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    Thursday, March 18, 2021

    I am very new to web dev, so I apologize if this question is a bit daft. If I make a project on VScode with HTML and CSS, where and how would I post it online for others to see? web developers

    I am very new to web dev, so I apologize if this question is a bit daft. If I make a project on VScode with HTML and CSS, where and how would I post it online for others to see? web developers

    I am very new to web dev, so I apologize if this question is a bit daft. If I make a project on VScode with HTML and CSS, where and how would I post it online for others to see?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 01:03 AM PDT

    I have been working on learning HTML and CSS recently. Once I have a project I am satisfied with, then what? Is GitHub where I'd go with it? Do I have to buy my own domain?

    submitted by /u/Lotuslockss
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    Bombed a Web Developer Interview, How bad did I do? (NOT LOOKING FOR SYMPATHY, just better understanding!)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    Edit: Thank you so much for all of your responses! I'm trying my best to reply to all of you and thank you for your valuable input but I wont be able to keep up much longer! So I just want to thank all of you and apologize if don't reply back to you! I will read your comments and learn from them! Thank you all!!

    I'll keep it short, I recently had an interview and after passing 2 rounds of interviews I had a code test and it was to recreate this website.


    Suffice to say, I was in over my head and couldn't do it. I just wanted to ask you to see how bad I did. This is was for entry level Web Developer position, I have ~ 2 years self-taught experience, most of it is building static sites and CMS/WYSWYG editors. Is this something I should've been able to do?

    I'm not looking for sympathy, I just want an unbiased grounding to understand the outcomes.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/developingdipen
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    Sorted CSS Colors

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    Looking for a simple and clean chat API for in-app chat functionality

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    I'm currently implementing an app and want users to be able to chat with each other.

    Basic tech-stack: TypeScript, Angular, NestJS, Firebase

    I've played around with PubNub, QuickBlox and TalkJS. The first two require some really unclean/old code which I need to wrap. TalkJS was easy enough to get up and running but relies on an IFrame with a limited number of customization options.

    I'm currently thinking about implementing my own chat feature limited to text only for now which is simple enough but perhaps someone here knows of a solution I could use.


    • JavaScript, TypeScript
    • easy to get started with
    • text, images, locations, encryption
    • full control over the presentation layer
    • organic scaling, I don't plan on paying $500/month from the get-go but if everything goes to plan that's where it's heading and I'm fine with it

    Optional: An Angular wrapper would be nice but I'd be happy to implement one myself (could publish it as a library)

    submitted by /u/butter_milch
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    List of Security Considerations

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    Every now and then I'll get an email in my inbox from some random security analyst or researcher who "Discovers a Vulnerability". This time it's that my GSuite domain emails don't have a DMARC record.

    Seems like an easy fix, but are there a comprehensive list of similar things I need to be looking out for??

    submitted by /u/evilsniperxv
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    Dreamhost disabled my website without a notice

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 03:07 AM PDT

    Criticizing Dreamhost is akin beating a dead horse, but I thought I would share my story here as a warning against Dreamhost.

    Some background information first. I have been running a fairly popular website for five years with a natural growth every year. Initially everything had been run on a shared Dreamhost server, but little by little I have been moving parts of my site to other hosting providers. Speed/flexibility/control over environment has been my main motivator on moving away from Dreamhost. The only part left running on Dreamhost has been the API server (Python/gunicorn), analytics server and mysql database.

    This year the traffic has hit new highs averaging 20k hits per day. I have noticed some slowdowns especially on weekends, but nothing I could not tolerate. Last weekend I noticed the site became unavailable and the API server had just disappeared from the internet. Quick investigation revealed that Dreamhost had disabled the API and analytics server citing "high load" and "server instability. Reenabling the server was simple enough, but it was disabled again some hours later. I have contacted the support it and they refused to provide any numbers on what amount of traffic is acceptable, and instead advised to filter malicious content and introduce Cloudflare caching (on dynamic content or Mamoto analytics?).

    I solved the problem by hiding the API server behind Cloudflare and invalidating content quick enough. This was a temporary solution as it introduced some delay in content expiration. Eventually I have moved the API server to a cloud instance (away from Dreamhost).

    Do I have a gripe with Dreamhost? Yes and no. I understand that it is silly to expect enterprise level performance from a shared server instance (do not be fooled by the unlimited part), but disabling the server just out of blue is just unacceptable. I would appreciate if they had contacted me beforehand and warned about traffic approaching limits their servers could not handle. Anyhow my advise is that if you start with Dreamhost and find that your traffic grows beyond that could could be handled by DH, move away until you find yourself in a similar situation.

    submitted by /u/r0x0r
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    How I'm dealing With Font Sizes

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 05:01 AM PDT

    Student thinking about going into web development

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm a 2nd year comp sci student and I've been thinking about getting into web development. I was wondering what the day to day tasks are like? What should I be doing to kinda self teach myself the basics of web development and if the field is as much demanded as my friends say it is. I currently know nothing about web development, I'm planning on teaching myself a bit over the summer and picking 300 level and 400 level classes that are about web development. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/GeradKenway
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    NodeJS vs Python vs GoLang vs Elixir For Backend?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    Hi I've been getting into Web development and I was wondering which language to learn for Backend?

