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    Sunday, March 7, 2021

    That's how we got "bug" in our softwares ! Computer Science

    That's how we got "bug" in our softwares ! Computer Science

    That's how we got "bug" in our softwares !

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:40 AM PST

    What does it mean to prove/disprove the Church-Turing thesis? Would proving it mean anything?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 01:52 PM PST

    Based off this lecture http://www.alanturing.net/turing_archive/pages/reference%20articles/The%20Turing-Church%20Thesis.html and this stack exchange answer https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/a/875, to prove the Church-Turing thesis we have to prove that the functions that a Turing machine and lambda calculus can calculate are exactly the "effectively calculable functions". Is this correct, or is there something more to proving this thesis?

    If this is all there is to proving the thesis, then I have the question of why we would want to prove this at all. Can't we just forget about "effectively calculable functions" and only think about Turing machines and/or lambda calculus, because they are just better and more useful versions of the idea of "effectively calculable functions"?

    I think there is some insight I am missing here. Why do we want to know whether Turing machines and lambda calculus are equivalent to "effectively calculable functions"?

    submitted by /u/Tricky_Celebration37
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    Computer Architecture does not suck

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:49 AM PST


    I hope that this post does not break any rules (I checked the sidebar and didn't see anything against this). I just made a video talking about computer architecture, false sharing, and showed a practical example of how much of a performance degradation false sharing can cause.

    I believe that computer architecture is an incredibly dope area of computer science and found that too many people hate it for the wrong reasons. If this sounds like it would be up your alley, then feel free to check out the video here: https://youtu.be/BJ2mwsXjleM

    I am open to criticism and other feedback. I am very new to making videos and video editing, so any feedback on how I can improve my content is welcome :)


    submitted by /u/_ArseniyKD_
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    TabMerger v2.0.0 - A Huge Step Forward In My Development Career!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:49 PM PST

    I am confused as to how a program's data is stored in memory

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:34 PM PST

    I know for a fact that the primitive data types of a program have memory addresses that are multiples of their size (it is stated in wikipedia and also read it on stackoverflow multiple times). I also know that endianness concerns only single multi-byte variables in memory and not arrays. But now I am reading Computer Organization and Design by D. Patterson and it says that variables are stored in memory locations that are multiples of the word size (in our case 4) and that endianness is something that affects each word in memory (each block of 4 bytes), whatever it might contain, not just variables. It is stated at page 69 and 70. Which one is correct?

    submitted by /u/lgnd205
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