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    Thursday, February 11, 2021

    Conditionally chaining function calls in JavaScript. web developers

    Conditionally chaining function calls in JavaScript. web developers

    Conditionally chaining function calls in JavaScript.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:54 PM PST

    My (still short) journey into webdev

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:11 AM PST

    Hi there.

    I wanted to share my journey into webdev/front-end development & recent job experience. This is mostly just a casual story/rant but maybe it will inspire some of you to stay motivated during & after covid. Hang in there if you are looking for a job, you got this!

    This will be kinda long & English isn't my first language so sorry for any spelling mistakes I make.

    I started my career about 3 years ago. The first job I landed was at a very small company. Team size was the boss, a backend dev and me. It wasn't a start-up company, it had existed for years. This raised some questions in my head but I was happy to have my first job.

    When I started my boss was very enthusiastic. He got me set up ( on my personal laptop, also should have raised questions but yeah ), helped me where necessary and I started working on my first website. We had 1 major client for who we made multiple website.

    After about 3 months my boss took us apart and basically said something along the lines of: "So our client doesn't trust us anymore. He doesn't believe the hours we write when working on his projects" We (including my boss) were confused because we worked hard for this client. After a few days my boss told me the client had a 'solution'. He wanted us to install monitoring software on our personal laptops, so he would see & record our screens. I said I wasn't going to do this, because of privacy violations. At this point I was hoping my boss would take a stand and tell the client to F off, but he was our largest source of income, so he really couldn't do that. My boss then tells me he would pay me double the hours when working the clients projects. I said no again and we got into a heated argument, after which I decided to quit.

    I found a new job fairly quickly and told my boss I'd quit. I still had a month notice period to work, in which my boss almost completely ignored me. He'd just pretend I wasn't there. When my last day came around, my boss told me to give my key, and I could go home. No handshake, no thank you, nothing. I still think about this guy from time to time.

    So after a few weeks I started my new job. I started here in a traineeship. This basically meant I would get a tutor and time to study during work hours. This company was much more organized and I worked on some cool projects. The dev-team size was about 8 people.

    Although I had a good time here, I felt like I wasn't learning much. The websites I worked on were very repetitive and not very challenging. This in turn reflected on my work and myself mentally. The bosses expected me to learn & grow as a developer but it turns out self-study wasn't really my thing. There also wasn't any opportunity for them to teach me more because of other projects & deadlines on my own websites.

    Don't get me wrong, I've learned a lot here regarding web development / front-end development, but not the things I wanted to learn. I wanted to dive deeper into Javascript and/or back-end. I also mostly worked on projects alone, so I had no one to spar with, no second pair of eyes on my code. The tutor was always too busy. And when they did help they just explained the solution to a problem, not the problem or the origin of the problem itself, which didn't really help me in the learning process.

    After about a year covid hit. The company had to let me go, because of the business we were in. Our target audience was mostly cultural ( cinema's, musea, theaters ). This all closed down so there was no more work for me. This actually hit me really hard and it was pretty stressful. Losing your job is no joke, especially during covid.

    After a few months I found this company that makes websites & tools for people with disabilities and it really spoke to me. I was super excited and decided to apply. After my second interview there they hired me! I was so happy.

    Since then I've worked on some really awesome projects. The lead dev/boss really guided me out of tutorial hell so to speak, threw me in the dark regarding to projects and teached me a lot. I've been working here for almost a year now, and I couldn't be happier. The work and the people are awesome and I couldn't be more on my place.

    So that is kind of my story. After losing my second job I felt like quitting webdev. Now I'm happy each day I wake up I didn't quit and still am excited to go to work.

    submitted by /u/Thomvanoort
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    Master Flexbox 2021 �� - Build 5 Responsive Layouts ��️(Link in 1st Comment)

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:06 PM PST

    This site converts any Github repo to a VSCode editor like environment || One second to read GitHub code with VS Code

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:11 AM PST

    Angular 11.2 now supports tailwind by default.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:13 PM PST

    What a shady method to get people to accept cookies. It takes 50 seconds to reject them, compared to a click and one second wait

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:45 PM PST

    How can I achieve this perspective slider effect?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:40 AM PST


    I'm using Swiper.js. I can make each slide have a height of 20%, 40% etc when the slides change.

    But I have no idea how to make the animation at all + have it flow so well. When you swipe left / right, the models increase/decrease in size while you are still swiping. And it should also work seamlessly if you swipe over multiple slides in one swipe, as you can see in the example.

