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    Monday, May 17, 2021

    What devices do not support HTML? Ask Programming


    What devices do not support HTML? Ask Programming

    What devices do not support HTML?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    The company I work for sells our products on Amazon. Recently, Amazon included this line in an announcement:

    "In order to provide security for our customers as well as versatility to list products on non-HTML devices, after July 17, 2021, we will stop supporting the use of HTML tags in the product description on product detail pages."

    I'm personally agnostic about the decision. However, I can't imagine what devices can access Amazon but don't support HTML?

    submitted by /u/Wild-Care
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    Ethereum Classic hack possible for Bitcoin

    Posted: 17 May 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    There was an Ethereum classic hack recently called the 51% attack.

    I've heard Ethereum classic is really unsecured too.

    Can a 51% attack logistically happen for Bitcoin? The amount of computation power is insane. If China is even attempting it, they've barely covered 1/3 of all crypto mining.

    What are some solutions for this problem, while maintaining a proof of work protocol and is Bitcoin more secure than Ethereum classic?

    (I can't post this to any blockchain or crypto forums without being censored).

    submitted by /u/mxt011
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    How would one make a game like Chess in a non-object oriented language (like C)

    Posted: 17 May 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    Hello! I am trying to pick the language I want to really learn (I know how to use a little bit of a lot of different languages), and I was wondering how does one write C code? I know it's used for things that are very system level (kernels, game engines, or games), but I have also heard it's not terrible for general purpose stuff.

    Anyways, I came to the question, how would you write Chess in C (making Chess in python for my final project this year). A large part of my Chess game is the way the pieces work, they are all classes that are based on a 'Piece' class, and they all have functions per Piece that finds how they can move. The only way I could come up with how to do this in C is a function per piece called like "findMoveForRook()", etc that took an array of an array of ints, where the array of ints is the x, y of each other piece (I don't think C has lists?).

    It seems like it would be a lot harder and a lot more work, and because my first language that I learned was c++ and my second/third are python/java (I know a bit of js, css, html, react, and some other things like bash, and very little of go/rust), I have no idea how to begin thinking about how to structure it in C.

    I love if someone explained how it would be structured, and if C is worth really learning for general purposes!

    submitted by /u/LelsersLasers
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    I have a device that needs an old-school phone line and dials out looking for a server. How can I use my computer to mimic PSTN and get a dial tone, see what number is being dialed, and route that to my own written software?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    Facebooks Weird Reset Password Behavior!

    Posted: 17 May 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    When you try to reset a password on facebook, you can use the reset code you got sent as the password and log into the account without changing the old pass.

    Why did they allow this behavior? Literally, a friend of mine could have my phone and log into my account using the reset code, without me ever noticing, because the pass is still the same!

    submitted by /u/RafatRifaie
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    How are GUIs made using images?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    So, I had to download a piece of software for my mouse. The application contained a folder called images, when I opened it, It contained images of almost everything i can see in the GUI. The buttons, the scroll bars, the background, the mouse icon, the sliders everything. How can I achieve this? Thanks any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/a0311tr
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    I am currently in my First year of college, we didn't had any IT related subjects in our school, so i know next to nothing about programming, I wanted to learn python as my first programming language, please give some advise related to how i should begin.

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    How best to implement a slow stream of data to a client

    Posted: 17 May 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    Sorry for the vague title. I'll do my best to explain the system. I have a web socket server and a client connected to a serial device. The server should accept a request from another service, save the details of the request to the database, and broadcast a message to the client to send a command to the serial device.

    The problem is the serial communication is slow and a backlog can form, so I need to implement some sort of queue system, and this is my question: how best to implement this?

    I'd like to be able to maximize the throughput of the system, which is why I think the websocket connection would be useful. The client can inform the server when it's completed a task and immediately trigger a new task to be sent to it. What worries me about this approach is if a message in either direction isn't received, the queue will be stuck.

    I've also considered a polling system, but I think it caps the throughput at whatever I set the polling interval to be. Otherwise, I set a really short interval and make a lot of unnecessary requests and maybe database reads that end up costing money.

    Has anyone encountered a problem like this? Is there a specific design pattern that acknowledges this use case? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/lolidunnowut
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    Blindsided by MacOS for first job--anything to consider?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    I have pretty much never used a Mac before, aside from a few rare occassions. My personal computers my whole life have been Windows, and I'm accustomed to programming on them. My preferred IDE IS available on Mac, luckily, but is there anything I should keep in mind that might be good to know for programming on MacOS vs Windows?

    submitted by /u/-Knockabout
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    Online stuff you should buy as a programmer?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    Junior level interview question. Please advise.

