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    Are Udemy courses really worth it? learn programming

    Are Udemy courses really worth it? learn programming

    Are Udemy courses really worth it?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:57 PM PST

    So I recently decided to make a career switch, from life science to programming (front end dev)! So far I've been using free resources like freecodecamp on YouTube and I had a great time learning Python and HTML/CSS using their tutorials. I did notice however that I am getting tired of watching long YouTube videos to learn something and I find myself getting distracted and bored easily. I wanted to try a JavaScript course on udemy to try and learn in a more interactive way but I've come to realize they can be extremely shady with their pricing..

    The course in a normal account: https://i.imgur.com/j6x6QAi.jpg

    In an incognito mode: https://i.imgur.com/myEVLM0.jpg

    An 85% off, WTF!! why do they scam people like that?

    So morals aside, my question is for people who've bought a course from Udemy: was it worth it? Did you enjoy it?

    submitted by /u/Reemma2004
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    How to Plan and Build a Project

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 12:14 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I wanted to share a process I have been using for several years to plan how to build any project whether it is a smaller personal project or a large project with a team of developers. This is also similar to the process we use on our team at work.

    To get started, we create three very short and simple artifacts before starting to build a new project. A one-pager, a workflow diagram, and a task list. Depending on the size of the project, this usually takes one person a day or less to complete.

    These artifacts are created in this order. First, a one-page description of the project in human terms. Anyone should be able to read this single page and know what the project will do. Next, a workflow diagram is created which is actually a combination sequence, class, and workflow diagram. Once the workflow diagram is done, a task list is created from the workflow diagram with tasks broken down into single day units of work. The task list tells us where to start and what else we will be doing each day until the project is done.

    The following describes these three artifacts using a small project, a landing page service, as an example.

    The source code for the project MVP built using the artifacts below is here:


    How to Write a One-Pager

    A one-pager is typically a single page or less that describes the project in human terms so anyone reading it will know what the project will do. I usually just start describing the project, usually starting with the problem that needs to be solved and what I want it to do.

    For a personal project, I am the one who writes the one-pager. At work, the one-pager is typically written by the product owner.

    Sample one-pager

    Landing Page Service

    We have some courses and other digital products we would like to create landing pages for that will collect the email addresses of people interested in each of these products.

    We would like to collect the email addresses somewhere so we can send out emails to inform our prospective customers about the products they are interested in. It would be nice if the system would automatically send a response email thanking the prospective customer for registering. That would give the customer an immediate response rather than waiting for us to notice that a new customer registered and then sending them an email manually much later.

    Since we will have several digital products the emails sent to the customer should be tailored to the product they are interested in. That way, we can customize the email sent out for a particular product.

    It would be nice to have the ability to create an email template for a product that way we can personalize the email with their name or other information about the product.

    We have seen other email marketing systems that can send out a series of emails spaced out with a couple of days in between. We would like to be able to schedule a series of emails for a product and specify the number of days in between each email and the next one.

    Some of the emails may have links to PDFs or other downloadable links.

    Once a customer purchases a product, they should no longer receive sales related emails and they should now be sent product related update emails.

    We would like to track where an email addresses was submitted from so we can see which marketing campaigns were successful and which ones were not and at what point the customer converted. There could be several locations with the email input form and it is possible we will add this to blog articles or other places.

    A customer should be able to unsubscribe from receiving emails. If customer registers again after unsubscribing we would like that email address to be reactivated from where they left off.

    How to Create a Workflow Diagram

    Next, we create a workflow diagram from the one-pager description. This workflow diagram is a combination of a sequence diagram and a class diagram done in a workflow like form. This diagram does not use strict UML, just boxes and lines with arrows or diamonds, and a bunch of text in the whitespace to describe that part of the diagram. I often number the steps or show some form of entry point so the reader knows where to start from. The boxes are classes or screen mockups, the lines with arrows indicate the direction of flow while the lines with diamonds indicate class relationships.

    Sample workflow diagram

    Sample workflow diagram

    To create this diagram, I am using Balsamiq Mockups but you can use anything that can draw boxes and lines. I used to use paper and pencil. Balsamiq has that browser widget you see on the left but it could just as well be a box that said browser in the middle of it.

