• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 7, 2021

    At the age of 29, I've been able to save up enough money to buy myself my first ever desktop computer! It's refurbished but this is huge for me coming from a third world country. learn programming

    At the age of 29, I've been able to save up enough money to buy myself my first ever desktop computer! It's refurbished but this is huge for me coming from a third world country. learn programming

    At the age of 29, I've been able to save up enough money to buy myself my first ever desktop computer! It's refurbished but this is huge for me coming from a third world country.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:11 AM PST

    I've been browsing this site for a while, wishing for the day I will get to have my own computer and put more time to learning programming.

    There is a lot of work to do but I'm really excited about the journey ahead!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

    submitted by /u/GHManno
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    [UPDATE] My first interview was yesterday

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:33 AM PST

    OG post: Ive been learning mostly C# since May. Ive put in for maybe 20 or so jobs and havent heard back from any of them. I finally lucked out and randomly messaged a lead software engineer on LinkedIn and he asked me to come in for an interview tomorrow! I might bomb it but it still feels like a big step.


    So the interview was maybe 3 hours long! Which is pretty insane to me coming from a mechanical background. He started out just asking about me personally and how I got into coding, he was honestly super chill. So he actually created a few little bugs in a site I had previously made, they were just issues with file locations being incorrect so that was super easy. Then he opened up visual studio and he asked me if I had ever heard of FizzBuzz, and you guys for real this is the only interview problem I know!! Of course I still kind of messed it up and put the %3 && %5 part at the end instead of the beginning of the if statement but he let me hop on stack overflow and figure it out and I had it working in a few minutes. For the rest of the interview I was just super honest and said basically that I wanted to be upfront about what I know and don't know because I'd rather not get a second interview than get hired and fired within a month. By the end he said he really liked me and would definitely give his boss a vote for me since I seemed teachable and like I would get along with everyone. I really hope I get the job but if not it was a really great and uplifting experience.

    submitted by /u/nameisinigomontoya
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    Do NOT give up. Becoming a professional software engineer is the best thing ever!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:23 AM PST

    Take money out of the equation (more money than I've ever made in any job).

    But you will be coding and solving REAL world problems. Its doing everything you've done before but on a HUGE scale, and its freaking awesome.

    That is all.

    submitted by /u/Cacodemon-Salad
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    Shell Scripting

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:56 PM PST

    I'm a windows user, but I use a bash shell thanks to Git Bash. I want to learn how to write shell scripts so I can automate some of the grading tasks I do that involve repetitively copying directories into other directories.

    The only problem is everything I've found on Google so far has either been thoroughly inadequate or ridiculously dense. I already fully understand bash commands I just want to get to the level where I understand enough about the shell scripting syntax to copy directories automatically.

    Does anyone know any good resources for this? I would really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Momentarius-8
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    Any good online SQL challenge site?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:25 PM PST

    I've used SQL Bolt and W3 resources but they seem to only scratch the surface. Any online resource to challenge real SQL? Preferably an interactable online editor.

    submitted by /u/HaikusfromBuddha
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    We are a group of people working on an open source decentralized (p2p) network of databases. We help and welcome beginners. Join us if you want to learn! We use golang.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:08 AM PST

    If you are looking to learn golang, cryptography usage, decentralization (p2p) and/or opengl. Please join us as contributors! The license of the project is MIT. The software is written in golang. We'll use OpenGL for the 2d/3d visualization.

    We will write tutorials to help you learn, create chat sessions to peer program with beginners. We want to help people and create a fun project together!

    Contributors receive our cryptocurrency. If/When the project works and create its economy, your earned currency might be worth something :) In the mean time, please join because you want to learn while working on a great project.

    Here's out github: https://github.com/deepvalue-network/software You can follow the project on reddit: /r/DeepValueNetwork

    Ill add a lot of documentation along with contribution guidelines during the weekend, on github. Ill also create a slack to chat with each others.

    In the mean time, if this interests you, please email me at info@steve.care

    Thanks all! Hope to talk to you soon! Steve

    P.S: You can read a long post about what we are building on github.

    submitted by /u/steve-rodrigue
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    What does a CS degree give you that a bootcamp or being self-taught doesn't?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:05 AM PST

    Computer Science can be described as the study of algorithms, according to my textbook.

