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    Thursday, May 27, 2021

    What is a term (or a basic concept) that beginner's tutorials etc. tend to use, assuming you already know what it means, that confused you? learn programming

    What is a term (or a basic concept) that beginner's tutorials etc. tend to use, assuming you already know what it means, that confused you? learn programming

    What is a term (or a basic concept) that beginner's tutorials etc. tend to use, assuming you already know what it means, that confused you?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    I'll go first. I started my journey a little over a year ago, and have been focusing mostly on Python. What tripped me up was when I would take a course and the instructor would say something like 'this is a high-level concept' or a 'high-level view of a project'. Maybe this makes me sound daft, but I was picturing... like how you level up in a video game or something. The higher the level, the harder it must be, right? But alas, finally figured out it meant more of 'a bird's eye view' type of deal. Needless to say, I was confused as to why I was learning such 'high level concepts' at the beginning, thinking they meant advanced concepts, not broad or sweeping ideas haha. Anyone else have a story like this? Edit: clarification.

    submitted by /u/LambGeck
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    I am a sophomore pursuing Computer Science , my college is not that good , can I get some help from you guys ? Please help me and provide links of courses that I should have knowledge of to get a high paying good job in Microsoft or Google. I know Java , C ,C++,python. I am a noob please excuse me

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:02 PM PDT

    Please suggest me courses (preferably FREE) which might help me to achieve my dreams. I just want to make my parents happy .

    I hope you guys help me as a small brother who is need of help and guidance.

    submitted by /u/Street_Opinion_5876
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    How do I use Steam's webAPI

    Posted: 26 May 2021 09:25 PM PDT

    As the title says, I want to learn how to use Steam's Web API. More specifically, i want to retreive a player's library, put each item into a list, and randomly pick a game from that list. and if possble, also launch that randomly selected game. However, I don't know what language I need to use, how to even do this project or how to use Steam's API. To be a little more specific I want to be able to just launch this program, as a file on the desktop and it would retrieve my steam library, and randomly pick a game for me.

    I know C, C#, Java, JavaScript, a little Python, and a little C++

    Can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/Kyletheinilater
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    After 26 days of coding, I am very proud to release my fully functional, multi-user Trello Clone.. and I'm open-sourcing it!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    If you're interested, you can check out the site here: https://trello-clone-dun.vercel.app/

    And of course the code here: https://github.com/jarrodwatts/trello-clone

    I don't really have anything to do with the project now so I decided to make the GitHub repo public and share it with this sub.

    Maybe it will help inspire someone to build their own project with a similar stack - and I would be happy to help/answer any questions!

    I built this website using AWS Amplify and Next JS, using:

    - Next JS (A Popular React Framework)

    - Material UI for the design

    - TypeScript for the language

    - Vercel for the deployment


    AWS Amplify's built-in:

    - Authentication (uses Amazon Cognito behind the scenes)

    - GraphQL API (uses AWS AppSync behind the scenes)

    - Database (uses DynamoDB behind the scenes)

    submitted by /u/cumcopter
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    What am I doing wrong when constructing this class?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    In my driver file, I am trying to create an object of the RemoteFileSystem class. But for some reason, my IDE is telling me that I am not correctly calling the constructor of the RemoteFileSystem class. It is underlining the "myHost" parameter that I am passing in, with a red squiggle.

    Below is my driver file and the .h and .cpp file for RemoteFileSystem (I have deleted the non-relevant sections of these files to make them easier to read. I AM HAVING TROUBLE EDITING MY POST TO SHOW MY CODE PROPERLY. ALL THE CODE IS IN SEPARATE FILES

    Here is my driver file:

    `using namespace std; int main(){ char *myHost = (char*)malloc(10); short myPort = 1234; unsigned long myAuthToken = 69; timeval myTimeval; RemoteFileSystem myRFS(myHost, myPort, myAuthToken, myTimeval); return 0; }` 

