• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 16, 2021

    Does anyone know how the background change the color with different photos, I've noticed this on Spotify, what is the effect called? how to achieve this on a webpage? can someone help? web developers

    Does anyone know how the background change the color with different photos, I've noticed this on Spotify, what is the effect called? how to achieve this on a webpage? can someone help? web developers

    Does anyone know how the background change the color with different photos, I've noticed this on Spotify, what is the effect called? how to achieve this on a webpage? can someone help?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    1 year ago I started my web dev career and today I became the web department manager ��

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 06:41 PM PDT

    My mind is still blown. A few years ago I felt like a loser because I started college late and didn't really know what I wanted to do. Shortly after graduation I got hired as a web developer for a consulting firm with 400+ clients, fast forward a year of grind and today I was offered the web dev department manager position.

    Now I gotta learn how to manage a team of 7. I've never done that but I'm beyond excited. Any tips from those with project management experience?

    I just keep going over in my head how many hours I spent looking at this sub reddit hoping one day I could make it happen and now it's real.

    Edit: a lot of you seem to be wondering about the team I'll manage. So it'll be 3 devs, 1 designer, 2 client reps, and possibly one new addition.

    I agree with many of you, this is totally a sink or swim situation but I'm down for the challenge. I know a lot of people on here are saying I'm not ready but they also don't know that I've been the backbone of my department since I joined. I know literally every aspect of what we do.

    If I fail I fail, if I succeed I will forever be grateful of this opportunity

    submitted by /u/DeltaFireBlues
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    When should the dev team get involved with a new hire?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    It seems that most s/w development job ads are written by recruiters or business managers - full of fluff and low on the technical detail. Then the HR discard anyone with a missing keyword in the CV, even if the person is highly capable of learning that tech on the job. The team lead will probably be involved in interviewing the survivors of the HR cull, but the final word will be someone else's and they hire the best one on offer, not someone who is actually a good fit.

    I wonder ...

    Should the dev team be involved from the start, help to craft the ad, review resumes, shortlist the candidates for interviews and vote on the final decision?

    How does it work in your team?

    submitted by /u/hunua
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    Going into an a technical interview for an Angular dev position soon, has a code-along with a current dev. Never done that before. Anything I should keep in mind?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    Been doing Angular work for about 3 years with the same company but now I have a technical interview and I'll be video chatting with a dev and doing a code along with them to assess me. Anything I should keeo ij mind for this or prepare for? I've reviewed the basics, services and form implementation and such. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/wholesome_capsicum
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    Redirecting Internet Explorer users to Microsoft Edge for compatibility with modern web sites

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    As a primarily PHP, MySQL and plain HTML, CSS web developer, what are the primary advantages to JavaScript?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    I'm only aware of asynchronous communication between the server and client and that using JavaScript can can reduce the load on the server quite heavily if properly utilized, however why would I want to create something fully in JS? Are the reduced server load along with perhaps quicker development with frameworks the main benefits?

    What are the advantages of using a framework such as React? Only for the front-end?

    Could I not achieve the same using PHP frameworks such as Symphony?

    And how does one host a website or an application with a JS backend? What are the benefits of a JS backend?

    So many questions, yet its hard to find the right answers connecting all of these together in a coherent manner. Ofcourse this may be followed by my lack of reaserch, however I find no shame in asking the ones more educated on the topic. Especially considering the curent rise of JS utilization for development, hearing someones thoughts whos been using JS before and during the rise could be of great value. Thank you all in advance!

    submitted by /u/VIiruss
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    Is Cracking the Coding Interview a good resource for web dev interviews?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    My main areas of focus are full stack JS and .NET, and I decided to check this book out since it seems to pretty popular. Going through the table of contents, it seems like it covers a lot of computer science related topics that seem more appropriate for someone becoming a C/C++/Java dev. I've never actually had an interview yet though, so for all I know I might get asked these same questions.

    Would it be worth reading (obviously skipping the chapters on topics like C that I don't need)? Are there any better resources for prepping for web dev interviews specifically?

    submitted by /u/spunkymnky
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    Desperate graduate in need of guidance

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    Fair warning, this will be a long post with, I hope as little, spelling errors.

    To give you a bit of a back story, I finally finished college in September of 2020. By that time, I was forced by my college to find a internship in any IT related company so I can get my degree. I've sent my CV 10-15 times and almost every company wanted to hire me. Seeing how COVID struck, I decided to go to a fairly large company into DWH department. Mind you, I live in a fairly small European country so I had to move from my hometown to our Capital. I've been working as a ETL developer for the past 8 months or so and I've been slowly dying inside.

