Is it normal to feel anxiety and think “how am I ever going to learn all this” when looking at working code when you’re just starting out? learn programming |
- Is it normal to feel anxiety and think “how am I ever going to learn all this” when looking at working code when you’re just starting out?
- Day 2 of my first software engineering job, and holy crap...
- How do you know if coding is for you?
- My first program ever! (Pretty simple one)
- What languages/technologies should I learn next?
- Project-Oriented OOP courses
- Time complexity
- Any easy to learn or example of how to use Instagram API?
- In a zone right now. Wanted to ask something
- Core per user scalability
- How do I code recursive algorithms for different methods in a tree class? (Python)
- How to learn best practices in programming ?
- React vs Vue.js: 6 Ways To divergence the Frameworks
- Help with GUI
- How to create a recursive algorithm to count leaves in a binary tree? (Python)
- To those of you who went to school, would you say it was worth it?
- Should I learn C before I start learning Assembly?
- Tax Calculator
- How to make an HTML element stick to the top of a page?
- Have you ever tried creating an employee schedule?
- I want to remake an spreadsheet "app" as a proper program, what should I learn?
- Are full stack developers doomed to mediocrity?
- I really need help with react
- Terrified of starting again
- What's out there besides Harvard's CS50 and MIT's course for software engineering courses?
Posted: 18 May 2021 10:19 AM PDT I look up examples of what code looks like for certain jobs and I just get an overwhelming sense of dread and think "there's no way I'll ever learn all this". I'm 30 and really wanting to get into the field but every time I look at this type of stuff I get discouraged. Are you expected to know super complex coding when you first get hired on as a developer? Edit: damn. I definitely didn't expect to see all this encouragement. Thank you guys. I can't respond to every comment but know that I'm reading them all and taking it all in. I feel MUCH better about going about code. Seems like I need to follow advice, "Journey Before Destination". Now if I can find a dictionary on the lingo I need to know! And if anyone has any recommendations on books, simple projects (I'm learning C# right now if that matters), websites other than codecademy, drop them in the comments or anyone of y'all can DM me. THANK YOU! [link] [comments] |
Day 2 of my first software engineering job, and holy crap... Posted: 18 May 2021 08:00 PM PDT As the title says, I am just getting my foot in the door after self-teaching for one year, attending a coding bootcamp for 6 months, and job hunting for 9 months. Psyched to have benefits for the first time in over a decade, and be earning double my previous salary in an entry level role... Couldn't be more grateful! That being said, I understood about 2% of what they said on day 1, and about 10% on day 2. Feeling wayyyyy out of my depth here. Looking at millions of lines of code, written over 30 years, in 3 languages that I don't know, and dozens of pages worth of architectural schema. Watching my colleagues play the command line like sexy saxophonists, while I plip plop away at basic navigation commands. I have about a month to get my bearings while they set me up with all the programs needed to actually begin working, but even that feels like a drop in the bucket in terms of prep time. Tell me, how do I keep the charade going long enough to figure out what the hell I'm doing? [link] [comments] |
How do you know if coding is for you? Posted: 18 May 2021 12:56 AM PDT Currently been learning on my own some web development(front-end html,css,JavaScript) through freecodecamp. Right now at day 69 and most days I do between 1 - 2 hours depending how I'm feeling. Been questioning if I'm cut out for it and the usual jazz that most likely many others have felt. Asking myself some questions and haven't really come to conclusion. Do you hate it? No. Do you love it? Um.. I don't think so? I guess it's something in between, but it's very hard to say, since I don't feel like I hate or love it. Most difficult is, if I don't do a bit of it right after my morning walk, it gets later in the day just harder and harder to get to it. Especially now that I've gone through the basic JavaScript algorithm and data structure stuff and right now learning some QoL that has been made with ES6 . Once I start doing the tutorials I can keep my attention on it around 40 minutes, which after I stare at the clock and I'm like "got 20 more minutes to go" . Once I got past html and CSS course on freecodecamp it felt like the quality of the tutorials with JavaScript have been a bit of a mess. Most of the time I'm just left thinking "umm so how does this work and why's this used here" . Also I feel bad when after just 5 minutes of thinking I click that "See a Hint/solution" button, simply cause I don't understand what the tutorial is trying to tell me. Sometimes when I check the solution there's an explanation, and sometimes there's none. Sometimes I just take the code snippets.. open up Developer tools on chrome and paste it to console just to see bunch of errors or hit with "undefined" . I've tried few times to check documentation which always takes me to mozilla pages and I still can't sometimes grasp how the stuff works. Is it discouraging? Yes for me it is very, but I still keep at it. At this point I'm questioning if I'm wasting my time trying to learn this and not end up enjoying it later on or is it just the tutorial place I've chosen that's just not the right type for me. I have not done any projects apart from that very simple portfolio page that had to be done after CSS course. My plan was to learn basics of JavaScript and then try and find some sort of project I could start on. Sorry for the wall of text, but I wonder if someone has some tips or advice to me or anyone who's suffering from similar situation. Thank you very much in advance~ [link] [comments] |
