• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 13, 2021

    You must have used the border-radius property in CSS, but here is a guide covering some of the hidden concept of it web developers

    You must have used the border-radius property in CSS, but here is a guide covering some of the hidden concept of it web developers

    You must have used the border-radius property in CSS, but here is a guide covering some of the hidden concept of it

    Posted: 13 May 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    Three students sue coding bootcamp Lambda School alleging false advertising and financial shenanigans

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    My Side Project: Aurora. Website's analytics made easy! Cookieless & Privacy Focus out of the Box. Built in NextJS.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    Does anyone Develop websites with just HTML / CSS / JS anymore?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 05:36 AM PDT

    Does anyone Develop websites with just HTML / CSS / JS anymore? or is all just frameworks? I'm new to dev and just started learning JS but I feel like everything I see people are using only frameworks. I know you have to learn the basics first but once you're passed that is it frameworks from there on out? Also all the cool websites I see people make were usually made with react or similar.

    submitted by /u/SmokingWaves
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    Marketing: we need perfect page speed for SEO. Done. Marketing also: please add these 8 tracking scripts. Page speed drops 20+ points.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    This is getting ridiculous. The obsession with Google Page Speed metrics. The countless tracking scripts on top of that. Many of which cannot be deferred per specifications. This site has:

    1. Adobe Tag Manager (never heard of that one before)
    2. Google Tag Manager
    3. Marketo tracking
    4. Two other third party trackers from some strage services I never heard of.
    5. Bing Ad tracking
    6. Vidyard video tracking
    7. Facebook pixel

    I told them they could integrate most of the above with GTM but they don't know how to do it. I draw the line at getting involved in setting up GTM for them. I have enough on my plate designing the site and being a fullstack developer with multiple other clients. /rant

    submitted by /u/bobcottle
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    What is this illustration style called? Trying to find resources that have free images like these.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 07:07 AM PDT

    JPEG XL support has been added to Firefox Nightly! 90.0a1 (2021-05-09)

    Posted: 13 May 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    When are you ready for a job?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    I just graduated from University, finishing my Software Engineering degree and looking for a job. But, I'm looking at these jobs (for graduates) which requires the person to know 5-7 different languages. I've spent a lot of my time learning and becoming really good at a few languages (JavaScript, Java, Python and HTML/Frontend). Do I there for just ignore these jobs and not apply (about 60% of the jobs I like) or should I take some time off from looking at jobs and learn new languages.

    Current experience: I haven't really worked a proper software engineering job. But I've done a lot of freelance and worked with friends on projects which have thousands of users daily.

    A few weeks back I decided to challenge myself and learn Reactjs/React Native in a month. I've hadn't used either of the frameworks, and didn't know how they work. But I was able to learn React Native within a week, design an application and code it within 1 month and 3 days. If you want to see the design click here

    Question: I know that I can pick up frameworks and languages super fast, but seeing jobs requiring is kind of overwhelming and I was wondering if I am still under-qualified for most of the graduate jobs. So should I still apply for these jobs or just keep looking? Any feedback is appreciated :)

    P.S: I have been lurking and looking through this subreddit every day, the posts everyone shares are amazing to see and inspiring for me to learn new things.

    submitted by /u/KSJaay
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    Is it worth creating a prototype of almost / exactly how your website should look like before hiring a developer?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    By "worth" I mean does it reduce the workload by a lot for the developer and perhaps also the price. What is worth thinking about when building this prototype?

    (Maybe a dumb question, but I know nothing of this)

    Thank you! :)

    submitted by /u/fishkiller20
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    Blind people, advocates slam company claiming to make websites ADA compliant - In recent months, blind people and disability advocates have been speaking out on social media and suing companies that use AccessiBe

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    Pretty proud of this component I build, only 6 weeks into Javascript and next/react

    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    How do I go about refactoring a huge app in production as a sole dev in the team?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 04:33 PM PDT

    I'm a junior/middle React developer working my first job for almost a year now. I am working on an Admin interface for a site that largely depends on it (without going into details there are lots of articles posted). When I first started I was in a team with another dev who had a lot more experience and I was tasked with fairly simple stuff - building secondary pages and just following the design while he took over the complicated parts.

    It was perfect and stressful at the same time, just the right amount of challenging to keep me on my toes and growing. At some point the aforementioned dev got the boot for slacking too much and I was left all alone. I started getting more and more challenging tasks and the code was growing bulkier under the tight time constraints. I though of giving up a few times, but thanks to google I managed to solve some of the most ball-tearing challenges I've ever had.

