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    Wednesday, February 10, 2021

    <iframe> loop: what happens if an iframe src points to the same document (source code & article in comments) web developers

    <iframe> loop: what happens if an iframe src points to the same document (source code & article in comments) web developers

    <iframe> loop: what happens if an iframe src points to the same document (source code & article in comments)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:24 PM PST

    Negotiating with my Product Designer as a Software Engineer - Nikhil Choudhary

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:29 PM PST

    How to use docker on apples new chips.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:58 AM PST

    How can I understand CSS better?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 11:53 AM PST

    First of all, sorry about my English. I'm not very good at writing.

    I'm trying to learn CSS and JavaScript. Honestly, I think I mostly understand. I try to read the documentation, watch tutorials videos, keep up with the news/tips/tricks, try to practice.

    However, when I see things like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZg6UfS5zYg, I feel like I haven't learned anything. Yes, applications like this are very normal in the modern web, I guess they can even be called standard.

    However, I am very surprised every time I see it like this little girl.

    How can I learn this thing exactly if I am surprised when I see even things that can be called standard now?

    submitted by /u/UnfairChart
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    Wanted help to make something like this but couldn't find anything on Stack Overflow. Basically 2 split containers combining into one card with content inside of it. Hope this comes in handy!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:29 AM PST

    Overlapping Sushi Cards (Pure CSS)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 05:49 AM PST

    10 of the Weirdest Web Performance Tips

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:06 AM PST

    The average web page spews 1.76g of CO2 and costs Madagascar residents more than 1% of their daily income PER VIEW?

    None of it is necessary, but some of the best performance practices have changed or become counter-intuitive!


    submitted by /u/craigbuckler
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    Github1s – One second to read GitHub code with VS Code

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:37 AM PST

    Google Safe Internet Day Intro - Javascript - How?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:45 AM PST

    Simplified bezier curve drawing to canvas (interactive demo - drag points around)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:11 AM PST

    How did they do this? (I'm using Chrome on Android and entire URL header bar changes colour to yellow)

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:48 PM PST

    Do any hosting providers actually reply/read their abuse@ emails?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 04:24 AM PST

    Once in a while I'll catch someone abusing my COVID API, and I do research to find out who it is and inform them that its not nice. My emails usually say "you have 5 working days to fix this or we will have to ban you". Most people correct their mistakes, cache our API, and life is great.

    Occasionally, I only have an IP to go with, so I have to contact the abuse email listed in the whois info. Of the 5 times I had to contact the abuse emails (all different ones), I have never gotten a reply. Is this normal? Are these just 'placeholder' emails to meet requirements?

    submitted by /u/mwargan
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    How do you have to build a website (in this case it's a webshop homepage) that huge and still be able to achieve such low load time? Similar large homepages usually have around 3-4s load time in my experience. Is it even possible to achieve these results with WP?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:23 PM PST

    Digital Ocean App Platform tsc command not found

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:34 AM PST

    For some other poor soul who is trying to deploy a TypeScript Node App to Digital Ocean App Platform:

    When trying to deploy my node app on Digital Ocean's App Platform, the build failed and the error was:

    tsc: command not found 

    Here is what my build command was

    "build": "tsc" 

    Apparently I needed to install the dev dependencies, so using

    "build": "npm install --only=dev && tsc" 


    Here are some community posts discussing this:



    submitted by /u/adrianhorning
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    How are "product details" pages managed?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:42 PM PST

    Hello r/webdev community,

    My question may ultimately sound silly and newbie (which I am) as shit but I am in that weird situation where I can't even seem to find the right keywords to google on my own as all i'm getting is design and marketing tips somehow. Only legit thing I found was a SO question but it turned out to be just a PHP code question x)

    So here's my context simply: It's a search engine that is basically identical to what's in here (just click on the search button) with a different type of content for my case (books) but that's irrelevant for now.