My first program ever! (Pretty simple one) Posted: 18 May 2021 09:57 PM PDT I'm currently taking CS50's introduction to CS course on edx as my first course ever since I wanna change careers in a not so far future. I'm currently on week 2 and since I got a little scared of doing the weekly problems (struggled a bit doing the week 1 problems), I decided to create a program out of my mind just to practice a little bit of syntax and logic. The program is fairly simple, it tells you how long will it take for a file to download based on its size and internet speed. I tend to do these operation every single time I'm waiting for a game to download so I said "why not make it faster for me to get this result?" I ended up spending almost 2 hours on a 50 lines code debugging and trying to understand what was going on in my code but man it felt amazing once it worked! Just wanted to share this milestone in my process since I believe your first program is the hardest one. After that I feel like the fear to just sit down and type will start fading away. [link] [comments] |
What languages/technologies should I learn next? Posted: 18 May 2021 10:12 PM PDT I am fairly familiar with python at this point though there are still many concepts that I will have to learn but that would be done as I keep working with python I feel that at this moment I should increase my experience in other languages and see thair various use cases, keeping in mind that I want a career in the software engineering field but I'm not sure just which aspect of it I tried out javascript and was successful (to an extent, it's not done yet) in implementing the A* pathfinding algorithm that I had previously made in python But for some reason I don't feel live JS is the right choice for me, the pre-requisite before starting any project that is the HTML and CSS are pretty annoying and kind of frustrating I then thought I should try some other language, I was thinking C# or C++ but I'm not sure Any suggestions which language I should learn and maybe what their uses are? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 May 2021 06:27 PM PDT Hello to everyone. So far in my programming journey I've learned procedural programming and everything that comes with it and am now looking to move onto OOP. Would anyone happen to have any suggestions for project-oriented OOP online courses? Preferably (but not mandatorily) free C++/C# courses. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 May 2021 04:13 PM PDT Is time complexity analyzing how the number of operations scales/grows as we increase the input size in our algorithm? [link] [comments] |
Any easy to learn or example of how to use Instagram API? Posted: 18 May 2021 10:57 PM PDT I've been stuck all day trying to look up tutorials and reading the documentation but its just making me even more lost. Why does this API sucks so much.
[link] [comments] |
In a zone right now. Wanted to ask something Posted: 18 May 2021 10:27 PM PDT So, Im a 3rd year Btech student of Computer Science. The thing is I do know some HTML,CSS,JS and PHP. Ive been programming for some time as well (nothing consistent, and not too productive). The thing is I get in a rut of "Hey I havent done something in a long time. Maybe Ill look up APIs, they sound interesting" to "Making front end is really boring, Im too bored now, Ill do something later. Maybe ML is a good domain to get into, Ill check it later. Oh wait but that has a lot of math, and Im not too fond of math". Then I proceed to watch 2-3 hours of content of APIs, what they are, etc etc. And when it actually comes up to starting a project, Im not sure what should I make it on then I google top projects to make for a good resume. Then I see these projects and I go like these arent that tough, if I give enough time, I can implement it. and then I go ahead not implementing it. Then i take a 2-4 day long break doing nothing and just going around on youtube seeing stuff on interesting programming stuff. Am I doing something wrong or is Cs not meant for me or am I missing something? Thanks for reading the post. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 May 2021 10:27 PM PDT I remember I saw an article about the poor scalability of the model "CPU core per user", but now I can't find it. What arguments against such a backend model exist, in what situation such a scalability model is sufficient? [link] [comments] |
