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    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    Target audience matters A LOT. A short anecdote on general vs targeted ads.

    Target audience matters A LOT. A short anecdote on general vs targeted ads.

    Target audience matters A LOT. A short anecdote on general vs targeted ads.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    I try to keep it short, might be interesting for some who (as myself) did not take this serious enough:

    A while ago a payed for reddit ads and got around 50 new users with quite bad user retention. The subreddits I chose have been roughly the target audience, but also generic ones like mobilegames.

    Then I collaborated with a youtuber with exactly my target audience (non-casuals) which also resulted in around 50 new users but the retention and engagement are on a completely different level.

    So in terms of new users, that means that an advertisement can easily have double the effect just by choosing very wisely which one it will reach. That could already be the difference of actually generating income from an advertisement instead of loosing money.

    submitted by /u/GermapurApps
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    With solo-dev indie budget, I made this limited presspack/collector edition for my game at home.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    With solo-dev indie budget, I made this limited presspack/collector edition for my game at home.

    Making of the Beryllium Edition

    With indie games, especially small mostly solo-developed indie games, we need to stand out in order to get to our audience. We could do a best game world has seen, but you need people to hear about it in order to play it. One way is to use digital channels, but there is something special about having a nice, physical copy.

    I estimated I'll need around 20 copies to send out to selected press (as international mail can get quite expensive), and with this volume ordering something custom is prohibitively expensive.

    That's why I decided to make some in-house.

    Full Beryllium Edition box contents

    The star of the show is of course a 3d-printed articulated box. Fortunately, I already have a 3d-printer, so all it took was to design the box itself. I reused in-game 3d models of asteroids and a week of experiments later I had a working prototype.

    Inside there is an Art/lore book, a in-universe starship service records booklet, a printed short story set in universe, a CD box with OST and keys to the ship. No, not a Steam key, but actual 3d keys (with the code underneath).

    An artbook and booklets are printed and bound in-house. I was considering using a bookprinting or bookbinding services, but again - with just 20 units pricing was prohibitive. Fortunately both printing and binding was quite easy and an enjoyable break from game development.

    While making one of these costs less than $8 in materials, it takes 16 hours total to print all the parts - but for 20 unit run I had planned I should have it ready by end of the month. Assembling and binding the items is takes a lot less time, so I just set aside half a hour every second day to assemble what's out from the printers.

    Machines used:

    • 3d printer: Prusa Mk2S. I already had that, but any printer should do.
    • Epson EcoTank L5190 for inkjet printing of the booklets, covers and the artbook. Chosen specifically because of the huge ink tanks with inexpensive inks coupled with really good photo quality. Without such printer making an artbook with multiple dark images of the sky would eat up all the budget in ink.
    • Assortment of DIY stuff I already had.


    • Filament - PLA. It's the plastic the boxes, asteroids, gears and keys are made of.
    • Papers. Choosing a right paper will make or break your print. If you want deep dark colors (as I did) you need to get a proper photo paper. Here is what I used:
      • Glossy photo paper 120g/m for DVD box covers
      • Matte stick-on CD labels for the OST CD's
      • Glossy photo paper 180g/m for book covers
      • Matte two-sided photo paper 140g/m for the artbook
      • Satin paper 160g/m for booklets.

    Funny thing, when my players heard of me doing these personally really rushed with requests to get them on sale. With the volume I'm making that's out of the question, but I figured I can make another one a month for some special competition.

    TL;DR: Making 20 limited pressboxes / collector editions at home with 3d-printer and inkjet. Less than $8 a piece with roughly half a hour of assembly.

