• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 10, 2021

    Thanks to you all, at 35 years old I just landed my first Jr web dev role! web developers

    Thanks to you all, at 35 years old I just landed my first Jr web dev role! web developers

    Thanks to you all, at 35 years old I just landed my first Jr web dev role!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:38 AM PST

    Man I'm nervous but the team sounds really cool, and so far they seem very nice. I've picked up a lot here, but I have so much more to go in learning JS and frameworks. I'm intimidated but still motivated and grateful. Here's to hoping I make it through the first few weeks!

    submitted by /u/AcademicF
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    Local agency has this animation. How to do it? https://www.luke-media.de

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:48 PM PST

    My life is complete ��

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 04:06 PM PST

    how to,... that Animation?!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:40 PM PST

    Hi Everyone. Anyone got a clue, how to achive that mouseover canvas animation on their frontpage? That is really awesome. You think it's plain javascript, any library or what else?


    Thanks for your advice. :-)

    Greetings Broady

    submitted by /u/broadytheowl
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    Creating my first client website! Any tips or advices that i should have into consideration?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:37 PM PST

    Hi there!

    I got my first client this week and i will start working on my first client website from 0 and i am excited but i want to make the less mistakes as possible.

    So i am here asking for some tips or advices that i should pay attention to.

    I will be using Angular with paypal and stripe payment features.


    submitted by /u/drking100
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    What are the most important things to learn about SQL?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:43 PM PST

    I decided to have my website's order form populate an SQL databse instead of just emaling me. I am brand new to running a business and I am also my own web developer because I'm a nerd anyways so why not. Anyways, I've never used phpMyAdmin before today, and although I've got experience coding I've never really played with databases or SQL. What are the coolest things I can do (with code or otherwise) to visually manipulate my customer order data?

    submitted by /u/inf4nticide
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    What are red flags new devs should look out for?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:35 PM PST

    As a front end dev on my first job a few things I wish I knew to look out for were:

    No CTO, just a "technology director", who offered no real direction for the dept.

    Devs on my team who didn't know how the site worked. If you ask someone for help and they type a few lines before saying "that will work" and then leave for a few hours, you might want to find a new team. Devs helping devs is required in my opinion but bs like this will only confuse new hires.

    High turnover, or devs that leave fast. One person literally was there for one day, never to return and she even left her purse.

    So what are some things you've experienced that were red flags for you? Or just share your horror stories.

    submitted by /u/NoHacksReq
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    Has anyone used the AOS library?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:23 PM PST

    I'm currently using the AOS library on some cards on my site and when I click links that navigate around the page the animations can mess with the scroll. I'm trying to stop the animations when I click the links. The library has a disable option which you can pass a function into. I've tried s few different ways to know when the link has been clicked to change the disable state to true but can't get it right. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/pally1995
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    The Content Brick Method: A quicker way of creating a website structure

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:22 PM PST

    Two year diploma in computer programming. Worthwhile?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 05:06 PM PST

    I have the option of studying a Computer Programming diploma online for the next two years. Is this worth the time and money, or am I better off studying on my own? Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/magicfeistybitcoin
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    How to settle fear amongst leadership for internally developed applications.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 04:39 PM PST

    I am a self taught Full Stack JavaScript developer with about 4 years of experience. Over the past few years I have built a few critical web applications for my organization. As the applications have gained traction and importance in the organization, there has been some back channel conversation amongst leadership with regards to the importance the applications are having in the organization and me being the only developer. They value the information gained and process improvement with the solutions, but also fearful that I am a single point of failure.

    All of my applications are built in node.is and react, stored in Git and deployed on heroku. I have testing in place, and the code well documented and organized.

    I have recently been given the green light to get some help maintaining the application and working on future projects. I want to use this resource to help document and add additional test coverage in the applications.

    Any recommendations on how I can communicate the reliability of the applications and help instill confidence in the solutions i have provided to the organization or utilize the additional resource to help me settle any concern.

    submitted by /u/igorya76
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    IDN in Punycode

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:20 PM PST

    I've made a Portfolio Website and chose to use a Domain with cyrillic characters. Sadly, it's being displayed as "http://xn--80afg8d.me/", which is ugly as hell.

    Is there any way to make browsers display it correctly? Does the same thing happen with other IDNs like Japanese ones?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/mirnanco
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    Developing on Macbook Air M1 laggy slow?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:08 PM PST

    I have been using a Macbook Air M1 recently, connected to a external 4k display for web development. I have noticed that when opening applications, refreshing browsers with the development console open, it is incredibly slow and laggy/choppy. Animations stutter, actions on the keyboard can even be delayed for a few seconds. This behavior seems very bizarre considering my CPU usage is very low.

    All I have open is Transmit, VSCode, and a browser. This does not seem normal to me, and is making it hard to use.

    Has anyone experienced a similar thing when developing?

    submitted by /u/surroundedmoon
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    A new web-based puppeteer REPL that runs all in your browser

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:24 PM PST

    TL;DR here's the link to the announcement.

    I recently had the pleasure to build a web-based puppeteer editor. It uses all the latest in greatest in web-development + some fun stuff like ESM modules, WebWorkers, and it directly connects to another browser to operate. You can think of it like a peer-to-peer puppeteer webapp.

