• Breaking News

    Tuesday, May 25, 2021

    From zero coding experience at the age of 24, working two jobs to make ends meet, to a $140k SWE role as a self-taught programmer 2 years later — AMA learn programming

    From zero coding experience at the age of 24, working two jobs to make ends meet, to a $140k SWE role as a self-taught programmer 2 years later — AMA learn programming

    From zero coding experience at the age of 24, working two jobs to make ends meet, to a $140k SWE role as a self-taught programmer 2 years later — AMA

    Posted: 24 May 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    Here's a thread I made two years ago on r/cscareerquestions two years ago when I was just getting started.

    Brief summary of my history:

    1. Learned how to program November 2018 via "Learn Python the Hard Way" by Zed Shaw (Month 1)
    2. Went through a DS&A book and did a lot of Hackerrank (month 2).
    3. Learned HTML, CSS, and Django and built a note-taking web-app (month 3).
    4. Learned JavaScript and JQuery and built a personal website with it, along with Django (month 4).
    5. Did a lot more Hackerrank, applied to 1 SF startup, and landed an internship that started in July 2019 (month 5).
    6. Worked my ass off in the internship (I was the only other engineer other than the CTO) so they decided just to full-time me in August of 2019.

    Although my role isn't officially managerial, that is what it has largely become today.

    I'm a little sick today and can't really focus on work so I figured I'd do this with the hope that I might help someone out. I'm an open book, so literally AMA!

    Edit: Grammar

    Edit II: I'll be hitting the gym for the next 1.5 hours, but will be back to answer some more questions later! Thank you for all the awesome questions so far.

    Edit III: Sweated off a bit of my headache, back to answer more questions!

    Edit IV: Alright all, I'm about ready to call it a night! I hope many of you come back to this sub in the near future and create a post similar to mine in hopes of helping out the future generation of engineers. I'll return tomorrow to answer a few more questions that might not have been asked already. Thank you all again, and have a good night!

    submitted by /u/solidiquis1
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    I'm 40 years old - might as well learn to code Python

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    I've been fascinated by coding and coding languages since I was in middle school and we were being taught BASIC on Apple II/c computers. While the process and output was incredible, I always find it incredibly difficult to wrap my head around the logic and structure and format of learning to code. It always seemed so esoteric and byzantine that I figured my brain was more suitable for soft arts like writing or philosophy or something else.

    Fast forward 28 years. It's time to stop that from stopping me. As with anything in life, all I need to do to learn is to actually sit down and learn. I'm not a stupid man, although I'm pretty slow. That's okay - I can tell the computer to do my thinking for me. So I downloaded Python 3.9 and PyCharm and started watching a 5 1/2 hour tutorial.

    I'm also supplementing that tutorial by looking up definitions and concepts in the official Python documentation, although that tends to make me even more confused.

    My first project is to build a very simple game, kind of based on the old King's Quest games. Three rooms, with a text input for the user to describe what they do, a very simple inventory system, and both a win and fail state.

    I think, for me, the biggest stumbling block in learning to code won't be the nomenclature - that just takes time to learn, and all the different commands and such can be easily looked up - the real problem will be the logic behind it all. Making sure everything is flowing in the correct order, with appropriate callbacks. Making sure nothing is missing.

    I've built the initial rooms with basic instructions, although right now I have to limit the user inputs to just a few options and kick back an error if they deviate. So I guess my next goal is to create the ability for the user to pick up a single object and allow the user to be able to access that object.

    My first thought is to create an empty list, which can then be filled by elements the user can interact with, then print out that list when the user requests it.

    Maybe I should just start a coding journal - that's a thing, right?

    EDIT: Wow, thanks for all the well-wishes everyone. It really makes me feel fuzzy inside, and brings that sense of a good team project in college where everyone worked hard and together and built each other up. I've started writing my code journal, in a basic word processor, and it's pretty scattered, but I've already figured out a few things by typing through my thought processes. I've read it's not a terrible idea to learn something like HTML alongside a coding language, so I might do that and see if I can build a really simple website I can store my coding journal on.

    submitted by /u/elliott_coding
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    Just a quick question do you genuinely need math and physics for coding in the future?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:32 PM PDT

    My uni is kinda forcing us to take them and I wanna know why that is the case

    submitted by /u/cokjugglercuntsuker
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    How fast can I learn C++

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:38 PM PDT

    Minor Student here.

