• Breaking News

    Friday, December 3, 2021

    Dan Abramov (React Software Engineer and Co-Creator of Redux) struggles to center a div web developers

    Dan Abramov (React Software Engineer and Co-Creator of Redux) struggles to center a div web developers

    Dan Abramov (React Software Engineer and Co-Creator of Redux) struggles to center a div

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 11:21 AM PST

    Microsoft's new Edge prompts also call Chrome a "so 2008" browser when you try and download it

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 09:56 AM PST

    jQuery is (still) used on 80%+ of websites

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 06:27 PM PST

    How do you manage customer passwords?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 01:57 AM PST

    Working for a small web design company and my boss asked me to look into improving our password management. Which is horrendous to be fair.

    Goal would be that we would be able to manage company internal passwords and customer passwords (Wordpress access, server access) based on user.

    1. Making passwords available to users with different access levels
    2. Giving out single passwords to single users.
    3. Point being that e.g. interns don't have access to all passwords, but there still being ways to access passwords remotely.
    4. Would like to avoid that the passwords are being sent in chats or stored in open text formats.

    Have looked into password managers especially Dashlane, but has anyone some proper experiences or recommendations?

    submitted by /u/JoergJoerginson
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    Dumb experiment: a gameboy emulator inside a CSS Houdini Worklet

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 12:31 AM PST

    Are there any other CSS frameworks like Bootstrap worth learning?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 05:45 AM PST

    I am completing a full-stack course soon and I learned quite a bit of bootstrap. I really like it and the challenge of designing (I think that's the term I need to use) so quickly and smoothly but still within limitations that force me to be creative.

    I was wondering if there are more frameworks such as Bootstrap that are worth taking a look at!

    submitted by /u/bobsterthemonster
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    Finding people

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 07:51 AM PST

    I really want to make a startup. I don't live in a populated place so it's hard and i have restraints so I'm tied here for a couple years. Any recommendations of places to find programmers who might want to work on projects? Do you guys recommend fiver? I can pay for programmers but I'd really like to build a team not just hire a worker for a specific task and that's it.

    submitted by /u/Bear8306
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    Facing difficulty while Fixing the issues of Reducing unused CSS [Help Me]

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 04:47 AM PST

    Facing difficulty while Fixing the issues of Reducing unused CSS [Help Me]

    Hello Dev,

    I am facing some issues regarding website speed and Reducing unused CSS.

    My website link: nuovoteam.com


    Please help me out.

    submitted by /u/rrakesharmaa
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    A website or tool that shows current social media trends

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 05:48 AM PST

    We are from a local news channel,

    We want to have a segment where we show recent social media trends in our locality.

    Is there any common website where we can get the data, for our everyday program?

    submitted by /u/ch1253
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    Faster DevTools navigation with shortcuts and settings - DevTools Tips

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 02:21 AM PST

    Lightweight backend API framework that can be customized if needed.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 02:04 AM PST

    I am mainly Python/JS developer and I am looking for some backend framework that can easily connect to my database, both SQL and NO-SQL, that quickly lets me setup endpoint (can be rest or graphql), with authentication, authorization, and allows me to add some functions that can handle business logic. Can be within the framework or just easy way to connect to some serverless functions. Also good if it was easily scalable without the need of task queues or whatever else. Just plug and play into heroku, vercel or azure app service.

    Do you have something to recommend? So far I found Supabase, but its only SQL, but I sometimes need to use NoSQL, but it is certainly something that on my radar right now. I know there is Firebase

    I have been using Django with Django Rest Framework and Redis, Celery, RabbitMQ for many things and sometimes it seems to be extreme overkill for CRUD App with some custom businsess logic. It adds on a lot of technical debt and while for big projects with tons of developers it might be good idea, then I think for some projects some small scalable framework with easy setup would be better.

    submitted by /u/datapim
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    Looking for feedback on a product that links devs around the world with Irish companies!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 03:59 AM PST

    I am trying to gauge interest in a potential product I'm trying to build in Ireland as a way to link up Irish companies offering remote jobs with developers around the world.

    At it's core it would be similar to most job board sites but you'd have the opportunity to build a much more comprehensive profile (by doing cultural fit assessments, a video portfolio and video interview of general questions for your role) and it will be primarily for jobs within growing SAAS startups and scale-ups.

    A company would then put up a job posting and general details of their ideal candidate and we'd then give them a snapshot of the profiles that are in the ballpark and they can request then to view your full profile.

    The benefit for you is that you'd have to submit one application and do one interview and that can be used for multiple companies.

    We wouldn't be taking over the entire recruitment process and would still anticipate you'd have to do extra ones in person with the company but it would accelerate and de-risk the process for both you and the company.

