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    Friday, March 19, 2021

    Just signed the offer letter web developers

    Just signed the offer letter web developers

    Just signed the offer letter

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    I want to say THANK YOU to everyone in this sub. Over the last two years, I have posted asking for feedback and you guys have brutally tore me several new a-holes. I redesigned my resume, my website, and I finally started getting interviews.

    On my most recent job, I decided to just lay out all my cards and be completely honest with the employer. I even told him I hated TypeScript and he responded with "I was actually thinking of refactoring our software in it..." I didn't back down and just told him I think that's largely unnecessary, just clean up the JS. I think he liked my honesty. (Please don't start a typescript argument).

    But this was the first interview where I had no coding test. I talked to the owner and the team lead, and got the offer the same week. I am so stoked.

    Again, just wanted to say THANK YOU to this community! I would still be tilting at windmills if many of you didn't take time to comment on my projects, resume, and website over the last year.

    submitted by /u/BalmoraBoy
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    CSS Auditing Tools

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    My hand-made vanilla JavaScript audio visualizers :D (source code included)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:58 PM PDT

    A Short Cautionary Tale About Refactoring

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    What's a Reasonable Amount of Time to Spend on a Website?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    I'm currently building the website for the company I contract through. I have some certs, but I certainly wouldn't consider myself a pro developer by any means. This isn't my main line of work. It's just something I'm trying to get better at and incorporate more into my offerings in digital media.

    The client has requested this be a wordpress site to cut down on costs, and I'm doing a decent amount of custom coding to achieve the design and features they brought to me. The site itself is 3 main pages (about, portfolio, contact), and somewhere in the realm of 30 independent case study pages as well as 8 services offered pages.

    So far I've put about 70 hours into it, and I have the 3 main pages done as well as the layout for the case study pages which will mostly be swapping content. I still need to tweak some finicky responsiveness issues, create a services offered layout, and fill in a lot of content.

    I'm getting paid by the hour, but I want to stay within a reasonable budget as I have a great relationship with this company and they contract 90% of my work to me. My question is what is a reasonable amount of time to spend on a project like this?

    submitted by /u/joefus1o4
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    I've build an free alternative to monitor web-applications in 2016 and it's time to talk about

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, in December 2016 my work as a single person web-developer came to the point that it became harder and harder to monitor all the projects beside develop for them.

    As with many of you, my job is not only to develop applications, but mostly also to take care of the hardware and availability. There was no budget to came up with monitoring solutions out there (UptimeRobot, Pingdom etc.) and so I built one service myself.

    My goal is that anyone who like can afford web monitoring, without thinking about the cost, that's why I never started asking for money for it.

    The project is already helping a large number of people and I would like to make life easier for many others.

    Because I didn't want this post shut down (advertising) I do not name the service and URL right know, but if it's ok and some people of you are interested in, I will update the post as soon as I get the feedback that is ok to do so.

    Thank you for feedback. :-)

    //updated: you find it here: https://isUp.li

    Feature list:

    • Intuitive web based interface (desktop and mobile browsers).
    • Add, edit and manage up to 25 servers/websites.
    • Fast notification time of ~5 minutes on issues.
    • Check websites or web applications by specific port numbers.
    • Automatic SSL-Certificate validation for every domain.
    • E-Mail and SLACK (iOS/Android) push notifications.
    • Daily and longtime statistics.
    • It's all free of charge – no credit card or commitment required.
    submitted by /u/force73
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    ImageMagick, TinyPNG, WebP... What are your best practices for image optimization?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 11:40 PM PDT

    I have a site that is image heavy. Further we have a lot of different types of images - photography, animation, digital graphics, etc. Our load times (and therefore general UX) are still heavily weighted down from image sizes, so it's an important problem for us.

    While the newest version of Safari on both iOS and MacOS are supporting WebP, I believe there is still a huge population of browsers that don't support it. I've tried using ImageMagick for compression/optimization, but I found the compression algorithms are not great across a wide variety of different types of images. My next attempt will be the TinyPNG api.

    I'm curious, how are others solving this problem?

    submitted by /u/ZenApollo
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    [Showoff Saturday] I made a widgets platform for anyone to build himself self a customizable dashboard

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    Utility for renaming HTML files and updating associated links?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    I have a static (not generated) website and need to rename some of the HTML files within the site. Is there a utility or VS Code plugin that I can load the site files into, rename them, and have it update any links to the file contained in the other page files? My Google skills are failing me miserably trying to locate a solution.

    submitted by /u/DrSpatula
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    Looking for a minmal static site generator, or is it overkill already?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    So, I've been wanting to set up a little personal blog to document my IT projects for future reference, post a few helpful guides, or publish the occasional rant and stuff like that. Just basic HTML, some light CSS.

    I've been looking at a few ways to do this and using a full blown CMS like WordPress seems way to overkill, so I took a look at static site generators. Those seem to provide a way more reasonable approach to what I want. Then again, even most SSGs seem too overkill for what I actually want them to do.

    What I'd love is a SSG that I can provide with a template for the landing page and a template for the posts, which generates my blog from a folder full of markdown files right into my webroot.

    I've found this, which looked promising, but doesn't seem to be maintained and looks like it would require git, which seems kind of unnecessary?

