• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 10, 2021

    Today one of OVH Datacenter got destroyed in a fire. It might be the reason why some of the services you depend on are down. Also a good lesson for having a good disaster recovery plan! programming

    Today one of OVH Datacenter got destroyed in a fire. It might be the reason why some of the services you depend on are down. Also a good lesson for having a good disaster recovery plan! programming

    Today one of OVH Datacenter got destroyed in a fire. It might be the reason why some of the services you depend on are down. Also a good lesson for having a good disaster recovery plan!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 04:19 AM PST

    TIL \r\n (CRLF) is a single grapheme cluster according to the Unicode standard (like an emoji)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:08 PM PST

    Going from O(n) to O(log n) makes continuous profiling possible in production

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:29 PM PST

    Zig, Parser Combinators - and Why They're Awesome

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:54 PM PST

    AI agent plays Contra

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:32 AM PST

    Excel Never Dies - talks about Excel as a programming language

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 08:31 AM PST

    JEP 400: UTF-8 by Default (in the JDK)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 04:41 PM PST

    Hackers Breach Thousands of Security Cameras, Exposing Tesla, Jails, Hospitals

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 08:24 AM PST

    Explaining Bits & Bitwise Operators in C

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:54 PM PST

    Asynchronous pathlib for Python

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 05:11 PM PST

    Real-time Object Detection for Autonomous Driving using Deep Learning, Performance comparison of YOLO and Faster R-CNN on the BDD100K dataset, Goethe University Frankfurt Germany (Fall 2020)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:17 PM PST

    Rust's async isn't f#@king colored!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:52 PM PST

    Caching: Staying out of TTL hell

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 06:01 AM PST

    FizzBuzz – SIMD Style!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:09 AM PST

    Running Raspbian OS on QUEMU to learn ARM assembly

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 05:28 PM PST

    How to Learn Python for Data Science

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 08:16 PM PST

    Why asynchronous Rust doesn't work (HN discussion thread)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:41 AM PST

    Lets LISP like it's 1959

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 06:24 PM PST

    Boost Your Programming Skills by Reading Git's Code

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 07:43 AM PST

    I have wrote an article about how to write a "Hello world" in x86 from the first line to running the program!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:57 AM PST

    Standard Competencies by Software Engineering Level

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:01 PM PST

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