    The scenario is: A user can click on any one of the games and it will open a details page like any catalogue app would do. Obvious way to achieve this is the dynamic way, by having a detail_page template and simply filling it by retrieving all the data of the element with a query to the DB by passing the ID for example.

    My issue with this is that the details pages exist only in the context of the user, while in my case I actually want to have them as real pages on which a user can land directly through Google for instance, much like Amazon products where you can land on a product's page directly from googling, without the need to use Amazon's search engine.

    So am I right in supposing that the books detail pages should be part of what I host, in order for them to be crawled by google and all? I have way more than 100k elements/pages to handle and it will keep going up with time, so how can I achieve this, and how can I manage them on the long run? I kinda am pretty sure that there's a much efficient and clever way of doing this than simply having 100k script-generated static pages or something.

    It maybe is simpler if I just asked how e-commerce websites manage their product details pages, or how articles and news websites manages their content.


    For tech details: I'm having an ElasticSearch (ES) database that I'm using to ingest full files and perform full-text searches on them. I used AppSearch that is just a layer above ES, it abstracts a great part of DB management and provides some facilities in creating a search engine and relevance tuning it, it can also generate a frontend directly, which is just a ReactJS project that uses their custom library (search-UI), so it's really just a "customize & deploy" effort from my part. *PS: There's no other backend server, AppSearch actually does the whole thing.

    submitted by /u/Meaveready
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    Looking for a JS and ReactJS mentor

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:54 AM PST

    Hey, thank you for checking my post :)

    I have studied react and I think I have a good understanding of react and JS. I have been doing some tutorial builds and I want to start making my own projects or clones completely on my own and I really could use a mentor or just someone who could point me in the right direction and give me feed back and explain things that I might encounter along the way.

    I would be very thankful and thank you very much

    submitted by /u/Taro_Naza
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    Help with Javascript/PHP issue. How can I shuffle a large array in Javascript to make it hard to read for users?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 11:13 AM PST

    Ok heres my problem: I know its kind of dumb but I am new and this is my first website so here goes:

    I made a quiz game. The questions are selected randomly from a very large array which looks like this:

    [question 1, solution 1, question 2, solution 2,......] 

    So i used javascript for this and most of my other program. Later I learned PHP and used it for saving highscores into a database.

    Then I realized people people were cheating because the javascript is public (of course) and they could just look up the solution in the array in the js code. I hadn't even thought of this possibility. Then I realized I definitely should have done all this in PHP.

    So that's where I'm at. It seems my options are the following:

    1. Rewrite almost the entire program into PHP which is probably the most correct way to go but a loooooot of work.
    2. Somehow store the array in PHP and only access it through an HTTPS request or something. Is this possible?
    3. Obfuscate the code somehow to make it harder. Or just shuffle the array.
    4. Just deal with people cheating.
    5. ?????

    I'm guessing 2. would make the website slower right?

    And I tried 4. with an obfuscator but then it wouldn't work on mobile somehow.

    So is there a way to shuffle the order of the array visually, so the users can't cheat. But I don't want to completely randomize it, so that my program can still put question and solution together.

    Or is there an entirely different way? (5.)

    I'm really new at this so I would really appreciate your opinion. What would you guys do in my situation?

    Thank you!

    Edit: Also if I end up changing everything to php, can I even do everything with php? Like can I display pictures in php and perform actions when the pictures are clicked on?

    Edit2: sorry for all the edits but I keep thinking of more things. I thought 1. Would be the best but now I'm thinking maybe 2 is the best. However the array in question is 140.000 elements long. Will it take a long time to pass it all to js?

    submitted by /u/cactusrescue
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    MPI-like Parallel Programming in JavaScript

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:10 AM PST

    How to create mobile web app with offline functionality?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:10 PM PST

    I want to help my uncle and develop a little application for his local winter service company. I currently plan to have the following architecture:

    • smartphone frontend to display buildings in red (not visited yet) and green (finished work) as well as the route a worker needs to take and has taken on a map. The state of the building changes from red to green when the worker was located next to th building using GNSS signals
    • storage of tracking and building state data in a Postgres database on a server
    • QGIS desktop frontend for the office to monitor the drivers on a live map

    My issue is now that I don't want a dedicated URL for the app and that I am not a mobile app developer. Also there is the issue that the workers are frequently offline because they are often in a very remote area.

