• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 17, 2021

    Hi Gamedev, I released a new royalty-free sound library of electromagnetic fields (5Gb, 53 tracks, 192kHz/32bit ) recorded with SOMA Ether V2. I hope these glitches, buzz, hums, and drone sound samples can be useful for you too! Greetings Marcel

    Hi Gamedev, I released a new royalty-free sound library of electromagnetic fields (5Gb, 53 tracks, 192kHz/32bit ) recorded with SOMA Ether V2. I hope these glitches, buzz, hums, and drone sound samples can be useful for you too! Greetings Marcel

    Hi Gamedev, I released a new royalty-free sound library of electromagnetic fields (5Gb, 53 tracks, 192kHz/32bit ) recorded with SOMA Ether V2. I hope these glitches, buzz, hums, and drone sound samples can be useful for you too! Greetings Marcel

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    Google will reduce Play Store cut to 15 percent for a developer’s first $1M in annual revenue

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    I added shadow casting to my grass for Unity! It was an interesting challenge. Tutorial in the comments

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    Guide to Marketing your Game with YouTubers & Streamers

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    Last month I made a post here detailing how I marketed my first game that ended up selling $128k within one year. In that post I mentioned how I think that getting YouTubers and streamers to play your game is the best way to market your game. I thought maybe you might be interested in hearing more details about how I picked the right creators, what kind of a message I sent to them etc. This is going to be a long post. Sorry about that :)

    I have made a few videos about this subject, but I will try to include the main takeaways in this post. If you prefer the video format with some additional details, here are the links:

    Finding creators: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukw_vTFjSDo

    Drafting your message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e85UCTb3Fak

    Additional tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOwF-vKJ9Y0

    Finding Creators

    You don't want to just mass spam everyone. Well you can, but I don't think that's the proper way to go about it. Someone who only makes Minecraft videos is not likely to make a video featuring your brand new, most likely unknown, indie game. I recommend you manually browse through YouTube and other platforms and do some filtering with the contacts rather than just blindly send your game to every gaming channel. It's really up to you how you filter and collect the contacts. But here's how I did it:

    • Think of a popular game that's similar to your game or at least in the same genre. Then search youtube and other platforms for creators who made videos about that game. These are the contacts that are most likely to try out your game.
    • Search for specific keywords that might be associated with a game like yours. For example the genre of your game. Many times at least YouTubers will put keywords like that in the title so they are a good way to find the creators who play similar games but might not have tried the specific game that you searched for earlier.
    • Find some new semi-popular indie game that was released a few weeks ago. You don't want it to be a title that everyone knows but also not something completely unknown. Browsing the new popular releases section in Steam is a good way to find a game like this. Once you have found a game, try searching YouTube and other platforms with the game's name as a keyword. The idea with this is to find the creators who focus on making videos about new indie games.
    • Feel free to add any additional creators to your contact list that might be relevant for whatever other reason. Maybe they are from the same town as you, maybe they have the same name as a character in your game or maybe you just like their content and feel excited with the possibility of them trying out your game. Whatever you think creates a worthwhile connection to your game.

    That's all the ways I collected my contacts. I reached out to 74 video creators in total before my release and out of those, 19 made a video about the game so around 25%. If I think about these numbers, I might have been a bit too strict with my filtering and probably could have found additional interested creators by loosening my filtering and increasing the contact pool. That said, I am very happy with the 25% video delivery rate.

    Drafting your message

    Properly drafting your email is very important as it will have a big difference on how your message is received. There are probably many differing opinions on what your message should look like and what all you should include in it. But generally I think you should strive for two things: Interesting & Concise.

    I go into a lot more details in the video, but here's the message I used.

    It's not the perfect example and now after a year, I see a lot of room for improvement. But if you are having trouble drafting your own email, feel free to use it as reference.


    Finding creators and contacting them can easily be done manually, but there are also services available for this exact purpose that can make the process easier for you. Overall I think manual contacting of creators is still more effective, but if you want to optimize your use of time, I think you can get results faster through these services. For the most optimal outcome, I would recommend a combination of manual contacting and using a service or several different services. This way you'll reach the most creators.

    Here are what I consider the biggest pros and cons of these services:


    +Easier filtering of creators and no need to dig up contact details yourself

    +Usually automatic monitoring for videos made by the creators

    +Some creators might ignore emails and only get keys through these sites

    +Creators have easy access to request keys from you.