    I started drawing this diagram from the one-pager by going through it looking for things that have information we need. Looking at the one-pager, I picked the word "product" from the first paragraph and figured it should have a name and description. Reading through the next few paragraphs, I picked out the word "email" and drew that box. Don't start connecting lines yet, just put the boxes on the diagram on the first pass. From there I put all of the other boxes on the diagram then started grouping the boxes that should be next to each other. After that, I drew the lines and put some of the text from the one-pager on the diagram reworded to describe the program flow.

    With the diagram completed, it is easier to review the system to see milestone boundaries for releases. In the diagram, we were able to trim out an MVP by simply having the receiving handler send out a response email instead of having to develop the automated part of the system to get an initial release of something functional.

    Once the task breakdown step is completed (below) the tasks identified are added to the workflow diagram to show what part of the system that task builds.

    How to Create a Task Breakdown

    With the workflow diagram completed, I start from the entry point and create a task list to complete that one box or line on the diagram. This could be a single task if it can be completed in a day; otherwise, it ends up being a description of what needs to be accomplished and a list of subtasks are created in single day chunks until the parent task is completely tasked out. Then it is on to the next box or line in the work flow. Sometimes, there are multiple entry points so each of those are addressed in the same manner.

    In the diagram above, the entry point for the MVP starts with the web page form at step 4.

    Task durations can be whatever you or your team are comfortable with. For myself, I like one day tasks because it is a day of work or less. I often have gaps in time that I am working on a personal project, so having the task done is better than trying to remember where I was a few days ago. With a team, you have pull requests to be reviewed then testing, so a single day of development will typically run about 3 days with 24-hour turnaround. One for development, one for review and any changes, one for testing.

    This sample task breakdown has all of the system tasked out to give a complete example. Normally, I would only task the part that is going to be built in the current release. In this case, the MVP in blue on the diagram would be the only part tasked out or tasks 1 through 9 below.

    With the task list, I know where to start and what I will be doing one task after the other until the project is done.

    Sample task breakdown

    Landing Page Service

    Allow customers to register with their email (post request to database, send email)

    Publish landing page

    • Task 1: Get an application server running locally with template landing page
    • Task 2: Get template landing page hosted on the Internet
    • Task 3: Modify the landing page to customize it for our business
    • Task 4: Modify the landing page to send a post request to a url with a fake campaign_id and the entered email address

    Save email addresses

    • Task 5: Create an email endpoint to receive the email post request
    • Task 6: Create a database table to save email addresses
    • Task 7: Save the email address received to the email database table

    Send email response

    • Task 8: Modify the email endpoint to send a thank you response email
    • Task 9: Modify the landing page to popup a thank you message

    This is now a functional MVP!

    Process emails (restful processing, database)

    Administrative pages (add authentication)

    • Task 10: Create an administrative website for restricted access
    • Task 11: Add authentication to the website for administrative pages
    • Task 12: Add an administrative user account

    Get the list of email addresses (get request to return a list)

    • Task 13: Add an endpoint that returns the list of emails
    • Task 14: Add a web page that displays the list of emails

    Add products (post request to create records in the database)

    • Task 15: Create a web page to post a product
    • Task 16: Create a product endpoint to receive the product post request
    • Task 17: Create a database table to save products
    • Task 18: Save the product received to the product database table

    Add campaigns (containment database relationships)

    • Task 19: Create a web page to post a campaign
    • Task 20: Create a campaign endpoint to receive the campaign post request
    • Task 21: Create a database table to save campaigns
    • Task 22: Save the campaign received to the campaign database table

    Associate emails to products by campaign (aggregate database relationships)

    • Task 23: Modify the email endpoint to look up the campaign
    • Task 24: Create a database table to save the product-email associations
    • Task 25: Modify the email endpoint to create the product-email association
    • Task 26: Modify the email listing to show the products an email is interested in

    Email templates (using templates)

    • Task 27: Create an email template to use for sending the thank you response email
    • Task 28: Modify the thank you response email to use the template
    • Task 29: Create a web page to post an email template
    • Task 30: Create an endpoint to receive an email template
    • Task 31: Create a database table to save the email template
    • Task 32: Save the email template received to the email template database table
    • Task 33: Use the email template to send the thank you response email

