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    Monday, March 22, 2021

    How to program ergonomically without a desk? Ask Programming

    How to program ergonomically without a desk? Ask Programming

    How to program ergonomically without a desk?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 02:55 PM PDT

    I'm losing my mind here. I just want to code on public transit without getting carpal tunnel but I'm not seeing any simple solutions. I'm so close to just strapping a cheap hobbyist LCD screen to my face and learning one handed steno via r/plover but there has to be something easier!


    Yes, I could do other things on the train. No I will not. The point is I already really enjoy programming while going on little mini trips and I want to continue to keep doing it without pain.

    I think I have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to try thanks to some awesome ideas from people in here. Please keep dropping things to add to the effort!

    submitted by /u/contexture
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    What does it mean to emulate a CPU?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    Hello! I took a C++ course and I enjoyed it a lot. I've been noticing fellow programmers and youtube videos talking about "emulating CPUs" using C++. I'm very curious as to how it works, because I want to try out low-level programming for fun.

    Here are a few questions:

    - In beginner terms, what does it means to emulate a CPU, and why do we do it? What benefit does it give?

    - Are we emulating the cores and the behaviour of the CPU?

    - What tasks can an emulated CPU perform?

    - Does CPU emulation have any relationship to virtual machines and hypervisors?


    submitted by /u/imstillmb
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    I'm making a program that extracts a color palette from an image, using a library with scarce documentation. How do I approach this?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    So, the other day I was trying to figure ways to extract a palette of 8 colors based on an input image. I found this interesting post which is exactly about what I want to do. In it, they discuss some ways to do this. I was able to make a small bash script that uses imagemagick to output said palette (as hex codes). Now that was very satisfying, until I found (on that same post) that the person who made it also found a solution which involved an algorithm called modified median cut quantization which makes use of a C library called leptonica. From what I've seen, that is a very efficient method, an certainly better than a bash script calling a program multiple times (although I know that I can use the imagemagick API to make a single program that does this task more efficiently, and by the looks of it, it doesn't seem hard).

    Now I wanted to try and make a program in C which does what I intended using that library (sadly, the person who made the post didn't include the code for the solution using the algorithm). There is a problem, though. While I know about programming and have some experience with C and C++, I'm not really a programmer. I just like making small programs when I'm bored, so it's not really something I'm proficient at. Usually I have no problems because I'm able to read the source code of programs that do similar tasks than whatever I want to make, and then I learn from that. Some libraries also include manpages (and some even have usage examples in those manpages) so they're easy to learn. Leptonica, though, doesn't have a very beginner friendly documentation, in my opinion. I mean, I'm sure that a programmer (specially one that works with images) would find it easy to understand, and could implement that solution in a few minutes, but I'm still lost and without a single line of code.

    How do I approach this? I really have no idea and feel blocked. You may ask if I do really need to make this program. Well I don't, as this is just some silly exercise I came up with, but I became obsessed with this solution and want to implement it. I really need this so I can rest easy at nights lol.

    Also, if anyone here is smart enough to understand how to use that library, I wouldn't mind some help with what I'm doing, because I don't even know where to start. At least the initial lines of code or some headers of where to look at would be nice.

    submitted by /u/Electrical-Shame5102
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    Preferred strategies for 3D rotation: Translation to the origin followed by rotation about an axis vs rotation in place around a line through the object's center of mass.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    As a spring break project I'm working on making my own 3D engine from scratch. So far I've implemented basic rendering and camera logic, importing objects from STL files, and translation of objects in space.

    The one roadblock I've hit so far is in how to approach rotation of objects in space. My original approach was to rotate them in place around their center of mass using the matrix formulas in section 6.1 of this webpage. This works (save for a strange bug in the Y axis), although from the literature I've read, the preferred strategy seems to be to first translate the body's center of mass to the origin and then rotate it there before relocating it to its original position.

    My question is: why is the method of translating to the origin and then rotating preferred? My guess is because the math is simpler in these cases since we don't have to account for any arbitrary points in space, but is it really more computationally efficient than my current method?

    submitted by /u/62fe50
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    What is something cool you would be able to do if you pursue a career in programming?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:25 AM PDT

    MySQL opened and listening ports but unable to connect

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    Hello guys, I need help on MySQL

    My specific port is listening according to netstat and netsh on CMD ( but whenever I try to connect using telnet it fails, portcecker.co and other websites said that the port is closed. MySQL server works wen using local IP address.