    I've excellent at memorizing things within a short amount of time. Ex: morse code alphabet in 2 hours. I want to program games using C++ before I'm on my own. How fast will I be able to learn C++ game development, and what resources can I use?

    submitted by /u/Riptide435
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    numpy weird behaviour, multipilcation with float zero, gives neagtive float zero.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:43 PM PDT

    >>> a = numpy.zeros([4]) >>> a array([0., 0., 0., 0.]) >>> a * -1 array([-0., -0., -0., -0.]) 

    i am new to numpy and is using it in my project. this weird behaviour is inducing issues in calculated values. As far as i know, this might be because of Floating point inaccuracy. my understanding of this topic is limited

    so i started to read more on floating points, to better understand and deal with any possible inaccuracy which might arise due to it, further down in my project. i don't fully understand it still.

    In my project , many value of order 10-20 maybe less might arise. should i be worried about the inaccuracy ?

    point me to some article or info, which might help me

    thank you

    submitted by /u/14_tovarish_14
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    I'm 30 and just finished the first software I wrote from zero without any help. It was fun for a beginner like me, any help about how to improve my code is welcome.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    First of all: I'm not trying to promote something I want to sell, it's just a simple console app from a beginner hahaha but it works and it's complete! (and this is a big deal for me, it was the first time I had to deal with over 500 lines of code)

    I am very new to programming I have always been interested in this but unfortunately I followed another path in my career. Now, due to the covid-19 disaster, I finally found the courage to use my free time to start learning how to code (self-learning) in my 30's.

    It all began in late 2020 when I started learning the basics of programming + logic with JavaScript courses (and also some html and css) as soon as I felt that "something is making sense here" I took some basic courses on C and C ++ to learn where a lot of things came from (besides trying to learn how to use git) and it really gave me a good idea about the differences between languages. I also watched all episodes of Crash Course: Computer Science to understand better the story behind it all. (sometimes I also watch some Tom Scott's videos when it's not about some random rock/pasture/street that he found in England)

    So everyone told me it was a bad idea to keep jumping all the time between different languages, so I ended up choosing to stick with C# in February/2021 because apparently it is easier for a beginner like me to learn C# than to master C++.

    The application I made

    All right straight to the point (sort of): People also told me that "too many tutorials/courses isn't a good idea because you need to practice by yourself" but I had no idea what should do until someday I was reading about the International Morse Code and thought: "Maybe I can do this".

    I've had a lot of challenges since I wrote it from scratch but it was also fun: testing everything to see how it works, searching the best place to start, think ahead about things I will need later, doing some "non-programming" task like thinking about how to make the user experience better, doing some programming tasks like HOW THE USER IS LIKELY GOING TO BREAK EVERYTHING WITH THE WRONG INPUTS (and how not to let this happen)...

    Maybe programming this application without any "help tutorial" was enough challenge, but I also choose not to use some libraries like LINQ and other (if I really don't need to), just to make me think by myself on how to solve a problem without relying too much on Google or Stackoverflow so that I could understand what I really know about programming right now.

    So yes 99% is just "using System;" and my own classes, you bet I missed the dictionary from Collection.Generics.

    But yeah after all it's complete!

    Started 4 days ago but didn't had enough time to work on it as I wanted until the weekend, finished yesterday. I have no idea how much time I spent on Visual Studio 2019 doing it.

    What it does

    It's an "Morse Decoder" (more like a tool to help you translate the sound signals), with it you can write the dots and dashes (or dits and dahs) and ask the software to translate it to you! It work the other way around too: You write your message and it will translate it to Morse Code, I even found a way to use Windows beeps to actually play your message so you can have an idea of how it will sounds like! (But I think this means it won't work on Linux and Mac, I need to solve this later when I figure out why "System.Media" isn't working)

    I programmed from scratch everything there: The translator, the "dictionary", the menus, wrote the texts, solved some bugs... and I feel like it's something finished which is great because I was afraid of doing something that would be forgotten in some "finish later" folder hahaha

    You can DOWNLOAD the v1.0 here.

