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    Tuesday, May 11, 2021

    Why do so many tutorials use the command line for file navigation? learn programming

    Why do so many tutorials use the command line for file navigation? learn programming

    Why do so many tutorials use the command line for file navigation?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    It seems easier to me to make folders and files from the windows file explorer instead of doing mkdir this and cd that. Am I just being a noob? Thanks.

    Edit: Some great answers in here, thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/dirtrockground
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    Coding assessments for job interviews often feel impossible to me.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    I have never found a coding test easy. They usually have a time limit of 1-2 hours, I sometimes think it could take me at least 4 hours to get through some of these. Some ways through it, I get stuck and caught in a thought spiral or hit a brick wall. Maybe sometimes I'll calm down just enough to make some more progress but by that point there might only be 20-30 minutes left and a whole other question to complete.

    I know I need to calm down. I know I need to go into these tests level-headed but I still cannot understand how companies expect you to complete them without help from the internet, especially for entry-level positions. I absolutely cannot understand the people that seem to have no problems completing them. I am a software engineer. I work for a company already. Rationally I know I can code, as much as my raging imposter syndrome tells me otherwise. It just often feels like there is a brick wall between me and the ability to figure out these logic puzzles. I hope this post doesn't break any rules. I'm fresh out of another failed test so my emotions are raw.

    submitted by /u/Treshle
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    I cannot recommend anyone to go through a coding bootcamp

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    Using a throwaway just in case.

    Like a lot of people, I was effected by the pandemic and was tired of my current position in life. Not doing what I wanted to do. I used this as an opportunity to make something of myself. Being fascinated with computers and programs for a long time, I finally decided take the leap and make a drastic life change which included starting in a coding bootcamp.

    It starts off with on your own learning for the first month, learning about datatypes, functions, loops, arrays, etc. Once they start lecture it is an absolute nightmare. You spend 60-70 hours a week including the weekend learning content and attempting to build and construct programs with homework. If you dont feel like you were able to grasp a concept or how something works, thats too bad, they continue whether you understand the content or not. They do NOT teach you even basics of computer science, something that in my opinion is absolutely necessary in the basic foundation of building computer software and programs.

    To summarize the entire experience: its rushed, you feel stupid when you're left behind and have to ask for help and questions, and the entire lecture goes by way too quickly to retain everything they throw at you in the time thats been allocated. As a result of this, its way too easy to fall behind if you don't understand even one concept.

    I will admit that at the end of the entire camp, they worked extremely hard to get our resumes spruced up and get us placed into jobs. This is great, however there is absolutely 0 preparation as what to expect when you start your first job. This is where I think camps are a failure. We learned on javascript, but right after graduation I got into a job where the stack is an OOP language. This was a shock to me because I had already felt like I was struggling a bit with javascript, and now I have to learn an entirely new type of language. It was essentially starting all over again, but thankfully, the basics obviously carry over like data types, variables, loops, etc.

    Ive been technically labeled as an engineer for a little bit now and I feel lost all of the time. I find it extremely difficult to write out code but I have no problem reading it and understanding what its doing. I feel overwhelmed and worried about my job every time I come to the office.

    In conclusion, I really cannot recommend a coding bootcamp. It does absolutely nothing to prepare you for problem solving and figuring out real world problems as they come to you. Git and agile software development are briefly covered, but not enough to desensitize you to working with it in an enterprise environment.

    I love computers, computer science, and everything about technology but Ive felt like a complete imposter ever since I was hired and Im struggling every day trying to get better. As someone who enjoying learning new things and expanding knowledge as much as I can, sometimes I just burn out within a couple of hours. 6 months is NOT enough time to learn the beautiful world of computer language.

    submitted by /u/throwingtheaway7869
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    I'm working through C# course on CodeCademy and it's probably the best coding 101 I have come across

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:03 PM PDT

    Some background, I have some "experience" from working in web dev for internal projects where I was full stacking, and although I managed to wing bunch of projects with no prior coding experience and little to no supervision for a little over 2 years (I was the first "in-house" dev, and it wasn't what I was hired for to begin with), I would hesitate to call myself a real dev.