    Scheduling tasks (restful, database, sending emails)

    Schedule email (more restful)

    • Task 34: Create an endpoint to receive a scheduled email
    • Task 35: Create a database table to save the scheduled email
    • Task 36: Create a web page to post a scheduled email
    • Task 37: Save the scheduled email to the scheduled email database table

    Send scheduled emails (running scheduled tasks)

    • Task 38: Create a scheduled process that sends scheduled emails
    • Task 39: Fetch scheduled emails to send
    • Task 40: Send emails

    Campaign flow (scheduling the next task)

    • Task 41: Modify the scheduled process to schedule the next email template as a scheduled email
    submitted by /u/bink-lynch
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    What is needed to work as a OS-level programmer?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:03 PM PST

    I am a senior CS undergraduate and I am just now taking a OS class. I feel very interested toward low level programming and computer architecture in general, though I am not very knowledgeable about hardware itself since most my classes are focused toward software.

    What kind of knowledge and technologies are needed to work in a position to develop more operating systems nowadays? Also, what should I look for? Because every time I search for software engineering positions, they are almost always related to web dev.

    Thanks for the help and for the insights!

    submitted by /u/cristiano-caon
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    Everyone says "Learn to Code" so you can get a job, but what does that even entail(for industry purposes)?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 05:48 PM PST

    "Learning to code" - I hear it stated to people who are not cs degrees

    I hear it everywhere: "learn to code, learn to code, learn to code" so you can be more employable. What does that mean? Does that mean learning simple things like syntax and logic to perform (relatively) simple tasks(loops, some simple algorithms, etc.)? Or does that mean getting to a undergrad knowledge of things like data structures, algorithms, Discrete math, computer programs, OS, architecture?

    For industry is the coding everyone talks about just entail getting familiar with a couple languages and having projects or does the coding people talk about entail having a solid understanding of computer science(these can be non mutually exclusive)? For example, so many high schoolers can code and make cool projects, but many don't know much about the algorithms, data structures, etc.

    Does "coding" *for industry related purposes* entail rigorous undergrad cs knowledge or is it simply just getting familiar with programming/projects?

    Is industry looking for programming or computer science?

    edit: I am planning on pursuing pure math and I hear "just learn to code and you'll be good" with regards to pursuing opportunities outside of academia

    Sorry there is a lot of repetition.

    submitted by /u/clarity_now2
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    Resources for learning network security/threats?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:54 PM PST

    I'm a beginner when it comes to network security and awareness of what common measures are put in place for networking attacks.

    Any good suggestions for online courses/video series/books for the same?

    I'd like to basically explore what network vulnerabilities exist and how bad code can lead to the same.


    submitted by /u/cylrax
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    Learn how to create user interfaces with Qt QML [online tutorial]

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:32 AM PST

    When starting to look at programming user interfaces or cross-platform applications you might have heard of Qt or QML already. QML (Qt Modeling Language) is a declarative programming language developed as part of Qt, a library for creating user interfaces in C++. The purpose of the language is to develop user interfaces, primarily (but not necessarily) for desktop, embedded and mobile systems.

    My company KDAB has provided a free introduction video tutorial series for QML So, if you want to start learning QML, this is for you!

    The series consists of 9 modules and 50+ videos: Introduction to Qt Quick, User Interfaces basics, User Interaction, Components and dynamic loading, Animations and States, Presenting Data, The C++ machine room, Integrating QML with C++, Model/View from the C++ level.

    I hope the tutorials are valuable information to you!

    Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6CJYn40gN6hdNC1IGQZfVI707dh9DPRc

    submitted by /u/kfunk87
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    To those who've tried and failed. Don't give up.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:12 AM PST

    I'm a baby coder. I have no direction really as far as what language I want to dedicate myself to, and don't really have any goals set. That being said: Don't. Give. Up.

    I recently tackled what I figured would be an incredibly easy task. I got a keyboard that has multiple modes, and wanted a notification to come on screen when I switched into said modes.