How do I code recursive algorithms for different methods in a tree class? (Python) Posted: 18 May 2021 07:24 PM PDT Hello, all. I am wondering if anyone could help me understand how to code the following methods in my current Binary Tree class ; 1) Count the leaves in a binary tree 2) Given a binary tree whose value attributes are all numbers, return the smallest in the entire tree. 3) Search a binary tree for a given value. If that value is equal to any value attribute in the tree, return True, otherwise return False. Do not assume that the tree is ordered. I have defined certain methods for printing the values and calculating the tree's height, but I can't figure out how to add on from there. I appreciate anyone's feedback! class BinaryTree : def __init__( self, value ) : self.value = value self.left = None self.right = None def setLeft( self, newTree ) : self.left = newTree def setRight( self, newTree ) : self.right = newTree def printValues( self ) : if self.left is not None : self.left.printValues() print( self.value ) if self.right is not None: self.right.printValues() def height( self ) : if self.left is None and self.right is None : return 0 else : leftHeight = self.left.height() if self.left is not None else -1 rightHeight = self.right.height() if self.right is not None else -1 return 1 + max( leftHeight, rightHeight ) # A main program that exercises trees. if __name__ == "__main__" : # Create a simple tree. root = BinaryTree( 103 ) root.setLeft( BinaryTree( 17 ) ) root.setRight( BinaryTree( 25 ) ) print( "Simple tree test:" ) print( root ) root.printValues() print( "Height =", root.height() ) # Create a slightly higher tree. tall = BinaryTree( 200 ) tall.setLeft( root ) print( "The tall tree's height =", tall.height() ) [link] [comments] |
How to learn best practices in programming ? Posted: 18 May 2021 07:04 PM PDT Greetings Good People, i know the usual drill is to Practice practice practice but where can i learn about what's the best way to write , or structure code latest practices,etc scalability, any help/advice in appreciated Thank you. [link] [comments] |
React vs Vue.js: 6 Ways To divergence the Frameworks Posted: 18 May 2021 09:02 PM PDT As we all know that whenever we talk about the J.S. framework React is at the top. But I feel Vue.js is also doing an amazing job. So let's compare both of them and then I have taken a conclusion. What's your thought on this. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 May 2021 12:13 AM PDT Currently working on a project where I need to display result data from Azure DevOps Test Plan using REST apis. Would using a GUI like WPM work or is there another application to go about it. Also, I have been watching GUI/C# videos and am confused on what happens after we create the GUI. How is it deployed? Do people that use it run a script or is it on a website. Thanks for the help! [link] [comments] |
How to create a recursive algorithm to count leaves in a binary tree? (Python) Posted: 19 May 2021 12:12 AM PDT I've already made a class for my binary tree but now I'm trying to implement some methods. If you go down below to the "count" method, that's what I've done to find the leaf count. But I am still getting an error. What do I need to change/add? class BinaryTree : def __init__( self, value ) : self.value = value self.left = None self.right = None def setLeft( self, newTree ) : self.left = newTree def setRight( self, newTree ) : self.right = newTree def printValues( self ) : if self.left is not None : self.left.printValues() print( self.value ) if self.right is not None: self.right.printValues() if self.left is None and self.right is None: return 2 else: leftcount = self.leaf.count() if self.left is not None else 1 rightcount = self.right.count() if self.right is not None else 1 return leafcount(leftcount) + leafcount(rightcount) def height( self ) : if self.left is None and self.right is None : return 0 else : leftHeight = self.left.height() if self.left is not None else -1 rightHeight = self.right.height() if self.right is not None else -1 return 1 + max( leftHeight, rightHeight ) # A main program that exercises trees. if __name__ == "__main__" : # Create a simple tree. root = BinaryTree( 103 ) root.setLeft( BinaryTree( 17 ) ) root.setRight( BinaryTree( 25 ) ) print( "Simple tree test:" ) print( root ) root.printValues() print( "Height =", root.height() ) # Create a slightly higher tree. tall = BinaryTree( 200 ) tall.setLeft( root ) print( "The tall tree's height =", tall.height() ) print("This is the leaf count=", count(root)) [link] [comments] |
To those of you who went to school, would you say it was worth it? Posted: 18 May 2021 03:24 PM PDT To those of you who went to school for Computer Sciences or Programming (most specifically game development), do you think going to college for it was worth it? I'm trying to decide if I should go to university for programming, but I've been seeing a lot of people saying that I can learn the skills I would need online for free/comparatively cheap, and not to go to school. [link] [comments] |
Should I learn C before I start learning Assembly? Posted: 18 May 2021 08:16 PM PDT Just a quick question. I know python, Java, and rust. I want to learn assembly next and many learn it after learning C since it's the lowest level language. However, I don't know C and the lowest I know is Rust. Should I learn C or go straight into assembly? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 19 May 2021 12:00 AM PDT Hey Guys! I have to make a program that asks user for monthly pay (before taxes) and the regional tax rate in % the program should print out the amount of tax paid in a month and the tax paid in a year. sorry for the very beginner question but i cant really move one from float(input("enter your salary") [link] [comments] |
How to make an HTML element stick to the top of a page? Posted: 18 May 2021 11:58 PM PDT I'm making a webapp in HTML (MudBlazor to be precise) and I have an overlay that shows up after you press a button. The problem is that it shows in the middle of the page and I'm trying to make it always show to the top of the page. I've already tried matgin-top and margin-bottom, but after I switch to mobile screen it doesn't show to the top, even if it moves up but not enough (doesn't work even if I make it 100% or -100%). Is the any way to make it that it always moves to the top of the page undefinedly? [link] [comments] |