    I have used both NodeJS and Python before but never really made any real projects so I would say I'm pretty new to coding, and when researching I found that Elixir and GoLang were also mentioned a lot. I'm still very much confused and wondering the best Language for a starter like me that can handle scalability.

    Thank you to anyone who helps!

    submitted by /u/Serren124
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    How to do this top section transition?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    Hey guys. I've been scanning the code but I can't figure out how to do the transition on the top section of this website home page. I'm pretty new to web animations/transitions.


    When you scroll down, the background image scales down and vice versa. I'm thinking of maybe the background image is set as position absolute or something but I can't even find the img in the code.

    submitted by /u/joefclarin
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    Is it useful to provide a link to download the RSS xml file?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    I'm a noob with RSS and just implemented a feed in my website. I have a link in my head so tools like Feedly can subscribe to my feed. But is it useful to provide a button in the navbar or in the footer to download my rss.xml file since every tools automatically detect the RSS feed from the link in the head?

    submitted by /u/Dessnova
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    How to have a list of objects of model within another model in Django?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    Sorry, the title of the question is quite unclear I know. Basically my situation is this:

    I have 3 models: 1. Competition - a model for swimming competitions 2. Event - a model for events in a competition, like freestyle race, backstroke race etc. 3. Slot - a model for time intervals in which events will be held.

    A swimming competition may consist of many Events, an event may be in many competitions. For slot things are a little bit more complicated, meaning let's say a competition lasts from 12 pm to 2 pm. From 12-12:30 the event is freestyle race (no other event can take place), from 12:30-1 there's a backstroke race (again, no other event can take place), and so on.

    How do I model these relationships in Django? I have heard of foreign key, many to many and one to one relationships. But I'm not sure which to apply where.

    submitted by /u/EnflamedPhoenix
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    How to make real-time collaborative software?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    How would I go about making a real-time collaborative software such as Google Docs? You would need a web-socket to display the changes for everyone else but if someone refreshes all of the progress would be lost. To fix this you would add a real-time database to keep track of what's being put in. Now my question is, how do you configure updates to the database so that there's no loss? Is it every keystroke, every x seconds? Every keystroke would make each session rather expensive in terms of read/writes especially for serverless apps. What's the optimal solution for this?

    submitted by /u/Nanoburste
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    I'm building CodeCandy, a VSCode theme/settings sharer. Would love some input.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    Hiya! Was watching Laracon yesterday and chatting on Discord and noticed that literally half the questions were about the speaker's IDE/Text editor settings.

    Decided it might be a good idea to work on something that allows people to share their settings and started working on it today. Will be starting with VSCode as it's a bit simpler to analyze the settings.json file to display theme settings but hey it's a start!

    Basically have the idea of people uploading their settings, and then other than having an "explore" style homepage, they can attach a link to their videos/articles that links to their settings on CodeCandy (or maybe an HTML badge?)

    https://i.imgur.com/HtrGxLI.png Small snippet of what I'm working on.

    Would really love some ideas and any suggestions you guys have, hoping to build something great.

    Waiting for your feedback!

    submitted by /u/zizipo
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    Communicating between front-end and microservices

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    Hi guys! So in my uni project the prof said we could try using microservices, so why not try it right? I have one problem tho. I dont have a clue how to communicate from the front-end (client side app) to the backend.
    With a monolith its easy. Front-end runs at x, backend runs at y, just call y everytime you want data.

    But how do you do this with microservices without having tons of different addresses in your frontend code?
    One Idea i had, was to make a server in the middle that the frontend woud call and that server would check what microservice should be called and then return the result to the frontend from the microservice.
    1.Frontend calls the server in the middle for products
    2.The server in the middle sees thatt he frontend wants products so it calls the products microservice
    3.Returns the result of the products microservice to the front-end
    Would this approach work?

    submitted by /u/Flamyngoo
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    Best approach to creating an website hosting images, videos and text?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 05:05 PM PDT

    I am looking to create a website that you can upload/download medias like mp4, png, txt, and more. I looked into mongodb but that doesn't to have a wide support with images or videos so I'm looking for other alternatives.

    What are some good recommendations for backend server to create a scalable website that could host different kinds of media?

    submitted by /u/Status-Shoe4631
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    I feel very burnt out and tired of web, is leaving web dev for a bit a bad idea?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    As you'll all know things with web take a turn at the drop of a hat so staying up to date is ridiculously difficult if you don't do this everyday. I'm so stressed out and just feel burned out from web dev that I want to get a boring ass job doing something like warehousing for a bit while I just focus on other things in life. Then probably in a few months come back to this.

