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    Sunday, February 28, 2021

    Be continuous: Don't use random in your screenshake

    Be continuous: Don't use random in your screenshake

    Be continuous: Don't use random in your screenshake

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 11:50 PM PST

    Version with nicer formatting here.

    Screenshake should move the camera around smoothly but unpredictably. It shouldn't jitter the camera around in a way that makes it hard to follow what's on screen. That's why you should use continuous oscillating functions to produce your shake instead of random values. I also think it's useful to make a directional shake to help connect the shaking to the thing that caused it.

    Since it seems most camera shake tutorials show you how to use random shake, here's one for how to use continuous functions to produce shake. I'm using sine and perlin noise because they're easily accessible, but you could use any oscillating continuous function.

    On to the shake:

    // Our inputs: Transform _Target; float _Seed = 0f; float _Speed = 20f; float _MaxMagnitude = 0.3f; float _NoiseMagnitude = 0.3f; Vector2 _Direction = Vector2.right; // We use sine to get a value that oscillates with time. This makes our // camera move back and forth. We can scale time with _Speed to shrink or // grow the period of the oscillation which makes the shake faster or // slower. // Since shakes are tied to time, the _Seed value allows you to offset // shakes so different objects aren't shaking the same. You could set it to // a random value in Start. var sin = Mathf.Sin(_Speed * (_Seed + Time.time)); // We shake along a direction, but use Perlin noise to get an offset. Scale // the noise (which is in [-0.5,0.5]) to adjust the amount of deviation // from our direction. var direction = _Direction + Get2DNoise(_Seed) * _NoiseMagnitude; // Normalize the result (limit vector length to 1) to ensure we're never // more than _MaxMagnitude away from neutral. direction.Normalize(); // Multiply our bits together to find our position this frame. Since we're // using two continuous functions (sine and perlin), we won't be far off // from where we were last frame. // Additionally, we have a fade value so we can reduce the shake strength // over time. _Target.localPosition = direction * sin * _MaxMagnitude * _FadeOut; 

    You can see how it looks here.

    The full Unity implementation is here.

    Don't forget to provide a user option to disable shakes! They make some people nauseous.

    If you're interested in more, watch Juicing Your Cameras With Math. Squirrel is a great speaker and he talks more about using noise for your shake, goes into rotational shake, and describes a better way to think about how much shake to apply (trauma). There's also other camera techniques in the talk (smooth motion, framing, split-screen).

    submitted by /u/dddbbb
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    Here is how to export FBX models to Unity with perfect transform rotation values if you're suing Blender. Works perfectly with rigged meshes too. More details is in the comments.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 11:23 PM PST

    Why You Should Use the New Input System in Unity + Overview

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 07:49 AM PST

    Hi guys ! I make Creative Commons Music for games, and here's my latest track. It's an Vintage Pop Rock instrumental that's free to use, even for commercial projects. Feel free to use it in your games !

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 11:23 AM PST

    You can check it out here : https://youtu.be/BZh9TtJjsz8

    You're free to use this track under the following creative commons License : CC BY 3.0

    Hope it helps :)

    submitted by /u/guyFCR
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    Why do you make games?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:38 AM PST

    I have been a developer for almost 4 years, in a different area, I recently moved to games, I see a lot of posts and it seems making a game is miserable to so many people that are doing it, so why do it? Not being rude, I am genuinely curious as to why if it is so bad, why do you keep doing it. It seems there is not much joy in it for a good amount of people, the pay is low so it can't be money, I see way more stories for how bad it "sucks" than how awesome or fun it is. I love this subreddit because it has awesome things in it, but always wonder about the negativity that is put off. Thank you for anyone who is going to reply. I really want to work on games, but not if it is going to make me hate something I love, which is why I am asking. as I love to code, and love games and do not want to hate either lol.

    submitted by /u/CodedCoder
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    Can't get myself to like Unity

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:00 AM PST


    I've started programming during my classical studies highschool with Game Maker 8.1. Then I've started a CS bachelor course, got a degree, and now I'm at the second year of game dev specialization.