Have you ever tried creating an employee schedule? Posted: 18 May 2021 11:35 PM PDT This might be a little bit different, I'm a frontend web developer who's recently started working on a different job. I noticed our work schedule is unbalanced, the best solution would be to add more people, but HR doesn't seem to agree. So here i am trying to create a work schedule that works for all of us. We're 8 people who work on 3 shifts that rotates: - 6am/2pm - 2pm/10pm - 10pm/6am One of us should only work 2 shifts (mornings and evenings). On weekends there should be only 1 agent per shift. There should be only 1 agent on night shifts (monday till Friday and start working on Monday evening) Every agent should have 2 days off. I can't wrap my head around the logic part, and it's starting to give me headaches, eventually i think i might end up posting this as a job. Have you ever tried doing something like this? Or even remotely close to this? Edit: I forgot, on Mondays there should be 4 agents On the morning shift. [link] [comments] |
I want to remake an spreadsheet "app" as a proper program, what should I learn? Posted: 18 May 2021 11:13 PM PDT So I've been working on this Magic Item Generator for my Tabletop RPG campaign, and I've run into a few issues where Google Sheets just wasn't cutting it. It first selects a base item type (sword, armor, shield, wand, etc), then selects a specific item of that item type (longsword, shortsword, battleaxe, etc), then selects one or two non-repeating magical properties, or in the case it generates a "rare" item, up to six non-repeating magical properties. This is actually a great oversimplification, but you get the idea. So here's the deal. I want this as both a web app and a desktop app, with a nice GUI. I know a little bit of C++ but I did some research and C# seemed like the fastest way to implement this. I don't mind giving C# a try. My main question is, since I will be working with tons of huge tables, should I learn SQL to work with a database? Is Microsoft Access (or its libreoffice counterpart) enough? I know literally nothing about Access, databases, or SQL. [link] [comments] |
Are full stack developers doomed to mediocrity? Posted: 18 May 2021 05:18 AM PDT Learning to be a full stack dev, I have to juggle between a lot of stuff. I may not write CSS for a week while ironing out server logic, and vice versa. To deploy my projects I will do some DevOps like AWS and docker. In my current job, I need to learn wordpress, so right now I study how to configure apache. As you can tell, I never fully immerse myself into one subject to become a true expert. By never reaping the benefits from specialization, I find myself spending TERRIBLE amount of time in resolving basic problems an expert wouldn't have. I also juggle between stuff, so by the time I need to re-deploy a website I already forgot all the AWS "gotchas" you need to know to successfully launch a website, or the CSS "gotchas" to align items. TL:DR; I juggle between alot of stuff. By the time I get back to a certain aspect of development (devops, programming, CSS) I forget many important details about it. How to stop struggling with retaining information about important fundamentals and basics due to lack of specialization? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 May 2021 10:39 PM PDT Im new to react and I'm trying to create an Curriculum Vitae application with react so far I was able to get the different form components to show up, but now I'm having a hard to time getting the actual data to display on the page when the user submit the form. I'm trying to submit the data section by section starting the general information I can get it to display the data with console.logs and alerts, but I can't seem to display it with the .textContent method. what am I doing wrong? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 18 May 2021 10:38 PM PDT Due to several circumstances, I was unable to enroll to school this semester. I am a few weeks away from getting back into school, and I'm very much afraid. I had already realized how I was starting to lag behind the rest of my classmates when the coronavirus hit, with me being completely unaccustomed to online classes. I found myself asking for help constantly and being carried in group projects. It was embarrassing. Now that I'm a semester behind from my friends, I'm all alone. I tried to look at the bright side that maybe this will be my wake-up call, but I've been having countless of sleepless nights, overthinking of what would become of me. I'm scared of the fact that, since I did not understand most of my previous classes, I might be off much worse if my classes will be an extension of previous ones. I'm terrified of going back to school only to disappoint my parents and be an embarrassment to my friends especially when all of us used to have high grades—and to be the first to fall feels so shameful. I'm not sharing this to hopefully receive words of comfort. I just needed to let this out because I can't burden my friends about this when they have so much going on while in school. [link] [comments] |
What's out there besides Harvard's CS50 and MIT's course for software engineering courses? Posted: 18 May 2021 11:18 AM PDT I realize those two are probably the best for software engineering courses. I'm trying to gauge however if there are any other resources out there that focus on software engineering principles and computer science. I'm not interested in web development courses like FreeCodeCamp and TheOdinProject. [link] [comments] |
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