    -Connection to creators is less personal

    -Many creators might not use these services

    -Less control over how you approach a creator and how your game is presented

    -Some features are behind a pay-wall.

    There are 5 services used for delivering keys to creators that I know of. Their features vary a bit but usually on the free tier of these sites, you are limited to just accepting key requests from creators. By paying, you will be able to proactively send keys to creators and be the one who initiates contact.

    Woovit. I tried the paid version of Woovit at $60 dollars for one month. I was able to reach some creators through it that I didn't reach manually, so I think the money was well-spent. I am likely to use the service in future also and I would recommend for you to give it a try.

    Keymailer. I tried the free version of Keymailer and it looked promising in the sense that I got a lot of key requests from creators. But on the free tier you can't see if those people actually made videos about your game so it's hard to say how effective the service actually was. They are planning on adding that feature to the free tier though so after that it should be easier to see how well it works. If you want to step up from the free tier, Keymailer can be a bit expensive though. You will need to pay a minimum of $350 per month if you want to reach out to creators yourself through their platform. I think Keymailer is worth trying though, especially once they enable the video delivery tracking on free tier.

    Indieboost. I tried the free version of Indieboost, but if I remember correctly, I only received 2 key requests through it. To me it felt like Indieboost was more geared towards being a platform where you could pay creators to play your game. That's not something I would necessarily recommend using your money as an indie though. I don't know if the service has improved since I used it or if the paid version would have been much better, but based on my experience, I don't think the service was very useful.

    Terminals.io. Terminals is a game promotion toolset that can be used for delivering keys among other things. It's very expensive though at a minimum of $1500 per game. From what I understood, it's not really a service you will use yourself like the others and rather there will be a person managing it for you, which would explain the price. It was too expensive for my wallet so I cannot really say how effective it is.

    Adshot. This one I just heard about. Adshot doesn't seem to be specifically aimed at the game industry and delivering keys, but it can be used for contacting creators. I haven't tried it so I cannot say if it's worthwhile for indies. What I can say though is that it has a 30-day free trial, but otherwise it costs a minimum of $85 per month.

    Additional Tips

    Embargo. To maximize the marketing effect of videos featuring your game, I recommend you send keys to creators a few weeks before release and ask them not to release any videos before the release day. Sending the keys a few weeks in advance will give the creators enough time to try out your game and then make a video before the release, if they think it fits their channel.

    By setting the embargo to your release date, you ensure that anyone who sees the videos has an opportunity to go buy the game right away. If they were to see the video before release, they might go wishlist it, but it's always better to get a sale than a wishlist. Also for some, watching videos of the game before release, might spoil the game to the point that they don't actually want to buy it anymore.

    Follow-up email. After you have sent your first batch of emails to creators and a week or two has passed, you should try sending a follow-up email to those that haven't replied to you. Something like "hey, just a quick reminder that my game is coming out soon". Most people haven't replied to you because they are busy and not interested, but there can always be some who either forgot to reply to you or completely missed your first email.

    I had several people respond to my follow-up email thanking me for reminding them that my game was coming out soon. These were people who were interested in making a video but didn't want to make it so early. If I didn't send a follow-up email, they would have likely forgotten that the game was coming out and not made a video at all.

    Reaching out to international audiences. Did you know that only 39% of Steam's audience has English set as their language? You should not forget the potential of international audiences, especially if your game is localized and supports other languages.

    Youtube is popular in many non-english speaking countries also. You can try finding creators from other nationalities for example by translating your keywords into other languages and seeing if they bring up any results. Genre words are usually good keywords for this. Let's take "turn-based" as a keyword. It's "rundenbasiert" in german. Now if we search youtube with that, we can find creators that produce content in german that you might have missed otherwise.

    If you are getting your game localized, I would advise getting your email template translated also. The creators might appreciate you approaching them in their own language. If they reply, you can then just continue with google translate, explain that you are doing so and apologize for possible mistakes. When I have done this, I have usually received praise for going through the effort of using their own language rather than just using english.

    Also note that Youtube is not popular in every country. For example ordinary Chinese people don't use Youtube for various reasons. Instead they use sites like Bilibili or Douyu. If you are targeting a specific nationality, do a quick google search to see if they use youtube or some other similar sites.