    I've used unity for most projects, we still have 1 more project to go with it (online game design). Well, technically we can do the project with whatever we want, but practically everyone uses unity, and if you propose to do something else nobody will want to work on your group.

    Personally speaking, I'm more the "Open Visual Studio, create new empty C++ project, enjoy" kind of person. I already have a basic 2d engine with simple physics using SFML for rendering.

    My problem with Unity is that I feel like many things that would be simple. 2d projects don't offer a "natural" 2d view like SDL, SFML, Game Maker &co. do. When coding in C# I spend more time thinking "man if only I could have an actual vector", "give me RAII ffs" then I spend coding in C#. I just feel lost.

    What can I do to "force" myself into Unity? (besides stop working on 2d games)

    submitted by /u/sephirothbahamut
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    Writing a screenplay about the gaming industry for Netflix and would love some of your inside info!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:52 PM PST

    Hi! Longtime Reddit reader, first-time poster. Hence a little nervous to post here! I'm a young-ish (or probably not, what's the median age here?) screenwriter/director who got selected for Netflix's New Voices program and is now developing a screenplay for them. Out of 15 screenplays Netflix will option 2 with the intent but not the promise to turn them into movies. Yay! My story takes place in the gaming industry at an AAA company and obviously I want to do this world/sub culture justice. However, I myself am not a gamer. The last game I played was The Sims and I played some of the early Tomb Raiders back in the day. But even then my friend controlled the character and I just co-explored and primarily made up this whole dialogue with Lara's boyfriend who I imagined was on the phone with her throughout the game.

    So why the hell write about the gaming industry, you may ask? Well, I happened to work at an MMORPG company for a year (just doing graphic design) and then randomly saw a trailer for a horror game years later. I was blown away by how lifelike the characters looked in that trailer (and what total babes they were) and from then on kind of started watching cutscene movies of games and playthroughs and got fascinated by the industry. I also lurk on the TLOU and RE subs a lot. And the gamingleaks sub.

    ANYWAY, obviously I'm doing research but I would love to also just get some input/discussion from the community here. So my question is: are there any people here who work in the gaming industry? If so, I'd love to hear your takes on the following questions:

    • which stereotypes about game development/developers/testers/gamers etc. are definitely true and which ones should I definitely avoid?
    • are there any (funny but true) differences between the different kinds of jobs? For example, what do game designers tend to be like? Or environment artists? Or producers? Or testers? Etc.
    • Crunch time: still bad as ever or has it gotten better?
    • My main character is a woman so ladies: what are your experiences in this industry like?
    • I'd also appreciate is anyone is willing to talk more in depth. Let me know by PM!


    submitted by /u/JennyHayden
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    using Math as a tool?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 07:20 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I've looked around at quite a few posts about this topic and unfortunately I haven't found anything, so if there's a thread somewhere asking about this please let me know.

    Anyway, my question is a bit different than most people who ask about math here. I already know a good bit of math. Algebra, trig, and calculus are well within my toolbelt. The thing is, I haven't found any people explaining HOW to use the math as a tool. I'm not talking about the extremely basic things, like finding resultant vectors or Pythagorean theorem. For instance, I've included a link to a video by Sebastian Lague named "Coding Adventure: Procedural Moons and Planets" and this is definitely something I'd like to explore. The code snippets in particular I'm referring to are at 0:31 and 1:00.


    I realize this is a rather vague concept, but making the transition from simply understanding the math to being able to use it, seems like a rather difficult hurdle.

    I have no idea how you would learn to use math in this way, the way it's meant to be used. If there are any resources on this topic or something I've missed, please let me know.

    submitted by /u/TheBloodySage
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    Should I have both a game website and portfolio?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:05 PM PST

    So I just recently finished my first game which im pretty proud of and im already planning my next one! While i know there are good places to host my games like itch or even steam maybe, ive always liked the idea of making my own website to host my games. I also feel like since im a comp sci student (sophomore), it would be good to have a place to show off my work for when i apply to internships. The problem is, what I basically just described is a portfolio website. The only difference would be that the "game website" would primarily be for hosting my games with maybe a review system to leave comments, while the "portfolio" website would be to show off my work(not just games), look more professional, and maybe i could even include the game website on it. It just seems bit redundant i guess because most of my work on the portfolio would end up being games anyways. Am i even making sense? idk but yeah im just asking if it would be worth it to have both a portfolio and game website or to just put everything on my portfolio and call it a day.

