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    Thursday, May 27, 2021

    18 Cards of how to design web forms web developers

    18 Cards of how to design web forms web developers

    18 Cards of how to design web forms

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Coding challenge BEFORE I even got an interview...new guys just say no!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    I was requested to complete a 3 tier web service as part of a "coding challenge".


    This is the LAST LINE of the project spec...

    "We are expecting to see the completed work as outlined above in working condition. You should use best practices to the best of your availability and include unit tests for the REST API to prove your code works. Also please include instructions on how to run your code OR include a docker or vagrant file so we can easily run it."

    Fuckin No

    New guys just say no. This is work. Do not do it unless you're getting paid.

    submitted by /u/d1ag0n
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    A visual web dev road map with links to learn useful skills

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    I posted this in r/learnprogramming, but it's too good not to share here as well!!

    live: https://andreasbm.github.io/web-skills/

    GitHub: https://github.com/andreasbm/web-skills

    submitted by /u/sachiewang
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    Why Google threw out FP and FCP in favor of LCP (Correlation study)

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Clickbait Recruiting emails: Your Code Could Save Lives! (Rant)

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    I just got off the phone with a company rep that contacted me through email with the subject line "Your Code Could Save Lives!"

    I had actually replied to the initial email asking how that worked, considering that their product was a cloud based appointment scheduling service.

    Their response was "We would have to explain it over a quick chat". Fine. I've got time. 10 minute convo won't hurt.

    Of course, my first question was "How can my code save lives at your company?" Not only did I get an unconvincing answer about how people "Don't feel safe right now due to COVID" and "Need to know they can book things and be safe", but when directly asked why that line was in the email I was told "To get people to open it because many engineers right now aren't looking for a change and we really need engineers."

    I just could not stomach the idea that I might be interviewing with people who have made their first act one of dishonesty.

    I cut the chat short and wished them luck but this just feels scummy to me. I know recruiting is just one aspect of a business and may not have reflected on them as a whole but the whole thing just put me off.

    Has anyone else encountered this?

    submitted by /u/Nephelus
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    Having issues sending JSON to server side

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    Very new to all of this so apologies if this is dumb:

    I'm using the FormData API to collect all of the entries from the form in JSON. This works and prints out on the page with no issues when I test it. I am trying to pass it to my server so I can parse the JSON with python, use the JSON data as inputs, run a script, and then send back new/fixed data to the original page.

    I've tried the Fetch API and Ajax and I'm not sure where I'm getting lost. My Ajax request looks like this:

    $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: "app.py", data: {myData:dataString}, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: function(data){ alert('Items added'); }, error: function(e){ console.log(e.message); } }); 

    My python script pulls json from various example sites (like github) with no issue but when I try to run it as is, it gives me a range of errors including "Missing Schema" and "Invalid URL"

    Also, do I have to use Flask? I'm seeing conflicting concepts. TIA!

    submitted by /u/mashapotatoes
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    Do you all list promotions in your resume?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    For example, if you've been at the same company for years and went from Developer to Senior Developer to Lead Developer… do you tend to list all three positions or just the final Lead role?

    submitted by /u/iareprogrammer
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    How to engage with UI/UX pros?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    Are engagements usually fixed fee or hourly or some combination?

    What forms do deliverables usually take? Wireframes, click-throughs, flowcharts?

    What materials do I need to prepare in advance to help them estimate their level of effort (time and cost)?

    What would an ideal client need to provide to make them most productive, and get the highest value work out of their time?

