backend stack? How complex is this?

    submitted by /u/Lostwhispers05
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    If I install OpenCV through Anaconda will OpenCV run in C++ or Python?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 01:11 AM PDT


    I wanted to use OpenCV which, I'm given to understand, is written in C++. If I install it through here https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/opencv and use it in PyCharm, will I be running a version of the program that is written in Python or will I still be running the same C++ stuff and simply accessing it through Python?

    I ask because C++ is much, much faster than Python, right? So I need the C++ version but the rest of my program is in Python. How do I solve this?

    submitted by /u/JoZeHgS
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    Processes in a Server

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    What is the maximum number of processes that can be addressed directly from the network that can run simultaneously on a server?

    Important: This is about the theoretical number.

    submitted by /u/triumfi
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    Heroku dyno behaviour.. How do Heroku dyno's exactly work?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 04:06 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit,

    I have a Vue, Django integrated project. I hosted the Vue project on Netlify and the Django project on Heroku. A python script (integrated into Heroku) is called on certain buttons which extract data and posts this to the Django API and PostgreSQL database to be viewed on the frontend.

    Now I have the free dyno, which works to extract the data with the Python script and posts it on the PostgreSQL database. When I have multiple processes calling the Python script (and thus the dyno worker), I do not have the expected output.

    Example 1: I call three (short) processes in parallel which make the dyno work. I get R14 (memory quota) errors, and only two of the three processes are being finished. The last one does not seem to be executed anymore (also not after the two processes are finished, and the memory would be available i assume).

    Example 2: I call three (longer) processes in parallel which make the dyno work. I get some idling errors in my heroku logs, and at (seemingly) random points, one of the three processes stop, and then the other one etc.

    Is this expected behaviour? And will this be fixed when I get the 7$ dyno's (that do not sleep)? Because the idling error might be fixed, but then again with the memory I do not know why it is not executed after the two processes are finished. How can I make sure that at least all the processes are being executed and finished, can this at all be fixed with higher tier dyno's for example?

    Thanks a lot, appreciate the help!

    submitted by /u/aubamejan
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    Can someone please tell me why I am getting "Segmentation error" for Project Euler #196

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 02:39 AM PDT

    What is the best free NLP or similar solution to tell whether two product descriptions are of the same product, of similar but different products or completely different products?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 02:21 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I need to compare product descriptions from e-commerce websites to tell whether they are describing the same product, similar products from the same category or completely different products. Can this be relatively easily accomplished using already existing solutions?

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/JoZeHgS
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    Help me pick my first programming monitor

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 01:56 AM PDT

    Hi !

    I would like to buy a monitor - my first one - for programming . I am into curved - ultrawide monitors .

    So far i have seen Dell S3422DW , Dell S3422DWG and HP 34f Curved Monitor 34" QHD

    What do you think ? Do you suggest something else ? Is it important to be IPS ? Please help me :(

    submitted by /u/MatinaProg
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    Imacros help needed

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    Hi guys! I am pretty new to all this stuff and found the imacro extension by a recommendation from a user on a previous thread I posted. I recorded my macro and I can loop it thru the play function buy I need to have the component that is filled be different every loop I am pasting the macro code below so it should be much clearer

    VERSION BUILD=1011 RECORDER=CR URL GOTO=https://xxxxx/admin/plans/edit/2 TAG POS=1 TYPE=TEXTAREA FORM=ACTION:https://xxxxxx/admin/plans/edit/2 ATTR=ID:i_coupons CONTENT=test1 TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON FORM=ACTION:https://xxxxx/admin/plans/edit/2 ATTR=NAME:submit

    I basically want the content value to increase by one every loop , so instead of having test1, the next loop should enter it as test2 , then test3 up until test 5000.

    Thank you very much for your help!

    submitted by /u/rbitar
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    Freelancers: Do you add extra code that consumes time, so that you can quickly remove it for a fee?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    Do you ever add in repetitive or superfluous code that laymen wouldn't recognize, so that you can up-sell clients to make their product run more efficiently- but you're simply removing that pre-planned segment? Is that common or ubcommon? Would it even be legal?

    I am the person that asks tech support how to re-start my desktop. If this is a ridiculous question, my bad. TIA.

    submitted by /u/WannaBeA_Vata
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    How do I get into cloud servers, hosting etc.. ?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 09:54 PM PDT

    I tried to google it but I'm really really confused about this. I understand I could rent a remote server to run my devs and serve my web apps. Sounds good cause I'm coding on my work machine and soon the IT fuckers will cut my admin access and get rid of all my programs.

    I need a really dumb down explanation and guidance to understand and make choices.

    I'd like to be able to serve my Jee (Jakarta now) web apps, work on my c++ and java desktop projects and host my own private maven and npm repos. Is that even doable ?

    submitted by /u/bentheone
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