    Also feel free to look at the code in my GitHub page.

    Any comment about the code is welcome

    As I said: I did it to LEARN. I'm looking for a job in this career and I need to learn how to do things right.

    So anyone more experienced who feels like giving me some tips about my code please do it, I would really appreciate it.

    Sometimes I still don't understand very well about when to use public/private/static so I tried using some "get;set;" in the Text class. I feel like isn't a good idea to make everything "public static" but in the end a lot of things ended up like this.

    Also I tried to use System.Media to play the beep sounds but it didn't worked (maybe it's something related to NET 5.0) so I ended up using Console.Beeps which is kinda fine but I don't know if it works on Linux and Mac.

    VS2019 automatically named a variable with uppercase after the get/set and this is kind of weird because I thought that only methods should have names with the first letter in uppercase.

    I bet there's some problems about best practices I forgot to include in the code, still struggling with some naming conventions and things I should do to have a better running performance... and as you can see English isn't my native language so there must be some typos too.

    Any tip about how to use GitHub properly is also appreciated, right now I'm using GitKraken instead of doing everything with GitBash, but there's also some confusing things like choosing a 'license' for your code, how to properly commit things and so on.

    Anyway feel free to say anything you think about my code hahaha

    GitHub page.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Jillsea87
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    Results of Learning How to Code during 1 Year with a job and school on the side! - Tips on what to do next? ��‍��

    Posted: 24 May 2021 04:41 PM PDT

    Around 1 year ago, I started learning how to code to be able to build SaaS apps, and to be more fulfilled in my career. (in the future, I would like to own & manage a portfolio of SaaS apps)

    I learned while having a part-time job in Marketing, and part-time School. Some moments were hard, I also lost motivation a few tiles, but I still ended up learning what I wanted.

    If you want to see what I've done for more context, you can check:

    • My portfolio with all the projects I made
    • The last project I made during the month of April 2021 (works better on desktop)
    • Or this video, which shows what I have done so far (I'm just starting YouTube, hope the vid is ok :p)

    I'm now hesitating between 2 things I could do because I'm going to finish college in a few months, and I'll have some free time:

    1. Start doing a bit of freelance with small short projects to be able to gain experience on real projects, and also learn from people more experienced than me
    2. Start building SaaS apps by myself and try to monetize them, it is closer to my end goal, but could backfire because I'm not experienced enough

    What do you guys think? Should I go for solution 1, or 2, or maybe start with 1, and then 2?

    Any tips or feedback highly appreciated!

    And also, Good luck to all people learning how to code, you can do it! 🙌

    submitted by /u/Sandux
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    What questions should I be asking during my internship?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    It's my first week into my internship and I've been having a lot of one on ones with seniors, leads, and principle engineers. They are super friendly and want me to ask a lot of questions. I was wondering if there are any "good" or must ask questions I should be asking that would benefit my time during this internship.

    The questions I've been asking so far are all related to setting up my env, asking about the acronyms that are brought up during meetings, and other icebreaker type questions to get to know them better.

    Also if you have any tips that could help me in any way I would gladly appreciate it! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/tunafins
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    Emotions before knowledge

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    Recently i got an internship but i was not prepared emotionally so i had brain freeze and could not focus at all. I started to overthink and i quit it so i can rest my mind. But i think now it has affected me i am afraid of coding and programming in general. I simply think about coding all day(trying to solve a problem in my mind) but i just cant get myself to the laptop because i am afraid.

    Can you please share your similar stories if you have been in this situation. Please understand me, programming is what i love to do i used to be on the top the of class of my group about programming, full of motivation but now i think i lost it.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/NullPointerEz
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    [discord.py] You are being blocked from accessing our API temporarily due to exceeding our rate limits frequently.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:49 PM PDT

    Hello there my gorgeous friend on the internet. I've recently made a timer bot that sets timer for example 50 minutes and refresh it every minute after every 60 seconds to a lower value by one place, 49 minutes in this case this is done by using a while loop. But recently I encountered this issue where my terminal shows an error which says : You are being blocked from accessing our API temporarily due to exceeding our rate limits frequently. Please read our docs at https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/rate-limits to prevent this moving forward.