    I'm using windows and trying to enable remote access to MySQL server

    I already configure my.ini bind-address = and #skip-networking.My accounts on MySQL is also "any hosts" (%).Opened my port 3306 inbound and outbound on firewall.Configured port-forwading to local IP and port 3306.My public IP is reachable, tested using ping command on CMD.

    Please help, I've been working on this for weeks and still no result, Thanks a lot!


    netsh, opened ports unable to connect

    netstat, listening port

    EDIT: I tried scanning open ports on my public IP seems like everything is closed? How could this happen when I can use the internet freely.

    sites I used to scan ports:



    submitted by /u/AnonPH009
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    I used to learn C in university but then I went to army. Now I have to self-learn coding from scratch. Any advice?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 10:09 PM PDT

    Background: I was majored in Physics at my university. I graduated but couldn't find a job so I had to go army for 2 years. Now my army time is over and I'm self-learning to become a developer. I used to learn C in my university (but very basic).

    I still don't know which IT area I should follow (security, software or web, ...) . I'm currrently following CS50x and The Odin Project because I read p1xt guides. CS50x I'm on week 5 and I will finish TOP's Foundation course soon. While doing TOP, I realized I'm not interested on front-end developement. So maybe front-end is not a choice for me? I like said before, I read p1xt and it's my main source to learn coding. The problem is its Tier 1 only have Web Development courses. I'm not sure if p1xt is a roadmap for only Web Developer.

    I wan to try other paths, but I'm afraid with my little coding knownledge, I don't have much choice beside Web Development (I think Web Development requires less knownledge than other paths?). And I don't have much time before I have to find a job to get money.

    Any advice for me? (on which path I should follow , which course or anything)

    submitted by /u/ashvsmay00
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    Super lightweight graphics library for C

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    I'm wondering if anyone knows of something (preferably open-source) like this.

    Basically a super tiny library that can produce graphics. Pretty much just lines, polygons, and text. No output "device" needed, just an array in memory.

    I'm wanting to use this for an embedded application.

    submitted by /u/my_orange_confusion
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    Virtual machine

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:50 PM PDT


    can anyone point me to any info im how to do this? This Online Operating system course has no lessons and the textbook doesn't really elaborate on implementing this

    submitted by /u/ShinigamiNeo
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    Need programming framework recommendation

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    Hello, I have an app I want to make. I am asking this question to receive links / recommendations on :

    I want to build a simple IOS app but want to develop on a modern framework that (a lot of modern apps) use like the initial login page with Facebook and various things , a user page and other things like that

    A framework basically. A web development version would be like Wordpress , or some other content management system. Something robust , easy to use, and modular

    I have an idea and I want to execute , I would like to start on a framework like so

    The app will be iOS and Android

    The initial app will be for example, initially just browsing a library of photos like a portfolio. Instead of simply developing that, I'd like to start and slap that onto a framework with all that useful features to save a step

    Free or paid doesn't matter, especially if the paid version is BADASS

    submitted by /u/ISITREALLYFLAT
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    Ways to make CV stand out to employers in developer positions?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    Hello, I am a recent graduate from college with a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering. I graduated in December and am having trouble landing interviews for programming positions. What are some projects/certifications I can work on that show interest in the field?

    I have looked at language certifications offered by colleges but noticed mixed reviews online. Are GitHub projects recognized by employers?

    submitted by /u/TheBiggestP
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    How were websites structured in the year 2000?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    I'm familiar with using SPA front ends with API only back ends (for example React/Express and Vue/Laravel).

    And I'm learning about full stack back ends like Ruby on Rails.

    How were websites commonly constructed in, say, 2000. Before these technologies existed? Was it all PHP and JavaScript?

    submitted by /u/AnnualPanda
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    Where can I find practice programming problems.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    Hi I'm wondering where on the internet I can practice Java programming assignments and see if I got them right.

    submitted by /u/gonvegetable
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    Can these two algorithms be considered as merge sort?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    Algo1:- https://pastebin.com/kkUFrgkG

    Algo2:- https://pastebin.com/REQTeu4A

    I always used to wonder if there is only a single way to write a code for a specific data structure/algorithm. Here I want to know if both codes can be considered as valid merge sort algorithms. And I want to know which one is better and is there any better solution for what I have written.


    submitted by /u/DangerousWish2266
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    Does anybody else think that code interviews are insane?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:41 PM PDT

    I would have thought it better to just have an hour long casual conversation in a tech interview about technologies and preferences and knowledge of a language/framework, as opposed to asking how to check if this string is a palindrome and then balancing an AVL tree?