    I'm not good with animation. Is there a library you would use? Any suggestion is appreciated, thanks

    submitted by /u/thelaughingmagician-
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    What you do in first front end dev job?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 06:59 AM PST

    I wonder what kind of tasks do they give you? Is it like "create a red button, and onclick send request to this page" Or something like make this page responsive for mobile , or just building a new page from stratch? what do they ask from a guy with no job experience?

    sorry for english

    submitted by /u/Blackwater_7
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    How to code a super-cool horizontal scrolling effect

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:47 AM PST

    Hi all.

    I just released my second episode of my "How To Code It" series. This time, I show how to code a cool, bilateral scrolling effect using HTML/CSS/Vanilla JS.

    I'm still very much so learning about video, audio, and adding different effects to it - so these will continue to improve the more I do - but if you're willing to overlook what are probably some novice mistakes in video/audio quality - hopefully the content will be of some use.

    Would love to hear your feedback, or take some ideas for new videos and run with them.

    Hope you enjoy the tutorial!


    submitted by /u/rightcreative
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    How to index 226,379 API endpoints

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 05:57 AM PST

    Should I go from Angular to React? Why yes / not?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:03 PM PST

    Hello there fellow developers. I(18M) am a junior front end developer. Last summer I had a job as a Vue developer but I used very basic stuff. Now, I began learning Angular cause a friend of mine recommended it. All this time I really wanted to learn React. I was fascinated about how many interesting projects, blog posts, tutorials and technologies like Gatsby, React Native, etc I see out there. I spent about 3 months learning Angular and creating project and today I decided to take a look into React. I know that changing frameworks constantly is not a good thing but I really want to see what each framework has to offer.

    Any reasons on why you strongly recommend me to learn React, or otherwise, to keep working with Angular? Thanks a lot :)

    submitted by /u/SnooCookies3463
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    Got my first client as freelancer. Have a question about security for the website.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:55 AM PST


    I have recently gotten my first client who is a specialized private youth school. They want me to make a website with basic info of their school but also a DB where they can store student info. The only DB experience I have is with using the MERN stack. I think this would be enough and already have a good idea of how I would go about making this but since this is my first client I'm concerned about how to make the data secure as possible. There will be login page for staff and an admin page to create new accounts. I have done this before but want to know some of the best practices for stuff like this.

    submitted by /u/Aasdfghjkl250
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    Flexible web design with photoshop: Can you scale everything to simulate increasing screen width?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:40 PM PST

    I don't usually use photoshop for planning my websites, but I have to do it now. Is it possible to simulate increasing the screen width in photoshop when designing your website for mobile first?

    I've watched a lot of videos about how others use photoshop for web design, but they always use predefined breakpoints. I don't like that because first of all, there's not really any exact standard breakpoints, most frameworks and experts all suggest different breakpoints. And second of all, What if the design I made for mobile (default styling), still looks good at 600px? Then I don't need to create a new design for a breakpoint there, or what if it's first at 650px that the design stops looking good and needs a breakpoint?

    So, what I usually do is design mobile first, then i use developer tools to increase screen width until it stops looking good, then i create a new breakpoint where it's actually needed.

    But I don't know how to do this in photoshop. I don't think it's possible to do it. Because in real web design, you have some elements which are flexible and some that are fixed. I can't make the layout grid change with the size of the canvas. Hope you understand what I mean because I know it's not the most explicit explanation and I found it a little tricky to explain.

    It just seems like a handicap to have to design in photoshop first. I guess it's a bit faster if you are good at using photoshop, but you can't set your breakpoints where you actually need them, you just have to have some predefined breakpoints which you use for all your websites.. Unless I'm wrong?

    submitted by /u/FrostyFun
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    I will lead my own coding camp for pupils to get into coding and my main part will be WebDev, pls help me get things sorted :)

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:51 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    my name is Rene, 34, from Germany. Im a senior software developer since 15 years now, my main part is C# and React in my day to day job. 3 years ago I started to teach pupils in an IT school in Germany before Covid hits.

    Today I got greenlight from a sponsor which will take all costs on my own coding camp in Germany in the end of summer.

    The plan is to offer 15 pupils a 2 week (10 days, 8 hours each day) coding camp for free to get into software development, learn a bunch of stuff and creating their own website. I dont earn money with it, I do it for free, all costs will be covered like rooms and drinks / lunch for everyone. I plan to offer each pupil being their mentor afterwards if they want to stick with coding, want to get internships or just have questions. I will get help of 2 other software developers I knew from work, they will do it for free too.

    Here is a image of the rooms we got, its called "the computer lab", 5 big touch screens with 15 tablets (so group of 3 for the touch screens and everyone gets a tablet): https://imgur.com/a/6UYihXP

    So my main question here is that you please give me input on my detailed but not finished timetable I plan to teach. Of course it is not that detailed that all questions will be solved, so if you have one, DM me or just shoot a comment.