    Posted: 17 May 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    I will be asked to do this in an interview. I just want to be able to provide the best possible answer. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Even non-specific advice on any reference material that I should study. What kind of answer the interviewer might be looking for. He did reference "OOP design patterns" specifically as a desired knowledge in the job posting. I have the original "Design Patterns" book from 1994. Not sure if he is looking for something else, maybe more recent. Description below. Thanks in advance.

    "Write pseudocode database schema, OOP classes, and business logic to describe a mock monster truck rally's ticket sales."

    submitted by /u/geodeticeffect
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    Is there a software with a GUI that could help me rebuild the entire git history of an app?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    I am doing a test for a company like Toptal and I just found out they evaluate my git commits. I have built the entire application on master branch and would like to know if there is any application out there that could help me rebuild my git history using 2 branches to simulate a very basic gitflow.

    submitted by /u/iamsubs
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    How to neatly create long select (drop-down) menu with html?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    Title, I've created essentially a long drop down menu with a ton of languages. However, as you can imagine, this does not make for very clean html.

    Is there a way to implement this in a cleaner way? I'm fairly new to HTML and CSS so forgive my ignorance

    submitted by /u/Apart_Conversation92
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    How do i make these 2 functions in C

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    Hello im working in atmel/mircochip studios. Avr c. My school programming teacher has been sick for the past 2 months. His library does not work properly and it makes it hard to make working programs

    I need the following 2 functions

    1. Integer to character. 2.Interger/character to string.

    I am currently using this method. But i don't kbow if it the correct way of doing it. I got it from stackoverflow. And it works.

    int add_to_string(char* buf, size_t sz, uint8_t num) { char tmp[20]; sprintf(tmp, "%02d:", num); size_t len = strlen(tmp) + strlen(buf) + 1; if (len > sz) return -1;

    strcat(buf, tmp); return 0; 


    /and in the while/

    sprintf(tijd, "tijd: %02d:", int_uren);
    add_to_string(tijd, sizeof(tijd),int_minuten); add_to_string(tijd, sizeof(tijd), int_seconden); tijd[14]='\0'; //wis alles na de 14ste character

    Its for a clock on LCD. MsTeller get++ every 1ms bij using the clock of a atmega328p.

    uint32_t tempmsteller; uint8_t int_seconden = 0;
    uint8_t int_minuten = 0;
    uint8_t int_uren = 0;

    char tijd[20]={0}; // ={0} zet allen waardes in de string op nul (0).

    tempmsteller =msTeller;

     int_seconden = ((tempmsteller/1000)%60); int_minuten = ((tempmsteller/60000)%60); int_uren = ((tempmsteller/3600000)%24); 

    TekstNaarDisplay("tijd"0,0); // this sends it to display.

    submitted by /u/Agent_Orange_0
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    The best way to have a common navbar for all pages?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm making a website right now, and I want the same navbar for all pages.
    I've seen some method:.
    1) jQuery load() method, load navbar html into div.
    2) php include.
    3) copy paste it everywhere
    I'm using only HTML and Bootstrap. Express for backend but no server side rendering.

    Are these really the only way without using react or some other SPA framework? These seem really hacky and poor solutions.
    I feel there must be some industry best practice that I couldn't find online.

    submitted by /u/PitifulSir5333
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    Advice—website idea for ppl from a video game to put names down to enter a raffle in the game. A simple site— but how?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    The only thing I really need the site to do is record entries. The players in the game will earn their entries by doing a certain thing for the previous winner. Once they complete the task in the game, they can come to my site and write down their username in the game so that I know they have an entry. The rest I can handle in- game.

    Down the road I might add other things for this game, such as a place for people to post items they have for sale in the game, or maybe even do silent auctions for their items (like a highly dumbed-down version of eBay haha).

    Ten years ago I knew a bit of html, css, CLI etc Unix. I'm sure I can teach myself on the way, ...but where to start?

    Is hostinger good (hence cheap and it's a simple project)?

    tldr Creating a site where essentially ppl can come and leave their name. (Their game username)

    submitted by /u/Hey-dee-aych-dee
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    Is it hard to get a freelance job in 2021 ?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    Hi Guys, I am web developer I started learning web development 3 years. I worked hard to improve my skills, but I have never thought to make money from this field because I was doing it just for fun. But now I want to start working as freelancer or get a remote job. But I am really anxious that I will never get an opportunity to work because It seems that every one is doing web development. Do you think that there is still a chance to work as freelancer ? My goal is to earn 20k in next 4 years, do you think that I can achieve this goal ? (I am non-native English speaker, my English is horrible, I am sorry)

    submitted by /u/nadjib33
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    C++ error no declaration matches 'int Card::GetSimb()'|

    Posted: 17 May 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    Hello, i have an simple C++ program with one class card


    #ifndef CARD_H

    #define CARD_H

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class Card




    virtual ~Card();

    Card(int, string);

    int GetNr();

    string GetSimb();



    int nr;

    string simbol;


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