    Thanks in advance for any pointers.

    submitted by /u/morningtundra
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    Suggestions for how to implement this real-time app?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    We have a python desktop app which is quite old, and we want to develop an updated web version. The app itself is an alarm system with the following characteristics and requirements:

    • Connects to an SQL database where new alarms will be posted to, and it will display these alarms in a table. Alarms are on a scale from 1-3, where 3 is the most severe - Each level of alarm has a distinct alarm tone so that we can run the app in the background while looking at other things, and still get notified. The highest level of alarm will have its sound played (so if a level 1 and level 2 alarm are both present, the sound for level 2 will play)
    • An alarm can be acknowledged by the operator, which will silence the alarm and send an acknowledgement back to the database
    • The app needs to be checking for updates in the database at least every second
    • If the connection is lost, it should try to reconnect automatically, and if the connection is unable to reconnect for > 10 seconds, it should set off a special alarm to indicate the connection lost

    I've been out of the web dev game for awhile, so what I'm wondering is if there are certain technologies that would be beneficial to use here. A naive implementation would be to send a request to the DB every second and refresh the table with the result, but could something like web sockets be useful here? Something else? Typically, only one user is ever going to have the app running at any time, but I want to be able to support multiple users just in case (meaning many requests/sec).

    My bigger concern though is how to handle the alarm sounds; ideally, the user will get on the app, set it up, and then leave it to run in a background tab and then go back to check on it if an alarm starts playing. However, I have had issues with properly using sound in webapps before due to policies surrounding autoplay, so I would like some guidance/references for how to do it correctly - particularly how to maintain the sound and connection while the tab is not active. I've been doing some tests, and I currently have a button that a user must click to start up the app (begin sending requests) which also enables sound, but the problem of sound and connection loss occurring when becoming an inactive tab still persists.

    submitted by /u/ejams1
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    Storing and serving files trough the backend secure?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    Hello world,

    I'm currently working on my React.js portfolio and want to allow visitors to download sensitive and private files e. g. my CV etc. as long as they have been authenticated by the backend (I'll be using a JWT Secret Key + local storage token for that). For this, I would have said files in a separate file in my backend express app and serve them per GET request. But is that even secure? If not what would my alternatives be?

    I'm a layman when it comes to backend JS and the relationship between backend and frontend so I'd be thankfull for some insight from you guys.


    submitted by /u/ablunt3141
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    Technical Interview Coming Up. Two Weeks To Get Me Ready.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    So yeah! After about a year and half of learning webdev (HTML/CSS/JS/REACT), I managed to lock in an interview. I had the "fit" interview earlier today and I just got told they want to move to the next step with me. Which is the Technical Interview.

    They've told me the interview would be split into two parts:

    First: Technical questions to see where Im at in webdev.

    Second: Code Review/Code look up of 1-2 of my personal projects.

    They know I only have 1 year of "learning".

    Most of my projects aren't finished/finalized. Would that slow me down?

    What should I get done or prepared by then?

    Do you have any app/site idea I could build quickly in a week? (Fullstack ideally)

    submitted by /u/code_matter
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    I was curious if anyone else felt this way. DAE struggle with Docker & Kubernetes?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:07 AM PDT

    I'm trying to learn Docker & Kubernetes. I feel like I'm unfortunately struggling at the moment. I feel like it is a lot to learn and understand. I've mainly watched videos and try to read. However, when I try to go out on my own, I am completely lost.

    I've also noticed some of the videos on it can get boring and I find myself not paying attention.

    I was curious if anyone else struggled with docker & kubernetes.

    If you were able to get a better understanding docker & kubernetes, what resources did you use?

    submitted by /u/cleatusvandamme
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    how long does it typically take google to respond to DMCA requests?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:26 PM PDT

    Filed one on Tuesday, still haven't heard back yet

    submitted by /u/Anonomy13
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    Inheriting "Devops Engineer" codebases as a freelancer

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    Let me first say that I think Devops people do a fine job where they are necessary.

    On a team with several developers all contributing to the same codebase at the same time, with a public-facing product, it is not uncommon to have a devops specialist, or to have one or more of the devs take on more of a devops role, because the company/team decide that such a person is necessary and will be helpful in that capacity.