    Target channels of all sizes. I would encourage you to approach creators of all sizes as they are all likely to have a positive impact on your game, regardless of the size. The biggest most well-known creators might not be very likely to feature your game. But if they do, it's likely to have a big impact. On the other hand the smaller creators are more likely to respond to you and despite their size, they might also have a very engaged fanbase, excited to try out any new game that the creator features. I would only filter out the very smallest of channels that barely get any views. It's up to you where you draw that line.

    Getting your game to show on Twitch. If you want your game to show up as a streaming category on twitch, you will need to add your game to IGDB.com, which is a public game database operated by Twitch. You will need a twitch account for this. At the same time you should verify as a game developer on twitch so you will be able to add a cover image for your game also.

    Avoiding scammers. Once your game is out, you will start getting emails requesting review keys for your game. Sometimes it's a big youtuber, sometimes it's a big twitch streamer and sometimes it's a big curator group on Steam. At least 90% of these are scams. So if PewDiePie sends you an email, pleading for a review copy, don't get too excited just yet. Many times they will have an email address that is similar to an actual email address used by a creator or then they will just claim to be someone who doesn't have a contact detail easily available on their channel.

    Actual creators might still contact you by email, but it's going to be quite rare. I would advise you to verify their identity before sending a key. For example, if they have a popular Twitter account, you could ask them to message you over there.

    Make it easy for the creator. When you are wondering how to approach any given subject where you need to work with another person, think: how can you make it as easy as you can for the other person.

    The creator shouldn't have to spend time replying to you just to ask some basic question. Put yourself in the shoes of a busy creator. How would you want to be approached if you were busy and got tens or hundreds of emails every day? Are you able to modify your own approach somehow to make it easier for the creator?

    All this applies to approaching journalists also by the way. Additionally with journalists you might also want to provide them with pre-written snippets about your game so they will have an easier time writing their own article if they choose to do so. I mean ideally they would come up with all the content themselves from start to finish, but they are also very busy and if they have 5 other articles to write that day, they will welcome any viable shortcuts presented to them.

    The general concept of this tip applies to many other things in life also. The easier you make things for others and the easier you are to work with, the likelier it is that others will want to work with you.

    submitted by /u/AuroDev
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    We continue to reverse games, this time we patch RAM to cheat

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    We decided to make a blog about reverse-engineering games - but take it from a very practical developer angle. This is not to tell you about "evil hackers" and "lost millions of dollars". We reverse-engineer games and show you how we did it, along with some tips from our security researchers of what the developers could have done to make reverse-engineering harder.

    Here's our second post (and the first one was here) where we use simple techniques to patch data values in memory to get more diamonds in the Tamagotchi game. I don't know how many people actually attempt to cheat at Tamagotchi :) but we want to raise awareness about how easy it sometimes is to attack a game - even with very primitive tools.

    submitted by /u/kaba40k
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    Post-Mortem of what happens releasing a small game on Christmas with no marketing and failing to check Keymailer for 3 months

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    To avoid wasting anyone's time since this post ended up being longer than I thought it would be, here's the key info right at the start: If you don't setup key request email notifications and forget about Keymailer for 3 months you're going to have a bad time. There's some more data and useful info at the end and in the highlighted bits, feel free to skip the wall of text :)

    Here's a slightly longer version. About 3 months ago we (me and my wife) released our first game on Steam. It's a small game we worked on for a couple of months. We almost completely neglected marketing as the goal was to just finish "something".

    Our goal was quite simple, make sure the game is actually worth its price so when someone does play it they wouldn't give a negative review or refund. Considering I have literally hundreds of unfinished projects on GitHub's graveyard I didn't want this to become yet another tombstone, which is why the bar was set this way. Not "make the best game ever", but "make something playable/enjoyable that isn't shovelware".

    Back to the data. As usual, there was a spike on release, and we got some sales. We even got a few positive reviews, but not enough to show a positive rating. Somewhat expected considering the "50:1" purchase/review ratio, but still slightly disappointing.

    Then came the "let's email YouTubers". We did a bunch, but no reply. Which again is not surprising, who would make a video about a game that has 3 reviews? During all this was the "ask friends for review", which to my surprise usually ended up by them refusing a free key, buying the game to "support us", but not playing the game and not giving a review.

