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    Full Stack Open 2021 is Out learn programming

    Full Stack Open 2021 is Out learn programming

    Full Stack Open 2021 is Out

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    Deep Dive Into Modern Web Development

    Full Stack Open 2021

    Link here: https://fullstackopen.com/en/


    Learn React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL and TypeScript in one go! This course will introduce you to modern JavaScript-based web development. The main focus is on building single page applications with ReactJS that use REST APIs built with Node.js.


    Participants are expected to have good programming skills, basic knowledge of web programming and databases, and mastery of basic use of the Git version management system. You are also expected to have perseverance and a capacity for solving problems and seeking information independently.\ \ Previous knowledge of JavaScript or other course topics is not required.

    Edit: Wow, my first award, thank you!

    submitted by /u/Temptation2019
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    Is learning coding actually just literally looking at examples then repeating, trying again and doing it all over?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 07:11 PM PDT

    I have struggles staying focused learning CS. I think I lack the discipline, I hit a wall after a bit. I feel as though I would learn better in a class setting. But in a class setting what would that even look or be like? I just get bored or stuck and just never can keep going.

    I dont really want to take a bootcamp, but just a course perhaps this summer. I live in NYC so I am interested in anything in person (or online). I am a teacher so I have the entire summer to learn.

    submitted by /u/thanksfortheride
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    Is the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate worth it?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 09:44 PM PDT


    Have any of you done it? Is it worth it? And do I need to continuously pay Coursera subscription free to keep a completed certificate? How much does it cost to get/keep? I don't understand that part.

    submitted by /u/JonFrost
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    The Odin Project (Full Stack JavaScript) vs. The Web Dev Bootcamp 2021 (Colt Steele)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 08:44 PM PDT

    I'm currently a web designer and I'm willing to learn backend. I know basic javascript. For those who have completed both, which one do you prefer the most? I don't mind learning through reading.

    submitted by /u/sujoy-kr
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    Overcome the Paradox of Choice: If you pick a resource, stick to it

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    Just mentioning this as it may be helpful, a recurring theme in this sub and many other subreddits is that there's a lot of lists of "best resources" posted. This results in what in the paradox of choice, while the Wikipedia page is pretty helpful, to put it succinctly, the more choices you have, the more stress said choices cause. So what I suggest is

    • Don't spend too much time looking for the "best". Your aim is not to find the best programming course/book/series, it is to learn programming. Pickup a course that follows decent practices (based on reviews perhaps), is upto date and one that you can understand and follow.

    • The more time you spend comparing resources, the less time you are spending on studying and picking up the art. Your time is better spent learning resources than looking for content.

    • Don't drop a course at the drop of hat. Unless there's a glaring issue with the resource you are following, don't switch to the next "hip" course just because there's a reddit post on it.

    • This one's a pet peeve really and probably going to be an /r/unpopularopinion from my side - Avoid "Best Free Learning Resources" lists. They are usually fluff and sometimes subtle marketing (for example I have seen lists where authors of the list will list 9 seemingly reputed resources and then slip in one of their own works to grant it legitimacy based on the rest of the list).

    submitted by /u/ProfPragmatic
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    What are some of the most useful paid resources?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 07:16 PM PDT

    I don't usually have much money (see: any money) to invest in programming which isn't usually a problem considering you can essentially learn everything for free or nearly free these days. But I was wondering, since many Americans are getting stimulus checks, what might be some worthwhile programming/learning investments?

    submitted by /u/atherinn
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    Just a dumb question, but how does Google search actually works?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    I always get confused even when I know the answer on how web works and how google works. Google crawls web pages then ranks pages according to its own algorithm, but how does its crawler knows that there is a web page in first place(exclude hyper links inside a page for a second)? Which leads to question that how does web work. There are different protocols through which frames/packets travel, ips get resolved , mac addresses are determined etc. but still it confuse me a lot.😅

    submitted by /u/GeneralPY101
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    Website Development and Coding for Beginners

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    Hello community, I am kindly requesting any tips or advice for someone with little to no computer skills on how to begin the journey to website development, software development, and coding.
    Where should I begin, I presume the basics? Is there a school program you would suggest for newbies? Thank you for any advice, truly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Critical416
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    Learning git/github

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    So I'm not exactly new to programming but I'm at the point in university where I need to get some projects under my belt. I see everywhere that github is the place the put/upload projects.

    My question is, when should I bother learning it and how?

    submitted by /u/alem_147
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    Can you have a web app that can make API request?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    My main question is if you can program in python or Flask web app to take a user input and have it make an API call for twitter user mentions through Tweepy?