    I've built a landing page with a sign up form to gauge interest in it. If this is something you think you might use and you'd like to hear updates as I move forward, it would mean a lot if you could sign up at the link below. I hope to have a prototype built in the next few months that I can begin testing with. Thanks everyone!


    submitted by /u/YewTewbs
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    Will there be SEO issues if I override the default behavior of an <a> tag to load the content with ajax?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 09:39 PM PST

    Say I write a website, and it's generally a normal website with just a header/nav and different pages of text. But I am firmly in the SPA camp and I want to make my website like a SPA - so I will override each of the <a> tags with javascript to load the content, replace the content with the fetched content, and change the url in the url bar manually.

    Will this hurt my seo score? Will this make it so that google can't crawl my site properly?

    Thanks for the insight!

    submitted by /u/AbuJavascript
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    Why isn't the hover effect working here?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 09:57 AM PST

    I put

    #submit:hover { 

    background-color: darkgreen; }


    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    What is currently most popular tech stack for full backend and frontend web application ?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 04:44 AM PST

    Hello there,

    I am python backend dev (mostly in data engineering field), and I am slowly starting learning more towards web development. And I wonder what currently are most popular tech stacks for web dev ?
    I know that few some time ago Django was popular as a monolith with all batteries included, but now I see that web development look more like using a micro backend framework like flask, express and rest is React.js.
    Any full stack dev can elaborate about current state of web development ? What are most popular technologies, and what are reasons for that ?
    It will be very helpful, bacause I don't know if I should go more in the way of learning some micro frameworks for backend, or with big frameworks like Django ?

    submitted by /u/masek94
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    Trying to understand parallax scrolling / locking effects and could use some help

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 09:32 AM PST

    Hi Everyone, I'm trying to replicate a parallax scrolling effect that Apple uses on their website and I am having trouble determining how they achieved their effect. The website is this page: https://www.apple.com/iphone-13-pro/

    Specifically, I'm trying to replicate the first two sections of the website, where the first bit of content allows a little bit of scrolling, then it locks in place while the second bit of content with the blue background scrolls on top of it.

    Looking into parallax and examples online there's a lot of examples of things scrolling at different rates of speed but I haven't been able to find any examples of this "locking" effect other than on Apple's website. I was wondering if anyone had any examples or insights as to how Apple is achieving this effect.

    It looks to me like they may be using sticky positioning along with keyframes to achieve this effect, but I'm having trouble piecing all of the pieces together of how this effect is achieved.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    submitted by /u/-BMR777-
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    Content Privacy

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 09:13 AM PST

    I don't actually need help but just wondering how it's actually done.

    So; I realised that a website displays users' Vaccination Cards (which contains their private info like ID Number) publicly. I know that some sites has URLs like "... .jpg?expires=blabla" and when you refresh those pages you get 403 error. But on this site the URL to the image is a normal jpg file (... .jpg).

    So how can it be prevented so that only members and site owner can access the file?

    submitted by /u/abzurt_96
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    Could you help me test a domain for SSL?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 06:53 AM PST

    Could you go to elektrischleven.nl and tell me if you get a security error or not?

    It seems like the error comes and goes, depending on browser, platform and previous visits. Especially iPhones and other Apple platforms still give a security warning. But I can't seem to reproduce it on my end.

    This website has been migrated from an earlier address called allelectricwonen.com - which I have tried to eradicate from the website, DNS and Let's Encrypt settings. I've asked people who have never visited the new site elektrischleven.nl (live since about a month) to check it and the people on iPhones get an error.

    Online SSL tests are sometimes giving me connection errors as if the site is down, only a tool called SSL Shopper seemed to work and gave no errors.

    Any clue towards a solution? Are iPhones and Safari more picky than other browsers?

    EDIT: Now honing in on a possible ipv6 vs ipv4 config mismatch..

    submitted by /u/Andromeda2803
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    Does Front End Web Design/Development NOT include UX/UI design consideration?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 03:47 PM PST

    We hired a studio awhile back to fix up our website, in general it just looked abit boring, very little text and no 'wow' factor.

    We got the wireframes from the studio and provided it to our web developer, for her comments and feedback on applying them to our current site, who essentially said they're not fit for purpose, considering our industry and aims of the website, and it seemed the studio didn't have much web design experience.

    The studio responded that they're not UI/UX designers or experienced with that, and are purely Front End Web design/development.

    Now were all confused because we assumed you needed to consider UX/UI and SEO if you're doing front end web design?

    Edit: They made and charged us for wirefarmes on figma, which is adding to our confusion with the UX/UI stuff

    My gut tells me these 2 things aren't separate, but wanted to know from people in the industry? Are they trying to pass the buck or did we really misunderstand what we were paying for?