    This was probably the saddest and most surprising part of the whole release, as basically nobody I know in real life actually reviewed or even played the game. Now I do understand things like them feeling under pressure, not wanting to give a bad review if they don't like it, etc. But more often than not, they didn't even play the game, and yes those are people who play games on Steam, and whom I've had a personal relationship for years. Even people who happily accepted a ton of help over the years and never been asked for anything. Anyway, the point of this is not to whine, but rather to show a potential dark side of releasing a game - the realization that "nobody really cares".

    Back to the point! Despite all this we were quite happy with the release, since the game did actually sell, and it continues to sell organically (roughly 1 copy per day).

    After almost 3 months have passed, I randomly logged onto Keymailer (chrome auto-suggested it after I typed something), and I see almost a 100 requests for keys, some from pretty big YouTube channels. I'm not sure what numbers are normal, and maybe all of these are spam, but considering there was zero press coverage of the game (no youtube, no twitch, no tweets, etc) I'm kind of amazed anyone actually clicked a "request key" button. Maybe things could've been slightly different had I sent out the keys as the game was released and not 3 months later, maybe not. It's probably my fault for not enabling (or maybe disabling, I don't remember) the Keymailer request notifications, but last time I checked the website there were zero requests, which is I guess why I erased it from my brain.

    If you've read this far and suffered through my whining, let me give you some more actual data from our release just in case it will be handy:

    • There's a significant visits spike on release date (in our case roughly 5-10x of what we get daily right now, which I guess doesn't actually sound significant :D)
    • Steam sometimes moves your game around and you get another spike, in our case we got one more spike as big as the release at a random point in time (didn't find any social media correlation, since there is no social media coverage :D).
    • We did two sales (both at around 30% I think) and they both helped a little bit (roughly 5-10x sales for 1 day), but not significantly. This is probably since the game costs $3, so nobody really cares if it's a bit cheaper.
    • Sitting at below 10 reviews (and thus showing "Need more reviews to generate a score") and despite being on page 30-40 in the main tag/category (tower defense) the game still sells basically every single day! This is the most surprising thing to me, and holyshit it gives me so much hope for gamedev. I'm not sure if it'll continue indefinitely, but so far it certainly looks like it, as we have barely any spikes in traffic, are already way way way down any category listing that it literally can't be worse, and yet people still somehow buy the game. If you have a similarly shitty game that was released more than a few months ago, I'd be very curious if it's still selling!
    • We did one visibility round with a content update, including a new trailer and complete graphics overhaul, which did help a little bit, but nothing crazy. Most of the visits came in the first day in the visibility round.
    • Our release was right on Christmas (around 3am on 24th December), which was right as the winter sale was starting, and I feel like this also didn't really help, purely inferring from how much we sell organically vs how much we sold on release day.
    • And lastly something positive: Some people do get very excited about unexpected things! People do care about achievements, and even during our playtest we had someone who wanted to get 100% achievements. It feels really amazing to see a random stranger excited about the game enough that they join a discord and start seeking help just so they can unlock that last achievement.

    Before we close, I want to add one more short list of things I think we did correctly and that I would recommend to anyone:

    • Started the game in a game jam - in our case LD #47 ... this made sure we had a "game" from the beginning.
    • Kept features and scope small ... I know I know, everyone keeps saying this, but really unless your eyes are bleeding when you see what features you're cutting from the game, it's probably still too big.
    • Released the game (roughly) on time - goal was "start of December", alternate goal was "before Christmas", which we did! (Take that Valve/Blizzard). Many sacrifices were made, but it was very worth finishing.
    • "No bugs" - Having had a few weeks of Steam Playtest with ~80 people (not sure how many active) we caught basically all game-breaking bugs, and despite one hotfix about 3 minutes after the release (lol indeed), we didn't need to fix any issues until our first content update (checked with Unity Crash Reporting).
    • "Good reviews" - not all were amazing, but almost all were positive, and our refund rate sits around the comfortable 10%.
    • Overall positive feedback - any time someone said "wow this is actually fun" it gave me an incredible motivation boost
    • Almost all of our assets (including trailers) were made by us, and it turned out okay! We did use some particle effects, sound effects, and a few bits here and there, but having done most of it felt really good.

    One glimmer of hope to close with (and maybe we just got "lucky" (probably not)), but despite Steam being extremely over-saturated, and despite having as bad of a release as we could have, people still bought our game. I'm very curious if people actually have a different experience, since the topic usually is "can this pay for all my life expenses?" and not "does it make non-zero money?"

