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    Friday, January 15, 2021

    Trying to start the job hunting process - can’t find recruiters Ask Programming

    Trying to start the job hunting process - can’t find recruiters Ask Programming

    Trying to start the job hunting process - can’t find recruiters

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:47 PM PST

    Hi, I've been learning to code for a long time and feel ready for some interviews. Normally i'd put myself out on linkedin, but my company is very small and they monitor our linkedins- I frequently get the notification that my boss or the company linkedin is viewing my profile, even though i have not used the profile since i got a job with them 3 years ago. the problem is, i cant get my meds without my health insurance or else it's hundreds of dollars, and i also live paycheck to paycheck and depend on every one of them. so i cant change my status on linkedin to be open to recruiters, because they view me on the company profile. i also am not in the IT industry at all, so i can't make my profile look more developer driven without it being obvious that i'm looking for a new job.

    i googled recruiters in my area, but all that is coming up is indeed, ziprecruiter, etc. i live in a city and i know the jobs are here for entry level web dev. how do i find recruiters without using linkedin?

    submitted by /u/creedthot
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    What is the time complexity of my code?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:16 PM PST

    I am trying to find the largest and second-largest number from a list.

    This is the code I have written to do that and wanted the time complexity of O(n) and I think I got it but I am not sure so need your help guys to know the time complexity of my code.


    submitted by /u/DangerousWish2266
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    Advice regarding web development

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:15 PM PST

    I've tried getting into web development several times in the past but to no avail. I program in C++ and Python, and have tried learning Django and now Flask because I believe basic web development is a handy skill to possess. But I just can't seem to get fluent at it. My usual workflow while working on a web development project comes down to this:

    1. I write code for a utility in python and realise that it could serve its purpose better with a website
    2. Start looking for popular frameworks in Python
    3. Read blog posts detailing why either Django or Flask is better
    4. Start watching tutorial series with either of the two.
    5. Realise that learning the framework initially involves a lot of copying and pasting with little logic (I feel like I'm wrong about this one)
    6. I find it difficult to adapt from the tutorial to my particular utility
    7. I lose patience and give up altogether and by doing so I also abandon all the progress I've made, and convince myself that I'm only a backend developer at my core,and decide to start a new backend project in python
    8. GOTO 1.

    I'm once again stuck at step 5.5 right now, and this time I've decided to ask my reddit brethren for help. So my questions are:

    1. Is this how web development is ?
    2. How does one remember html tags ? ( There are so many of them along with so many attributes)
    3. Do I have to learn Javascript or can I get away with it by using only python ?

    In addition to these questions, I'd greatly appreciate it if you guys could suggest tips and tricks and share your personal experience regarding this situation.

    My goal is not to become a full fledged web developer, but to develop skills necessary to at least make lightweight websites for my back end utilities.

    submitted by /u/nemo-1999
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    What backend technology to use

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:42 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm planning on building a ride sharing app and am new to web dev. What backend technology do you recommend I use that would be simple but effective. For example I've heard there's node js, php, flask, Django etc


    submitted by /u/Otherwise-Royal9230
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    Tampermonkey Issue

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 07:31 PM PST

    So I have this code here which I think works but it doesn't. I have no idea why, could someone help me here. I'm trying to remove the "Rick Astley posted a new material" thing in front because it blocks the actual name of the assignment.

    The @ autocorrects to u/ and I don't know how to fix that either. Just pretend it's an @

    // ==UserScript==

    // u/nameClassroom Name Fixer Goddamned Thingy Is So Dumb Why Did Google Do This I Thought They We're Smarter Than This They Hired So Many People Too How Was This Overlooked And Why Did Nobody Complain Yet

    // u/namespaceA

    // u/version0.69

    // u/description REEEEEEE

    // u/authorsome gUy

    // u/matchhttps://classroom.google.com/*

    // u/grantnone

    // u/run-atdocument-end

    // ==/UserScript==

    (function() {

    'use strict';

    function run () {

    var e = document.getElementsByClassName("Thing Code Here")[0];

    if (e) {

    var str = e.innerHTML;

    str = str.replace("Name - Class (Number) posted a new", "");

    e.innerHTML = str;

    } else {

    setTimeout(run, 500);





    submitted by /u/OGName333
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    How do you create your code snippets?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:33 PM PST

    Whether it's for educational purposes in a tutorial or just sharing an idea with a friend, often in our dev workflow it's important to know some beautiful code snippet creation tools.

    From capturing directly from code editor I use Polacode. If I need a specific design for the snippet, I usually use Carbon.sh

    What are your weapons/methods of choice?

    submitted by /u/madza911
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    Are IDE's a crutch for programmers?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 05:38 AM PST

    I think I have heard of this somewhere on the internet that "real programmers don't use IDE's" instead they code with something like the Linux command line?

    Are IDE's a crutch for programmers, if so why? I feel like using an IDE is a lot easier to write code than the Linux command line. For example the IDE underlines errors that are in the code, but with VIM it doesn't really do that until I try to compile the program and it states the errors in the code?

    submitted by /u/Darunia336
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    Looking for a partner for a fun project

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 03:18 PM PST

    I don't know if this is the place to post this. I would appreciate it if i was pointed in the right direction.