    PS: i already have a portfolio website almost done so it wouldnt be that much work to make another website now having the experience. Also im not saying i dont want to upload my games to itch or steam(i will upload them there), i just like the idea of my own game website.

    submitted by /u/emiram01
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    ECS back and forth Part 10 - Hybrid storage

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:18 AM PST

    Speedy2D: Easy-to-use Rust library for graphics, text, and input events

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 05:20 AM PST

    Hardware accelerated drawing of shapes, images, and text, with an easy to use API.

    Some of you might know me better as the developer of the open-source Reddit app RedReader, but I've just released my first Rust library, Speedy2D!

    Speedy2D aims to be:

    • The simplest Rust API for creating a window, rendering graphics/text, and handling input
    • Compatible with any device supporting OpenGL 2.0+ or OpenGL ES 2.0+
    • Very fast

    Quick start

    Step 1:

    Add Speedy2D to your Cargo.toml dependencies:

    [dependencies] speedy2d = "1.0" 

    Step 2:

    Create a window:

    use speedy2d::Window; let window = Window::new_centered("Title", (640, 480)).unwrap(); 

    Step 3:

    Create a struct implementing the WindowHandler trait. Override whichever callbacks you're interested in, for example on_draw(), on_mouse_move(), or on_key_down().

    use speedy2d::color::Color; use speedy2d::window::{WindowHandler, WindowHelper}; use speedy2d::Graphics2D; struct MyWindowHandler {} impl WindowHandler for MyWindowHandler { fn on_draw(&mut self, helper: &mut WindowHelper, graphics: &mut Graphics2D) { graphics.clear_screen(Color::from_rgb(0.8, 0.9, 1.0)); graphics.draw_circle((100.0, 100.0), 75.0, Color::BLUE); // Request that we draw another frame once this one has finished helper.request_redraw(); } // If desired, on_mouse_move(), on_key_down(), etc... } 

    Step 4:

    Finally, start the event loop by passing your new WindowHandler to the run_loop() function.


    That's it!

    For a more detailed getting started guide, including a full list of WindowHandler callbacks, and how to render text, go to:

    There's also some more example code here:


    If you have any thoughts or questions, please let me know!

    submitted by /u/QuantumBadger
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    Beginners and intermediate game developers: what do you, personally, look for in tutorials?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:15 PM PST

    As a foreword, I want to be clear that I'm not looking for tutorials.

    I've been getting bored lately, and I've been thinking about making some game dev tutorials covering Unity. With Unity being so popular and saturated with so many tutorials (mostly good ones!), is there anything that you've had questions about that no one has covered or explained well? Or maybe you have questions about another engine and want tutorials on that? I just really like programming and game dev, and would love to help people learn more about the subject.

    Edit 1: it seems like many of you that responded would prefer text tutorials. There does seem to be a lack of these compared to video tutorials, so perhaps I'll do videos with their text equivalent on a website. Please feel free to provide more suggestions.

    submitted by /u/FriendlyTechGuy
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    Any books recommended on composition and Color theory for 3D environments?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:05 PM PST

    What the title says.

    submitted by /u/Tekcore
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    Hard hard is it to program paper toss and chess?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 11:52 AM PST

    (Disclaimer: I'm a noob and know nothing about programming)

    How long does it take to program a paper toss game? Where you essentially swipe to shoot something into a basket.

    Also, how long does it take to develop chess? Where there are time constraints.