    Do you guys happen to know a simple SSG that does just this? Is a SSG in this case already too overkill?
    Is my idea by itself already shit? I appreciate all input. ^^

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/RAZDx
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    AWS certified cloud practitioner for a newbie developer?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    Question in the title, is this worth while for someone just starting out? Is this worth the money? Has it helped anyone land jobs, or do their day to day work more effectively?

    submitted by /u/MLV07
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    Front-end/UX Freelancers: What is your hourly rate?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    I do both UX and front-end dev. I typically charge by project/phase instead of by the hour, but I've recently had a few projects that made sense to price hourly.

    My rate is $100/hr right now, but what do you charge? (I would obviously love to charge more if I find out you all are as well.)

    submitted by /u/foundonabike
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    The #1 tip to familiarize with new JavaScript codebases

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:57 AM PDT

    What do you think of CSS BEM Methodology?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 01:58 AM PDT

    Hey guys! In my company, they told us to use BEM. I don't really fancy BEM, especially because we use Vue.js and I don't think we need.

    Do you prefer using BEM or not? Why or why not?

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/hiccupq
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    Have you ever switched from frontend to backend and vice versa, and regret you didn't do it sooner?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    It's all in the title, i'm just curious haha

    submitted by /u/graxy98
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    Handling localization. i18-next + headless CMS? Locize?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    How do you guys handle localization/internationalization? It would make sense to me to handle it through a CMS/headless CMS so that i/the developer don't have to generate new translation files every time the customer wants to change the spelling or translation of some word. And that change would in turn trigger a rebuild of the project, or preferably fetch the translations live.

    Since ive been thinking about this i stumbled upon Locize. If anyone has used it, or something similar, or have any other solution to this it would be very much appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/Standard_Hungry
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    Working for an American company while living outside the US

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    Dunno if this is the appropiate place to post this but couldn't think of another place.

    If you see a remote job listing on let's say linkedin, that pays 3k usd per month, does it get taxed and you end up with less or do you have to tax it in your own country?

    submitted by /u/Gemini_The_Mute
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    Question about Pushing Contact Information

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    I am making a website and I want to have it where visiting the site prompts mobile users to add my contact information. Is there a .php script or something I should create to do this? For example, visiting the php script prompts iphone user to add contact card, then redirects to main page.

    Does this sound doable?


    submitted by /u/OkInvestigator8526
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    An open-source web app to easily see your top Spotify tracks and download your library as a JSON file

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    Question About Domains and Hosting for a Web Dev Client

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I have a client who I am making two websites for, and her current domain/hosting situation is this:

    - She has three domains registered, all through Wordpress.com;

    - One domain is her main domain, while the other two redirect to the main one;

    - The goal is to use two of these domains as the main domains for separate sites, while getting rid of the third one.

    For brevity, one site will be tq.com, another site will be al.com, and the third domain she has registered - al.blog, will be unused.

    I would like to consider telling her to transfer her domains to DreamHost (what I use for my personal projects) so I can have a back-end I'm familiar with to upload files straight to the site (her Wordpress sites are through Wordpress.com, not Wordpress.org, so as far as I know I can't upload a theme through Filezilla).

    I think I'll be able to convince her to switch, but I really want to make sure she doesn't lose her domains in the process or risk locking al.com to strictly a redirecting domain.

    Has anyone gone through this process before with clients? If so, how would you navigate it?

    submitted by /u/lunaptimekeeper
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    The Best Open Source E-Commerce Platforms

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    Multi-layer application

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    Multi-layer application

    Built a Lightning Web Component extension to the Salesforce Opportunity module which communicated info back to one of our internal applications via Azure Functions. I have to say it was one of the more interesting projects I've done. Definitely non-trivial. Learning Web Component creation was new, as was Azure Functions. Deploying into production was a beast. Had to remember all the CORS settings (lol).

    Salesforce does development right. They have great docs and the ability to spin up dev sandbox is incredible. I've never seen anything like it. I did all my development for SF in Visual Studio Code.

    Microsoft similarly made it easy to create and test Azure Functions in multiple languages (I chose C#). Figuring out the ins-an-outs of configuring all these pieces was easily as much work as writing all the code.


    submitted by /u/FredTillson
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    First Client Portfolio Website

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    The Client is a photographer and wants a photograph website portfolio.

    What details should i ask him for ? what details should i add? I feel it's just a contact form, a bunch of photographs, about section, cv and that's about it. How would you advice me to approach it, since it's my first actual client/project.

    submitted by /u/OsamaNA_dev
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    Convincing potential client to move off WordPress

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    Hello everyone I'm currently in the process of gaining a potential client. Their current web developer has built their site on the word press engine. The current site they have is unresponsive, has a 2003 design, the site audit is ranking C at best, and riddled with bugs. The current developer they have is very slow with responding to them and making updates to the site when needed. I have come in and showed them my projects I have made in react for other clients of mine. I have shown them a new design (which they love), how I can improve their SEO and overall site performance, make an admin dashboard to make updates themselves to the site, and offered my google analytics skills. The problem they're facing is their current web developer has been with them for 20 years and is afraid of switching to a framework he does not know. They want insurance of reactjs longevity and that if I disappearance they are left with a site that is too expensive to fix. If you have any tips on how I could further prove my worth it would greatly be appreciated, thank you.

    submitted by /u/rushnightfir3
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