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    Thursday, February 4, 2021

    UE4 Tutorial: Witcher Combat - Hit Reaction (episode 4/5)

    UE4 Tutorial: Witcher Combat - Hit Reaction (episode 4/5)

    UE4 Tutorial: Witcher Combat - Hit Reaction (episode 4/5)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 04:09 AM PST

    My favorite citation from Sid Meier's Memoir

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:15 AM PST

    "The dichotomy between someone else's talent and your own is a cause for celebration, because the further apart you are, the more you can offer each other. But the opposite is also true. I know where my own talents are, and I find that sharing those duties usually falls somewhere between inefficient or frustrating. I want to combine other people's unique expertise with mine, and create something that none of us could have made alone --not compromise on the same task until it's less than the sum of its parts."

    Sid Meier in Sid Meier's Memoir, chapter 15 page 176

    submitted by /u/DarennKeller
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    Just launched my first ever youtube series on making a game in Unity. Making Infinite Runners like Canabalt. Any and all support appreciated. Here's the first part on how to make the "perfect" Jump!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:15 AM PST

    As developers, what are your biggest problems when it comes to music in your games?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:31 AM PST

    As a producer/composer I'm always working to better serve my clients and I thought it would be really helpful to hear from YOU guys as game developers, what your biggest problems are when it comes to music.

    Is it finding professional, skilled composers that can work under deadlines? Is it finding reliable people to work with? Is it budgeting and finding good music without blowing tons of money upfront? How about finding producers that specialize in whatever style of music your game needs?

    Also, how do you go about finding music? Do you have a membership with a catalog, do you search for artists and try and license their music specifically, or do you work with composers/producers to create custom BGM? I would love to hear any and all comments from developers and teams related to this!

    Cheers everybody!

    submitted by /u/wayne_shedsky
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    Steam's Chinese-only version is finally here next week - PC gamer article

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:51 AM PST

    Carrer Advice: I Love Making Games but hate my Progamming Class in College

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:43 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    This is like my first Reddit post so I hope I am doing this right. Basically I am in sort of a dilemma. I have been making games with Unity for the past 8 months & love the process. Creating animations, making sprites move via code, & just the process of creating an experience for the player. I wake up early every day now to work on my little game development projects & it makes me excited.

    However, I am in sophomore year of college at a community college as a computer science student & I find the data structures/algorithms course in C++ extremely boring/hard. I have taken an intro to python course & an intro to C++ course so far. Perhaps it's because I am just watching my professor talk about algorithms & that I am not doing anything hands-on that ties into my passion for game development. I have only been coding for a year now for context & this algorithm data structure is tough. I have bitten the bullet so far as I am in Calculus 3 now (I hated math in the past but have been pushing through the courses because it's a requirement for my major & I love game development enough to sit down & learn the math).

    I have no desire to work in web development or any field in computer science than game development. I love the thought of working in a team to create an experience for people to smile about. Should I just try pushing on through this algorithm data structures stuff? This class is making me question my major.

    submitted by /u/BurritoDev
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    How to use the Input Debugger for the new Input System in Unity - Super useful way to debug your values in real-time!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:34 AM PST

    Are there any gamejams for beginners?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:44 AM PST

    Hi, beginner here looking for a practice exercise with an actual direction. So are there gamejams directed at beginners?

    submitted by /u/HelloMyNameIs125
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    My game the Falconeer , a solo developed title, went from Series X/S launch title last november now to gamepass and its first proper DLC. There's loads of pitfalls nowadays but its still possible to get your game out there.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:54 AM PST

    Making Games From Ads, Will I Get Sued?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 09:08 PM PST

    Pretty much the title. I see all these very engaging ads that seem so fun to play, then when I install the game it's complete shit. My question is basically, will I get sued for re-creating the game based on the ad I saw if it's not even the actual ad? I have concerns since they can technically copyright the video ad, look at my game, and say "hey his game is from my ad!" then I get sued. Even though they're false advertising, but that just means they're scummy enough anyways. So will I be sued for re-creating a game based on an ad or?

    submitted by /u/PixelSteel
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    If you plan on using watercraft in your games and want them to behave with real world physics, this video will help you understand how to do that.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:17 AM PST

    I'd like to try my hand out voice acting. Anyone need some characters acted?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:43 AM PST

    No idea how this works, it's just something I always felt I'd have a knack for, being often appalled at the poor acting in AAA games. I have some microphones and mixing software, or could just send raw audio. Sorry if this isn't appropriate for the sub.

    submitted by /u/derallo
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    Released my first online game. Been playing with Strangers all morning. This makes it all worth it.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:38 AM PST

    Advice for making a roguelike?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:19 AM PST

    I'm making a small-scale roguelike in C++ for a class project. I don't have much experience outside of coding (and I've only been doing that for about half a year). Any resources or advice for roguelike development?

    submitted by /u/Herodegon
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    Beginner's Guide: Understanding the Fundamental Pillars of Game Design

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:25 PM PST

    Chris Delay's Fail Masterclass #3 - Megaprocessor: dissecting an electronics game prototype

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:22 AM PST

    How to detect fake key requests from streamers?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:13 AM PST

    I released my first game on Steam a week ago. Since then I have had about 10 emails asking for keys, primarily from small streamers with about 1k to 4k subs. Initially I was sending out keys, but I started to become suspicious, especially when I saw Terry Cavanagh's recent tweet about fake key requests.