    Is it fundamentals? A cat l future CS career in academia? Good coding practice? Just the piece of paper saying so-and-so graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science?

    I'm a junior in CS and have been slowly losing trust in it given how much material classes borrow from YouTube or LinkedIn Learning. The most egregious offense to me was a required IT course (I know, not CS) pulled all of the assignments from the CompTIA certification-prep course offered at uCertify. This college course cost $1106, but the uCertify course is just under $300.

    Kinda frustrated right now and trying to make sense of this.

    submitted by /u/aho_B_
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    Let's say I have two apps that share a little data, E.g. tasker and task rabbit, do I use two seperate servers?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:06 PM PST

    If I have one app for an everyday user, and an app for a service worker that services the users. e.g. like in uber and tasker, do they need two different servers, or can they call the api from one server? What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/ThisSoFrustrating
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    How do you upskill while working?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:03 PM PST

    I've gotten my first job as a developer recently and so far it's going pretty good. Our tech stack involves angular.js but I have never worked with that, my tech lead told me to learn while working on the project. I've currently been scrambling around stackoverflow and other websites to get my work done but it doesn't feel like I know angular.

    In college when I wanted to pick up a new technology it generally involved completing a udemy course and making a simple 2-week project using what I learnt. But currently I don't have that kind of time to learn anything.

    How do you learn a technology while working on it?

    Also do you try to learn new technologies while having a job? Like say picking up vue.js when you're tech stack is angular? If yes how do you find the time?

    submitted by /u/penguin_chacha
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    How can I be ready for competitive programming?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 08:41 PM PST

    Hey, I'm a high school senior. I have good knowledge in python, C#, C, html, CSS, and JavaScript. How can I be prepared for competitive programming like IOI and other competitions? Where should I practice and learn? And what topics should I learn?

    submitted by /u/Moaid_Hashem
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    How to "tie" backend and frontend together?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:27 PM PST

    I have a web app i'm trying to make. The front end is HTML/CSS/Javascript and I have a Java program that is my backend. Something very simple where I click a button on my web page and send some data to my backend to put inside a database.

    How can I "tie" my front end to my back end and have the data from my front end go to my back end?

    submitted by /u/KindaAwkwardGuy
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    How would one make this better or more dry?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 12:21 AM PST


    I'm pretty new to python and I've been doing easy programming projects for practice, one of which is a MadLib. I wrote what I could but I was wondering how it could be written better or more dry(I wanted it to print a list of the user's input after every question). possibly through the use of functions? Much thanks:

    list = []
    adj = str(input('Name an adjective: '))
    adj2 = str(input('Name another adjective: '))
    place = str(input('Name a place: '))
    adj3 = str(input('Name another adjective: '))
    noun = str(input('Choose a noun: '))
    verb = str(input('Choose a verb: '))

    print(f'The {adj} man entered the {adj2} {place} '
    f'to visit a very {adj3} man. "{verb}, Mr. Smith. '
    f'Can I interest you in any {adj3} {noun}?')

    submitted by /u/euruS_K
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    Once again, a question regarding bootcamps....

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 08:27 PM PST

    I'm getting closer to 40 and more than ever I'm looking to change up my career. The pandemic has made my wanting a change in careers even more so urgent.

    Currently I'm an unemployed career(10 yr+) bartender, needless to say, not feeling too much hope in that field, nor do I really have the drive to do that anymore for a multitude of reason. Prior to that I built massive A/V systems for about 8 years and got my first taste in coding with low level programming of integrated control systems.

    I've been wanting a career change for a while now and the state of the world has put even more fire under my ass to do so. For the last 6 months I've been trying to teach myself as much as I can regarding coding with the idea of going to a bootcamp once I felt like I had a good enough idea of what I'm doing before I invested the time and money.

    I started off using Codecademy and have moved on to using Treehouse, which I feel like I've gained way more knowledge with how it is structured. On Treehouse I was focused on JavaScript until I hit a wall where it felt like nothing was sinking in and I was just lost. So I started over entirely and have have been doing their front end course, which I feel so much more drawn too.

