Learn to Code With Data Visualizations - Interactive Python Lessons learn programming |
- Learn to Code With Data Visualizations - Interactive Python Lessons
- Looking for web developer portfolio examples
- How does the community feel about The Odin Project?
- How do you pronounce SAPI5?
- What online sources that makes a real software engineer not just a coder ?
- Learning C/C++! Wanting a BUDDY to make sure I STOP procrastinating for GOOD!
- My uni has asked us to earn badges and/or points on platforms like leetcode and hackerranks
- Hi guys, what do you think about this page?
- Banking API
- Question about scalable but easy to understand object access in RBAC system
- Why swift isn’t the BEST choice as a first language
- Why should I learn to program?
- Super confused about this EASY leetcode question
- How can I access this Nested Dictionary in Python?
- Comp sci student, Learning to program at 19, is it realistic to aspire to high level computer science?
- Learning two languages simultaneously.
- How to handle user logins Authentiction Authorization.
- Beginner question regarding AWS S3
- HackerRank
- Overcoming the "real world" programming wall
- learning golang
- Learning YAML
- I need help with excel and I’m hoping you can help!!!
Learn to Code With Data Visualizations - Interactive Python Lessons Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:36 AM PDT Hey gang, I'm a longtime coding teacher, and wanted to write some lessons so that people with no knowledge could get ramped up, and see the purpose of coding. I decided to battle test everything teaching it to my retired mother (who has no coding background). It led to me teaching her by pulling data from the web and building data visualizations in Python from the very start. All fourteen interactive lessons are here -- or you can go through the lessons below -- hope it helps!
And if you really want to see the videos, here they are :) [link] [comments] |
Looking for web developer portfolio examples Posted: 12 Sep 2021 02:32 PM PDT Hey All, I'm a self taught front end dev on the path of trying to land my first job. I'm about to start building my portfolio and right now I'm researching and planning my design. Would any Jr Devs out there be willing to share a portfolio that got them a job / interviews? [link] [comments] |
How does the community feel about The Odin Project? Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:38 PM PDT Just starting my self-taught journey. I took the HTML course on CodeAcademy and found out about TOP. So far I'm a few lessons in and love it. Curious to hear how others feel about it. Thanks for your time! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:25 PM PDT I'm shortly going to have to say it where people can hear and I have no idea whether it's "Ess ay pi eye five", "Sappy five", "Saypey five", "Saypie five" or what. (Obviously when I google on SAPI5 pronunciation I get a lot of stuff about, you know, SAPI5 and pronunciation.) Thanks. [link] [comments] |
What online sources that makes a real software engineer not just a coder ? Posted: 12 Sep 2021 04:06 PM PDT Is it really possible ? , not knowing what to do or where to start on internet ? Too many random sources? Does real knowledge exist on the Internet or does it need a university? [link] [comments] |
Learning C/C++! Wanting a BUDDY to make sure I STOP procrastinating for GOOD! Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:22 AM PDT I'm almost done learning every aspect of Python which includes all the types of sorting, recursion, and data structures (which implies I know all about arrays, strings, dictionaries, class, objects and OOPs concepts). I've done the basics of C and want to pursue learning C++. Anyone wanna buddy study C/C++ with me.? We'll compare how much progress we do each day and we can help each other understand something if we dont get it. Anyone down? PM me or comment down below. I'm sure we'll be able to push each other to learn accurately, faster and quite competitively, while making sure we help each other out if we don't understand something! [link] [comments] |
My uni has asked us to earn badges and/or points on platforms like leetcode and hackerranks Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:40 PM PDT So I'm in my 2nd year and I have maybe another year or so after which we'll be considered for internships. Our placement department makes a group of the top 10% students based on our performance in the above mentioned websites and this group gets the best internships and jobs but the thing is that the level of teaching in our lectures and lab classes is nowhere near enough for solving these questions. I've solved about 20 easy questions and 0 intermediate and hard questions.Even the easy questions take me 30-60 minutes to code and debug for all test cases.If anyone has been through this or knows about this stuff then please let me know what's the best way to deal with this. [link] [comments] |
Hi guys, what do you think about this page? Posted: 12 Sep 2021 09:49 PM PDT Hi, it's My first time working with an API, I would like to receive criticism to improve or know where to start focusing. I used Bulma library for css styles, pure js and jquery, i was thinking about do some testing with cypress, what do you think about that? Thanks! ^ [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:24 PM PDT Would anyone know how possible it is to get an API from a bank to create a personal app for budgeting purposes? Figured it would be a cool personal project. Any help is awesome [link] [comments] |