    I went to this web page but I don't think I understand anything. Like what the hell is a rate limit and how do you prevent this from happening again.

    Please help me I'm so confused. I have searched about this on google and nothing helped.

    That's why I am asking you my gorgeous friend :)

    edit : Code

    import discord from discord.ext import commands import asyncio from keep_alive import keep_alive # Setting bot prefix to ||!|| bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", case_insensitive=True) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print("Bot Started Successfully !") @bot.command() async def hi(ctx): await ctx.send("Hello There my gorgeous friend on the internet I am you'r **Timer Bot!** Use command **!timer _** to start a timer for _ minutes. (Eg., **!timer 50** => Start a 50 minutes timer) :)") @bot.command() async def timer(ctx, minutes): try: minutesint = int(minutes) response_less_ten = ":timer:" if minutesint < 10: starter = await ctx.send(f"You'r timer for {minutes} minutes has started: {ctx.author.mention}") msg = await ctx.send(response_less_ten) while minutesint != 0: minutesint -= 1 if minutesint == 0: minutes_emoji = ":zero:" elif minutesint == 1: minutes_emoji = ":one:" elif minutesint == 2: minutes_emoji = ":two:" elif minutesint == 3: minutes_emoji = ":three:" elif minutesint == 4: minutes_emoji = ":four:" elif minutesint == 5: minutes_emoji = ":five:" elif minutesint == 6: minutes_emoji = ":six:" elif minutesint == 7: minutes_emoji = ":seven:" elif minutesint == 8: minutes_emoji = ":eight:" elif minutesint == 9: minutes_emoji = ":nine:" await asyncio.sleep(60) await msg.edit(content=minutes_emoji) await ctx.send(f"You'r Timer has ended {ctx.author.mention} Enjoy you'r time and don't forget to smile :) ") if minutesint >= 10: digit_3 = int(minutes[0]) digit_4 = int(minutes[1]) starter = await ctx.send(f"You'r timer for {minutes} minutes has started: {ctx.author.mention}") digit_3_emoji = ":timer:" digit_4_emoji = ":alarm_clock:" response = await ctx.send(f"{digit_3_emoji}{digit_4_emoji}") while minutesint != 0: minutesint -= 1 if digit_4 == 0: digit_4 = 9 digit_3 -= 1 elif digit_4 != 0 : digit_4 -= 1 # Digit to emoji if digit_4 == 0: digit_4_emoji = ":zero:" elif digit_4 == 1: digit_4_emoji = ":one:" elif digit_4 == 2: digit_4_emoji = ":two:" elif digit_4 == 3: digit_4_emoji = ":three:" elif digit_4 == 4: digit_4_emoji = ":four:" elif digit_4 == 5: digit_4_emoji = ":five:" elif digit_4 == 6: digit_4_emoji = ":six:" elif digit_4 == 7: digit_4_emoji = ":seven:" elif digit_4 == 8: digit_4_emoji = ":eight:" elif digit_4 == 9: digit_4_emoji = ":nine:" if digit_3 == 0: digit_3_emoji = ":zero:" elif digit_3 == 1: digit_3_emoji = ":one:" elif digit_3 == 2: digit_3_emoji = ":two:" elif digit_3 == 3: digit_3_emoji = ":three:" elif digit_3 == 4: digit_3_emoji = ":four:" elif digit_3 == 5: digit_3_emoji = ":five:" elif digit_3 == 6: digit_3_emoji = ":six:" elif digit_3 == 7: digit_3_emoji = ":seven:" elif digit_3 == 8: digit_3_emoji = ":eight:" elif digit_3 == 9: digit_3_emoji = ":nine:" timer_emoji = f"{digit_3_emoji}{digit_4_emoji}" await asyncio.sleep(60) await response.edit(content=timer_emoji) await ctx.send(f"You'r Timer has ended {ctx.author.mention} Enjoy you'r time and don't forget to smile :) ") except ValueError: await ctx.send("You must enter a number! :)") # Run the python web server ! keep_alive() # Run the Bot ! bot.run(Token) 

    submitted by /u/mayanksdp11
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    Need advice on my path to learning parallel programming facial recognition