    My goal was to be at least enrolled in a bootcamp by the year anniversary of when I lost my job. I was looking into Hack Reactor, but now I'm leaning more toward focusing on the front end side of things. I was drawn to Hack Reactor primarily for the reviews and overall reception and credibility I've come across. Another big factor is that I would only have to pay a deposit up front until I'm hired.

    With all that said, I'm really just looking for suggestions of a potential bootcamp or even what direction to go in. I don't think that I can afford anything beyond the deposit, so I would be looking for a school that waives the fees until being hired. I'm also torn on where my focus should be. Would it be better to go the full stack route, just focus on front end,or continue my original plan with Hack Reactor and focusing on JavaScript, with the hopes that it would actually click in a more formalized environment?

    TLDR; a career change is necessary, I've tried to teach myself as much coding as I could with limited time and now I'm looking for the right bootcamp and direction of focus in a bootcamp that that doesn't require tuition upfront.

    submitted by /u/black__vomit
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    How to estimate time for a project/task accurately

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:23 PM PST

    Personally, I, and I'm sure that almost all of you, hate questions like "When will it be ready?", but they are important at any time in a project that is considered under control.


    submitted by /u/luminoumen
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    Best books on neural networks from scratch?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:57 PM PST

    I want to learn how to build neural networks from scratch, WITHOUT any libraries, to gain a better understanding of the math and how it actually works. Assume I know all the math that I need to know, which I assume would be calculus and linear algebra. Recommend books using python and c++/c. Thanks.

    edit: Good online courses too

    submitted by /u/0gammaray0
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    so the two methods are almost similar the only difference between them being the element i wanted to know if there's anyway i can pass that as a parameter?any other ideas are also welcome thank you

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:54 PM PST

    //an array of objects is passed into the functions and its extracted in the form shown below

    const creditConstructor=(Array,result)=>{
    for (let index = 0; index < Array.length; index++) {
    const element ={creditTransId:Array[index].creditTransId}
    const debitConstructor=(Array,result)=>{
    for (let index = 0; index < Array.length; index++) {
    const element ={debitTransId:Array[index].debitTransId}

    submitted by /u/maike851
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    Which algorithms/data structures should I skip if I just want to prepare for interviews?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:35 PM PST

    I'm a self-taught programmer trying to break into software engineering. I'm currently preparing for interviews - working on projects for my portfolio and learning algorithms and data structures through Coursera's Algorithms Part I & II (Princeton's).

    I've finished Algorithms Part I and recently started Part II whilst reading CTCI. I've noticed that a decent amount of content that's covered in Part II isn't mentioned at all in CTCI. (e.g. max flow min cut, lsd radix sort, msd radix sort, 3-way radix quicksort, r-way tries, ternary search tries, knuth-morris-pratt, boyer-moore, run-length coding, huffman coding, LZW compression, burrows−wheeler transform etc.)

    Whilst they seem interesting to me they just seem too complex to be relevant in an interview context.

    If I'm only trying to learn enough algorithms/data structures to prepare myself for interviews which should I/can I skip?

    Would it be better to stop following the algorithms course from here and just practice leetcode?

    submitted by /u/PonchoSpud
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    Who would like to join me to do a one coding problem / per day?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:07 PM PST

    I switched my job from a teacher to CS industry. Now I am in a 2 year CS program. In order to maximize the learning, extra practice out of school work is a must, especially for people like me who know few about coding outside the school. I understand programming at my level now is all about practice, practice, practice....

    Who would like to join me for a timed coding challenge per day (maybe 30 minutes) and we could debrief by sharing thoughts, ideas right after. So it's about 45 - 60 minutes.

    I just find coding under time pressure and with others at the same time is very different from coding by myself. Much was gained through communicating your ideas etc.

    It's a one hour per day commitment. I've asked some friends from my school, but very few people would commit to this.

    I am not sure if this is a realistic plan...If you have other great ideas to practice coding skills PLEASE share with me. If you would like to join me or give it a try, please let me know. We could figure out the details.

    submitted by /u/CcEeCcIi_Funn
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    [JAVA] Finding Time Duration for each Frame in a GIF

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:08 PM PST

    I'm having trouble finding a source that tells me how to achieve finding the time duration for each frame in a GIF. I'm aware that GIFs have metadata, would it be stored there? If I can get help, it would be much appreciated.