    There are a large group of people out there in the wild who are selling themselves as web developers but they are actually seeking out clients with no technical knowledge and selling them on extortionate "enterprise" plans with SaaS companies where they receive a kickback/referral bonus from the company, and then hiring other freelancers to actually build the web product. Only getting involved themselves to hook it up to their obscure SaaS product that no one uses. As you can imagine, they are usually pocketing most of the money and hiring bad freelancers to create a crappy product.

    I've come upon clients who are in this kind of arrangement often enough to know that this isn't some rare occurrence but that there are actually legions of people out there making a living by doing this.

    Am I being too much of a prude or is this not kind of gross? The websites are always terrible, don't function well, are made with spaghetti code, and the client is always on the hook for something ridiculous like variable pricing on a Kubernetes cluster handling his three page Vue + SQL app (lol).

    I also noticed that the service is never Azure or Linode or DigitalOcean or anything like that, but always some unknown thing, I guess for juicier referral programs?

    Anyone else notice this? Is it as common as my experience tells me or do I just attract a certain type of client.

    The one I just picked up, the client was surprised at how quickly I could solve very simple CSS problems they had with the site. I'm assuming the guy who "built" it for him had to grab someone from fiverr or whatever every time they had a request, so they were under the impression that these kinds of changes take a long time to complete.

    I googled the previous dev and found his GitHub, he has no activity whatsoever and everything else on Google is just various sales seminars he was involved in for the SaaS that he sold them on.

    Rant over, thanks for listening.

    submitted by /u/ClassicPurist
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    Is there a way to quickly add boilerplate files to create-react-app project

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    Here's the problem I want to solve:

    When I create a react app with create-react-app (or anything but just an example), I want to add my boilerplate styles, a jsconfig.json file (which I just recently discovered and I'm loving) and also a tools folder for mock API.

    I can do it manually. I thought of putting these into a git repo and after create-react-app cd into the project and clone the boilerplate, but it's a hassle, I wouldn't remember the repo URL blah blah blah.

    I currently use a number of bash functions that I created, so I thought this would work:



    create-react-app(){ # hijack the name create-react-app $1 cd $1 git clone boilderplate } ```

    But that doesn't work, (edit: the error is:)


    create-react-app:1: maximum nested function level reached; increase FUNCNEST? ```

    Does anyone have any trick or do you all manually add boilerplate

    (creating a boilerplate react-app and cloning it I don't think it's a good idea because it would not reflect updates right?)

    submitted by /u/gate18
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    MDN Plus - A new premium service by Mozilla with monthly technical deep dives written by industry experts

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    Live Perf audit on Twitch by Tim Kadlec

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    This is interesting, Tim Kadlec is live streaming a Performance audit on Twitch using WebPageTest

    Live Performance Audit

    submitted by /u/srs6814
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    I reproduced some samples of Tailwindcss site using another framework

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    I reproduced some samples of Tailwindcss site using another framework

    My first question is, "Can I reproduce these samples using another framework"? Of course with vanilla css I can do that. But, using another framework, could I reproduce that?

    So I tried the https://www.beercss.com framework and getted these results in codepen https://codepen.io/leo-bnu/pen/LYWxjVG. Comparing the original html output of Tailwindcss, I getted the "same" result with a half of size. I believed that only Tailwindcss could do that, maybe I was wrong.

    I'm surprised and I don't expected these results. Nice to beer 🍺


    submitted by /u/leonardorafaelw
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    High traffic screwing up my data

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    The context: ewallet app with high debit and credit volume per user. Backend running on php codeigniter and mysql.

    The problem : whenever a user simultaneously sends and receives money, the wallet balance gets the wrong amount.

    I.e. Bob has $100 in his wallet and he sends $20 to Carl. At the same time Bob receives $100 from Jane.

    Expected outcome: Bob has $180 left in his wallet. Actual outcome: Bob has $220 in his wallet.

    Potential solutions: rabbit mq, or adding sleep() for a few seconds before running the transfer.

