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    Wednesday, May 26, 2021

    CSS units quicksheet 🦸⚡ web developers

    CSS units quicksheet ��⚡ web developers

    CSS units quicksheet ��⚡

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:04 AM PDT

    As of today, express@latest has not received an update in two years

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:10 PM PDT

    I wanted to start a discussion on the state of the Express Node web-server framework. The current version v4.x@latest has not received an update on npm in two years, and the "next" version v5.x is coming up to a year without so much as a Git commit to its main branch.

    Express is seemingly still the default choice for developers creating a web-server with Node in 2021, even without its native support for promises, and most definitely every Node tutorial seems to only teach Express, still.

    Do you use it personally or at work? Why or why not? What are some more "modern" alternatives (Koa, Fastify, Nest, Next, etc.)? And what do you see the future of Express being?

    I've been getting very interested in Koa myself lately, but would like to hear more thoughts from the community.

    submitted by /u/MatthewMob
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    I made a small browser game where you have to guess the year that famous events happened (between 1900-2021). Link in comments.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    My Top 10 visual studio code extensions for web development

    Posted: 26 May 2021 05:58 AM PDT


    Visual Studio Code or VS Code is the most popular editor for Web Development in 2021. One of the most impressive parts of Visual Studio Code is customizability, especially with the extensions. Today, I will show you my 10 favourite VS Code extenions for web development.

    Installing VS Code and VS Code Extensions

    In order to use VS Code's extensions, you need to download VS Code. You can download it click here.

    To install extensions press CTRL+SHIFT+X or just click on the extension icon of Visual Studio Code. Search for the extension and press install.

    The choices of the extensions are my of personal opinion.

    1. ESLint
    Want to write better code? Want consistent formatting across your team? Install ESLint. This extension can be configured to auto format your code as well as 'yell' with linting errors/warnings. VS Code specifically is also perfectly configured to show you these errors/warnings.

    Link : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dbaeumer.vscode-eslint

    2. Live Server
    Make changes in code editor, switch to browser, and refresh to see changes. That's the endless cycle of a developer, but what if your browser would automatically refresh anytime you make changes? That's where Live Server comes in! On a click of a button, your site is up and running locally. It provides the live preview of our web application right within your editor.

    Link : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ritwickdey.LiveServer

    3. Prettier - Code formatter
    Prettier is a lifesaver when it comes to formatting and productivity. Prettier formats your files on a save once you configure it in your settings. Instead of spending hours a day making your code look clean, use Prettier. This extension performs the formatting of the JavaScript, CSS, and HTML code.

    Never worry about formatting again!

    Link : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode

    4. Material Icon Theme
    Fan of Google's Material design? Then, check out this Material themed icon pack. There's hundreds of different icons and they are pretty awesome looking!

    Link : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=PKief.material-icon-theme

    5. Better Comments
    This extension helps you to create more human-friendly and easy-to-read comments.

    Link : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=aaron-bond.better-comments

    6. Path Intellisense
    Remembering specific file names and the directories your files are in can get tricky. This extension will provide you intellisense for just that. As you start typing a path in quotations, you will get intellisense for directories and file names. This will save you from spending a lot of time in the file explorer

    Link : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=christian-kohler.path-intellisense

    7. Polacode
    You know those fancy code screenshots you see in articles and tweets? Well, most likely they came from Polacode. It's super simple to use. Copy a piece of code to your clipboard, open up the extension, paste the code, and click to save your image!

    Link : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=pnp.polacode

    8. Debugger for Chrome
    Believe it or not, debugging JavaScript means more than just writing console.log() statements (although that's a lot of it). Chrome has features built in that make debugging a much better experience. This extension brought the powerful chrome debugger right into the visual studio code. It is very useful for front-end developers to perform the testing and debugging.

    Link : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome

    9. Bracket Pair Colorizor
    This extension gives the same colour to matching brackets and parenthesis. This extension prevents you from taking too long looking for the correct closing bracket. This is a must-have if you are using a language which uses brackets and not indentation (sorry python users).

    Link : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer

    10. Settings Sync
    Developers, myself included, spend a lot of time customizing their dev environment, especially their text editors. With the Settings Sync extension, you can save your setting off in Github. Then, you can load them to any new version of VS Code with one command. Don't get caught without your amazing setup ever again!

    Link : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Shan.code-settings-sync


    Hope this post will help you in web development. Thank you for reading the post!!!)))

    submitted by /u/alex_kdev
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    Anyone else always changing his/her mind after a while working on a side project?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    For me it's always the same story...

    I get a fantastic idea about something, i start working on it, finish 50% of the app.Then I start looking at already-existing applications and comparing it to mine.I start feeling discouraged about my design and start thinking about other implementations/designs.