    Hello, I'm looking for someone who would be interested in joining me for a fun project. It's going to be a scraper bot. You will handle the code and I'll make the ui/ux.

    If you are an honest human and you are interested, please send me a PM/chat request!

    submitted by /u/Melvinak
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    Please help: I'm stuck on designing an algorithm that finds the lowest possible total of a list of values, with conditions.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:36 AM PST

    There are two lists of items of arbitrary order. The first list is the positive list, where each item just has a value. The second list is the negative list, where each item has a value AND a list containing one or more references to items in the positive list.

    I'm trying to find the lowest possible total sum of all the values in the positive list. The items in the negative list are allowed to subtract from the values in the positive list using the following rules:

    • Each negative item can only subtract from the items in its reference list.
    • The lowest a positive item can go is 0. If a positive item reaches 0 the remainder from the negative value can be used to subtract from other items in its reference list.
    • The total amount each negative item subtracts over one or more positive items cannot be higher than the negative item's value.

    Example 1:

    Positive item List:

    A) 0.6

    B) 0.3

    Negative item List:

    i) 0.5 , referencelist: A

    ii) 0.2, referencelist: B

    The negative items simply subtract from their respective positive items, and the result is A=0.1, B=0.1. So the total sum is 0.2. There is no way to achieve a lower total.

    Example 2:

    Positive List:

    A) 0.6

    B) 0.9

    Negative List:

    i) 0.7 , referencelist: A,B

    ii) 0.6 , referencelist: A

    If we first take away i from A, A will become 0 and i will be 0.1. Then taking that remaining 0.1 away from B, B will be 0.8. Whereas if instead we first took away i from B, B would be 0.2. And then we can take away ii from A.

    As you can see, changing the order of operations changed the final values of the positive items. The total went from 0.8 to 0.2.

    How can I write an algorithm that finds the lowest possible total final sum of positive values?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Rhubarbist
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    How do you stay productive?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:13 PM PST

    I really want to take my dev productivity to the next level, and was wondering how you guys stay on track, either through tools, routines, processes, etc.

    One of my biggest challenges with working with the browser is getting distracted by relevant links and videos when I'm searching something.

    I think I also tend to drift off into "over-optimize code that doesn't need fixing" when I get tired, and start playing with code that often doesn't push my projects forward.

    I would like to get to a point where I can push multiple meaningful changes out everyday, and not get distracted by peripheral stuff.

    submitted by /u/rantow
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    Running Programs from External Hard Drive?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 01:53 PM PST

    Hey all,

    Quick questions regarding the limitations of running executables from an external hard drive.

    AFAIK there are two major obstacles with attempting this: (1) data rates and (2) dynamically linked binaries with the OS.

    (1) Modern SSDs and communication protocols like USB 3.2 seem to provide enough throughput to compete with internal hard drives. Thoughts?

    (2) Can programs be uncoupled from the OS and made static at the expense of hard drive space? Or are there files linked with computer hardware that restrict this altogether?

    I ask because I will be likely changing machines several times over the next year or two, and was hoping to maintain a portable library of all of my bloated EE software and IDEs.


    submitted by /u/EquestrianSleepSauce
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    How do “Netflix party” browser extensions work?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 06:23 AM PST

    Where multiple people are connected in a session and playback is synchronized.

    submitted by /u/Austin_Aaron_Conlon
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    Noob question regarding coding

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:27 AM PST

    Well, the question is extremely vague, but I will try to explain it as good as I can.

    Basically, I'd like to know how to write a program that can use/simulate the input devices to send input in, say a textbox. For example, be it C++ or java or anything else, what library/package do I need to have to write a program that when run, will ITSELF write something in a .txt file.

    That is, I want the program to simulate the keyboard presses to write a sentence, for example "hello world" in a txt file or a browser textbox and so on. Same goes for the mouse clicks. How do I write a program that can select all the checkboxes//radio boxes in a google form, for example?

    Please let me know if I need to clarify myself more. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Redeemer_X
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    How do you find a code mentor to learn to contribute to open source projects? Even willing to pay for one, tried codementor.io but has been useless.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 03:43 PM PST

    I'm trying to simultaneously learn Golang and contribute to Terraform to demonstrate learned skills. The problem is I can't seem to find anyone skilled/brave enough to help carve out a path for me to learn. I'm even willing to pay up to $1/minute or so for a tutor's time, if they're good enough. Anyone have suggestions or ideas?

    submitted by /u/IndieDiscovery
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    Can't seem to figure out this greedy algorithm's mistake

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 10:16 AM PST

    Have to create a greedy algorithm that takes in num_fs (number of fuel stations), dist_fs (distance of fuel stations from start) and cost_fs (cost of fuel at each station) and get the minimum cost out of it. My code works most of the time but it gives the wrong output if I put values such as

    0, 120, 160, 180, 220 for distance and

    10, 50, 60, 40, 0 for cost (last is 0 since we have arrived).