    I worked endlessly on it for days, learning pieces of python and bash, digging into new programs, etc etc. and I eventually hit a massive wall. The project screeched to a halt and I was stuck. I needed to find a specific piece of information that was held by the company and decided it probably wasn't going to be worth the hassle of reaching out to them and finishing what I started.

    I still learned an absolute metric ton. I got comfortable with numerous useful programs and their documentation. I learned how to source specific information, and how to apply it. I utilized Stack Exchange for the first time and learned there was a specific site for Unix/Linux users and learned each of their ways.

    I may have initially failed, but I took away far more than I had prior. When one project stops, it's not the end. You still learned quite a bit! I specifically have a fairly pessimistic attitude in most cases so this is for me as well. Coding takes time, effort, dedication, and most importantly; Community.

    Hold on to your passion, and find a new project to focus on. What is something you'd like to have or have happen. Assess your needs and solve them. That's what coding is about. PROGRESS. Keep it up, everyone. You're doing great and we're all very interested to see what you are able to put out!

    submitted by /u/Psychotisis
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    If you came across a relatively old programming article and you like it, please make the habit of archiving it to Web Archive: https://web.archive.org/save/

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 11:05 AM PST

    Old programming blogs from the 2000s, 90s often disappear and are unmaintained. They are really great blogs which though old have great insights by the developer of that time. To preserve the knowledge, please archive it to Web Archive so that even if the website goes down, the content will forever live on.

    submitted by /u/jiayounokim
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    Websites to practice basic java?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:39 PM PST

    I'm trying to solidify my basic knowledge of java and its syntax. Does anyone know of any website that helps practice basic java questions?

    submitted by /u/danielr088
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    GUI to create sliding window plot with multi y axis

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:19 AM PST

    I'm trying to figure out what language/framework would be best to write a GUI that works on both Linux and Windows. I built some hardware that sends serial data to the host computer, and I'd like to write my own GUI to display it. Mainly it needs to display a timeline that can be zoomed in and out on (have a sliding window over the data points) . The data has a shared x axis but multiple y axes, each trace does not overlap even though they all have the same range from 0 to 1. It also needs to be able to receive and send data through a serial port. I've included a link at the bottom to a commercial program that does what I want to give you a better idea what I'm going for. You only need to watch like 10 or so seconds of it. Any tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated to what language/framework would be best for this. And here is what I've looked into so far.

    I've looked at making it using one of the Python GUIs but most rely on matplotlib which kinda can't do the side scrolling through data from what I can tell.

    There was also the Plotly package in Python but it just runs once and displays the graph in the web browser.

    I've also looked into doing an electron app since I could use chart.js or some other one to make the zoom/side scrolling I want.

    Or maybe even Java.


    submitted by /u/Lekgolo167
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    Struggling to learn python

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:15 PM PST

    I am struggling a great deal in a Data Science class. I cannot seem to learn python the way I should. It seems like I know it but then we have a quiz and I get half of the questions wrong. What can I do to get better? I already code outside of class but are there other things that have worked for anyone to remember this stuff?

    submitted by /u/MrIAmMe2
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    Your opinion on learning Python and Flask or learning PHP and the advantages and disadvantages!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 11:36 PM PST

    Hey guys, what is your opinion on the two? My line of thinking on the two comparatively is that in Python, one could probably perform some data analysis/ basic Machine Learning and other things and make a web app with Flask thus increasing the scope of what you could do while PHP is natural to the Web, simple to set-up and could probably be easier to get going although am not too sure.

    submitted by /u/The-motto
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    One-page web app that displays distance between two phones

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:21 PM PST

    I'm trying to create a simple, one-page web app that just displays the location between two phones. The two phones will be fixed (basically my phone and a friend's phone, both iPhones), ie not something the user can configure. Is this possible with just html/css/javascript? If so, I'd love to get some pointers on where to get started. Should I use the geolocation API? How would I identify which two phones I'm trying to calculate the distance?

    submitted by /u/pianosoul098
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    I need help, sorry

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:26 PM PST

    I'm a tutorial monkey. I've hit a wall and don't know how to find the solutions I need. I hope maybe reddit can help me.

    I coded my own static site generator in python. I know how to use Github pages to host static content. My hope is to use webhooks to know when a Youtube video is uploaded so my script can scrape the video, and then publish the newly generated .html file to Github pages. I think Github actions can help me but because I've relied so heavily on video tutorials, I feel like an idiot because I can't understand the documentation.