    I'm trying this out for my first python/machine learning project so I have a general sense of what to do but this is the last question I haven't directly found an answer to yet.

    submitted by /u/slyfox1001
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    Feeling overwhelmed, how to stick with tutorials without giving up when having limited time?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:13 PM PDT

    Wanting to contribute to something 'real', I signed up as a programming volunteer. I have very little experience with the main framework they're using and am feeling overwhelmed with how much there is to learn due to limited free time (university, freelance work, other volunteering etc.). Every time I watch a tutorial I'm distracted because I don't know if I should be focusing this time on another topic, e.g. if this topic is relevant to learn, if I should be trying to understand the codebase instead (there's no documentation for this). The main problem is I don't know how long learning will take before I can fully understand the code, and I feel bad only watching tutorials and not contributing to the code, and am worried I'll forget what's learned in tutorials if I don't apply it to anything (and continue watching more of them). Does anyone have advice for what to do?

    submitted by /u/incurvatewop
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    How do I break down a complicated project into more manageable bite-sized pieces, and still ensure the final result is not spaghetti code, and at best, good code?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    I've recently started a project that I feel is something that I can actually finish, and will be something that looks good on a resume. My problem is I've hit a wall where I am running into quite complicated problems (for my skill level at least, I'm a Junior CS major), and I'm not sure how to best solve them. I would like to finish this project as intended, and not just over-simplify things until I can actually finish it.

    So I feel like a little bit of context about the project itself may be in order. I will keep it short & sweet. It's a baseball simulator written in Java, emphasis on the simulation, lacking in the GUI department. I might keep it entirely command-line based for now, not sure yet. The user selects the teams, the user selects the actions, and the program determines the result of said actions, all based on real player metrics, and real calculated values (launch angle, exit velocity, travel distance, etc). I've gotten as far as pulling all current rosters from MLB.com, basically all player's stats. I have built the base game, selecting teams, pitchers, lineups, and everything up to throwing the first pitch. And that's where I've hit this wall.

    What I'm not sure about how to proceed with is all of the decision making of the program. For example, how do I structure the code so I can calculate where a ball will land, then calculate if there is a fielder that can catch it before it hits the ground, then calculate the probability of that fielder actually making the catch, then calculating if that fielder can throw it to the base the runner is headed towards in time, then calculate etc, etc...

    I'm not looking for code-specific answers here, just general advice. I mean, I can figure out how to do each of those things individually, that's no problem, but I want to ensure that I do this smartly. I want the code to look like I had a plan before I started writing any code. I mean, I have started to plan it out, but all I have is a heavily nested bullet list of items, and that's not exactly simplifying anything for me, it's just adding to the daunting list of things.

    Your input is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/96dpi
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    What's the best set of tools (programming language/framework/IDE/etc...) for a comp sci graduate student to use to study the english language in depth?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    I want to study English from a computational perspective. Some of the things I'd like to explore are:

    1. Emotion in sentences
    2. Urgency in sentences
    3. The relationship between the complexity of a phrase and it's popularity
    submitted by /u/cowlicker12
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    Need help with a simple problem in pandas

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    I have a dataframe set up and would like to delete all the rows with null values. I've set up a for loop to cycle through the rows, but I'm not sure how to read the contents of the cells. Here's some pseudocode for what I'm trying to do:

    for i in range(len(fireSet1)) :
    if Area = NaN
    delete current row

    Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/TheSmallestSteve
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    What order should you place functions and classes in a module file? In a script file?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    It makes sense to me to place exported entities or functions classes called in main at the top, and the internal/supporting functions down the page, in the order in which they appear in the main/exported functions. So that as you're scrolling down the page trying to understand the code, the functions you want to reference often appears in order of going down the page.

    However, I often see almost the opposite in code. Exported functions near the bottom, and internal functions at the top.

    Is there any heuristics for function/class order on the page?

    submitted by /u/DisastrousProgrammer
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    How the heck does "for" in python work

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    I've started a python course at my university and there are 1500 people enrolled so i can't ask my profesors. I just need a basic but detaild explanation. For example, what does "for c in list:" does if i said list = "hello world"

    submitted by /u/AvocadoAutist
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    Keep forgetting to Sign-In to class. How can I automate this?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 10:51 PM PDT

    Coding school is going great except I already have 6 late marks on my record. I can have 20 throughout the course but I keep forgetting to sign in.

    I tried to use automator and calender to launch a page but it did not work. Any idea how I can do this in a simple way? on an m1 macbook here.

    submitted by /u/broDaLASIF
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    How did you ace the Algorithms and DS?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 07:40 PM PDT

    As a self taught developer, I am extremely intimidated by the idea of learning Algorithms and DS. I picked up a little from online tutorials. But, in my quest to explore and really learn about the Algorithms, I purchased the book Algorithm Design and Manual. The thing is I understand some part of what the author is trying to say but as I am not from a very technical background a lot of complex jargons are going over my head. I have only read the first chapter of the book, so it might be prejudice.