    Thanks for reading this far! If you didn't and just skipped to the end, that's ok :) The important bits are highlighted in bold.

    edit: This was initially a 1 paragraph post that turned into a full postmortem, sorry for posting another one, hopefully this is helpful to someone!

    submitted by /u/progfu
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    The currency-less Trading Economy in our game Fireside

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    We released the full UE4 C++ source code for WarriOrb, a Dark-Souls like action platformer

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    Auto HDR Available for Preview on PC

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    How did you start learning/making games

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    I'm really struggling as I am a (UK) college student (17y old), who has been forced into gamedev by my computer science course. What I mean is I had the choice of a game system or a database system, and I had a similar amount of education in each (next to none!!) But I found games more interesting so naturally I chose that.

    What I wasn't prepared for was the bombshell that "this project will determine your continuation of this course in y13" meaning that if I didn't make a complex enough game I would be kicked off my course. I only know the basics of drawing sprites, shooting a bullet at a set location, and that's it. I didn't even know how to get any mouse input.

    To be honest I still don't. And I don't know where/how to learn. Help. I am depressed at the fact the progress I have made so far I can now make in 1 hour. I have spent 3 weeks on my project already. I can do it all again IN 1 HOUR.

    submitted by /u/YT-DobbaWon
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    I made a fun 2d car, now I need a game idea to put it to good use!

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    Henlo! I recently got the urge to make a 'proper' car, that is to say, one that is somewhat physically 'correct' yet fun to drive, with a focus on drifting/flowing (rally style), and meant to be played using a gamepad (because analog controls).

    Here's the result so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdcA-JZKn84
    Don't mind the graphics, they are totally placeholder. But it's pretty complete and fun to drive!

    (Tech in short: Pacejka tyre model (with friction ellipse); Torque curve (1 long gear), limited slip differential, weight transfer, it takes into account stuff like wheel inertia, car weight, tyre friction coefficient etc..)

    It does only have 1 gear though, for simplicity, and I've basically built it around the data (weight, wheel radius etc) of a go-kart, which makes sense with the 1-gear concept.

    Now I wonder what to do with this car. Here's a few ideas I'm exploring myself:

    • put guns on it, mad max style, and protect your convoy from enemies. maybe use right stick to aim guns, though I think it may be hard to both steer/throttle/brake and aim guns..
    • very tranquil rally game, somewhat like 'art of rally', but in a pixel-art style as USP. have a ghost car for those who like to challenge themselves.
    • more classic vertical shmup like tyrian, but with a car instead of a spaceship. maybe add mechanics like dashing or boost, rocket league style. shooting forwards or in drive direction, no aim.
    • ice-karting simulator. I've ice-karted once and it was SO RAD!! downside: it would need either multiplayer, or proper AI opponents, and both are kinda hard. I'd like to keep it somewhat simple..

    So before I make a choice, I'd like to hear your ideas! Keep in mind:

    • It has to work with a gamepad
    • I have limited resources, so I like to keep it simple (no massive multiplayer etc :P)
    • I prefer making pixely 2d games, though I can consider 3d if it really fits some idea better


    submitted by /u/bazkie_bumpercar
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    Improving workflow, saving time, asset store, fiveer - quick rant

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    I'm mind blown recently how much time can be saved by asset store and fiveer. I always thought i don't need to buy any stuff and learning new things is just part of process but there are parts of the project like animations, audio, some fancy custom shaders that can consume way too much time and as long as you understand what is going on and are able to integrate it right way, you can focus on what you know best and move forward much quicker. I still don't believe I changed my mind so late regarding this stuff. I feel like "obsession" to control and understand 100% of the project is just not effective and 50$ can save you from days to months or even more. It all seems so obvious but f**k, i wish i understood that earlier. I always thought "am not gonna make another game with assets reused in every low budget indie game, am gonna make everything by myself" - i was so wrong and narrow-minded, didn't even realize assets can speed up everything so much and let you focus on your strengths. Am gonna buy every asset on the internet now...

    submitted by /u/Krabicz
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    List of VFX techniques breakdown

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    How to plan your first game? Devlog #00

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    Handling planets in a topdown 2d game?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    Alright so for a while now i have had this idea for a game where you control a ship in space from a topdown perspective in 2D. The thing is i feel like just being in space wouldn't be that interesting and wouldn't really fit my goal with this game. I want to have planets where you can maybe land on and do stuff, but it seems just so hard for me to figure out a great way to do that.