    I got assigned on a project which quite old ( 6 years), but it's bringing the most revenue and it requires constant attention, a lot of which is overtime. I've never imagined my life to be like this... Hating my Job and mentally going deeper and deeper into the feeling of wasted time. I always heard stories like "once you get a real job, you will learn and develop yourself 100x faster". I gotta be honest here, in 6 months, I haven't learned a single new thing. I've been taught only the buisiness side of the entire project. All the technical knowledge is still the same as it was when I finished college.

    2 weeks ago, I said to myself "I gotta get out of this loophole" and so I started going into web dev. I'm by no means an expert, but I have a couple of projects, mostly for college, under my belt. I decided, Django will be the way to go Ofc with appropriate standard frontend web technologies. By this time, a friend of mine was in need of a web shop and he let me start developing it. It's been a blast. Learning a ton of new things and really enjoyable ( I'm still working as a ETL developer and after my work hours I work 2-3h on his site). I think this is a ok-ish starting point for the 180 degree turn of my career.

    Now, for the biggest problem... I've been afraid my entire life. Afraid of saying "I quit", afraid of making a wrong choice, afraid that I'll dissapoint my family and my bosses, but currently, I'm mostly afraid I'll never find work that really suits me.

    As I mentioned above, I live in a fairly small country. My current pay is around 1.1k euro (after taxes and other things) which is considered a decent pay. My goal is to get to that pay check on my own. What I'm really trying to say, I would like to go freelance ( I think that's the word I'm looking for). Finding jobs in the specified technologies earlier, in my country, is almost impossible. Honestly, I'm terrified of even taking the first step towards it. I have no idea how to get jobs/clients and how to keep them, without it turning into a constant hunt for another gig. And the worst thing is, I'm afraid that if I don't succeed, I won't be able to find another job that suits me ( basically remote).

    I'm hoping to get some advice/pointers/anything out of experienced people. Even places to start, job offers, your personal experience if you were in the same situation. Anything.

    I've talked to my fellow graduates and most of them are in the mindset of just being perfectly happy to recieve a paycheck at the end of the month for whatever work they are doing. I can't really accept that, because my goal is to be an expert in specific field, which I hope is Django. Just as a reference point, if anybody would ask, I'm 26 years old ( No idea why I wrote that).

    Thank you for reading this "rant" and again, I apologize for my spelling.

    submitted by /u/JodaVz
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    California Passes New Regulation Banning 'Dark Patterns' Under Landmark Privacy Law

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    Recommendations for open source self-hosted public blogging or article publishing services or frameworks?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    I'm looking to create my own blog to publish my writing. I wanted to do my own thing instead of just using medium, but I also don't want to completely reinvent the wheel and do it from scratch, when I could use some open source library or framework that I could contribute features to. I would like to hear your recommendations for those!

    So far, I've looked at Wordpress, Write Freely and Plume. Wordpress is a little heavy, plume is no longer maintained.

    Some features that would be nice to have but not necessary:

    1. Markdown, or even better, asciidoc.
    2. Ability to host on serverless infrastructure, like a FaaS backend like AWS Lambda, and static site hosting frontend, like Netlify.
    3. Federation protocol like ActivityPub
    4. Lightweight and maybe a little minimalist
    5. Not difficult to contribute to
    submitted by /u/oxamide96
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    Made my First Full Stack App with MERN !

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    DigitalOcean hosting - Interchanging multiple apps on one droplet?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 05:13 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Like many other I've been using my corona-time to expand my skillset (I'm a professional C# developer) to the web.

    As I've been learning, it's slowly becoming time for me to leave the localhost and test my full stack applications on the web. From what I've surmised, Node.js applications really like cloud hosting and thus I arrived at DigitalOcean (30$/month to fuck around a couple hours a night on AWS can bite me).

    My question is as follows: can I purchase one droplet (2GB because NPM is heavy apparently) and just interchange what code is hosted there? I don't see why I COULDN'T do this, I just wanted to make sure it worked before I wasted money.

    I.e. could I host CoolNodeApp1; develop and test it. Pull it down. Push AWESOMENodeApp to my droplet and repeat the process?

    Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/The_Co
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    Frontend Masters Learning Roadmap

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    UK Timezones changes half way through the year, I have a question.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    Hello. So I am building an application, and the user can create a coupon code. They choose the start date, and the end date. When they signed up, they selected their timezone. Currently, for London its set to GMT-0. Elsewhere, it's set to UTC.

    When a customer enters the coupon, I query the database, grab the users timezone (GMT-0 for example), check the users local date, and crosscheck it with the start/end date from the coupon. This is to make sure its valid.

    Now, I can do this fine. However, my issue arrises when UK changes their timezone to BST, which means they will be 1 hour ahead.

    Is it wise to simply change every record stored in the DB from GMT-0 to GMT+1 every 6 months? Or is there another way I can do this?