    Then i branch off, make a V2 version and repeat the same thing. It causes me to never finish what i started...

    Any tips on how to handle this?

    I made about 10 versions of my portfolio website before actually pushing through and finishing it.

    submitted by /u/keniboy20
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    What do you expect from a senior dev?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    I'm a dev with 15 years or so experience, I'd consider myself a senior in terms of experience and technical ability but feel like I haven't had much opportunity to test and stretch myself lately

    I'm unhappy with my current role, as I feel I'm not getting the opportunity to learn and progress, we're quite old fashioned in our processes and attempts to change them have failed - understaffed, too many priorities, lots of legacy code and huge tech debt, and so on...

    I've been applying for jobs that are paying a level above my current position, and have an interview on Tuesday.

    I am trying to be realistic about what they may expect - and I feel I haven't had the chance to flex my "senior muscles" much recently so I wondered what the good people of reddit have to say about what they'd expect of a senior

    submitted by /u/SimpleWarthog
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    Web Development Focused Career Counselor?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    Hi webdev, hope this is okay to post here. I'm looking for a career counselor who has experience helping front-end web developers with resume, portfolio, etc... I've been (trying to) get a front-end career going for a few years, and I'm a little at my wit's end. I think I just need some direction and critique, as well as advice on which language/framework to focus on. Any contacts you have that could help would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/PMDevS
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    Advice on taking a job please

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    I'm asking for people's thoughts on my current situation. I've been offered a job by a smallish tool shop to build their entire website and ecommerce platform by myself. I went for an interview on Monday this week about 1pm and ended up staying until 7pm just talking to them about everything.

    The owner was very friendly and seemed to be very genuine. He'd previously hired an agency and they got a portion of a website done for them but he claimed it was too awkward working with them, it was difficult for them to make basic changes, he was always talking to a middleman etc. He said he wanted to get someone to work for them directly instead, I can work from home but I just need to come in once a week and keep them updated.

    However the terms are quite vague atm, I made it clear that I think I'm capable but I don't know the timescale, he said even if it takes up to 6 months he doesn't mind. He's willing to let me work on it and depending on how things go he'll bump my pay, and if things go well then I could become their permanent IT/developer guy that keeps this all running for them.

    They literally gave me all their login details for everything I'd need on the day of the interview. They have stripe/paypal payment gateways already, they have a digital ocean droplet server. They said if I need anything paid just let them know.

    I'm a fairly rookie programmer, only really started around October 2020 although I'm not bad with computers from years of tinkering and modding and games etc, and I've found I genuinely really enjoy programming.

    So far I've only got 2 real world projects, a webcomic and a landing page for a holiday cottage, both done for friends. I've also done a few projects through courses and that sort of thing. I use the LAMP stack and JS/Sass for the front-end. I was planning to learn Laravel but I'm not sure I'll have the time if I'm working on this. So for the moment I'm looking at doing it all in PHP MVC.

    I've got more interviews coming up over the next week, for regular companies with regular terms and pay etc. There's no guarantee I'll get any of them though, I'm self taught with no commercial experience. So for the moment I'm just working on a prototype front-end design to show to these guys, and planning/building out the framework for this site.

    My gut is telling me to go with this tool shop, it seems like a great experience, I'm not too concerned about the money as long as my bills are paid, and I have total freedom to do everything how I want. Even if it's not permanent, it's something I could show off to future employers. However there's a LOT to do and things I'm not sure on, although I think I can work it all out with enough time.

    If you've made it this far I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/RunnyMcGun
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    I'm trying to figure out Wordpress but all the articles assume you don't know how to code

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    I know HTML, CSS and JS and I'm wanting to branch out and do some work for people. I also need to make an e-commerce store and I figured wordpress would be the thing to use.

    When I search topics on how to use wordpress they all assume you're not a programmer and that you want to use their basic website builder with pre-made themes. I don't want to use something pre-made. I want to write the page myself and integrate e-commerce into it.

    I've setup wordpress on my local machine but it still seems like I have to use their basic builder with their premade themes. I know developers use Wordpress so I'm assuming there's a more advanced way of using it..right?

    Can someone point me in the way of some decent articles on using wordpress which are targeted towards developers?

    submitted by /u/enserioamigo
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    [noob] Deployment of Gatsby/strapi app to the web

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    Hi all, thanks for taking time to read. Hopefully I am adhering to guidelines for this sub.