    I'm not asking for you to design my game, I would just like some examples of how different games handle their planetary travel systems in 2d?

    submitted by /u/oddmaus
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    Made a tutorial on how to spawn particles in animated character with Unity VFX Graph.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    (Speed Game Art) Simple 3d Dungeon Column in Blender 3d & Substance Painter

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    Complete noob. Ideas on how to handle detector type items in a game?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    I'm building an ECS structured game on top of Matter.js

    There are three different scanner entities in my game (a composite body in the physics engine containing an actual body for the sprite collision and a sensor body for the scanning field collision). Each scanner has a different range and detects different things. The scanners are supposed to work whether on the floor or in the players hand.

    A player can pick a scanner up (Moving the scanner entity ID into the players "hand" component and remove it from the physics world) and put them down (remove the ID form the players component and re-add the scanner to the physics sim)

    The thing I'm undecided on is how to keep the scanner working after it's been removed from the physics world (and the rendered scene) and put into the players hand

    I came up with two choices

    1. The player is actually a similar composite of a body and a sensor field. When the player moves a scanner into their hand the players sensor field is scaled to match the size of the sensor in their hand. When a collision happens with the player sensor, the handler checks what exactly is in their hand and forks accordingly
    2. The player is a composite of a body and multiple sensors (one for each type of sensor in the game). Each sensor has it's own collision handler and returns early if the wrong item is in the players hand

    Is there a better way to do this? Maybe don't remove the sensor from the physics sim, constrain it to the players body, and stop it rendering? There are too many options and none of them seem very clean

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/BkoChan
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    Partnership with a game dev company

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    I recent uploaded a free game on Playstore which contains ads. The game hasn't earned even a dollar yet. A company contacted me saying that they wanted to do a partnership with me. They arranged a 15-minute zoom meeting with me. What are the things I should know before I talk to them?

    This is the first game I've published and I've made four games in total.

    They mentioned something about helping me increase revenue. Does anyone have any idea what they might be seeking in exchange? If yes, what should I gave them and how do I calculate it's worth? Are there any sources that can help me with getting more knowledgeable in this field?

    I think this is game dev related since it's game companies we're talking about. If not, then please redirect me to the subreddit I have to post in.

    submitted by /u/JudgementCole
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    Full Dialogue System in Unity!!!

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 02:59 AM PDT

    Different ways to handle walls that are in the way in isometric games?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    Just a quick question: What are some interesting ways in which different isometric games handle walls that are in the way. Give me some examples!

    submitted by /u/oddmaus
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    How to upload the full project on Github?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    I am a complete GitHub noob and my goal is to upload my full Unity game project on a private Github repository . This is the situation. The whole Unity project is 18.5 GB.( Sure, I can remove few PSD... and other heavy resources... with gitignore as I have been told).

    My Github repository is created, I pushed successfully few commit.... for testing purposes. Some friends taught me the basic of GitBash command line , add, commit, push.. etc... But obviously I can not push a 18.5 GB commit. I suppose I can not upload 15.5GB on Github at once, and even if I could it would take forever and if my connection is interrupted... the upload would fail.

    Other people told me, "well, Github is just for code, just upload the code". Sure, but will I have a Unity project on line, with only the code and some missing image assets... how will that work? I am a bit confused. I want to share the project with some people.. to basically collaborate.

    Again, my question is simple: How to upload the full project on Github?
    Thank you so much!

    PS: this is not part of that question, but I am just curious to see if I can post this twice, here in the gameDev reddit and in the GitHub subreddit... it takes a bit of time to get familliar with all the Reddit rules. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/paulBoutros436
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    Leveling system in my game.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    I am only in the planning stage of development and my game is similar to game dev tycoon but I have many things that will be different. I have been thinking of the progression in my game and I would like to add a leveling system which allows the player to unlock new hardware and then with new hardware get more things unlocked when selecting it such as new genres, 3D dimensions perhaps and maybe faster development time. Do you think this is a cool idea?

    Would be nice if you didn't say things about originality because my game will be as much as possible and I plan on adding player movement, interactions with staff, voice lines, a very small story and more.

    submitted by /u/Ikonik9001
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    Where should I start learning Blender?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    I've gotten to the point in my game dev career where I want to start 3D modelling. I'm working in Unity.

    What's a good starting point/tutorial for Blender in terms of game development?

    submitted by /u/kp4ws
    [link] [comments]

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