    It's been a while since I've visited codecademy, but recently I had sudden urge to try getting into programming anew and set my eyes on C# for its versatility and support, so I thought I'd check out the codecademy course to refamiliarize myself with syntax and logic. Boy, did it not disappoint!

    I'm going to stress again that I'm a weak authority on the subject, but nothing the course was dishing out I wasn't already familiar with - and even then it helped clarify some concepts that have been gnawing on me, I also tried other courses in the past and while they were usually good and each one brought something worthwhile to the table I always felt like something was missing or wished it was a bit different or a bit less convoluted, but no course felt as concise and comprehensive as the C# course on CC, and I'm not speaking from the perspective of C# programming, but from any language (imo).

    From start to finish, it felt like the perfect course I would have written for my past self that's just getting into coding. Every topic it covered, every concept, every coding habit, it all felt so cleanly integrated into the syllabus that I felt like there was little to no fluff left.

    If any of you are willing to try it out/have tried it and lmk what you think I'd be grateful, idk if I'm biased/out of touch and it's par/subpar with what's out there, or is it really is the kind of gem it feels like.

    Also if you have any underrated guides/courses/references that felt like they helped you step up your game, please feel free to share!

    submitted by /u/D--flat
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    Creating Spreadsheet Web App for Work

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:37 PM PDT

    Looking for some advice on how I should build a spreadsheet webapp. For context, I have a computer science degree but haven't done much development in this space as my job consists primarily of SQL/ETL/data engineering. I thought I would take on this project for fun and maybe it will provide some value. If not, I hope to have fun learning and tinkering.

    Currently, we have users who interact with our SQL database through excel + VBA. I thought it would be cool to create a spread sheet app to bring the excel interface online.

    Currently I am thinking of using React + RevoGrid (since it is free and looks pretty good) to build the interface. Hopefully the webapp would be able to use the user's LDAP login to determine the objects and permission the user has access to (similar to our excel interface). Some questions I had

    1. I was thinking of connecting directly to SQL much like how our excel files are connected directly to our SQL database. Would this be an issue? Should I create an API layer with either express or GraphQL (limited knowledge in each, have learned through college courses or dabbled).
    2. It would be great if I can save user preferences. Such as if I enabled some filtering capabilities, the session is saved so that the user can come back and see their filters. What can I leverage to do this?
    3. Is there anything I'm missing to create this app?
    4. I'm not savvy on security, and I would like to be as secured and safe as possible. Is there anything I need to consider here?
    submitted by /u/phamtony21
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    Self Taught Programmer [5.10.2021, post 2]

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:14 PM PDT

    Came across this post; everyone should read it. In short, rushing through the learning process is not going to save you time in the long run; you need to master the fundamentals before mastering the next abstraction. I was trying to rush through the learning process. Thanks u/Standardweasel for the motivation.

    This week's post is more focused on the mental approach trying to learn while having a full-time job. It's tough. Debating returning to school for a CS degree while self teaching but already graduated from college with an unrelated degree. Going back and forth on the pros and cons of returning to OSU. I've had a few people ask me "is FCC going to be enough on its own?" Firstly, I have no idea what I'm doing as i stated in the first post. Second, I don't think FCC on its own is going to be sufficient at least for me personally.

    Something that I was originally doing for a long time was watching a tutorial without typing the code. Seems self explanatory but at least for me, refrain from even copy and pasting. Type it all out.

    Also, console.log every single function. Mess around with the code and build on every example. Not only will it help you debug your code, but I found it was helpful thinking about the result and what you are passing into the function. There's 111 on the first JavaScript section, don't fly through it.

    Another post I've found helpful about returning to difficult questions and memorizing how to complete them: learning how to learn, the power of recalling and spaced repetition. Eat up the hard questions.

    I've been learning by starting with FCC – moving to Edabit for JavaScript practice and then W3 schools for HTML / CSS practice. Like I said earlier I felt I was moving too quickly through HTML / CSS. Going to continue to do these practice examples as I move to different certs to make sure I am not forgetting.

    Workflow so far has been:

    - FCC course with videos explaining complex sections. Even if I understand it ill watch the videos. This helps me memorize topics; you can hear the way he verbalizes how he approaches the solution, writing the code and logging to the console.