    Is there a way for me to:

    2) Use Github webhooks to recieve data from a service like Zapier of IFTT.

    3) Make that webhook trigger a Github action that runs the python script.

    4) Update and commit the files with the newly scraped content to a Github repository.

    5) And then finally build/deploy/publish those newly generated .html files to Github pages.

    I know my problem overall is very specific but I just want to know if there are good tutorials or any resources that can explain each step individually. Sorry for the noobness, I'm not a comp sci student, just really passionate about coding.

    submitted by /u/Fidel_Castrated
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    Free Udemy courses for code quality

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:54 AM PST

    Hi All

    I was wondering if anyone has recommendations on any courses for code quality. The reason being I passed a hacker rank assessment but lost out on a interview opportunity because of this.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/PredatorXix
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    Are all you experts masochists?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:52 AM PST

    God damn, I just got done an 8 hour session of googling something to get one line of code done, rinse and repeat, then rinse and repeat again to only realize my whole structure was fucked up and essentially had to start over. You experienced programmers either enjoy pain or straight up David Goggins that shit and block it out. Either way, I commend you guys cause this shit is not easy. Rant over.

    submitted by /u/HousePappas
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    How to pass a variable to a SMS-to href?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:46 AM PST

    I want to offer the client the option to send a SMS prefilled with the content from a variable in my code, but I can't seem to find a solution to do this.

    I looks like this now:

    <a *href*="sms://?&body=Your%contact%code">Send a SMS</a>

    But that's only static, I can't add my variable contactCode to it.

    How should I do it?

    submitted by /u/allun11
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    I made a repository for data structures and algorithms but everything is in python at github.com/thisisshub/DSA

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 01:40 AM PST

    The title sums it up since I've searched the internet and implemented nearly all the data structures. You could think of this as a quick go through to brush up your memories as well. It is a well maintained beginner friendly repository since everything is in python.

    Repo link: here

    submitted by /u/thisisshub
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    Removing /usr/local/bin/python3 "/Users/m... from VSCode Terminal

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 11:59 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    Is there a way of getting rid of that line "/usr/local/bin/python3/Users/username/Desktop/Python/folder/filename.py" from the terminal?

    Every time I run the code, it has to be displayed, few months went by and it's starting to get annoying for some reason.

    Any way to just have the terminal to show only the run code?

    I'm using VSCode and writing in Python.


    submitted by /u/Matheos7
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    How much time did you spend on Leetcode before being confident?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:09 PM PST

    How long did it take you guys to be confident in your ability to solve (Easy) leetcode questions? I've been trying to solve a couple per day for the last week and seem to spend an hour on each question just trying to fully understand it and grasp the topic. And when I finally do understand it and move on to the next question, I'm once again lost. I was wondering if anyone else went through the same situation, or am I the odd one out? How many questions did you have to solve before being able to "speed-run" through a couple of Easy questions?

    submitted by /u/Strawberry_Gene
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    Any c# free courses

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 11:45 PM PST

    Any c# free courses on YouTube or udemy? Please link one, thanks!

    submitted by /u/thecluelessgodotuser
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    Is it possible to recreate a computer science degree curriculum using online resources like MOOCs?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 11:35 PM PST

    I want to recreate a full college degree using only online free/inexpensive resources. Is that possible?

    submitted by /u/jewsicle
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    How can I run Ruby and other languages in VS Code?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 11:29 PM PST

    I'm having a lot of trouble finding an answer to this and part of the reason is idk exactly what I'm looking for. I have VS Code but I don't know how to configure it in a way that lets me practice or experiment. The only thing it seems to do is let me write script and sometimes it'll print things on the terminal output screen. I want to mess around with new topics I'm learning and try making a text based game at some point but I literally can't interact with my code.

    My main concern rn is ruby but I plan on learning JS later too. Earlier today I got it to print one line (which took five whole seconds for some reason) then when I ran the same code with one more line asking for use input it got stuck and I couldn't even figure out how to stop it running without closing the window. I'm using a pretty old MacBook if that's relevant. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/mierecat
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