    I was thinking about not evening storing the timezone, but storing the country of the related timezone. Is this a good idea?

    submitted by /u/artFlix
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    Depressed because no traffic

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    Spent a lot of time developing projects but it is too difficult to get traffic these days. You need connections or a lot of money. My web apps are ghost towns

    submitted by /u/prokoder
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    Any good book or course on learning web related concepts/theory (NOT languages/coding or frameworks)?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 06:16 PM PDT

    I mean things like understanding differences between session, cookie, token or client/server request/response, understanding REST and how these different components tie in together. Not coding but more like theory.

    submitted by /u/ClutchEssense
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    [HELP] Trying to Deploy GitHub Website Using Pipeline and Elastic Beanstalk

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    [HELP] Trying to Deploy GitHub Website Using Pipeline and Elastic Beanstalk

    I am trying to create a dynamic website with AWS and Github, using the Pipeline and Elastic Beanstalk. I'm getting an error on the Elastic Beanstalk end of things. The pipeline is working, but I'm getting a bad gateway through elastic beanstalk and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. The repository runs fine on a localhost, so I'm not sure what to do. I also changed the name of the app.js from index.js.

    Here's the Github Repository if that helps:


    Any help is extremely appreciated.

    Screenshots of the Error:



    submitted by /u/CollinMcNulty
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    Transferring domain ownership without crashing site

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    I'd like to transfer ownership of a domain name pointing to a production application?

    Currently, the DNS for this domain points to the nameservers where the application is hosted. If I initiate the domain transfer to the third party's registrar, these DNS records will be circumvented once the transfer is complete, crashing the site. Meanwhile, if I'm not mistaken, the third party cannot prepare their registrar's DNS accordingly (pointing to the respective nameservers) before the domain transfer is complete. There would be nothing point to the nameservers on their end before the domain is transferred.

    How is one supposed to handle this type of cutover without interrupting service?

    submitted by /u/gusmeowmeow
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    Can I pentest your website?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    I'm learning how to use a new scanner to pentest web applications. If you give me your website URL I will run a pentest on it and provide a vulnerability assessment. For free of course.

    EDIT: It is not a destructive scan. It will send up to 10,000 HTTP requests so it could trigger alerts if you have an IDS but won't break anything.

    submitted by /u/hulud86
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    Hitting API URL from shell cURL or directly in browser works, but within a gulp-connect-php workflow, does not

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    This is driving me insane. I have a PHP project hitting an API and I keep getting a 301 error in my dev environment which is Gulp / Webpack / PHP.

    Any thoughts on where I should look?

    $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // this url works in a browser curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $output = curl_exec($ch); $httpcode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); // 301 
    submitted by /u/kirkbross
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    CSS only selector for the 'top' element on :hover?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Im making a little tool that includes highlighting and selecting any element on a webpage. Kind of like the 'Element Picker' from the inspector.

    My naive approach is to use *:hover to add highlighting css (eg box shadow) to any element on hover, however this also applies it to any element 'under' the target.

    Here is a fiddle to show what I mean. I'd like to only apply the css to the uppermost element being hovered.

    I could use some js, something like this, but it feels like something that should be doable in css only.

    Any suggestions much appreciated! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/motodup
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    Which technology and topics should I learn to clone Microsoft Office web version/ Google Docs ?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    I am learning PHP and Laravel. I want to make a google doc clone to show at portfolio.

    Which technology should I use and which topics should I learn to do this project?

    I saw most learning projects are todo list, Admin panel or some easy project. I do not know which should I learn to do real life project like google Docs.

    submitted by /u/AhmedNazir333
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    Question about an interview / requirements...

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    So I recently had my interview, for a role that was 4-5 years experience... i applied anyways. Was told i was thought yo be a good fit by the hiring manager from the person in HR that interviewed me.

    I had mentioned i had 9 months experience coding, but another one of my strong points was experience in the same industry they are in but not development.

    I'm wondering, is this requirement going to be a detriment to me and saying i had 9 months?

    I thought it went solid but after thinking about it, i might have completely fucked up.

    submitted by /u/tgg001
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    Modern alternative to WP?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    I see a lot of people on here complaining about Wordpress. But as fas as I can tell there are no better solutions for delivering a CMS to a client. Why has no one built a "new & improved" Wordpress?

    submitted by /u/Colorful_Elephant
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    Do accessibility requirements mandate hover text?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    Hi. I have a coworker who is fixing a bunch of images that are missing their ALT text. She had problems getting it to work in the CMS so I fixed it. She asked me if I got the hover to work. Apparently, she feels that ADA requirements also mandate that the ALT information display when one hovers over the image.

    That doesn't make sense to me, and I'm fairly certain that the ADA requirements for the descriptive text just want you to put it in ALT (proper text too; I can't believe how many of our images have crap like "picture" in the ALT field \eyeroll*).* I know title is important on things like an IFRAME, but I don't think it's mandated for images.

    Am I right on wrong about that? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Sylvaran
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