Question about scalable but easy to understand object access in RBAC system Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:24 PM PDT I'm creating a custom camera surveillance system permission feature for a startup with granular permissions, there are multiple locations with multiple cameras and multiple roles. Role is like : security guard, safety manager, permissions are EDIT/VIEW/DELETE cameras or features like comments, download videos, etc There are multiple locations and different teams, one cloud application hosting everything Should object access be part of a group? for ex: Role "Safety Manager Empire State Building". Then if a user needs to create another site he/she will create a new role for another location and assign the cameras/location, for example "Safety Manager United Nations Building" or "Security Guard United Nations Building" Is this an antipattern and will get messy? should I detach the roles from object access, so in that sense the users will be assigned separately the sites and cameras, then assigned again to specific features based on roles? [link] [comments] |
Why swift isn’t the BEST choice as a first language Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:18 PM PDT It is boasted as being a great first choice for beginners. It is! But only in its explicit syntax. But that same descriptive nature.. they just went overboard IMO. So let me add some context by saying swift was my first language and I am now an iOS developer. But I have to say, some of my struggles in learning the language, other than it being my first we're completely unnecessary. When iterating through a string you don't get an Int you get a String.Index, which by the way cannot be converted to an Int. You have to use a certain function on string, the parameters of which are also not intuitive. And it's much of the same with other common function procedures. Everything seems to be terribly abstracted away. At the time when I was learning swift I didn't pay it too much mind, because after all what did I know? It was only after I went and learned python that I fell in love all over with programming. Don't get me wrong I still love swift, mainly it's closures and structs but they just took it a little too far. But then again this is classic Apple. Pro and a con [link] [comments] |
Why should I learn to program? Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:16 PM PDT What can I do if I learn say python? I'm not after a job in the field. I run my own business so how could it help? [link] [comments] |
Super confused about this EASY leetcode question Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:56 PM PDT Given an integer array, nums return true if any value appears at least twice in the array, and return false if every element is distinct. Ex. Input: nums = [1,2,3,1] Output: true Ex#2 : Input: nums = [1,2,3,4] Output: false My Code: bool containsDuplicate(vector<int>& nums) { vector<int> temp(nums.size(), 0); for(int i=0; i < nums.size();i++) { temp[nums[i]]+=1; } for(int i=0; i < nums.size();i++) { if(temp[nums[i]] > 1) { return true; } } return false; } The code works for arrays that have duplicates but not the ones that are distinct. I keep getting an error when I try the test case for distinct elements such as in Ex#2 where I get this error: address sanitizer: heap buffer overflow in leetcode. I tried this SAME code on REpl.it and it had no problems. So I don't know what the heck is going on with this code that is giving me the address sanitizer problem. Any help??? [link] [comments] |
How can I access this Nested Dictionary in Python? Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:45 PM PDT I would like to print out the "type" key and the value associated with it from the following json file(only mentioned a portion of the json file because its too big) Currently I'm using the code below to access a single key on the "maps" dictionary. How can I print out the dictionaries for the other keys as well? #waypoint_pull =result_json[0]["regions"]["1"]["maps"]["26"]["points_of_interest"] Tried this wp_pull =result_json[0]["regions"]["1"]["maps"] but I'm just getting a print of each individual string character in the key [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:40 PM PDT Seems like every advanced comp sci student or extremely talented computer scientist had started or been involved with computer science or high level mathematics at a young age or during highschool. I was always told I was a gifted student, but coming highschool I was a complete fuck up. Now here I am second year of college and been going all out on independent studying aside from school taking a few online computer science offered by Edx and learning Python above the web development experience I have. I keep getting confronted everyday about how little I understand math, and am planning on going all the way back to algebra on Khanacademy all the way up because my foundations in math are just too garbage, that currently aspiring to anything above calculus seems impossible. I understand the response is always to just keep trying and perceiving, and I completely embrace