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    The largest number x such that (x)2 is 5-digits long and contains exactly two 0's and three 1's?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    HI, what is the largest number x such that (x)2 is 5-digits long and contains exactly two 0's and three 1's?

    I was thinking 11100.

    submitted by /u/andrewfdsf
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    What website is best for pre-made Java classes and methods

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    Hi I'm a beginner programmer and I'm wondering what website is best for people trying to learn Java methods that are pre-made that has a lot of explanation behind what the method does amd how to use it.

    submitted by /u/gonvegetable
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    How hard would it be to create an online poker site that's safe and secure? I'm a beginner developer atm

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    Poker seems like a simple game to program and it's obviously been. done COUNTLESS times by small companies, large companies, and free sites. However, if I wanted to create an online poker system from scratch, is the undertaking daunting, to make sure not cheating takes place, etc....

    I believe I have a brilliant idea (as do most people who come up with ideas) and a way to change the game, but I don't know how to get started. I'm considering finding a CTO for the project but I want to understand what I'm getting into first.

    submitted by /u/ifknlovela
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    How to get started with elixir?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    Hi there! I have a coding challenge and I will need to use elixir for it. The company said that they are going to send me some material to study the basics of elixir if I never used this language. I would like to prepare myself a bit more but I can't find any good free resources. Anyone knows any free resources I could use to get a basic understanding of the language? Thanks in advance everyone!

    submitted by /u/CalligrapherStreet46
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    Recommended tech news sources

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    I am taking a change of career path and transitioning from software developer to solution architect within banking. With my new employer, I will be responsible transforming business requirements to solution design, develop solution architecture, as well as consider, test and implement use of new technologies (Somewhat DevOps oriented with more focus on Ops than Dev) among other.

    My employer is currently focused on cloud technologies, containerization, open apis, integrations/api in general, CI/CD etc. I was therefore wondering if anyone know of any good news sources/blogs/sub-reddits covering most of these topics which I can add to my daily read.

    Any input is much appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/mvassli
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    When will the job market be the same as it was pre covid?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    I live in Ireland finished college last May and have been looking for work since, It seems like nobody is hiring for entry positions, just junior roles that require 2 to 3 years experience. I have gotten 2 interviews but both of those were from references but didn't get past the tech interview, I am pretty strong skills for a college student due to my lack of experience I didn't get it(output error message questions and perfect syntax GIT operations questions).

    How long will the job market be like this? I'm considering giving up looking for a job and starting my own company, I have some money saved up from all the summer jobs I worked and my Internship.

    Should I?

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    How do companies know which database is fast enough for the job?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    Discord just switched from Cassandra to Scllya for handling its messagong service. eBay switched to MongoDB for its search functionality and product listings. Facebook still uses MySQL.

    Most organizations use multiple databases, each tailored for a specific function. However, with over 300 database management systems, how do companies decide which choice is optimal for their projects? What metrics do they look at? Is there a mathematical equation one could apply?

    submitted by /u/Crazed_waffle_party
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    Can someone verify this algorithm?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    { This is my first post on Reddit, so sorry if it doesn't seem like I know what I'm doing }

    When I was 17, I made this algorithm to solve the 8 queens problem but I don't have any mentor or anyone to refer to, so I never got to show this to anyone.

    Can someone check if I was on to something with this algorithm or did I just get lucky?

    Basic Idea
    Place queens until no other queens can be placed , then remove one queen and check if the remaining queens can be placed on the board
    and repeat until all queens are placed.

    Link to the complete code and explanation: http://programmingrecall.tk/

    submitted by /u/the_q_creator
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    Which web programming languages should I choose?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    Hello guys, I premise that I know nothing about web programming, I'm a semi-beginner in java, and I can chew some C, C++. I was looking for a way to learn how to create a website, a friend of mine suggested me using MEAN stack but another told me to stick with PHP, HTML, CSS and js, which one is better, or there are other choices? Do you know maybe a good book or some youtube guide to learn from? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/SimoneSalz
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