    So, what other methods or resources would you suggest that will help me to get good at Algorithms. Should I just continue reading the book?

    submitted by /u/mmddev
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    Migrating to Javascript from a (very basic) background in C

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 09:21 PM PDT

    Apologies if this is a little incoherent.

    So I've done Harvard's CS50 course which mainly focusses on C. It does a tiny bit of Javascript at the end, but it was pretty minimal, so it didn't really stretch me. I'm now trying to improve my knowledge of Javascript by doing some of the exercises on freeCodeCamp. One of the things that's really tripping me up is that I can't see my output in a terminal. When I was using C or python in the CS50 IDE, I could tinker with my programmes and use the output in the terminal to diagnose what was wrong, but currently I'm not able to use this feedback.

    Is this a result of fCC's interface or is it related to Javascript specifically?

    I tried downloading Visual Studio Code but I'm struggling to figure out how to use it, is this what I want or am I on the wrong track? I've also heard of Node.js? I've tried searching "Javascript terminal" but the results are all way over my head and I feel lost.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Blue_Khakis
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    How to I view the JS I write?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    I'm teaching myself some webdev stuff as a hobby and I'm starting to branch out from HTML and CSS, but when I run the files I've made in firefox I can't see any of the shapes or drawings I made with JS. I wrote them in an HTML file but they're inside the <script> </script> tags. If it matters I've been using Notepad++ to actually write everything.

    submitted by /u/135368
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    How do I prove myself at my new development job?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I started my first software job yesterday and I am wondering how to make a good impression and prove myself to the rest of the devs? I can tell just through subtleties that they look down on me, even the other Jrs. What is the best way to show that I am valuable, here to stay and I'm going to make meaningful contributions? Do I have the right attitude towards this?

    submitted by /u/hewasnumberoneee
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    [JavaScript] - How does promise work under the hood?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    (Sorry for the bad English, I tried my best to write my question but I cant, hope you guys get the gist of my post)

    I've understood promises little bit but I wanna know what might be happening under the hood so i can understand it much better.

    E.g. i have this code:

     function returnPromise (){ return new Promise(function (r, rj){ setTimeout(function (){ window['value'] = 'exist'; let value = 100; if(value){ r(value); return; } rj(value); }, 2000) }) } let p1 = returnPromise() p1.then(function (value){ value = value * 2; console.log(value); }); 

    Now this is my prediction this might be happening:

    1. p1 returns a promise and this (executor function) is invoked immediately and synchronously:

    function (resolve, rj){ setTimeout(function (){ window['value'] = 'exist'; let value = 100; if(value){ resolve(value); return; } rj(value); } 

    This sets a setTimeout for 2 seconds.

    1. We have a .then and we know .then is async and this goes into micorotask queue and not in task queue (micro task queue is given more priority than task queue) like setTimeout does.

    2. Since .then function will be executed first, it probably replaces resolve parameter in the function's execution context that's sitting in the task queue (with the function code put inside the .then function ) ?

    Because since .then is executed first, it should have no idea about the setTimeout function unless it's job is only to put function code inside that function context (resolve parameter) for later execution, isnt it?

    submitted by /u/Lost_Chemical_7327
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    How does a device, like a Fitbit for example, analyze and send data for a user to receive on their app? What is the overall backend workflow/process like from device to server to user?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    I'm working on a device that is more or less similar to a Fitbit (or any other tracking device) in the sense that this device reads a signal from the user, analyzes it, and displays the results on an app. From a birds-eye point of view, what is the practical way to handle this transfer of information? What are some key words and concepts of backend development that I should/must become familiar with to make this project happen?

    I have about a year of programming experience, almost completely in Python. Worth mentioning I also know next to nothing about backend development. But I've managed to create a "simulation" of how I think it works though I'm positive its not how it really works in practice, but at least it gives me some form of structure. My sim can display the UI, create new user accounts, register devices to users, send/pull data to "servers", and almost everything in between of how I imagine this whole thing operates. I'd like to know what a real-world application of something like this looks like, and the Fitbit seems like a very good comparison.

    submitted by /u/JimmyAndTheWorms
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    Side Project question / Google Assistant API

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 06:35 PM PDT

    Is it possible to create an application/script to send google assistant/home commands from a PC?

    For example, I would like to possibly use a hotkey to send "Turn off lights" instead of verbally expressing it.

    I am unsure of the limitation of how google home API works and how/if integration would even be allowed.

    Or if there is a project that similarly exists, anyone has a link?

    submitted by /u/Nard95
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