    I'm fairly new (~1yr) to front-end development. I figured I would try to help a musician colleague re-work his patched together, 20yr old html/css website with something more modern as a project that would both help him and my professional portfolio. I'm fairly comfortable with html, css, js, react, and Gatsby. The ultimate goal for the website is for me to lay it out and make it functional, then hand over the keys, so to speak, to let him add and modify content(events, music, videos, blog) at will, without much further intervention on my part. If I need to process a weekly or monthly build, that would be fine, but automating this process is the ultimate goal.

    This is where I find out about headless CMS, and land on strapi as an option that is apparently both flexible and easy to work with. Great. So I get strapi up and running locally with no problem, using the built-in SQLite database, and get Gatsby to access the content from strapi using graphql with no problem. Awesome.

    Over the past few days I've been super frustrated with how to deploy this to a server to make it useful. We tried his current "traditional" hosting service on a shared server, but they do not support nodejs builds unless he upgrades to a much more expensive VPS option.

    I read that deploying the front-end and the back-end separately(what? but, ok..) is a thing and that Heroku is some amazing technology for this in terms of the back-end, which I'm sure that it is. So I successfully deploy the project to Heroku with postgreSQL, and there it is... with nothing in it, and no supporting documentation on where my content is. And the Heroku docs are THICC. I literally understand none of it. And any internet searching regarding strapi and Heroku literally leads to the same cheesy (sorry if you created one of these tuts) strapi blog setup tutorials.

    So I'm a little leery of advancing any further without a bit of guidance. Server-side and database architecture is definitely the largest weakness in my overall tech knowledge, so any advice (ELI5) or links to relevant or accessible guides or tutorials would be much appreciated. Some other supporting questions:

    - Am I in over may head, and should just go with a Gatsby 'static' build? Am I using the correct/relevant technologies in general for what I'm trying to accomplish?

    - Is Heroku right for my project? Is there a better, all-in-one solution? There are a lot of recommendations out there for hosting on AWS... thoughts on this service?

    - Would Gatsby cloud work? I would kinda like to use it (not sure why) but I don't know if it would work...

    - Am I just going to need to restart my strapi database in postgreSQL? Or is there an easy way to transport my content from SQLite? I honestly have very little idea how databases even work, except they hold data. I don't know why a file system can't work, because most of the data is media...?

    - Is there another headless CMS that is more appropriate for a project like this?

    Again, thank you, and please feel free to ask follow-up questions if there is any relevant info that is missing.

    submitted by /u/niruboowanga
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    Can't afford college...

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    As I finished high school this year, I'm between pursuing CS degree and self-teaching myself front end. For the college, I can't afford it since I'm poor, and it's so expensive. I've always had the passion for coding and was doing it since my preteens.

    People in here, Reddit says that without college you won't be considered as a potential and serious candidate and can't make 6 figures, you'll make minimal wage...

    What do you guys think, can I teach myself coding and start a job if I start tomorrow until Christmas ?


    submitted by /u/erenftw
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    Good Naming Practices for Async Event Handlers

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    Hi. I'm trying to figure out a better way to name some of my functions. Naturally, I want to follow the usual verbNoun() naming convention, but the problem is that too many times, my verb winds up as "handle", and it's getting awkward.

    Some functions "handle" user input or events, like clicks or hovers. Others "handle" form submissions, which is similar, but not quite the same concept, especially since it usually initiates a background AJAX call instead of a very visible UI change like the click/hover situations. And then there are other functions that "handle" the return from those AJAX calls - not quite so immediately user-initiated.

    If half the functions in my codebase are handleWhatever(), the word "handle" becomes pretty meaningless. Does anyone have any ideas for how to differentiate between these various things?

    What are you doing in your own codebases?

    submitted by /u/kmactane
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    How can one post and get data from form for table simultaneously

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    Im guessing a script but not sure how to set up the coding.

    So i have a form on my website. (link below)

    Once people enter and press sumbit the data they input from form goes to the collection in database.

    But I also have a table on same page. I want the data they put into the form to append to the table at same time.

    I have managed to set up the "Post" aspect correctly. So data is going to the MongoDb atlas I am using when they submit.

    Any pointers how i can also get this data to be added to the table.

    I made a local version that works with javascript fucntion append data to the table ID. But of course thats not saved into database you can see/try here.

    EuroPes Super League- Celtic FC (epsl.herokuapp.com)

    submitted by /u/Thepesking
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    MDN is launching MDN Plus

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    How "plausible(.io)" are our website analytics?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    Are web workers worth it?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    So I have a (pretty simple) web app with notifications. Currently it's long-polling an endpoint to get the "Unread count" (yes I know I should probably be using websockets but that's another story). I was having a look around on various dev forums and found web workers which seem to run JS functions on a different thread to the main application

    I updated the notifications to use these web workers to poll via a separate thread. I can't really think of a way to benchmark it but is this the right way to go about using web workers? Has anyone else had any experience with using them?

    submitted by /u/capten_masin
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    Zelda Meme Modal that helped get me hired

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    Your smart front-end is doing too much

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 125

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    PHP or C# after knowing JS pretty well?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    I've been working with JS for around 2 years now, I know HTML and CSS really well, have shipped products with all things web dev, React, Vue, Angular, etc... you name it, I've done it. Likewise for Node/backend stuff.