    - W3 school to practice HTML / CSS

    - Edabit to practice JavaScript

    - During the day when slow at work, watching the CS50 course via EDX. Instructor is phenomenal

    Goals for the week:

    - Finish the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Cert on FCC.

    - Continue lists on projects I want to build and how I might go about building them with the new material I am learning weekly.

    - Learning how to learn

    - Week 0 / Week 1 CS50

    As always, would love to hear feedback, recommendations, your weekly goals, or anything to help!

    submitted by /u/namonite
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    Help understanding types of data structures.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:32 PM PDT

    Hi, I am watching crash courses computer science series and I need some clarification on #14 Data Structures

    @ 2:25 She mentions that the string ends with 0, the null value

    This raises 2 questions,

    Why the need for this? She states its so the computer knows when to stop otherwise it would just keep printing everything in memory. But why doesnt it know to just stop at the S, since you defined J to be STAN ROCKS who why wouldnt it know the S is the end. In otherwords I know she is saying the 0 is placed at the end as a marker, but why can it just use the last value in the string as the marker to stop. Instead of the computer printing until it sees the null value, why not print until it reached 9 values after the first S which is first value.

    And second question, if 0 is the marker to stop, how are you supposed to use 0? If you set j="1409" and write print[j] wouldnt it just print 14 ?

    @ 4:00 she introduces structs. This is the part of the video giving me the most trouble. Before this she introduces an array which is just a list of data stored sequentially. Then she introduces matrices where each row is stored as an array followed by the next row. This I understand.

    Then she mentions structs exist if we need to bundle variables together, allowing you to create arrays variables that aren't just a single number.

    2 questions, I do not understand how this is any different then a matrix or how arrays as they were already explained were not sufficient.

    1st question, She gives the example of storing a bank account along with its balance. But thats just a matrix tho, You can make a a row where the f1st column is the bank account and the 2nd is the balance, in the memory it will store the whole row as a sub array. Look at the frame @ 4:21 it looks like the fame @ 3:28. How does the computer treat the struct any different from just a matrix?

    2nd question, in @ 0:52 she shows the array has its variables separated by commas j={5,3,7,21,82,4,19}, but couldnt you just put whatever you want inbetween the commas? like j={account#Balance# , account#Balance# , account#Blance#,} So you could already bundle together data then what's the point of a struct?

    submitted by /u/CarlSagan111
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    Connect to phone via Bluetooth on Windows and send data

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    Hello! I recently had a spike in curiosity about Bluetooth and how it works. I have an android phone and have been reading the Android API about Bluetooth, which seems to be pretty straightforward and intuitive. My end goal is to create a simple app on my phone and on my Windows computer that can send data over Bluetooth. For example, I press a button on the phone, which notifies the computer and it displays something on my monitor upon the button being clicked. Like I said, the Android API was pretty well-written, but the Windows API on the other hand... that's a different story. I immediately attracted towards C++ but there's only a couple of functions in the Bluetooth section and I'm not really even that skilled with C++ anyways. So I have two questions: What language should I use to do what I described, and what are some methods, links, resources, etc. that can help me do so in that language. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/PutterBeanutWasTaken
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    Why can't I solve any Leetcode problems? Even easy ones?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    I was feeling quite confident about my JavaScript knowledge, and have been able to create some fun web apps in the past, and when I'm practicing I never seem to have much trouble. Anyway, today I started Leetcode. I just wanted a challenge like the ones on Sololearn. So I started with the easy questions, and then realized I couldn't even do them. Am I just not cut out for programming?

    submitted by /u/_bcer_
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    Twitter API Dictionary Bot

    Posted: 10 May 2021 07:33 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm a student in year 12 and for my major project I wanted to create a automated dictionary that can define words given when asked Example : @TwitterDictionary define : Happiness The bot will then find a definition as well as a synonym from the Oxford Dictionary

    Wanted to know if this would even be possible? If you wanted me to make a diagram to explain better lmk because I don't think I explained correctly 😅😅

    Thanks !!

    submitted by /u/Longjumping-Treat-26
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    How to find discipline?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    How the fuck do I find discipline while learning? I feel distracted after more than an hour. Please help I feel so shitty after doing nothing and when I do, I cannot concentrate. What do I do?