    2nd Edit: Thank you so much for all your insight! Im quite certain we assumed too much going into this with the studio and should have researched more into the different roles that go into a redesign. Would have liked the studio to explain these points to us before we started because we explained were very new to this and dont have experience in the area. Heck maybe they did and my bosses didnt absorb it

    Thank you all!

    submitted by /u/BabyGotBackAche
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    Googlebot and screen height - IntersectionObserver and Lighthouse score

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 12:11 PM PST

    Hi there!

    I am currently optimizing a website, and one of the optimization techniques is to use the IntersectionObserver API to lazy-load listings of items instead of loading everything during page load.

    This is great.

    However, I found out that if by chance a listing was lazy-loaded right after page load (e.g. if the IntersectionObserver triggers right away), Lighthouse waits until this is done, which litteraly destroys my Lighthouse ranking (it went down from 89 to 52, and sometimes even lower).

    That's why I am only doing this lazy-load thing for listings that are below the fold.

    My question is: how can I be sure what is below/above the fold for GoogleBot? Something perfect during my tests might get an horrible ranking in Googlebot's eyes because its screen height is taller than mine.

    Thank you all for any pointers on this!


    submitted by /u/Renostalgy
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    Issues with <picture> tag -- not working in Chrome?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 12:00 PM PST

    I am having difficulties with the <picture> tag; I want to display avif files as default, but if it is not supported by the browser, it will skip that and display a jpg instead. I have my code set up like so:

    <picture> <source srcset="static/path-to-image.avif" type="image/avif"> <img src="static/path-to-image.jpg" alt="name" class="class-name"> </picture> 

    According to the docs here, this is both an appropriate usage and the correct syntax.

    It does not appear to be working properly in Chrome (although it is working in Edge and Firefox). No image loads at all; it just gives an error. I know both images (avif and jpg) are there as they open/download when I inspect element and click on the urls. They are just not displaying in the browser.

    Does anyone know what might be going on here?

    submitted by /u/GrimbledonWimbleflop
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    What am I? What is a UX developer? Is that real?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 03:09 AM PST


    As a life-time freelance, I got lost in that game of labelling weird job positions with high salaries. The other day I found out that there is something called "UX Developer". Somehow it is in between a front-end and a designer, and can get an amazing salary for working office hours. Although that description makes no sense to me.

    Is that true? Or is it a recruiters' psycho thing?

    It sounds a bit like me. And I started wondering what am I. Ok, I'm 37 and soon will be difficult to be up to date. And I'm considering trying to find a 9 to 5 position.

    I see that usually people are super specialized in a certain field. A junior React developer who never worked before gets a decent salary the day that gets out of the Uni. Probably just doing that.

    On the other hand, I was wondering what am I and what sort of positions I could apply to in the next couple of years. I feel I can do a bit of everything, but I'm not an expert at anything:


    Communication and management:

    • I have been freelancing since ever. But seriously into the web for last 5 years.
    • I conduct all the communication with clients, from the big boss contract negotiation to the final user of the website.
    • I do like and feel very comfortable working in teams. Specially with people better than me, because I can't stop asking them questions to learn and understand more and discuss why things are build in a certain way.
    • I hire people and test skills when I need a back-end developer. I have long term freelance partners, which probably means something good.
    • Experience working in-house in companies like Letgo, SAP or Unilever's agencies. I don't like it but can dress up a little bit. I got recommended.

    UI Design:

    • Have a 4 years degree.
    • UI Design and all sort of print design since I finished my degree.

    UX Design:

    • Experience building the wireframes to understand the user flow and the architecture of the site. Sometimes I create the prototype with Figma.
    • I conducted several UX research interviews and did a bit of that A/B testing with the users.
    • I take the clients' websites needs and develop the specs, designing the wireframes that are handed off to other UI designers.


    • Extensive experience with HTML and CSS (Sass, Tailwind).
    • Templating languages like Jade, Nunjucks or Handlebars (and PHP).
    • Intermediate JS, but I don't play React. Will try Vue or Svelte next year though.
    • Trying to finish a 300h JS course from FreeCodeCamp.
    • Started to build my own CSS "library" with Sass because I hate that Tailwind's dirty coding and its "pixel aproximation perspective".
    • HTML email experience. I built tools for large companies, using Node.js packages, to automate and keep an HTML mail library based on components.


    • I know the basics and I do care about it.
    • I had to analyse and fix a public university website to pass the Goverment's requirements, so I somehow know what it is about.


    • I do websites with WordPress. I build themes from scratch and use ACF Pro and PHP to populate them.
    • I've experience working in Laravel based projects, taking care of the the front.
    • I recently started playing with Eleventy combined with Strapi and Netlify CMS.

    Lol, ended being quite long.

    As you can see, I know a bit of everything but can't specialize.

    Would I find a position in a cool company like the React kids out of the uni? What would be a suitable position for me? UX weirdo?

    submitted by /u/kram08980
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