    /~~~~~~~~~~HERE IS MY .h FILE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    `#include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> class RemoteFileSystem { public: class File { public: ~File(); ssize_t read(void *buf, size_t count); ssize_t write(void *buf, size_t count); off_t lseek(off_t offset, int whence); private: friend class RemoteFileSystem; File(RemoteFileSystem* filesystem, const char *pathname, char *mode); // Disallow copy & assignment File(File const &) = delete; void operator=(File const &) = delete; }; RemoteFileSystem(char *host, short port, unsigned long auth_token, struct timeval *timeout); ~RemoteFileSystem(); // Return new open file object. Client is responsible for deleting. File *open(const char *pathname, char *mode); int chmod(const char *pathname, mode_t mode); int unlink(const char *pathname); int rename(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath); private: friend class File; char* RFS_HOST; short RFS_PORT; unsigned long RFS_AUTH; struct timeval* RFS_TIMEOUT; };` 

    /~~~~~~~~~~HERE IS MY .cpp FILE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    `Connect to remote system. Throw error if connection cannot be made RemoteFileSystem::RemoteFileSystem(char *host, short port, unsigned long auth_token, struct timeval *timeout){ RFS_HOST = host; RFS_PORT = port; RFS_AUTH = auth_token; RFS_TIMEOUT = timeout; } RemoteFileSystem::~RemoteFileSystem(){ }` 
    submitted by /u/Evening_Bet
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    ( C#) What kind of practice projects would you recommend?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    I finally have some free time and want to practice what little I know and remember what I may have forgotten already, but I don't think CodeWars would be enough.

    What kind of projects should I do? what did you do when you started?

    The only thing I can think of is a calculator, also should I make these practice projects as console apps or something else, like an app with actual interface?

    submitted by /u/ePath7
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    Learning path to Data Analysis

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:51 PM PDT

    Hi to all of you, I'm hoping that you will have a good day! Now, I'm on a mission to become data analyst, I have ok knowledge of python, I finished MySql course on Udemy but now I dont know which course to take next? I cant decide which one is right for me, should I learn Pandas, numpy, matplotlib separately or should I take some course that covers it all and which course?

    submitted by /u/simaco11
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    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:07 AM PDT

    So this is a script that I have found but the two rows that I made bigger dont make sense to me, cacn someone please tell me what they do in there

    import pandas as pd

    df = pd.read_excel('link to excel file.xlsx')

    sum_row=df[["column 1", "column2"]].sum()




    submitted by /u/MadameDennix
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    Hey guys, Please review this C++ tutorial playlist on YouTube. How's the programme structure and level to which it goes.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:01 AM PDT

    When to use a command line instead of a programming language like C?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    So, on my researches I found that C is used for low level programming. What about command line (powershell for example, on windows)? Does command line has more access to computer than a language like C?

    submitted by /u/QuantumC-137
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    How to load win32com Excel worksheet to Pandas df?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:46 AM PDT

    I have the following code:

    import pandas as pd import win32com.client excel_app = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") file_path = r"path to the file" file_password = "file password" workbook = excel_app.Workbooks.Open(file_path, Password=file_password) sheet = workbook.Sheets("sheet name") 

    Now I'd like to take the sheet variable and load it into a Pandas df. How do I do it?

    submitted by /u/tfntfn
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    Should I use C#, Python or something else for my school project?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    Hello guys, I would like to ask for your help in deciding which language to use for a project in my school.

    This project equal to a whole course (we do a project for a business and based on that we get our grades) and it's due on august (summer class). I have taken 3 programming classes so far in school and "learned" (not really, just the very basics) java, c# and c++.

    In my java and c++ classes we only programmed in console, meaning we didn't develop any GUIs. I used eclipse for java and visual studio for c++.

    I think the class I like the most was the c# because we developed some basic programs but we also created the interfaces and that helped me understand a lot better. In that course I used visual studio and the form designer. Although the interfaces looked very basic (some might say rudimentary), they were easy to make as you can add the buttons, checkboxes, labels, and other things manually and then program the functionality of them. And I didn't have to think a lot about the "design" and could focus on how the program works.

    For my project I have to make like a database for a doctor's office, but very basic, it only needs to:

    -save patients info (name, phone#, email)

    -save in a calendar the appointment

    -save patient payment

    -create report of month's appointment and payments

    -maybeee... send an email to the patient before the appointment (although this is extra, not required).