that and am going to continue everyday… but how realistic is it that I could one day reach the advanced classes at a university and get my degree. I currently am in community college and it just feels like everything amazing is out of my reach because of where I grew up and how I grew up. The universities in California with amazing computer science classes seem to have it all: programs, groups, research etc. It also seems like all the kids in these colleges or involved in engineering or computer science all were part of that stuff years ago in highschool, and I feel beyond stupid and miserable for not taking advantage of the path literally carved in front of me How realistic should I be going at this. I'm at my second year of community college and I just feel like I'm falling behind. Even learning certain computer architecture concepts or algorithms makes my head melt, and I feel like I'm either bullshitting my way through the online courses or that I'm just not made for the advanced stuff. I also understand to anyone older then me this is like the most disrespectful thing to write, talking about being 19 and bitching about my age, but I won't deny it's something that floats around in my head and figured if anyone has any experience on any of this it would be you guys/girls. From your experience, how realistic is this all for me based on the people you know, your own experience, people in the industry etc. I appreciate any help or perceptive anyone can shine. [link] [comments] |
Learning two languages simultaneously. Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:39 PM PDT Can it be done? I only ask since I'm currently learning java in college but I'm about to start a training/course that uses javascript. [link] [comments] |
How to handle user logins Authentiction Authorization. Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:35 PM PDT Hi I'm at the stage where I can create a Web API in C# ASP and Python Django. I'm finding coding the authentication, authorisation, jwt tokens, roles etc very difficult. Been using Identity core. It's very difficult as someone has a YouTube guide on the jwt tokens but the next guide by someone else on roles uses a completely different set-up etc. Surely there must be some kind of azure or aws or external sso I can use instead? Whats the current industry standard for doing this stuff? Thanks [link] [comments] |
Beginner question regarding AWS S3 Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:01 PM PDT I just published my first website using AWS S3. I updated my code in my index.html file but how do I push this update to AWS? This would have nothing to do with github, right? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Sep 2021 03:47 AM PDT How many of you are just newbie in hackerRank??? Actually I want make a community so that we can help each in solving issues. . . P.S i'm a newbie as well so we'll help each M solving in C language [link] [comments] |
Overcoming the "real world" programming wall Posted: 12 Sep 2021 09:17 PM PDT Over the years I've tried multiple times to get into programming but there's always a wall that I come across. Learning the basics of programming and programming languages is simple enough. There are plenty of amazing tutorials and free resources out there for it. But the problem comes when I try to do things that are more real world in application. If you do a search for "beginner C++ projects" for example (C++ is the most recent language I tried to learn), a lot of the suggestions are things like a Bank management system, or a student exam tracker, or an inventory system, etc. These projects sound quite doable in themselves, until you realise that to use any of these projects in a real world application, you need either a strong grasp of file manipulation in C++, and/or access to some kind of database. Maybe I'm just stupid but I don't consider file manipulation in C++ to be anything close to "beginner" tier, and most C++ courses that I've seen never even mention it, let alone cover it. There are other projects that you could do but these usually require the use of graphics, which is a complete pain in the *** to work with in my experience. Again, maybe I'm just stupid but whenever I've tried using any kind of graphics or GUI library it always fails, even when following a tutorial. TLDR: I'm struggling to go from doing simple programming exercises to a project that has real world applications. How do I overcome this wall? Thanks in advance for any advice. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Sep 2021 05:19 PM PDT Will the knowledge gained by using/learning golang be transferable when I want to use/learn java or c#? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 12 Sep 2021 09:01 PM PDT I am interested in learning basic coding so I can use HomeAssistant and potentially ESPHome. Where should I start, are there other languages to learn first? I know nothing about programming so I don't know where to start. Thanks [link] [comments] |
I need help with excel and I’m hoping you can help!!! Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:49 PM PDT Anybody know how I can add the line of a function let's say "y=3x2" for example, (not an average trend line) to an already existing excel scatterplot? [link] [comments] |
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