    It takes the one at cost 50, misses 60 which is fine but then skips out of 40. My brain is kinda fried so id appreciate some help in my code.

    // Minimize Fuel Costs int optionZero(int num_fs, int dist_fs[], int cost_fs[]){ int count = 0, curr = 0, last = 0, total_cost = cost_fs[0]; int fuel_wasted = 0; int fuel_used; int best_cost = INT_MAX; cout << "\nStart at fuel station: " << curr+1 << ", cost: " << cost_fs[curr]; while(curr < num_fs - 1){ best_cost = INT_MAX; last = curr; while((dist_fs[curr+1] - dist_fs[last]) <= 200 && curr < num_fs - 1){ if(cost_fs[curr+1] <= best_cost){ best_cost = cost_fs[curr+1]; curr++; } else{ break; } } if(curr == last){ return -1; } if(curr < num_fs){ if(curr != num_fs - 1){ cout << "\nStop at fuel station: " << curr+1 << ", cost: " << cost_fs[curr]; count++; } total_cost += cost_fs[curr]; fuel_used = dist_fs[curr] - dist_fs[last]; fuel_wasted += 200 - fuel_used; } } cout << "\nEnd at fuel station: " << curr+1; cout << "\nTotal cost: " << total_cost; cout << "\nFuel wasted: " << fuel_wasted; return count; } 
    submitted by /u/TastyNovel
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    Postman vs Insomnia: which API testing tool do you use?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:33 PM PST

    API testing is a crucial part of web development, allowing us to pass a specific set of data (or not) to application and making sure the expected response is returned, without using fancy UIs.

    Currently I'm using Postman for this purpose, tho I've seen more and more people using Insomnia lately.

    Which API testing tool do you prefer and why?

    submitted by /u/madza911
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    What wireframing tools do you use?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:33 PM PST

    Wireframing is schematic or screen blueprint, is a visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a website. It's an essential step after the initial planning of the idea, data and users.

    Recently I discovered draw.io, which has been awesome for this purpose.

    What wireframing tools do you use?

    submitted by /u/madza911
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    How are classic internet forums developed?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 06:25 AM PST

    I've seen a lot of forums like tenforums.com and I like how's designed. I wanted to know how's made, and if it uses a software or if it's made from scratch in html.

    submitted by /u/al3x_7788
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    React Typescript How to clear state

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 01:05 PM PST

    Thank you so much

    submitted by /u/HassRammal15
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    i learned basic JavaScript what next?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:40 AM PST

    so, I have been learning JavaScript for about 3 weeks and learned how to use it comfortably, I am thinking of finding a new language to learn (I am so sorry for saying this, because of how frequently people ask this it might be frustrating for you ) I am between java and python, I asked 2 programmers that I know what should I learn next, one of them told me to learn java and the other HTML ( I am not into html and CSS because I am more interested in software engineering ) so with the given information what do you think I should learn next?

    submitted by /u/wolfakix
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    How to scrape data on page that requires CAS login

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:10 AM PST

    The page requires a university CAS login. Also the data is only displayed in inspect element and not in the html from the page source code.

    One way I have successfully scraped the data is by copying the XHR network request from chrome devtools into a python requests convertor and then printing the request. However, this only works for that session.

    Is there another way to scrape that data without having to manually copy and paste the request every time I login to the CAS protocol? Given that the user is already authenticated, is there a way to scrape the data from the page with it already open?

    submitted by /u/apark61
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    Do you guys find many programmers play video games?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 11:22 PM PST

    Hey, as the title suggests, I was wondering how it is in your environment. Is there a lot of gaming going around? (Not considering the pandemic year, of course) If so, what are the games preferred, is there a certain type or a title that's big among programmers?

    submitted by /u/fauxhb
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    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:31 AM PST

    [EDIT: I hit the wrong button and now can't update the title 😑. It should read JAVA - update variable within onclickListener ]

    Hi, apologies if this is really basic. I have 2 buttons in my app.

    • One (RANDOM) generates a random string.
    • The other button is supposed to display that string (VIEW).

    When loading the initial activity, a random string is generated, and displayed on the activity.

    When you hit the RANDOM button, it updates the layout with the new string. Unfortunately I can't get the VIEW option to reflect any value produced from hitting RANDOM. It is stuck on the original value (generated when the activity starts).

    A System.out.println(random) 

    shows that the variable is not being updated within the onClickListener block of the VIEW button


    // Activity load: random = getRandom // VIEW button: view (random) // RANDOM button: random = getRandom TextView = random 

    Any pointers? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/KERR_KERR
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    As computing power increases, will maximum time-efficient algorithms be relevant anymore?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 01:37 AM PST

    If Google claims to have a quantum computer 100 million times faster than any classical one, that would mean that even if there's an O(2^n) algorithm, it wouldn't even be that much slower than O(n^2) algorithm in most use cases, unless the size of n increases dramatically as well.

    I'm very new to time complexity etc., so why should I care about it if computing power will increase so much?

    submitted by /u/Error40404
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