    Some other things:

    -A friend of mine recommended python and they said it's super easy to learn.

    -I like c# because of the design form

    -I don't like java

    -C++ is whatever I think I could use it, but then again I don't know if there's an IDE that would let me create the interface like visual studio with the design form.

    Sorry if I'm rambling I just want to get it all out.

    My questions are

    -I've been watching some python videos and it seems easier than the other languages I've learned in school, however is there an IDE that I can use to create an interface like visual studio with the design form?? I already searched things like "python interfaces" "how to create a python interface" "design form python" etc., but everything I found is about coding the interface which I think it will add a lot to my work. But I don't know, maybe it's worth it, what do you guys think?

    -Is visual studio good enough for python or would you guys recommend another IDE?

    -Do you guys think it's a good idea to program my project with C# although the interface looks kind of basic? I know maybe it's ok for school but if want to show it to a future employer will they see it and laugh at me?

    -In general, do you have any advice, a better option that you guys recommend for my to start my project?

    The class just started this week and the project is not due until august so I have some time!

    Thank you for your time reading all of this!

    submitted by /u/UnpopularMeat
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    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    Hi I have Arduino project and I want to use pyfirmata to do it just because I know python better than Arduino now the question is or the problem is the Arduino does not save the pyfirmata code so I can run it later how to solve this problem?

    submitted by /u/binanry
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    How to not get overwhelmed with the amount of stuff to learn?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    Learning front end development right now, and thinking about the amount of stuff that I need to learn to have a chance to get a job is overwhelming.

    How do you all not get overwhelmed?

    submitted by /u/abclucky
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    First c++ project

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    So pretty much a beginner first real project I did on C++

    Wondering if this is pretty good. Wondering if it's possible that instead of saying

    "your name is **** and you were born in 5"

    It could say the actual name of the month?

    The age is still wrong my birthday is in July 15 it should be 28. Not really sure how to do that correctly.

    Any tips about cleaning it up? Easier to read?

    #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <string> using namespace std; struct Customer_info { string Customer_Name; int Customer_Month; int Customer_Day; int Customer_Year; }; int main() { Customer_info cust; cout << "What is your name? And when exactly is your birthday?" << endl; cout << "Input date of birthday in 00/00/0000 format" << endl; getline (cin, cust.Customer_Name); cin >> cust.Customer_Month; cin >> cust.Customer_Day; cin >> cust.Customer_Year; cout << "Your name is " << cust.Customer_Name << " " << "and you were born " << cust.Customer_Month << endl; time_t now = time(0); tm *date = localtime(&now); cout << "The date is " << 1 + date->tm_mon << " / " << date->tm_mday << " / " << 1900 + date->tm_year << endl ; int age; age = 1900 + date-> tm_year - cust.Customer_Year; cout << "Your age is " << age << endl; if ((cust.Customer_Month==12 && cust.Customer_Day >= 22 ) || ( cust.Customer_Month==1 && cust.Customer_Day <=20) ) { cout << "Your astro thing is Capricorn" << endl; } if ((cust.Customer_Month==1 && cust.Customer_Day >= 20 ) || ( cust.Customer_Month==2 && cust.Customer_Day <=18) ) { cout << "Your astro thing is Aquarius" << endl; } if ((cust.Customer_Month==2 && cust.Customer_Day >= 19 ) || ( cust.Customer_Month==3 && cust.Customer_Day <=20) ) { cout << "Your astro thing is Pisces" << endl; } if ((cust.Customer_Month==3 && cust.Customer_Day >= 21 ) || ( cust.Customer_Month==4 && cust.Customer_Day <=19) ) { cout << "Your astro thing is Aries" << endl; } if ((cust.Customer_Month==4 && cust.Customer_Day >= 20 ) || ( cust.Customer_Month==5 && cust.Customer_Day <=20) ) { cout << "Your astro thing is Taurus" << endl; } if ((cust.Customer_Month==5 && cust.Customer_Day >= 21 ) || ( cust.Customer_Month==6 && cust.Customer_Day <=20) ) { cout << "Your astro thing is Gemini" << endl; } if ((cust.Customer_Month==6 && cust.Customer_Day >= 21 ) || ( cust.Customer_Month==7 && cust.Customer_Day <=22) ) { cout << "Your astro thing is Cancer" << endl; } if ((cust.Customer_Month==7 && cust.Customer_Day >= 23 ) || ( cust.Customer_Month==8 && cust.Customer_Day <=22) ) { cout << "Your astro thing is Leo" << endl; } return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/have-ahappygenocide
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    What is a test case in unit testing?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:16 AM PDT

