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    Helping for free learn programming

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    Helping for free learn programming

    Helping for free

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:00 PM PST

    hey guys,

    I'm a senior software engineer, and I've worked in many big companies.

    If you guys need some help on anything related to coding, feel free to ask, I'm glad to help - and it's 100% free, I'm not selling anything.

    submitted by /u/Present_Ad543
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    Review your old code (even if it sucks)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 04:28 AM PST

    I'm fairly new in the programming world (I have been learning since may 2019) and one thing it has helped me, is to save all my projects (even those tutorials I have just copied and pasted from some random tutorial) in github and revisiting them from time to time.

    Everytime You do that, 100% guaranteed You'll learn something new or understand something that was black magic when you first typed it.

    Anyway, those were my two cents, I have learned so much from this sub and it's only fair to share some of my limited knowledge too.

    submitted by /u/Bohemio_RD
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    wanting to get into programming

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:48 PM PST

    so I am 14 years old and I am wanting to get into programming. I have some ideas on how to start, but first I want to understand what kind of things can you do/produce using programming? Like help me understand the concept a little more

    submitted by /u/Spaghetti-junction
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    Is the practice of passing parent object as reference for parent object interaction Evil?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:26 PM PST

    I'm tangling with this question presented in this post myself, where the parent passes a reference to itself:


    Can anyone provide some deeper insight into why this is bad, and some better solutions? Some people seem to think its okay, but I cant seem to shake how terrible it feels.

    class ManagerParentClass


    public string CustomProperty{get;set;}

    public void Log(string message);

    void DoABunchOfTasks()


    new SomethingService().DoSomething(this);



    with the following:

    public class SomethingService


    ManagerParentClass _manager;

    void DoSomething(ManagerParentClass manager)


    _manager = manager;

    // do something

    _manager.CustomProperty = "hello world";

    _manager.Log("said hello world");



    submitted by /u/aharmlessloaf
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    Breaking into the field with a criminal record...

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:57 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    So, a little about myself. I am a drug addict. I am now clean off meth and heroin. Went from being homeless and fresh out of prison to having my own place and being able to continue my education. I am starting a bachelors program for secure software development. And, to be honest, I am scared that it might all be for nothing...

    My question is does anyone with experience is this field thing I have a chance? I'm a lot more motivated than most and I am going way out of my way to make sure I have a mastery of the material. But, some days I stop and ask myself if I am even going to be able to find an internship to complete my degree. Does anyone have any thoughts?



    submitted by /u/Ok-Communication4607
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    Should I switch to C++ from Python?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:26 PM PST

    I'm in my senior year of high school and was not sure what to pursue in college. After learning a lot of basic Python, I decided that I would pursue Computer Science. After doing more research, I decided that I want to become a game developer. Since Python isn't really a game language, I'm not sure if I should switch to learning C++ or continue with Python? Any advice.

    submitted by /u/DavidII28
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    Graduating with software degree, still feel green with programming?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:15 PM PST

    Hi guys

    I am gong to be graduating in May of this year, on track for the highest grade possible. I have studied software engineering, and yes, have done programming tasks and projects. I enjoy and did extremely well in architectural analysis and design patterns, enjoyed and loved using them for more elegant design and code. I adore machine learning (dedicated my dissertation to it).

    And yet, (genuinely not humble bragging or anything here), I feel like....uhh, what am I doing, and how!? I just feel ill prepared and lacking in the solid grounding, the raw skills, the intimate fluidity that comes with experience and genuine aptitude. Sure I know that X might be better than Y because of some abstract issue, such as performance or portability. Criticality will mandate more stringent safety measures as well as check and balances.

    But thats the problem. When its academic? Where there is a "right" answer and a "wrong" answer, and therefore an element of..intellectual ringfencing, yeah thats ok. But just being given a coding task from scratch and then, oh here you go, innovate, prepare and invent? I feel like I fall massively short on and that will hurt me in my career.

    Has anyone else experienced this? What would you recommend to remedy this?

    submitted by /u/outragedpenguin
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    Recommend me something!!!!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 10:56 PM PST

    Hi i am new to cpp and want a video or website which can help me learn. Can someone of you pls recommend me!!!!

    submitted by /u/Harshpreet_26
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    Web Stack

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:10 PM PST

    I'm not new to programming. I've been doing it for a bit now but I've been noticing more and more than in web development videos they focus on a certain stack (MERN, etc). Are these worth considering or should I just do my own thing and if I need to I learn the full stack? I don't see the value in learning these stacks (or just one and mastering it) but please do let me know if I'm just completely wrong.

    submitted by /u/Bruuh_mp4
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    Is there a textbook based on C# that has problem sets for each chapter?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 09:46 PM PST

    I am thinking books like Liang's Java or King's C programming. This way I will be able to think algorithmically and solve problems based on each new concept discussed in that chapter. Rob Miles's yellow book doesn't have end of chapter exercises which is a no go for me.

    I would also welcome a website which segregates problem sets according to serial concepts and which may be language agnostic.

    submitted by /u/philonoist
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    Now that more universities offer online programs, are there any good post bacc or accredited CS certificates for less than USD 10K?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:22 PM PST

    I have a masters from a different background so I would like to complement my knowledge with well structured classes. And given I'd be paying for them, I would prefer the credits or the diploma that shows that. Another masters like the Georgia Tech one may be too much for me now, unless there is any online option that offers bridge courses and could be taken part time.

    submitted by /u/luisvel
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    Help with my first attempt at Machine Learning

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:01 PM PST

    I have been attempting to follow a tutorial by codebullet to create a simple project with machine learning. Its just a bunch of dots that learn to navigate across a map to a goal. It is very simple, but he did it in Java or something else I dont recognize. I am trying to recreate it in python, so I cant just copy and paste his code.