    Other than the above two which I feel would create a bottleneck here. What better way could I solve this?

    submitted by /u/benjibennn
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    Every year try to push yourself to learn new things and write better code

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    After nearly 20 years one of the most important thing I can tell people to do is take time every year to learn about the new languages, databases, and new version of the code you use on a day-to-day basis. It sounds like a lot but it really it isn't. It takes a couple of days to stay up-to-date with new technologies and the amount of time it can save you if you choose to incorporate these things can be enormous.

    As for the languages you are currently using regularly, be sure to learn all the new fun things that are part of the language. Become a better coder, learn from other people's experience as well. Every year after I learn new ways to write cleaner code, I get excited and embarrassed because my old code is now flawed. The optimization in code can mean the difference between paying $1000 a month on server dues or $15,000. (actual cost will vary lol)

    Javascript for example has changed a lot in the past 10 years, take time to learn how it has improved and what you can do to make your code more awesome. PHP8? Oh yes! What a sexy beast! To think that it's the same language from PHP4 is saying a lot. So much has changed, it's wonderful!

    I know, not everyone shares the same enthusiasm and by year 10 some of you might be thinking about hitting your boss with a baseball bat if he asks for another TPS report, but learning about new things is what will help bring joy back to programming if it's fleeting away.

    There are so many things, so many new database types to play with, and so many new technologies that open doors for awesome new ideas. Go on and explore these things before you are 60 and don't want to learn anything new because you learned FORTRAN in the 70s like a certain guy I know. xD

    submitted by /u/Eriane
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    How to use (expose?) JS library bundled with Webpack in the browsers console? Right now I get "... is not defined"

    Posted: 27 May 2021 02:46 AM PDT

    I have a Gulp file which runs Webpack and combines all my JS files. One of the library's I use is GSAP and within my .js files I use import { gsap } from "gsap";, which allows me to use all the gsap. functions.

    Now I want to do some testing and use the Chrome DevTools to tweak somethings, but within the console I don't have access to gsap I get Uncaught ReferenceError: gsap is not defined.

    How do I keep bundeling GSAP with my JS, but also have access to it within the Chrome DevTools?

    submitted by /u/mvaneijgen
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    Can I add to my portfolio a website which uses a 3rd-party theme?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    Recently I built a website for a school. This was a relatively big project and I required Laravel to get the job done as opposed to simply using Drupal.

    As a freelance backend developer, I want my portfolio to showcase the functionality I am able to build into the client's website.

    So my question is:

    1. Can I add to my portfolio a website which uses a 3rd-party theme?
    2. Should I specify that the website is built on a 3rd party theme and write out the functionality I built into it?
    submitted by /u/lewz3000
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    I've been offered a freelance job with little coding experience? Should I be worried?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:09 AM PDT

    EDIT: I just want to thank everyone for their replies and advice. You've really opened my eyes and gave some valuable insights. And yes, I'll be bringing doughnuts tomorrow.

    I'll keep it short and jargon-free as much as possible. I've been studying web development for the past 7 months, I know HTML, CSS, SASS and Vanilla JS(up to OOP). I've been trying to get an apprenticeship/internship at various companies with no success. Almost out of nowhere I have been offered an amazing opportunity to be a freelance developer with the possibility of becoming a jr developer in the following months. The only thing is that I don't know their tech stack yet. I had little notice so I am starting tomorrow. I feel like I've been transferred to the Ivy League after just learning how to count. I don't want to blow my chances but I don't know what steps I should take first. Has anyone been through this before? What did you do? Any feedback will be amazing.

    submitted by /u/oilydoughboy
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    How are people code golfing these CSS battles so much?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    Like this one, for example: https://cssbattle.dev/play/77

    The top guy has done it in 196 characters. In that number of characters, I can only get the four dots, and that's with minimization. To do the whole thing costs me several hundred characters.

    How are all these top entries managing to do the whole thing in less than 200 characters?

    submitted by /u/Isvara
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