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    Thursday, May 13, 2021

    I am new to Object Oriented Programming, please help Ask Programming

    I am new to Object Oriented Programming, please help Ask Programming

    I am new to Object Oriented Programming, please help

    Posted: 13 May 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    I am creating a Java "store" selling video games. There is two user roles in the store: customer and admin. The customer can add items from the store to their basket and then pay for them. The admin can add new video games to the store using admin page that a customer can't access.

    In terms of Object Oriented Programming, would one "User" class suffice? If in the constructor for User I required a role, and then used user.getRole() to determine the users role whilst logged into the store? Or would inheritence work better? Like if Admin extended Customer? I'm really confused. Please advise

    submitted by /u/oohAshenOne
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    Is there a way to get old Google plus albums?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    Hi I've found an old link of an friend's album, which was public on Google plus.

    it looks like this


    is there any way to get the Pics?





    submitted by /u/ParkingMany
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    Where is a wallet stored on a blockchain

    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:14 PM PDT

    I'm curious where and how a wallet is stored on a blockchain when it's generated. Transactions occur on current blocks, but completed blocks can't be touched.

    So how are wallets stored in terms of completed blocks and current blocks?

    submitted by /u/mxt011
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    How do applications request for RAM from the CPU?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    I want to understand how applications on computers (not smartphones) request for RAM from the OS. I want to understand how on a practical day-to-day basis, everyday applications request memory from the OS, and NOT the theoretical CompArch/ OS answer.


    I remember reading somewhere (I don't remember the original source) that they request for RAM as a percentage of free RAM. For example, if there's 6 GB of free RAM available, Slack would ask for 30% of it, netting 30% * 6 GB = 1.8 GB of RAM for itself.


    Also, is there a common theme among types of applications? Say something like Electron-based applications tend to ask for RAM a particular way by default (for e.g. 30% of free RAM), and Qt-based applications ask for RAM differently, and another type of applications ask for RAM in yet another different way.


    Thank you!


    EDIT: Not the CPU, I mean the OS. Have edited the post accordingly.

    submitted by /u/mobymerson
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    Issue reading JSON file - "Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes"

    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:41 PM PDT

    This is my first time using JSON. I'm trying to read this file via Python. Specifically it's:

    Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 19 column 13 (char 439)

    It looks like I have some sort of formatting error here, but I can't for the life of me figure it out:

    { "files_dir": "C:/Users/Username/Desktop/Other/Local Music/audio", "songs": [ { "song_keys": [ "song a", "a" ], "artist_keys": [ "ham spam egg", "hse" ], "album_keys": [ "super songs", "ss" ], "filename": "song.mp3" },{ ... }, ... ] } 

    Notepad++ says line 19 is the line that contains the first "..."

    Anyone know what I need to edit?

    submitted by /u/-Jaws-
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    (bash) cat function not capturing full line of file

    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    In this bash script, I loop through a file to process each line (split into two variables), however when a line has a space or capital (there may be other causes), the output does not show the full line. Any help to get the full line instead of some cases where values are left out would be greatly appreciated.


    for OUTPUT in $(cat path/to/inputfile) do echo "$OUTPUT" cartridge=$(echo $OUTPUT | cut -d':' -f1) cartridgeVersion=$(echo $OUTPUT | cut -d':' -f2) echo done 

    Input File:

    UPP:123 MCAS:123 PM:123 UI:123 GENSVC:123 CORESW:123 EFT INFRAS:123 EFT EP:123 ISO8583-IC:123 SSO-JAAS:123 UPP SWITCH:123 WBC-WSDLs-XSDs:123 PaymentInformationModel:123 IPF Baseline BSI:123 IP Business Pack Baseline:123 GESB-TLM-Endpoint:123 