    In any case it was a really interesting project, so wanted to share it with everyone. Link is here on how we built it, and how to use it: https://docs.browserless.io/blog/2021/03/10/new-live-debugger.html

    EDIT: Debugger/REPL is located here: https://chrome.browserless.io/

    submitted by /u/mrskitch
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    3-month contract job at Apple or stay at my current job?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:21 PM PST

    I have 1.5 years experience as web developer at a small e-commerce start up that you probably heard of. Apple is offering to pay me the same amount that I get paid now. Would it be bad to leave my current job? I feel like working at Apple would look great on my resume, but the fact that its so short-lived makes me wonder if it is worth it.

    The recruiter told me that 95% of their contract hires got extended past 3 months though.

    submitted by /u/dragoonhog
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    Question: Understanding Decoupled vs Headless CMSs

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:20 PM PST

    My understanding:

    A Headless / Decoupled Architecture implies the back-end has a database, and a content-manager to create content. There is no functionality on formatting/displaying the data, but has a flexible API for other programs to interact with it's data/content.

    A Decoupled Architecture has the same database and content-manager, AND also has functionality to format/present content.

    I'm lost as to what really separates the two.

    If the architecture holds the content and displays the content, then it's a coupled architecture.

    If it can format the data/content, then it's not headless. But, I've used Sanity.io (headless cms) before, which allowed me to *format* my content with Rich Text type fields. All the formatting was just specified in the API JSON text.

    Am I missing something obvious? What does formatting/presenting content with a decoupled architecture look like?

    submitted by /u/breathing-is-good
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    Higher salary = Greater responsibility + burden ?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 09:21 AM PST

    This might seem obvious, but I wanted some insight. To all mid-senior level web developers who are on higher salaries, do you feel like there is a much greater responsibility and trust placed on you each day to not only deliver great work but to do so consistently ? And how do you manage with the growing responsibility + burden ? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/shadowninja555
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    Thoughts on putting work projects on personal website?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:53 PM PST

    Heya folks.

    So I worked for one company for about two years, and built all kinds of things for them. Mostly client facing stuff, but a little bit of everything really, as it was the quintessential "throw things at the wall and see what sticks" kind of startup.

    I was considering throwing some screenshots up on a personal site to say what I worked on, bits of this and that, but I wasn't sure if that would land me in legal hot water or not.

    I never signed an NDA, and obviously I can put these kinds of things on my resume, but where is the line, and how much can I share, of systems and webapps that I built for others? Descriptions? Screenshots?


    submitted by /u/Packeselt
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    Why can't i change the font-size with div?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:47 PM PST

    <body> <div class="sample"> <h3>Test Font</h3> </div> <body>


    body { font-size:15px; }


    body h3{ font-size:15px; }


    .sample { font-size:15px }

    Why can i change the font size with no.1 but not with no.3? I could understand the reason for no.2, but for no.3 i don't get it. With body and div, you are both selecting its children.

    submitted by /u/izner82
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    How to start freelancing?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:41 PM PST

    I know HTML, CSS, JS, you know... I have been learning React and Express for a while now, and I have been thinking about eventually getting into freelancing.

    Firstly, what age would be a good time to start? I am a high school student, so should I wait?

    Secondly, how should I start?

    submitted by /u/_bcer_
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    Have you seen any well -done "community" websites, focusing on music/events?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:39 PM PST

    Background: Local radio station wants to revamp their site to be more of a community "hub" focused on event listings, live music, streaming, local bands, etc.

    I was able to talk them out of wordpress by indicating that, if they really want to be a hub where people enjoy coming back and using the site, it needs to break out of that page-by-page Wordpress paradigm and venture into the fun and interesting world of React, where interaction will much more fun and easy. This sort of project is perfect for a JS stack.

    I'm looking for some design inspiration, and want to know if anyone out there would recommend looking at a website made by... really anyone that is doing something similar, and doing it well. Off the top of my head that could be cities/townships, bars/clubs, radio stations, or community organizations.

    Design is my biggest weakness, I always hire someone. I usually like to send the designer a few sites that are similar to what I'm looking for, but in this instance I'm having a hard time finding links, so here I am asking you.

    Apologies if you see this twice, I am posting in web dev as well as design subs.

    submitted by /u/dneboi
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    How Wix improved website performance by evolving their infrastructure

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:32 PM PST

    Could cache be my empty shopping cart issue? Woocom, cannot replicate for weeks now

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 10:45 AM PST

    I have had this issue for actually more like months, where I get a call of someone telling me they cannot checkout because the cart is empty.

    This seems to be less than 5-10% of users and I cannot replicate it.

    I just took a call where someone was on Firefox on a Desktop and the cart was empty when they went to view, but I had 6 orders place today fine.

    I am not able to replicate it so I feel like it has to be a user cache setting but I cant for the life of me figure it out.

    submitted by /u/the20thh
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    Easiest systems to create a user-friendly database viewer?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:30 PM PST

    I have a database that would be useful for people, and I'd like to develop it into a subscription service for people to use. But I've never done anything like that, so I'm not sure where to begin.

    I just want a very simple, easy to use interface that lets a user search certain fields in the database, and apply certain filters. What would be the easiest platform to build this type of thing on? I'm pretty good with Python and Ruby, but I know I could code everything from scratch, but surely there's a premade solution for something simple like this?

    I've been told I should use middleware for handling accounts/payments, so any recommendations on that would be amazing too.

    submitted by /u/maxiedaniels
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