    I have the basics set up (the game, the fitness selection, the dots, the goal, new generations)

    My problem is that after each generation I want to randomly mutate each dot a little. This is sort of working, except that it isn't mutating them individually, it's mutating all the children of each dot in the same way, so that they are all stacked on top of each other, which looks like only one dot. This obviously isn't what I want, but I can't figure out how to fix it.

    Here is my code


    submitted by /u/spovis12
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    How to understand some lines of code if you don't know the logic behind it?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:41 PM PST

    Like a function is provided, and it does some recursion or mathematical stuffs. How do you analyze it if you can't find out what does it use for?

    Like a person who doesn't know what is factorial, can one understand a recursive function that is used to calculate factorial?

    submitted by /u/noob-newbie
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    What is the best way to start a website from scratch?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:35 AM PST

    So me and some friends had this idea about a website that lacks in my country.

    What is the best way to start it from?

    Besides building a website for educational purposes in my computer I've never made something on a bigger scale.

    Is it possible to use my raspberry as a database for my project while testing?

    What languages should i use to build it? What is the process i should go for?

    For some these questions might sound st***d but iam totaly new into the business\serious part and i would really love some help if anyone

    knows besides the research iam trying to do on my own.

    I would like to avoid wix or similar websites as i want to learn in the process.

    submitted by /u/UrcaDeLima
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    Completed a project - now what? How do I turn what I wrote in an IDE into a legit app?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:05 PM PST

    All the code I've written up to now has always been executed in the IDE and terminal. I have just completed a python project that I would like to turn into a legit desktop app (minimize/close down/close buttons the the top corner, .exe icon on my desktop, buttons instead of typing every function in terminal ... etc). How is this done? What do I do after writing the core code in IDE?

    submitted by /u/cluelessCodeMaker
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    Convert random numbers from type INT to FLOAT/DOUBLE data type in C++?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:11 PM PST

    I'm wanting to fill and array with random numbers using srand and practice different sorting techniques, so far I've been able to successfully use selection and bubble sorting to do so, I'm wondering if there is a way to convert the elements within the array to float/double values? I'm using a for loop to fill the array, and because srand automatically generates a value of type INT I'm not sure how to go about this. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/derek2446
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    Kotlin for android

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 10:38 PM PST

    hi guys

    Could somebody share code for following:

    How to save data into room database in android using kotlin and also how to fetch it from db

    submitted by /u/Unlikely-Protection7
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    How can I participate in team projects just for the fun of learning?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:14 AM PST

    How can I participate in team projects just for the fun of learning?

    I have some experience in some programming languages, but it's not something deep and I haven't gone much out of the scripting world (which I do a lot in my job).

    However, I would like to focus more on development and would like to do a project with a team. Just to learn and get to know new technologies.

    I've come up with several ideas lately but although the concept can be very simple, sometimes it involves technologies that I don't even know how to choose between.

    For example: The other day I came up with a mobile app that would be useful for me. Imagine you want to share an image with a person via your favorite chat application but you don't want any metadata to be available. Instead of sharing the image directly in the messenger app, you share it with this app, obfuscate all the metadata and then share it with the app of your choice.

    This is just an example and I would like to work on any project where I can use technologies I am learning like Rust (man, this language is amazing).

    Thanks for your time

    submitted by /u/JesusFJ710
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    I am getting a LNK2019 error on my Homework, Subject is overloading operators.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:37 PM PST

    The Main driver HAS to stay the same, everything else can really be changed.

    The actual assignment is:

    Using the driver main.cpp

    A. Add an overloaded operator!=(…) and operator==(…) functions.

    B. Add the overloaded stream extraction and stream insertion operators: Operator>> and operator<< respectively


    #include "myArray.h" using namespace std; int main() { myArray<int> list1(5); myArray<int> list2(5); cout << "list1 before initialization: "; cout << list1<< endl; cout << "Enter integer values into list1: "; cin >> list1; cout << endl; cout << "After filling list1: "; cout << list1 << endl; list2 = list1; cout << "list2 after assigning list1 to list2: "; cout << list2 << endl; cout << "Enter new elements into list1: "; cin >> list1; cout << "List1 after assigning values: "; cout << list1 << endl; myArray<int> list3(-2, 6); cout << "Enter values into list3: "; cin >> list3; cout << endl; cout << "list3 values: " << endl; cout << list3<< endl; cout << endl; list3[-2] = 7; list3[4] = 8; list3[0] = 54; list3[2] = list3[4] + list3[-2]; cout << "list3 after changing values: "; cout << list3 << endl; if (list1 == list2) cout << " list 1 is equal to list2 " << endl; else cout << " list 1 is not equal to list2" << endl; if (list1 != list2) cout << " list 1 is not equal to list2 " << endl; else cout << " list 1 is equal to list2" << endl; system("pause"); return 0; } 


    #ifndef myArray_H #define myArray_H #include <iostream> using namespace std; //myArray class template <class T> class myArray { //bounds int minIndex, maxIndex; //generic array pointer T* array; public: //constructor taking capacity value myArray(int capacity); //constructor taking min and max index values, assuming min<max myArray(int min, int max); //destructor to deallocate array once done to prevent memory leaks ~myArray(); //overloaded subscript operator T& operator[](int i); //overloaded equality checker bool operator==(const myArray<T>& other); //overloaded non equality checker bool operator!=(const myArray<T>& other); //overloaded assignment operator myArray<T>& operator=(const myArray<T>& other); friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, myArray& aList); friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, myArray& aList); }; 

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