    Link to timetable: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uq_XcDCGnJuFPtY7JY1Ao5A7-7ICY2LHtWPzurFsC3E/edit?usp=sharing

    I would be pleased to get help to offer them the best mentor and teacher after covid they get.


    submitted by /u/PassionateDeveloper_
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    MDN localization update, February 2021

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:16 AM PST

    Implementing Matrix Multiplication with WebGPU in Safari

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 02:07 PM PST

    Has anyone else ever had this happen to them?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 10:04 AM PST

    So i've had this idea for a while now about a platform that i wanted to build that i thought was original, but i just found out that someone else beat me to it! I was so excited about it and was about to start planning to build it but i feel like it's too late now. Has this ever happened to you? And do u think i should go on with it?(i still think it's a great idea)

    submitted by /u/PiccoloReasonable200
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    Resources to learn Django and backend

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:08 PM PST

    A few months ago, I started learning Django and I'm followed YouTube videos and Blogs for assistance. They have really helped me grab the basic understanding of Django. I've also completed the projects or apps they taught in the tutorials. I've also practised some stuff on my own. But now I find myself lost. I want to learn more about Django and the backend but I can't really figure out how I should proceed now. I decided to go through the documentation, and it's really helping me. But at times it gets too boring to just read.

    So, can anyone suggest some great resources that dive deeper into Django and backend, or maybe how I should proceed now, or maybe how they learned Django and backend?

    submitted by /u/ItsMrVaibhav
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    Searching: static site generator like Hakyll (flexible library/framework) but in Python/Java/Scala/Go/Rust.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:47 PM PST

    Hello, I hope this is the right sub to ask this question. I'm looking for a static site generator for a more traditional, non-blog, not-documentation website (it may contain a blog/news section, but the primary use-case is displaying information. Think like a local government website, but smaller).

    Not all source files are markdown; I want to generate sites off of various .json/.txt/.csv files (edit: this is more of a "compile-time" step, the result should still be a 100% static html site), so a fairly flexible directory structure and the option to add custom "renderers" via plugins is a must. Also, I don't want to fight with every configuration option to to revert all the blog-default options.

    I've played around with a few commonly suggested SSGs, and was happiest with Hakyll and its more library-like feeling, where a very custom website is easier to achieve than with a blog-centric SSG. I am, however, not the only developer, so I need to chose a less obscure programming language than Haskell. I/We'd prefer something in the JVM-Ecosystem (Java,Scala,Kotlin), Python, or something compilable like Go or Rust.

    (I know Ruby and Javascript have probably more options, but I'm unfamiliar with those, and tbh a bit scared about all the bad things you hear about JS.)

    Thanks for any ideas.

    submitted by /u/plg94
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    Creating a Restful JS Node/Express API. Any good advanced tutorials with latest yp-to-date best practices?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:32 PM PST

    I'm about to work on a new API and before I start I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for tutorials or videos that walk you through creating an API with solid foundation and latest JS functionalities and conventions?

    submitted by /u/BooRadleyForever
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    Building an instant messenger. Options for a "new message" listener?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:24 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    My next individual project is an instant messaging system. Built in React, Express, and MongoDB. Potentially expanding into a mobile app with React Native.

    When thinking about it, I understand how to store the data from the conversations, but I'm struggling with a process on how to notify clients of a new message being sent. Preferably avoiding a constant running process that checks every few seconds.

    Is there anything that can be used as a listener for this type of event?

    submitted by /u/TheLambSaucee
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    Are you aware of some decent web dev freelance courses or books

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 04:42 AM PST

    I've been learning web development for about a year now and planning to get into freelancing.

    I have no mentor whatsoever and I'm wondering if there's decent courses (paid or free) or books regarding web/design freelance that we can benefit from.


    submitted by /u/notpikatchu
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    Free web hosting with back-end support

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:15 PM PST

    Hello, I was wondering if there were any services that provided mediocre (I'm not expecting much traffic if any although if it's good it'll do) web hosting for free, I have looked into ones like infinityfree.net googiehost and the 000webhost but these three either 1. don't offer much or 2. are sketchy, especially infinityfree as many of the links I'd click (filemanager.ai and the "main host" of the subdomain) would bring up a warning from my antivirus :|

    I mainly want one for crapping around and it isn't for anything serious but the one's I've seen (github, glitch, etc) don't offer backend hosting


    submitted by /u/popeshayman
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    JavaScript eventListener vs CSS @media

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 11:00 AM PST

    So, I have a JS event listener on window width that causes display: none for a couple nodes when window width is narrower than a certain point. So this sounds a lot like a CSS @media rule, and it made curious if there's a benefit to using one or the other, or anything I should be aware of? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/ahpto
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