    Is this a really bad idea or would it be ok to go this route?

    submitted by /u/Spoolie_st
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    Best and fastest way to learn web dev?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    So I was considering starting the Helsinki fullstackopen.com course, but I heard that it takes about 6 months to complete. If this is the case, are there any other courses for full stack dev that take a little less time?

    PS: didn't want to do The Odin Project since I've heard the technologies it uses are a bit outdated.

    submitted by /u/Ok-Yoghurt-7195
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    How do you create an interactive canvas effect like the one on seethruclub.com?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    How do you build not-bad and not-complex web frontends quickly and simply?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:07 PM PDT

    I'm sure you get this all the time, but as an above-average software engineer who has been in the industry for almost a decade, I still am of the belief that the complexity of our solutions to web dev far exceeds the complexity of the problems we're solving in the vast majority of cases.

    And it's not that I don't recognize this trend elsewhere in the industry, but I believe that it's particularly acute and lasting in web dev.

    So I am asking not "why does it suck", but rather, what is the best way that does not suck? And having worked with typescript and react a decent amount, they're good(ish), but I want a lot more power and a lot more simplicity.

    submitted by /u/AlmostSignificant
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    Best practices for return values to handle success and failure conditions of business rules, exceptions, and returning a result?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 01:09 AM PDT

    I know that sounds confusing. I'm working on a full-stack web application for my senior project class and in the business layer managers I have an issue where I want to be able to validate that business rules are being followed and return something to the api controller to indicate whether or not that violation has occurred. However, I also want to be able to return what the issue was if the violation did occur, and if it didn't, I want to be able to return the desired result (for example returning a user account object). In addition, I need to ensure I am handling exceptions.

    The problem I face is this is a lot to return. At first I over-engineered the solution by returning a tuple where the first value is a simple bool (success or failure) while the second is an object of a custom class called Result, which contains within it a business rule violation message (ex. username exists) and a result, with either being used when applicable. Upon review, my professor was not a fan, thought it was way too complicated and not readable at all. So I refactored it to just return a Result object that encapsulates all three values. He was still not a fan, thought it was more readable and less complicated, but still not very maintainable because it's combining the evaluation of the data along with the raw data, and I might have to constantly update the enum of potential violation messages as business rules expand or change.

    He suggested I look at how things are done with HTTP Status Codes and come up with a similar system that categorizes the type of violation, encapsulating both business rule violations and system errors, while passing along the raw data, but let a higher layer determine what that means, "business-wise". This seems pretty complex and before I tackle it, I wanted to see if there was a better solution that I am missing. I feel like this has to be a common thing to deal with in professional software engineering and I feel like there has to be an easier solution.


    To clarify, I am using ASP.NET Core backend with a React frontend, although I'm only referring to the manager/controller classes in the backend.

    This is an example of a CreateUser function that is currently returning the Result object to handle violations of business logic. I haven't implemented general error handling yet.

    Create User: https://pastebin.pl/view/efbbcbf6

    Result: https://pastebin.pl/view/fe6d2ca2

    Validation Service: https://pastebin.pl/view/c62dbc18

    Error Message Enum: https://pastebin.pl/view/63f79ef3

    submitted by /u/ChronoPsyche
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    Should I use separate stylesheets for each React comonent?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    So I'm making an SPA with static content and want know if using a stylesheet for each component (eg. Navbar) will be okay in terms of performance.

    submitted by /u/Dzona
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    Is a web development certificate from a college worth it?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    Hey bois, is a web development certificate from a community college worth it? I plan on eventually doing freelance work and building a solid portfolio. The certificate teaches JS, CSS, and HTML which I'm already a little familiar with but I'm currently trying to expand my knowledge base.

    Would any valuable career opportunities come from this? Why or why not? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/FortunasChosen
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    Why are no images showing on speed test previews? Is this shady?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 10:53 AM PDT


    I hired someone to speed up my website, and while the test scores are much better, things look sketchy on the "preview windows" of what the website looks like on the speed tests.

    Instead of showing any of the images, all that's shown are text previews of the alt text in place of the images. (That's not what's shown when you actually visit that version of the site, but it's what's shown for the the site speed testers.)

    I'm worried that some shady stuff was done here that sort of "fools" the speed tests into thinking the site is faster than it is. I'm also worried maybe these shady actions actually could *penalize* my website in the sense that Google may detect it as an attempt to game and circumvent their algorithm.

    Any thoughts on this? Am I being paranoid or am I right to be concerned about this?

    The sped up preview URL is: https://nextlevelartwork.com/?preview_theme_id=120935219377

    Here are some speed test results that show the alt text in place of the images to show you what I mean:




    submitted by /u/What_The_Hex
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