    My plan, thus, would be to create HTML/js files which each worker has to save locally on their smartphone (along with the libraries I use for the app) and then open it using the mobile browser. Then the data is sent to the DB on the server and when their is no connection it is saved locally until a connection is established again.

    My question is now: Is that actually possible how I plan it? And what might be challenges with this approach? And if it is not possible, how I would be another strategy to achieve the goal with the requirements I have?

    Would be happy for any advice.

    submitted by /u/rick854
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    Looking for a video/tutorial explaining git for a non programmer

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:47 PM PST

    Does anybody know any good "big picture" YouTube videos explaining the concepts of Git rather than just showing how to type in "git add ." "git commit -m 'Done Stuff Good' ", "git push" into a command line.

    We have a GIS(maps) engineer who has joined our team, they need to use git for configurations/scripts/tooling. Need them to be comfortable with the ideas of branching/merging. They will be using a GUI interface for git (probably Source Tree).

    submitted by /u/daBarron
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    Wordpress.org best hosting choice

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:43 PM PST


    I would like to begin by saying that I payed 1 year of WIX's premium plan and I wanna change. I know that the rules forbids me to talk about it, so I won't (much, no questions tho).

    Anyhow, for the last 12 hours, I researched hosting services and talked to a couple of customer care representatives, but I am such an amateur I don t know what to look for in these services.

    I want to have my blog.

    A. I would like to know if there is another better alternative to WordPress.org, so I won t be forced to move later (like I am doing right now with WIX).

    B. In my research, I found out about DreamHost, BlueHost and SiteGround. I didn t have any interaction with DreamHost, so I ll talk about the other two:

    BlueHost has insanely low prices, but the 36 months term they force upon myself scare me. They also don t offer "Free domain privacy" unless you purchase the more expensive plan of theirs. Although, I don t think I need it, because I am from Europe and GDPR. I also don t quite understand the difference between "WordPress Hosting" and "Managed WordPress Hosting." The customer care representative told me that the "Managed" one is for traffic heavy sites.

    SiteGround I like more. I like their site better and the overall impression they gave me, but the prices are a little too steep and I do not know if they are worth it. I saw dozens of reviews that say it s the best choice for a WordPress.org site.

    I would like to have full control over my website and be able to migrate it if I feel like it. Although friendly and pretty, WIX is so closed in and slow. They customer care is not that great, even tho they helped with everything I needed (except one time when they removed my Google SEO Token without my consent). WIX also charges a lot (290 euros for a premium plan, a mailbox and I didn t put in the site domain).

    If you decide to let my topic stay, thank you for your help! If not, please guide me to the correct subreddit for such noob questions.

    submitted by /u/xYoKx
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    Editing a Website I Didn’t Create

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 10:48 AM PST

    Hi all. My father runs our family business and, a few years ago, hired his friend in IT to build a website for the business. It was published about 6 years ago. Sadly, this friend passed away a couple years later and ever since we have not been able to access the servers to change anything. There are a lot of things that need to be updated now but we have no way of updating them. Is it possible to somehow gain access to the servers and change the many things I need to change? Or is it my best best to just start over and make one from scratch on my own? I'm pretty clueless when it comes to this stuff. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/mintzayns
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    Looking for a framework to build a web interface

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:29 PM PST

    I'm a backend developer, and whilst I can write well structured HTML and CSS etc, I find it super tedious in all honesty.

    Is there a good framework I can use to build a web interface in a more programmatic way?

    My day job is writing APIs in Nodejs, so I'm familiar with javascript. I also have 10 years experience with PHP, if that helps narrow things down.

    submitted by /u/mr_pablo
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