    Assuming it's all very simple and you are an experienced programmer.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/thorisnokai
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    MonsterMash Demo: an AI creates a 3D model by inflating your 2D sketch

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 11:24 AM PST

    Alright so there is this AI called http://monstermash.zone that allows you to hand draw any monster you'ld like, it then inflates it pretty much like a balloon character, then allows you to animate it by placing joints and recording movements.

    You can export/import your project, export a template image for texturing (aka your base drawing), export the model as a Wavefront .obj file which can be opened in Blender or Unity or something.

    Personally I have not succeeded importing anything but the base mesh, I fail to import any animation (help welcomed!) in Blender nor Unity.

    The demo is free and takes seconds minutes to try.

    Two minute papers just made a video about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ny-p-CHNyM

    submitted by /u/cowkb
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    Lock and Key Dungeons Tutorial

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:53 AM PST

    Hello, please help

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:38 AM PST

    All right, I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but here we go.

    Basically, I've had an idea in my head for a while, and the more I think about it the more I want to do it, but at the moment I really can't because I lack the time, experience and resources.

    Ugh. I might as well spit it out.

    Basically, I want to create a Sonic fangame, but I have no experience in game development at all. I feel ridiculous just saying that.

    I've made plans and I think I've found a few ideas that I like, but I'm still yet to develop them properly. Essentially at the moment, I'm not thinking about the actual programming part of it and stuff. I'm just thinking about it on a conceptual level right now.

    In short, the plan is to create a Sonic fangame in a sort of JRPG style. There's not really a wide range of content I want to include, because I'm drawing inspiration mainly from the original games, but there is going to be a heavy focus on storytelling and an existential undertone.

    As for how I'm going to do it, well, the plan was to buy RPG Maker MZ, but I'm not sure if what I have planned is even possible to achieve within that. I'm also more than aware that this is a really ambitious project that I'll never be able to get finished on my own, so...

    Basically, I know I need help - I just don't know what with exactly.

    submitted by /u/partialistic
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    I need help programming my first survival/magic game.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:26 AM PST

    So, I want to program a survival multiplayer game, Using a programming language, the game is 3D, And will have it's own map, with custom seeds, and everything like that, Now I may not have the best PC Out there, I literally am going to program this off a laptop with a broken w key and a keyboard hooked up to it, So that's a goner, anyways, About the game.

    I just need help, severely, What language do I use? Should I worry bout the art? How would I do this? I just want for someone to explain to me, How would I do this, If you need background on the game, shoot me a message and I'll happily explain everything to you. :)

    submitted by /u/ExpensiveMercenary
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    I created new environoment assets for free

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:01 PM PST

    This pack contains +15 models with Materials and textures.

    Download here https://zsky2000.itch.io/environoment-pack-v1

    If you like please support me on my Patreon this will be a huge help guys :D

    Patreon https://www.patreon.com/Zsky

    submitted by /u/Zsky2000
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    Subscription based games in 2021

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 09:57 AM PST

    Currently WoW and FFXIV are major games which are using this business model. Few other non-MMO games also included subscriptions in their games (Fortnite Crew, Dota Plus etc.)

    New indie MMO, Ashes of Creations will use this model as a way to earn money.

    What do you think about subscriptions in gaming? Is it possible to make a successful pay-to-play game? Also what is your opinion about in-game subscriptions?

    submitted by /u/_IAmMichael
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    Does a game’s lore get categorized under the “Art” section of work or the “Development” section of work?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 09:45 AM PST

    Or is it a category on its own?

    Since lore can both pull from art (assets, animations, etc) and development (actions the character can take, what they can see, etc), I'd like to know what category that should go under in a game design brief.

    submitted by /u/sadandexhausted
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    TKO Redemption

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 09:42 AM PST

    I don't know if anyone here will remember the old CN game "Titanic Kungfubot Offensive" but recently I had an idea. I want to know if its possible to take the code or assets and basically port the game to be playable on Win,Mac,etc (not using flash in browser). I also think getting a netplay function set up would be awesome but that can happen later. Only problem is I've never coded a day in my life or know anything about it. So as of right now is there any way I can do what I've just described?

    submitted by /u/yrpkoh444
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