    Edit : I feel distracted by games, movies and sometimes even by weather outside. And then when doing those things I can't even enjoy them. I am stuck in this endless loop.

    submitted by /u/dhruv_boss
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    Building a symmetric adjacency matrix of a given sparse matrix

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    I am finding it hard to understand the following piece of code which constructs a sparse adjacency matrix of a given sparse matrix.

    ```# build symmetric adjacency matrix adj = adj + adj.T.multiply(adj.T > adj) - adj.multiply(adj.T > adj)``` 

    This is what I tried out:

    adj =np.array([[2. , 0., 0. ], [3. , 0. , 0. ], [3. , 0. , 0. ]]) adjs=sp.coo_matrix(adj) adjs.T.todense() #matrix([[2., 3., 3.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]]) adjs.T.multiply(adjs.T > adjs).todense() #matrix([[0., 3., 3.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]]) q= adjs+adjs.T.multiply(adjs.T > adjs)+adjs - adjs.multiply(adjs.T > adjs) q.todense() matrix([[4., 3., 3.], [6., 0., 0.], [6., 0., 0.]]) ``` 

    In the output the diagonals are not zero.

    The code is part of the graph convolutional network paper by Kipf and it's in the setup.py file here:


    I do not understand how that code makes a matrix symmetric. Can anyone give an explanation?

    submitted by /u/Turbulent_Animator65
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    A good PHP tutorial or guide on cookies, how they work and how to use them

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:28 PM PDT

    Hello folks,

    I am in need for some help and guidance. I get the idea behind cookies and sessions. However I need the practical knowledge to do anything with it. I just don't know where to look.

    I've watched YouTube tutorials, but they don't really seem to go anywhere. At this point I'm ideally (of course this is a big ask) on an interactive guide on cookies and sessions, how they work and how to use them with easy exercises or something along these lines.

    Kind regards

    submitted by /u/xXHacker69Xx
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    Reasons for using GitHub alternatives?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    I've noticed that a couple of alternatives to GitHub have popped up such as GitLab and BitBucket. I would assume that GitHub is extremely well funded (being owned by Microsoft) and that it's the industry standard, so is there any specific reason that you would want to use its alternatives? I genuinely just don't know since I've never tried them, but maybe the alternatives have lower prices, more control over the finer things, etc. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/PutterBeanutWasTaken
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    I just went through 5 months of App Academy before failing out. What can I do now?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    Realistically it was 10 weeks but I started in December, deferred at week 2 (twice), then at week 7 and now today was my final day at week 10. I've learned a ton and want to continue this venture but at a slower pace. I know there's a 4 year college, I know I can learn by myself but is there an in between? Some sort of certificate program in community college, perhaps? Bonus points if you know where to go in Las Vegas (I'm new). Also feel free to AMA about the bootcamp. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/icumdrums
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    Is Software Development just CRUD work?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:03 PM PDT

    Fellow Redditors,

    I am a new developer who is just 9 months into development.In work, my day to day work just revolves around crud.I am very interested in coding problems solving.But i don't find any stuff i work related with searching, sorting or traversals. I am sick learning and using different frameworks and tools.In previous job IOS app. Now I just see java.It is incredibly big.Lot of frameworks, tools, setup things have to do stuff, downloading jdbc drivers, jsp, hibernate, what not. ooof These stuff seems to be hard to me.Learning frameworks and tools and libraries of a language seems very tough to me than doing coding problems.

    Is it whole career like this? Or am i just not cut out for Software Development Industry i mean building stuff? Is there a path to earn while doing problem solving? Someone point me in a right direction.I appreciate you responses.Thanks in Advance.

    submitted by /u/cnetworks
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    how to make it

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:03 AM PDT

    im trying to make a 2d game in html soi want to make a topdown camera but i watch all youtube video

    they are not helpfull so i decided to ask here that i want a full top down movement & camera project i download it and i can learn it easily so pls help me i wanna make a .io game like

    moomoo.io sploop.io and taming.io

    submitted by /u/FirelyLmao
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    Newbie need info..