    UPP:123 MCAS:123 PM:123 UI:123 GENSVC:123 CORESW:123 EFT INFRAS:123 EFT EP:123 ISO8583-IC:123 SSO-JAAS:123 UPP SWITCH:123 WBC-WSDLs-XSDs:123 PaymentInformationModel:123 IPF Baseline BSI:123 IP Business Pack Baseline:123 GESB-TLM-Endpoint:123 

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Chubbntuck
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    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    hey hi I'm new to web development I decide to use linux for developing Is there any one using linux plz tell me how is good or bad for developers and any suggestions for linux development setup ?

    submitted by /u/this_is_AK
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    Help? Trying to find a video or detailed instructions on how to graph a simple sphere function

    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I am working on an assignment and having issues finding a video or a detailed explanation of how to graph a simple sphere function. Can any of you point me in the right direction? The code must be in python.


    submitted by /u/Applicationdenied123
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    Best tools to use to build web scraper to buy graphics card?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    Not looking to scalp, just want to be able to buy a graphics card for my friend and I. Figured it would be a better use of my time to code a bot to buy one for me rather than sit around waiting for stock to drop.

    I'm aware that some people pay anywhere from $100-$1000 for bots, many of them lightning fast. What languages/libraries/methods do they use to buy cards so quickly? I'm guessing they use C, which I have a decent amount of experience with. How difficult would it be to write something that is on par or better than the bots that people are buying? Apologies, I know this is very vague, I'm just not really sure where to start and I know more basic web scraping tools like Selenium are probably not going to cut it.

    submitted by /u/SafetyPotato123
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    If I have not done any internships or projects,what should I add in my CV?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    For applying for a software dev position

    .I have the skills to crack the interviews but I have nothing to show on my CV.So what should I write on the CV?

    submitted by /u/EmergencyCake8062
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    (Javascript) Incrementing a variable without replacing value

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    Simple question here..how do I increment the variable "testVal" without replacing its value?

    I believe my different functions are resetting values, and I dont want that. Example:

    var testVal = 0; function A(){ testVal = testVal + 3; } function B(){ testVal = testVal + 1; } 

    Ideally I want (4) after hitting both functions, but apparently function B is removing the value 3 and on hitting B, it is just adding 1 to the value again for a final value of 1.

    How do i increment/decrement without my variables being effected by my function calls?

    submitted by /u/MolassesIndividual
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    Is Python more strict than C++?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:10 PM PDT

    Context: My friend has only used Scratch and C++

    My friend and I got into a debate about programming languages. At some point, he expressed his extreme distaste for Pythons indent-particular syntax (he has not used the language). I referred to C++'s relatively strict type system, but he denied that that was strict, despite me telling him that many people complain about it (I want to use C++, the only reason I don't is because I haven't done much of any programming recently; I like C++). He also expressed that it should be quite obvious that integers cannot be interchanged for floats and vice-versa.

    The question: Do you think that C++ is less strict than Python (specifically, do you dislike Pythons indentation rules)? Also, do you think that the float/int distinction is a simple fact, or a preference?

    submitted by /u/Kyllingene
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    Advice on college courses

    Posted: 13 May 2021 07:00 PM PDT

    Hey r/AskProgramming

    I need your advice on what courses to take. Currently, I'm enrolled at a community college and am going for a software dev AS. I'm required to take 4 out of 6 CIT electives along with my main courses. None of them jump out as more interesting to me than the others, so I want to take the ones that will be the most useful to me. They are:

    Programming in C;

    Web Development;

    Office productivity applications(edit, description of course for clarity: This course provides students with knowledge and skills involved with common office productivity applications. Student learn the features and functions of the Excel spreadsheet application as well as the Access database application. Students learn to effectively use and integrate data from spreadsheets with a database in the development of solutions for business-oriented problems. Critical thinking and quantitative reasoning through project-based activities is emphasized.;

    Data Structures and Programming C++;

    Mobile Application Programming Android;

    Mobile Application Programming iOS;

    It seems to me the best plan would be to take the first four and skip the mobile app ones, as I assume they would have a wider and more general use. But then again I'm still pretty new to programming, so maybe I'm missing something. I already reached out to my instructor from last semester for his advice, but he hasn't got back to me yet. So, here I am! Any of these jump out as being important or necessary? Should I stick with my plan? Or should I not worry about and just take whatever? Any and all advice would be very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/MrMikiel
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    Building a custom dashboard to display nearby transit arrival times

    Posted: 13 May 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I live in NYC and am a bit of a transit nerd. I want to build a custom dashboard that shows the next arrival times for the buses, trains, and boats near my apartment. I'd also like to be able to plot out current journey times for a couple of top destinations.