    I understand a unit is the smallest part of the code that does a single functionality. Is the test case considered to be the situation that the unit can be in to be tested or is the test case considered to be input for the testing? I was reviewing my old notes and was seeing both ways being used for the word test case but I was not sure and got confused. I could not find a concrete answer anywhere either

    submitted by /u/wildguy57
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    What does logically mean in Computer Science?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    For example, "each VPC you create is logically isolated from one another." Please also define in a general sense because I remember hearing it used in another context.

    submitted by /u/Jijeun
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    Has anyone done the Front End Web Development Cert from Harvard Extension School?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    I've been thinking in taking this program instead of joining a bootcamp. In my perspective this seems more legit having it on your resume then a random coding bootcamp. If anyone has taken or currently enrolled please let me know how it is, if it's worth it or not. Also if a better alternative is out there please advise. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Jolly-Piano-69
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    best techs for one code-base-do-it-all approach?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    I want to develop light weight web&mobile apps on my own as a hobby and I'm looking for proper languages and techs for my need.

    1. I definitely prefer using firebase over dealing with everything all by my self.
    2. I want to keep the number of things I have to learn as few as possible. like I'd rather learn node js instead of java so that I don't have to learn another language other than js.
    3. since I'm not looking for a job, I'd just choose something easier to start with, like context API over redux and mongoDB over SQL.
    4. I want to minimize the number of code bases required for a single app to run on both mobile and web. or at least maximum overlapping of them.

    so these are my requirements. my current choice is flutter + firebase and I wonder if there's something better. I would appreciate any suggestions. thank you very much for reading.

    submitted by /u/rdpGuy
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    Calling an API through protobuf in java

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:40 PM PDT

    I have been given details of an API which include a URL, method (POST), header(a token) and a .proto file with description of it fields. Normally I would have used HttpClient-HttpPost for making the request but I have never worked with Protobuf before.

    The only information I have gathered after searching onlone is that I have to compile the .proto file to a .java file before then work on it. I've already compiled that. But I have no idea what to do now. So if anyone knows can you please share any relevant information like any libraries or any brief components that I should do?

    Thanks you.

    submitted by /u/reddit__is_fun
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    Online communities/Discord servers for intensive learning for intermediate programmers?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    Hi all, I'm spending 10+ hours a day improving my general programming skills (challenges, etc.), and study of data structures and algorithms for interview prep.

    Does anyone know any communities with ppl intensively studying these topics?

    submitted by /u/VariationAcceptable9
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    I’m planning on self studying these math classes for a PhD. What else do I need to learn?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 07:15 PM PDT

    I'm gonna study these in order:

    1. Calculus I, II, III, IV

    2. Differential Equations

    3. Discrete Math

    4. Linear Algebra

    I know there are other things I need to know but in what order do I learn the other math subjects like number or graph theory and abstract algebra? Thank you.

    I also plan on studying statistics too.

    submitted by /u/ArianaVentiButera
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    Where do I start to get some basics and free certificates; am totally lost.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:57 PM PDT

    Hey guys, to start off a bit of a background, I'm in early 30s with a career and a degree in intel without any current utilization of coding or cyber aspect. As any typical 30 year old I have some functional use of computers, but no specifics. Currently want to add some basic certificates from reputable courses online to gain some base level understanding of the programming with intent of moving a bit into cyber security, but I really need some foundations i.e. general knowledge to build upon and am not even sure where to start.

    Currently looking on coursera for courses for beginner programming https://www.coursera.org/search?query=programming&

    But am not sure how do others such as Google UX Design Professional Certificate, Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate etc fit into the picture. Am totally lost.

    submitted by /u/user00067
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