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    I'm looking into learning Programming. Still exploring my option but leaning towards web design of sorts. Should I take an online college course at a community college or try to "teach" myself with different learning programs and boot camps online? It would be a 2 year degree program at the community college. Any insight in well appreciated. Little background with computer but none professional.

    submitted by /u/Tour_Imaginary
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    CSES problem two sets

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    Your task is to divide the numbers 1,2,…,n into two sets of equal sum. Print "YES", if the division is possible, and "NO" otherwise.

    After this, if the division is possible, print an example of how to create the sets. First, print the number of elements in the first set followed by the elements themselves in a separate line, and then, print the second set in a similar way.

    Here is my current approach. The solution is possible if the sum 1+2+, ..., + n is divisible by 2.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    #define ll long long
    int main() {
    ll n;
    cin >> n;
    if ((n*(n+1)/2) % 2 == 0) {
    cout << "YES";
    } else {
    cout << "NO";

    But I'm not sure how to start "bucketing" the numbers that add up to n in such a way that I end up with two sets. Any hints on how to approach this?

    submitted by /u/tiredgrothendieck
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    Question of how to deal with complicated clients

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:24 PM PDT

    I am having a big problem right now.

    A client is very, VERY complicated. He wants something. I propose a few solutions, but he won't accept them, he wants it another way. His way. And his way is bad.

    At the end I got tired of arguing. And did it his way. Now the queries are extremely slow. And I'm proposing a few changes to make it faster. He does not want it those ways, he does not like the solutions (but do not have any suggestions other than: improve the query).

    Bosses undid my changes and did their changes. Their changes was something I already tried at the beginning, and there were many bugs with it, bosses are not aware of those bugs. Now I have to fix those bugs. Basically, these are the same bugs I had at the beginning, and I came up with a solution after days of work. But bosses just thought of doing it 'again' by themselves and we are at the same point I was a few days ago.

    What am I supposed to do? I don't want to lose my job. Client wants things his way. Bosses always think they know better (probably they do, but not this time). Now I have to fix the same bug again, but this bug's solution they don't want.

    What would you do?

    tsldr; Changed a functionality based on a complicated client. Eventually query got too slow (this is because the client wanted it this way), and bosses 'fixed it' by putting some code, the same code that was having big issues before I came up with new (slower) solution. All people keep saying is: improve the query. Don't add or change anything in DB.

    submitted by /u/Mxlt
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    Need approach

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    Given integers N and M, find the number of ordered pairs (a,b) such that 1≤a<b≤N and ((M mod a) mod b)=((M mod b) mod a).


    • The first line contains an integer T, the number of test cases. Then the test cases follow.
    • The only line of each test case contains two integers N, M.


    For each testcase, output in a single line the answer to the problem.


    • 1≤T≤1000
    • 2≤N≤10^6
    • 1≤M≤5⋅10^5
    • The sum of N over all test cases does not exceed 10^6

    I have tried O(N^2) approach but it gives TLE. Need a new approach or any idea.Ty

    submitted by /u/oddgamer1
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    Any tips on getting hired?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    So far I have a resume, custom portfolio website, and 3 solid projects (2 full stack) building out another full stack application rn as well. I could really use some tips on getting a job, I'm going to run out of money in 3 months and I really need to get a job before that happens. Please help.

    submitted by /u/OneSpockTwoSpock
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    Question about iframes

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:04 PM PDT

    Does anyone remember when Google Videos used to show videos from other sites directly on their own site using iframes( I think). You didn't have to leave the Google Videos page they all just played there. In this scenario , let's say you click a yahoo video to play. Does yahoo get all your log info like IP address , etc? Or because Google is requesting the Yahoo content , it's only Google log info that is recorded in the Yahoo access logs?

    I hope what I'm asking makes sense ; I'm not sure if I'm wording this great.

    submitted by /u/Pubh12
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    How to improve my transcript for college?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 07:10 PM PDT

    I know basic java, c# and python and I was wondering what are some ways I could improve my transcript for college over the summer, I was thinking of doing something like a programming competition?

    submitted by /u/stripeofpie
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