    My optimal output would be:

    // input GIF

    // returns time duration of each frame in GIF

    This is the research I have done prior:

    submitted by /u/unsaturatedgoods
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    How do I ensure that I contribute code to a well established open source project?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 12:08 PM PST

    Been having a lot of trouble finding a job so I'm trying to do open source on top of my side project. The only project that interests me that I feel is within my capabilities is VSCode, but whenever I post an issue and ask to work on it, someone on the Microsoft team submits a PR before I can even make sense of where to find the issue in the code. This also goes for issues that are already posted.

    I really like the editor and have been getting a bit better at navigating a foreign codebase, but is there a better way about being ensuring that I can submit a PR before someone way more experienced does?

    submitted by /u/biscuit_slayer
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    Icons of software apps

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:26 PM PST

    My question is about this video:
    In the 3m12s timestamp, you can see many icons. From left to right: VSCode, TablePlus, SourceTree, Transmit, 1Pass, purplesquare, bluesquare, purplemoon.
    What are the name of the programs that are represented by the last three icons (purple square, blue square, and purple moon)?

    submitted by /u/renerthr
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    Am I the only one who can't program without searching almost everything?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:33 PM PST

    I started web development about 1 year ago, I learned the basics, HTML, css, Javascript front-end...

    But about 5 months ago I was curious to learn backend, I started with ASP.NET web forms using C# (I don't think it was a good idea to start with this framework), then I went to PHP although I hated it and finally ASP.NET core mvc, which I am still learning now.

    When I started with webforms, I only searched complex things. But when I started to learn mvc... I think that for almost every function and error, I need to search something...

    I know it's normal to do a lot of search when we're learning something, but I sometimes feel like I'm not learning... I would appreciate it if you guys could share some tips.

    PS: Sorry about my English.

    submitted by /u/Fdamendes2
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    Simple Java project roadmap

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 05:37 AM PST


    I have a project idea but I do not know how to go about it, would really appreciate some pointers!

    So I have been learning Java for some months now, although just very basic stuff (loops, strings, arrays etc). Recently I had to get a train ticket and as I didn't know the hour they would be available to buy (2am apparently), I had to refresh the page every so often. I thought it would be cool to automate this whole process and have the program notify me when the tickets were available. I then checked github and of course this was a very common project, but mainly coded in Python and also with lots of stuff that are foreign to me. I would like to code it myself as a hobby project but I do not know where to start (I especially have no idea about the web side of things). Which specific concepts should I research and study? Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/allamaisnotanalpaca
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    Stdin + Dictionary Text Replacement Tool -- Debugging Help?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:54 PM PST

    Hi there! I'm working on a project in which I have two main files: philphix.c and hashtable.c (along with their respective header files). Essentially, the program reads in a text file defining a dictionary with key value mappings. Each key has a unique value and the file is formatted like this where each key value pair is on its own line:

    ipsum i%#@!

    fubar fubar

    IpSum XXXXX24

    Ipsum YYYYY211

    Then the program reads in input from stdin, and if any of the "words" match the keys in the dictionary file, they get replaced with the value. There is a slight thing about upper and lower cases -- this is the order of "match priority"

    1. The exact word is in the replacement set
    2. The word with all but the first character converted to lower case is in the replacement set
    3. The word converted completely to lower case is in the replacement set

    Meaning if the exact word is in the dictionary, it gets replaced, but if not the next possibility (2) is checked and so on...

    My program passes the basic cases we were provided but then the terminal shows this

    For context, I went into the philphix and newphilphix files (not c files, but binary files), and one was super long with tons of numbers and the other just had a line of random characters. So that didn't really help. I also reviewed my code and made some small tests but it seems okay? A friend recommended I make sure I'm accounting for the null operator in processInput() and I already was. I would love some help debugging this, please! I've been at it all day and I'm very confused.

    *for context, some of the code was provided. What I've fiddled with: I edited the header files, hashtable.c's insertData and findData, and philphix.c's last five methods (everything except main). I would guess that the error is either in readDictionary or processInput, but Im not sure why or how.

    submitted by /u/Melanie786
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