    Now, after the release, I've finally got some space to breathe and with the experience behind my back I look at the code and I can't help but think how shitty it is.

    Plain wrong useEffect hook usage, useless bulky class components, lots of inline styling, completely chaotic folder structure, lots of repetition, components that are as big as the holy bible and just beg to get split into smaller ones. It's like a language of it's own, I mean it. I might be unfireable because I believe there isn't anyone who can crack this and I am the only person in this world to know every nook and cranny of my ugly, but functional baby.

    I often feel like it's one small change away from a total memory leak and the ensuing explosion, though I think I'm overreacting. I just don't know where to start and I am a bit afraid to mess up the things. It is very laid back here - there are no code reviews and generally I am the tester, the reviewer, the coder - you name it. A site with 15m monthly visitors deserves better code and I am ready to work hard for it.

    I just want to give this code a whole do-over, but I don't know what should be my way of approaching it. I'd like to have some dev look at the code later and be like: "man, that's a fine piece of coding, young man". Or is this just a pipe dream and I shouldn't be bothered unless asked? I feel like this would be a great achievement to show off and a huge experience booster. I have react docs by my side and some best practice websites open.

    submitted by /u/Afuckingpony
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    Drop IE11 support plan for Vue 3

    Posted: 13 May 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    Which domain provider do I use for my personal website?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    I applied for the Github Education Pack and there are two domain providers that I can choose from that are free, NameCheap and Name.com . However NameCheap extension must be .me and I think Name.com can be whatever you want. Which one is better?

    After the 1 year free I'll probably renew my subscription

    submitted by /u/LGroos
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    .af TLD registration

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    I had a .af domain name that I wanted to register but found that it was unavailable at a number of registrars. Is there a reason why it is not supported by AWS, Google, & namecheap? I saw it available at some other registrars but I'm not sure I trust these sites.

    submitted by /u/BloodAndTsundere
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    How to find remote positions ( Carpet bombing in wrong platforms ) ?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    I am self-taught web developer with 2 years experience in web development. I actually started to build web apps while i was working with my law degree in office of one companies at the time ( i still have day job ). So there was a need to automate things and so on , after 3-4 months i developed some sort of CRM and order tracking app. I didnt stop there each day after work i was coding 4-5-6 hours depending of my mood.

    Last year i moved onto freelancing platforms , after some stinky experiences on freelancer i moved to Upwork. But now , its really taking tools on me i was involved in 4 projects so far mostly as full stack developer. Its getting harder and harder to manage my time.

    So i tried to search for remote position that would give me sort of contract and security that i could just quit my day job. So far im using LinkedIn mostly , and i think that could be the reason since easy apply is just too easy.

    So i am wondering what would be best way to find a remote position. I went for indeed but seems like most of job offers are US based and im from EU. So i am little bit lost and demotivated with low response rate to my application. I know its common , but id appreciate any sort of advice on how and where to do it.

    Appreciate anyone reading this out, sorry for poor formatting and grammar too i really didnt pay too much attention.

    submitted by /u/newtonewacc
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    Does anyone know of any websites that let you see how many pages other websites have?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    I'm curious if this information is hard to attain? Any help appreciated.

    submitted by /u/AndersonRKeegan
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    How to Use Images With Animations After Preloading?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    Basically, I realized that the images in my website were very choppy loading, and that "painting" was taking up most of the performance. Due to this, I think image preloading would fix most of the horrible lag, but I don't actually understand how it works.

    I found this code, from https://github.com/DylanVann/react-native-fast-image/issues/160:

    List of images to preload:

    // Preload images with require(); const images = { 'icon.png': require('./icon.png'), 'orbs-1.png': require('./orbs-1.png'), 'orbs-2.png': require('./orbs-2.png'), 'orbs-3.png': require('./orbs-3.png'), 'survey-1.png': require('./survey-1.png'), }; 

    Image processor:

     // Convert image refs into image objects with Image.resolveAssetSource loadImages(images) { return Promise.all(Object.keys(images).map((i) => { let img = { ...Image.resolveAssetSource(images[i]), cache: 'force-cache' }; return Image.prefetch(img); })); } 


     loadImages(images).then((results) => { /* do something with the image objects */ }); 

    What I don't get is, how would I change my current code for the images into this implementation? What I mean is, my hero part, which is what causes most of the issues, looks like this:


    // importing react import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; // importing motion import { motion } from 'framer-motion'; // importing to know when in frame import { useInView } from 'react-intersection-observer'; // importing the images container import IndividualImage from './IndividualImage' import HoverImages from './HoverImages' // Importing all images from folder of images for desk objects import Bowl from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/bowl.png'; import Box from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/box.png'; import Bunny from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/bunny.png'; import Cable from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/cable.png'; import Chicken from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/chicken.png'; import Cup1 from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/cup1.png'; import Cup2 from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/cup2.png'; import Cup3 from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/cup3.png'; import Desk from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/desk.png'; import DeskBack from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/deskBack.png'; import Figure from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/figure.png'; import Games from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/games.png'; import Headset from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/headset.png'; import Keyboard from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/keyboard.png'; import Monitor from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/monitor.png'; import Notes from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/notes.png'; import Octopus from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/octopus.png'; import PencilCase from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/pencilCase.png'; import PolaroidUp from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/polaroidUp.png'; import Postcard1 from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/postcard1.png'; import Postcard2 from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/postcard2.png'; import Posters from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/posters.png'; import RightBox from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/rightBox.png'; import Screen from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/screen.png'; import Tablet from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/tablet.png'; import TeddyBear from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/teddyBear.png'; import SufferingBackground from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/sufferingBackground.png'; import SufferingIcon from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/sufferingIcon.png'; import SufferingIconLeft from '../../assets/images/heroObjects2/sufferingIconLeft.png'; // Main animation variant for the parent container const container = { hidden: { opacity: 1, scale: 0 }, visible: { opacity: 1, scale: 1, transition: { delayChildren: 0.3, staggerChildren: 0.2 } } }; // Animation variant for non-hoverable objects const item = { hidden: { y: 20, opacity: 0 }, visible: { y: 0, opacity: 1 } }; // Animation variant for hoverable objects const hoverItem = { rest: { y: 0, opacity: 0, scale: 0, }, show: { opacity: 1, scale: 1, transition: { delay: 7.5 } }, hover: { y: -20, transition: { duration: 0.4, type: "tween", } } }; // Creating the function for the hero function Hero(props) { const { ref, inView } = useInView({ threshold: 0.1 }); useEffect(() => { console.log("use effect hook, inView = ", inView); }, [inView]) return( <motion.div className="parentOfAll" variants={container} initial="hidden" animate={inView ? "visible" : "hidden"} ref={ref}> <div className="allGroups"> {/* First group staggered together; desk, and deskBack */} <IndividualImage className="deskBack" imageVariant={item} imageSource={DeskBack} style={{ "z-index": "0" }}/> <IndividualImage className="desk" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Desk} style={{ "z-index": "0" }}/> {/* Second group staggered together; notes, teddy, octopus, pencil case, pens, rightBox */} <IndividualImage className="notes" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Notes} style={{ "z-index": "1" }} /> <IndividualImage className="teddyBear" imageVariant={item} imageSource={TeddyBear} style={{ "z-index": "0" }} /> {/* HOVERABLE OCTOPUS */} <IndividualImage className="octopus" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Octopus} style={{ "z-index": "0" }} /> <IndividualImage className="pencilCase" imageVariant={item} imageSource={PencilCase} style={{ "z-index": "10" }} /> <IndividualImage className="chicken" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Chicken} style={{ "z-index": "10" }}/> <IndividualImage className="cup1" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Cup1} style={{ "z-index": "1" }} /> <IndividualImage className="cup2" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Cup2} style={{ "z-index": "1" }} /> <IndividualImage className="cup3" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Cup3} style={{ "z-index": "1" }} /> {/* Third group staggered together; games, box (both), postcard1 and 2, bowl, statue, bunny */} <IndividualImage className="games" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Games} style={{ "z-index": "2" }} /> <IndividualImage className="box" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Box} style={{ "z-index": "1" }} /> <IndividualImage className="postcard1" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Postcard1} style={{ "z-index": "-1" }} /> <IndividualImage className="bowl" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Bowl} style={{ "z-index": "3" }} /> <IndividualImage className="postcard2" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Postcard2} style={{ "z-index": "-1" }} /> <IndividualImage className="figure" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Figure} style={{ "z-index": "0" }} /> <IndividualImage className="bunny" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Bunny} style={{ "z-index": "0" }} /> <IndividualImage className="rightBox" imageVariant={item} imageSource={RightBox} style={{ "z-index": "0" }} /> {/* Fourth group staggered together; posters, headset, keyboard, polaroidUp */} <IndividualImage className="posters" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Posters} style={{ "z-index": "-1" }} /> <IndividualImage className="headset" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Headset} style={{ "z-index": "1" }} /> <IndividualImage className="keyboard" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Keyboard} style={{ "z-index": "0" }} /> <IndividualImage className="polaroidUp" imageVariant={item} imageSource={PolaroidUp} style={{ "z-index": "-1" }} /> {/* Fifth group staggered together; cable, tablet, monitor */} <IndividualImage className="cable" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Cable} style={{ "z-index": "-1" }} /> <IndividualImage className="tablet" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Tablet} style={{ "z-index": "0" }} /> <IndividualImage className="monitor" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Monitor} style={{ "z-index": "0" }} /> {/* Screen special */} <IndividualImage className="screen" imageVariant={item} imageSource={Screen} style={{ "z-index": "0" }} /> <IndividualImage className="windowsXP" imageVariant={item} imageSource={SufferingBackground} style={{ "z-index" : "20" }} /> <a href="#"> <HoverImages className="sufferingIcon" imageVariant={hoverItem} imageSource={SufferingIcon} style={{ "z-index": "21" }} /> </a> </div> </motion.div> ); } export default Hero; 