    I want to make the leap from "Web Developer" to "Software Engineer" and I feel like a piece of that is knowing 3-5 languages as opposed to just 1.

    I've dabbled in PHP a little bit and it kinda felt like JS with a slightly different syntax, leading me to think that it is perhaps the easiest one to learn after knowing JS. Laravel intrigues me as well, as does the idea of being able to create WP plugins and try to make some side income through that.

    C# is a concrete step in the Java/C/C++ direction while not being quite as intimidating, and it is a solid step in the direction of being more of a general software engineer rather than purely a webdev. Obviously it'll be a bit harder to learn than PHP.

    Any insight into this?

    submitted by /u/ClassicPurist
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    I am looking for a freelancing and remote UI/UX design or/and web development project

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    Hey 👋, my name is Xian. I am a self-taught UI/UX designer and full-stack javascript developer. My tech stack includes, MongoDB, React, Express, Nodejs, Nextjs, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Git. I am able to bring user experience, visual design, and development altogether.

    Here is my GitHub, https://github.com/xnslx

    Here is the Behance, https://www.behance.net/xnslx89fc36

    Here is my Medium, https://link.medium.com/izh9bMB9zgb

    I am looking for a freelancing and remote UI/UX design or/and web development project. Since I am currently working on other clients' work, I will be available in June.

    submitted by /u/Pipe-Silly
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    How do I manage emails for my domain?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    I have all my domains on namesilo and currently use Bluehost for my emails but their system rejects sendgrid emails and there is no way to turn off the filter. You have to whitelist IPs that have sendgrid tracking and that's not possible.

    So while we use sendgrid tracking and all our emails are successfully delivered to inboxes on Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo, our internal emails are rejected because they have send grid tracking.
    Cannot remove send grid tracking every time we need to communicate internally. Furthermore, I think incoming send grid emails from external domains are being rejected.

    What are some good email providers?

    submitted by /u/VenusForshee
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    How to simulate keyboard input?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    Hey. I am building a chrome extension, that should copy order data from a clients website, and then open up a royal mail tab, and create a shipping label. I successfully insert the data, but when clicking "Create order", the website thinks the form has no data since I've set the value with Javascript, and not typed on my keyboard. I have tried to see. what events are fired, and it seems that its key up/down based off this input field:

    <input id="first-name-0" name="first-name-0" type="text" maxlength="100" required="required" ng-required="true" ng-model="model.firstName" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }" ng-pattern="/^[\x00-\xFF]*$/" class="ng-valid-pattern ng-valid-maxlength ng-touched ng-not-empty ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-valid ng-valid-required" style=""> 

    I have tried to dispatch an event, when the input is detected, but I still can't get it working.

    document.querySelector('#first-name-0').dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keyup', { key: "e", keyCode: 69, which: 69, shiftKey: false, ctrlKey: false, metaKey: false, altKey: false, bubbles: true, cancelBubble: false, cancelable: true, charCode: 115, code: "KeyS", composed: true, explicitOriginalTarget: "input#title-0.ng-valid-pattern.ng-valid-maxlength.ng-valid.ng-valid-required.ng-not-empty.ng-dirty.ng-valid-parse.ng-touched", isComposing: false, isTrusted: true, key: "s", keyCode: 115, layerX: 0, layerY: 0, location: 0, metaKey: false })); 

    key: "e", keyCode: 69, which: 69, shiftKey: false, ctrlKey: false, metaKey: false, altKey: false, bubbles: true, cancelBubble: false, cancelable: true, charCode: 115, code: "KeyS", composed: true, explicitOriginalTarget: "input#title-0.ng-valid-pattern.ng-valid-maxlength.ng-valid.ng-valid-required.ng-not-empty.ng-dirty.ng-valid-parse.ng-touched", isComposing: false, isTrusted: true, key: "s", keyCode: 115, layerX: 0, layerY: 0, location: 0, metaKey: false }));

    I have been trying to solve this for 3 days now. I have a deadline, so it's vital I have this solved today. Does anyone now how I can solve this? The website url is https://business.parcel.royalmail.com/orders/


    I should add I've tried to remove the required attribute, class names. But still the same issue.

    It's a react app

    Its built with Angular

    submitted by /u/artFlix
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