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I am trying to use CUDA to perform facial recognition but it is such a steep jump for me - coding wise, I have only ever done web dev and I need some advice on preparations I should do before tackling this problem. So from my research findings, there are 3 ways to do facial recognition, Principle Component Analysis, Histogram Oriented Gradients and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). My current plan is to experiment with CNN. (although I have no expereicne working with neural networks before)

    My current plan so far will be to:

    1) Learn pycuda

    2) Perform image processing on pycuda (probably greyscale)

    3) Learn pytorch

    4) Try implementing CNN with pytorch

    Have been trying to start on my plan these past 2 weeks but there is so much I don't understand that my progress has been real slow. Any advice on what to do to understand / perform these task will be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/cabbageshiodare
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    An approach to internalizing.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    I have issues with comprehension. Usually when i'm presented with a bit of instructions, I tend not to grasp immediately what it is that's in front of me in the moment.

    So, taking this back to CS, it seems that i'll have a bit of freedom to experiment with what works well with training my brain to get accustomed to working with the static and rigid environment where using my mind to solve issues with what problems i intend to solve.

    SO... an example (CPP)

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int main ()


    int x, y, z;

    cout << "what can I do for you today?" << endl;

    cout << "I would like to " << "A: eat some lasagne" << endl;

    cout << "Why are you here? "<< endl;

    cin >> x >> endl;

    cout << x;

    return 0;


    I've decided to try and do some ridiculous things. My intention is to play with lines of codes to make nonsensical things to get the flow of "coding" settled it. I just want see how i can put all these stupid lines that make no sense but still somehow functions fundamentally how a program should.

    As you may have seen already, I've not gotten very far because i'm plagued with error messages and I don't really know what kind of formula or methodology i need to use to identify mistakes and errors. I just want these long chains of commands which go further and further, but still makes the program function properly.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Riven_Dante
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    What's an effective to remember everything I have learnt?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    I have started learning web development and I have understood stuff but I am just wondering that as I progress, I might forget the things that I have learnt and I haven't been making any notes because writing code as notes in a book or online just doesn't seem right (from previous experience). How do you all keep hold of the knowledge you learn especially when it is something which isn't your primary activity in the day but something you try to make time to learn for every single day?

    submitted by /u/cypherdeciphered
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    Developing On Windows VS Linux Does It Matter?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:05 PM PDT

    I am learning Python and the tutorial I am following has the guy doing everything in Linux.

    I managed to install Python on Windows just like he installed it on Linux.

    Am I going to have issues following this tutorial or is it all basically the same?

    submitted by /u/jrosend963
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    How much should a 14 year old learn coding, i see all this advanced stuff on the internet and i dont know if i should learn them, i know c++ and basic python, but i realised i dont know anything. Can someone tell me where i can learn this advanced stuff cause tutorials on youtube are begginers only

    Posted: 25 May 2021 12:49 AM PDT

    Thanks for the replies

    submitted by /u/23_RIkzy
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    A question about self-studying

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:58 PM PDT

    I have started learning python a few days ago and I'm intending to dive into the world of programming but i'm concerned about is self studying will be enough to make a professional and capable in getting programming jobs or i have to major in CS or SWE ?

    submitted by /u/xSauud
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    Is a computer science degree worth it?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:37 PM PDT

    I'm a new grad with a 2 year diploma in Software Development. Is it worth it for me to go back to school for another 2 to 4 years getting a degree in computer science (or related field) ?

    submitted by /u/kp4ws
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    Scraping ajax content

    Posted: 25 May 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    I want to scrape the movie reviews from imdb dataset. The Link is given below


    But the problem is it has load more button instead of pagination and when I inspect the network tab, it is returning ajax content. Now I am confused how to get the next page of ajax content. I am using scrapy library for scraping

    submitted by /u/redditforazeem
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    Problem in freeglut

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:23 PM PDT

    Hi, I've been trying to install and run freeglut in Code::Blocks but there been two errors that I can't seem to fix. For which the shapes aren't showing. I'm using manjaro and codeblocks 20.03.

    sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('

    sh: -c: line 1: `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:.:/home/towfiq/asdf/(invalid)/lib /home/towfiq/asdf/bin/Debug/asdf '

    submitted by /u/Towfiq7664
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    chrome extension question

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:26 PM PDT

    Hello so after learning that you can actually get banned from stack overflow for asking questions (wtf) I guess I'm here. Not that reddit's bad or anything, I just never thought about using it and it seems way better since at least I won't get banned.