    // importing react import React from 'react'; // importing motion import { motion } from 'framer-motion'; function IndividualImage(props) { return( <div className={props.className}> <motion.img src={props.imageSource} style={props.style} alt={props.className} variants={props.imageVariant}/> </div> ); } export default IndividualImage; 


    // importing react import React from 'react'; // importing motion import { motion } from 'framer-motion'; // Making the function function HoverImages(props){ return( <div className={props.className}> <motion.img src={props.imageSource} style={props.style} alt={props.className} variants={props.imageVariant} initial="rest" animate="show" whileHover="hover" /> </div> ); } export default HoverImages; 

    Obviously, these are a lot of images loaded into the website, which make it very choppy and slow whenever they're in view.

    Here's a video of the lag + performance stats (after a period of loading): https://imgur.com/a/JSXmmpm

    Any help with this is appreciated! I'm very new to this, and it feels a bit overwhelming haha.

    submitted by /u/Tomatorumrum
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    5 steps to faster web fonts

    Posted: 13 May 2021 05:51 AM PDT

    My country app.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    Hello all ,

    I've built little country app , based on this API , and the design from Front End Mentor.

    I would greatly appreciate it if you give me some honest feedback on it soo I can improve it .

    Its my side project just to practice web development , and I will continue working on it.

    Its live here , and code is published on Github here .

    I recently have started learning backend technologies , and I would like to hear your ideas to practice backend on this site.

    submitted by /u/somy032
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    Create a website from scratch that a client can access and update

    Posted: 13 May 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    I've been learning web development for a few months and I told a friend that I'd love to give his home studio website a refresh. My plan was to make it from scratch but I realized that would make adding his own content difficult.

    It seems like the options for website creation are either - make it from scratch including back end, or, designing it with something like wordpress or wix so that the client has easy control of the content.

    Where I'm confused is where these two meet in the middle. For instance, can I design a website from scratch while having Wordpress manage stuff like emailing the contact form data? How about content creation? How does the CMS interact with the custom HTML/CSS/JS?

    Perhaps I need to just do more research but with all of the platforms available it's hard to narrow down my search. I'll welcome any resources that can help me understand this process as up until now I've just been hosting my own projects on github pages.

    submitted by /u/elementIdentity
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    Getting a job at FAANG without degree but having some years of experience ?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    Is it possible to get a front end job at FAANG after having at least 5 years of experience in the field (including internship) without a degree ? I'm not planning on going to college since I live in a third world country and our country has shitty colleges. And what should I focus on more to be able to be an engineer at FAANG, should I focus on UX/UI, data structures and algorithms etc. ?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/erenftw
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    Need help with oAuth2 connection with protected 3rd party API

    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    I'm creating a React webapp which needs to display data which can be retrieved from the Exact Online API. This API is secured by oAuth2.0. Via POSTman I can get through this process, but not in React itself. I have been trying my own solutions and solutions such as Auth0, oidc-react and more. With OIDC-React I get CORS errors which I can't find a fix for.

    Do I NEED a backend such as NodeJS/Express in order to complete this oAuth2 procedure for my React webapp, or can it all be done within the frontend?

    Is the Exact environment doing something unusual to make it this hard to interact with, or am I not seeing what I need to do correctly? I've been at a loss for this for the last weeks.

    Thanks in advance if you can point me in the right direction.

    submitted by /u/WwortelHD
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    How's this 3d, video-ish style called?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 01:30 PM PDT

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