    One person who emailed me said that they streamed twice a week, but when I go to their Twitch profile, the schedule page says that they last streamed three years ago. I mentioned this and she said "I do not use Twitch Schedule so it doesn't work correctly. I do stream 1-2 times a week."

    I don't use Twitch much – is she right that a person can have streamed recently even though their Twitch profile suggests they haven't streamed a long time?

    I know that my game is not going to benefit very much from streamers with such a small number of followers, but given how difficult it is to get exposure, it might be better than nothing.

    submitted by /u/arganoid
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    Looking for info on how to pass data between server and client, beyond the beginner steps of echoing messages

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:15 AM PST

    I am building a game with Unity as the game client and Python as the server game using websockets for data transmission. I'm struggling to understand the actual nuts-and-bolts communication of data between server and clients.

    To be clear, I am having no problem actually sending the data - One client is able to send a message, the server interprets it and sends info back to all other clients. Sending and receiving data is not the problem.

    What I don't understand is how I should structure the actual data that is being sent, received, and interpreted. For example, if I want to send the position of a transform for a game object to the server, and have that info sent to all other clients, how do I structure that data and how should it be interpreted on the server?

    I realize the answer here is probably "however you want" but I'm looking for some sort of best practices, or some sort of real world server/client example that does more than send and receive a "hello world" string.

    submitted by /u/TheSweetestKill
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    Path merging

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:24 PM PST

    To put it simply i'm making a factory building game, for item movement i use paths the items move on.

    The problem comes when trying to deal with mergers though. For now i just let the faster (code-wise) item go first into the merger, which is really bad and it looks kind of random, so i've tried to make an "inventory" for each merger, but that still doesn't change what gets in first. I even tried access side switching on the merger with some timers to switch the access side , but that still doesn't cut it for some reason.

    I've looked at satisfactory and there the items go in in order and the access is not random at all. Other than that i couldn't really find any game that has the technical side documented. Only Factorio, but merging in that game is very different from mine.

    Could anyone please help me how would i make a merger that would make the items go in in some order if the merger is full and not randomly? Theory is enough, i'm not asking for anything else.

    I hope it all makes sense (at least a little bit), if not and you would like to help, please ask and i'll try to explain it again, hopefully better.

    P.S. forgot to mention the merger has 3 access/input sides that either let all items in or one at a time depending on if somethings already in or not and 1 output side.

    submitted by /u/ThatChase
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    Need Suggestion on My Webgl Game

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:33 AM PST

    Hi People,

    We developed a new webgl car parking game - https://www.samugames.com/game/car-parking-school/

    Need suggestion from the people so that I can improve the game quality.

    submitted by /u/jamesalan1985
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    Unity rect transform

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:17 PM PST

    My rect transform is off centered, even when it's on the "top left" option. I'd show you a picture but this subreddit doesn't allow it. Can anyone help?

    submitted by /u/Sn3adPlays
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    Video about my gaming experience and how I'm adjusting the game Parallel

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:16 PM PST

    How to use Client-Side Prediction with Fog of War in a wallhack free multiplayer game?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:10 PM PST

    How to use Client-Side Prediction with Fog of War in a wallhack free multiplayer game?

    Hello Reddit!

    I'm building an Among Us clone, and I've implemented Client-Side Prediction just like Gabriel Gambetta suggests. Also, I have Field of View implemented, and the server only sends information about visible players, because I don't want any wallhack possibilities.

    Because these two systems work simultaneously, and I'm having an issue, where a player standing behind a wall appears not instantly for another player. And it gets even worse the worse ping gets.

    This is why it happens:

    1. Client 2 is standing behind a wall, client 1 knows nothing about him (server doesn't send information about client 2 because he is unseen for client 1)
    2. Client 1 peeks at the location where client 2 is standing at the server but sees nothing (because we predict game state with the information given by the server, and there is no one standing)
    3. At the server, client 1 gets to the point, where he sees client 2, and the server sends information about client 2 to client 1
    4. Client 1 receives this information and renders client 2, which results in this magical appearance.

    Video-explanation is below.


    How I want it to work (There server sends information about any players at the game)

    I can't find any information about it on the internet. Has anybody of you guys coded something similar?

    The only solution I see (which I don't like) is that the server sends information about every client in a certain radius, even behind walls (which makes it possible to implement wallhack) + I implement some anti-cheat system (which I haven't implemented yet in my entire life). But I don't like this idea, because I want a hack-free architecture.

    Is there the right way of implementing Wallhackfree FoW in Client-Side Prediction architecture, or it is impossible?

    submitted by /u/nshkaruba
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