    Anyways enough ranting. I am writing a chrome extension with the following manifest.json:

    "manifest_version": 2,

    "content_scripts": [
    "run_at": "document_end",
    "matches": ["*://www.youtube.com/watch?v=*", "*://youtube.com/watch?v=*"],
    "js": ["content.js"]


    Basically it runs a script called content.js only if it matches the patterns as listed in my matches array. And also the run_at is so that it will run after the page loads.

    It works great when I say, reload a youtube video while already on one, or go to a youtube video from some other site that isn't youtube.

    The problem is when I'm on a youtube video, I click on a different youtube video in the sidebar- the content.js script will not run! And I'm confused on why- the URL is changing and so shouldn't the content.js script be running as well? How can I make it so that the script will run? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/pogey24
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    When looping through an array of JavaScript objects, what is the best method for displaying that data?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    I am currently using a for loop to loop through an array of data and I'm using document.write() to display the data.

    is there a better way to do this? Or perhaps a more modern way?

    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(data => {
    for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    document.write("<h2>" + data[i].title + "</h2>");
    document.write("<p>" + data[i].published_at + "</p>")

    This works, but i'm just wondering if maybe I could somehow append to an existing div in the HTML. Something like:

    <div id="root"></div>

    submitted by /u/SitBoySitGoodDog
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    Should I build a web app or mobile app? What language?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    This will be for non-US country (Philippines). It will offer poetry contests. Fairly simple stuff. Submit, view, vote. Maybe a feature where a user can add. Follow users.

    I did a coding bootcamp 5 years ago (could not find job). I am confident in my programming abilities (enough to get over the hump.) It was in ruby though which I hated. I experimented with PHP for awhile, I liked it how easy it all was with PhpMyadmin, could use my shared host and stuff.

    The thing is, my app will be for the Philippines. Vast majority of people there use mobile phones.

    Any pointers greatly appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/theRealLOCURO
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    Code for small business - keeping track of money flows

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:44 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'll come right to the point. I've been dabbling in programming as a hobby since early 2020. I'm getting pretty comfortable with Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and C (no where near mastery). I've built some small projects (like a webscraper) but so far haven't really had any opportunity to build something that really is impactful for my work.

    For my day to day existence I run a small business in the food service industry, and we're looking to expand. We have an accountant, but since we are working with several investors and occasionally need to move money to bank accounts abroad (long story that is neither interesting nor relevant) I have quite some transfers to track across multiple banks, multiple accounts, in multiple currencies, and in multiple countries. Furthermore, we receive our income as a constant trickle (people buying our stuff). All in all, a whole lot of transfers as you can imagine.

    The good news is that I can get very clear overviews from the involved bank accounts in PDF, Excel, or CSV format (it varies). What I want to achieve is that I can periodically download these reports, feed them into a script, and output a report (excel sheet?) that puts all these bank accounts side by side so we can exactly what goes where (e.g., person X invested 10,000 so it pop up on investment account Y, then got sent to operational account Z, etc).

    The steps (and priorities) as I see them:

    1. Standardize input (the bank reports) and get them all in the same format as much as possible
    2. Write an input script that can take these reports and change them in to a format that can compare them
    3. Figure out how to create output in a clear, readable, AND shareable way
    4. I will be the one using these scripts so no fancy GUI or anything needed, although ultimately it might be educational for me to try anyway

    The tools at my disposal: Python, JavaScript, Ruby, C, Excel.

    Any thoughts on which "technology deck" would be the best fit for a project like this? Ideally I would keep it within the tools I am already comfortable with but willing to step outside of that if it's worthwhile. Suggestions on libraries to use, directions to be pointed in to, or any other forms of advice are much appreciated!


    Want to make an app that can sort bank statements in various formats and bundle them in to a single one, (ideally) using Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Ruby, or C, and looking for any advice on libraries etc.

    submitted by /u/barryhakker
    [link] [comments]

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