    My inspiration is TransitScreen, which my old office had and which I really loved. I am just an individual, and am not looking to commercialize any of this - it's just a side project that I think could be fun.

    I am wondering if anyone in this group has any ideas on how I might go about the process of building this.

    A few things to note

    1. The MTA (our local transit agency) provides free access to their API.
    2. On a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high), I would rate my programming proficiency as a 2.5. I've built super complex Zapier workflows and have created a few custom applications in Twilio.
    3. My goal from this project is to learn something new (programming language, approach, etc), so any resources that you can suggest for me to do so would be super helpful!
    submitted by /u/learningtoexcel
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    How to change program screen with Python GTK

    Posted: 13 May 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    I am not exactly sure how to word this to explain what I mean so I apologize if this doesn't make perfect sense but I am trying to work on this program for my phone (PinePhone running Mobian aka Mobile Debian) and I am writing this GUI in GTK with Python. The issue I am having is making a screen change without just producing a new window. For example, if you open a texting app and hit a button to start a new conversation, that is all contained within the same window but I don't know how to get that change to happen without creating a new window and killing the old one so there is still only one window. Can someone point me in the right direction for how to solve this issue? I don't have the best understanding of building GUI's but have several years experience with Python, SQL and Fortran so I know about programming concepts and how to do all the backend stuff but this one frontend issue is killing me.


    I guess another example would be using a file manager where you click on a directory and it opens within the same window rather than opening a new file manager window with that directory open. The source code is here, if anyone wanted to see it.

    submitted by /u/PersonalityOwn4076
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    Unique Identifiers

    Posted: 13 May 2021 05:31 PM PDT

    I need to implement unique ids on my website (think blog) that aren't just your standard UUID(v4).

    I was looking into NanoID as a tool to generate these ids. Me being curious, I looked into Reddit's method of unique identifiers and saw that they seem to only use lowercase and numbers.

    Giving them a very generous estimate of 10 ID's created per second, going by NanoID's estimate Reddit would have ID collisions pretty quickly.

    I feel like I'm not getting the full story here, and it's probably due to how new I am to the subject matter. Can anyone fill me in on how Reddit can get by with something as short as https://www.reddit.com/nbqe4d ?


    submitted by /u/Zelkova
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    Visual learner - spelling - programming aptitude

    Posted: 13 May 2021 05:14 PM PDT

    I'm thinking about getting into computer programming. I consider myself to be analytical and I think outside the box so it seems like it could be an alright fit.

    I'm hesitant to invest too much time into learning because I'm concerned that I may not have an aptitude for the discipline.

    I'm an auditory person, and I think that's why I can't spell. I spell everything phonetically and can never remember how to spell things visually. I'd guess that more visual learners are better at spelling and programming in general.

    I can remember books on tape word for word, so it's not all bad for me, but I'd expect that visual learners make up the bulk of programmers.

    I'm curious as to if this group of people consider themselves visual learners? I would guess that coding geniuses visualize the code in their heads.

    submitted by /u/First_Sentence5440
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    I spent the last 6 months developing a multiplayer game with React.js, Node.js and Spring Boot. How does one get code reviews online?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Hey r/AskProgramming

    Last fall, my friend gave me an app idea. I spent a lot of time and effort working on it and I would love to fix some bugs.

    I would appreciate it if you can tell me if there are any websites / subreddits / communities you post your code in order to get reviews.

    Repo link: https://github.com/itays123/partydeck

    submitted by /u/itays123
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    Choosing between web development and iOS development

    Posted: 13 May 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I want to get into a development field but not sure which to choose. I've seen other reddit posts on the same situation but still not sure. I would love to do iOS development but some have said that you can make apps using react better than with swift or something like that. I do like web development as I've dabbled with html and css and some JavaScript in the past but I'm honestly more passionate about iOS development. Which will be better as a career choice? Especially living in NYC would finding a junior iOS dev job be hard?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/No-Attorney-5951
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    Algorithm Help for Open Source Teaching App

    Posted: 13 May 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    I'm writing a [GPL v3 app to teach Hebrew nikud](https://github.com/hexatridecimal/learnNikud), these are the vowel points in Hebrew text. [The Unicode Hebrew block extends from U+0591 to U+05FF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_and_HTML_for_the_Hebrew_alphabet) and nikuds and puncuation is between U+0591 and U+05C7. I have already collected words with word counts for the entire langauge (in the data directory.) I need to solve for the best examples to use for each letter so the maximum number of letters with usable examples can be available for each unit. There are 13 nikud and we introduce 2 at a time. So we would have 6 units with 2 each and 1 on unit 7. For example, in unit 1 only 2 nikud can be in the examples. In unit 2 then 4 nikud can be. In unit 3 there can be 6. Etc. You can see [the current json file for each nikud/letter combination](https://github.com/hexatridecimal/learnNikud/blob/main/data/alephbet_with_nikud.json), it has an "examples" array. This file is currently generated [here](https://github.com/hexatridecimal/learnNikud/blob/main/data/generate_database.rb).

    So the idea is to solve for the best examples that will yield the widest number of matches possible for each unit. Dear wonderful algorthim nerds, how would you suggest I go about this?

    submitted by /u/GleeTsunami
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    Trying to make a button call up a field that lets you create a user - the field and the button are already there, I just don't know how to link them [HTML] [Typescript]

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    What the title says. I created the button in my html using Bootstrap, and hid the field that creates a user using style="display: none". I gave the button an id, but I can't figure out how to link them properly. I don't code much, so I'm sure i'm forgetting something here; I can elaborate more if asked, but I'm going to sleep for now

    submitted by /u/Zimtschock
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    Is there a way to add the current day's date within an email body in dd/mm/yyyy format?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    Where I work there is the need to send emails where we need to add a specific code and then the current date on a new line, I have been able to sort out the first aspect using the following:

    <button onclick="location.href='mailto:Kofax.AriesNotes@xxxxbank.co.uk?body=NB%0d%0aHMLR%0d%0a';">HMLR</button>

    On the third line I want the date to pre fill in dd/mm/yyyy format but am having difficulty working out how to do this.

    submitted by /u/mrzhirkov
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    Question About Laptop For University

    Posted: 13 May 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    Apologies if this isn't the right place.

    I'm looking to get a new laptop for university (software engineering) however for at home I have a pretty decent PC so I don't want to get something too expensive.

    It will mainly be used for portable work and on the off chance I need to use the laptop at university (which I don't believe is the case).

    As such I'm looking towards a second-hand Dell XPS 13 9300 (16GB Ram i7 512 SSD). Will this be good enough in your opinion?

    For any long-form projects, I would use my home PC which has a dual monitor set up, so I don't believe the screen size should be an issue?

    Thanks for your help

    submitted by /u/JackJones02
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    Tips on collaboration

    Posted: 13 May 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    What are tips on how to collaborate on web dev/programming projects.

    I am on a special projects team (small projects) where the manager is not a developer and insists on assigning projects to the team as duos or groups, sometimes when one person has already started building a project they will insist that another person just join in and it's difficult to know how to suddenly collaborate.

    Are there any best practices, tips or techniques on forced collaboration on projects? Any personal stories?

    submitted by /u/codeyCode
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