    Game: ΔV: Rings of Saturn

    submitted by /u/koderski
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    Learned Motion Matching - SIGGRAPH 2020, Ubisoft La Forge

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    This may be the wrong question to be asking, but are there any game devs who are willing to take me under their wing and let me do some work for them? I don’t want money, I just want the experience.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    I'm really wanting to get into game development and I don't have any experience in it. It's been a lifelong dream of mine, so I figured I need to start at the bottom. I don't want anything in return besides the opportunity to be able to help someone develop a game they're working on. Not sure if this is the right sub to ask this, but I figured I'd give it a shot!

    submitted by /u/LMikeyy
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    Simplify Your Life With Mesh Simplifier in Unity

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    Does anyone else fantasize about making their game fulltime?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    I've been making games obsessively since university three years ago, and now almost a year into my first Web development job I can't stop thinking about it.

    I've been working 4 hours every evening and more on the weekends on a game for the last half a year. I make mini goals, like if I work for 4 hours every evening for another 3 months I'll take a year off to work on the game. If I release a trailer or dev vlog that gets over 20,000 views I'll take a year off. If I get the game to the point where it could be finished in a year I'll take a year off.

    I've scrimped and saved over 10kGBP for this fantasy. I look at rental prices in cheaper countries in Europe and Asia to work out how long I'd be able to survive. I've joined digital nomad groups for tips on living for cheap. I look at street-view around Airbnbs in Thailand, Vietnam, Bucharest to basically imagine my potential life.

    But at the same time its so risky and stupid. I already work hard on the game every evening, so quitting my job would at most only double my output. Why would I be willing to give up a decent salary, all my savings and pause my career just for my game to release twice as fast.

    I debate whether I just don't like my job, or if this is an existential itch I need to scratch. I constantly flip between "it would be a waste of time and money" and "I can always find a job afterwards, in the grand scheme of things its not a big deal". Does anyone else think about this stuff?

    submitted by /u/Sad-Height-9965
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    TUTORIAL - How To Create Special Abilities with Cooldown.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    For Unity developers: a simple character selection system :)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Anyone need a composer?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm looking for work as a composer but would also be down to collaborate with hobbyists just for fun also!!

    I'll post my soundcloud below if you are interested :


    submitted by /u/UrNotAlone117
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    Very interesting and in-depth post by the devs from Satisfactory about Network Optimization!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    How did Shadow of Mordor do the Warlord introduction music?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    Something I always thought was pretty badass about Shadow of Mordor was the chant of the Warlords name that happens when you encounter one in game.

    Here's a demonstration about what I'm talking about.

    I checked and according to this wiki page these are all the possible Warlord names.

    Akoth Amûg Ar-Baruk Ar-Beka Ar-Gul Ar-Kaius Ar-Karo Ar-Pratu Ashgarn Az-Adar Az-Bror Az-Rans Azdûsh Azgrom Bagabug Bagga Barfa Baz (Unique) Blorg Bolg Borgu Bork Brogg Bruz (Unique) Bûbol Bûth Dharg Dûgz Dûgza Dûsh Dûshrat Feldûsh Felgrat Flak Flogg Folgûm Garl Ghâm Ghash Ghûra Gimûb Glûk Golm Gorfel Gorgûm Goroth Grisha Grom Grûblik Gruk Gubu Gûnd Gûndza Hoglik Horhog Hork Horza Hoshgrish Hoshû Hûmgrat Hûra Ishgha Ishmoz Kâka Khrosh Koth Kothûg Krimp Krakhorn Krûk Kûga Kugáluga Lamlûg Latbag Lorm Lûga Lûgdash Lûgnak Mâku Malmûg Mogg Mormog Mozfel Mozû Mûg Muggrish Mûglûk Mûzglob Nákra Nazdûg Názkûga Nazû Norsko Norûk Ogbur Ogg Ogthrak Olgoth Olrok Orthog Pâsh Pígug Prâk Pûg Pûgrish Pushkrimp Râsh Ratak Ratanák Ratbag (unique) Ratlûg Ronk Rûg Rûkdûg Shag Shágflak Shaká Skak Skog Skoth Skûn Snafû Snagog Takra Târz Thakrak Thrak Torz Tûgog Tûhorn Tûkâ Tûmhom Tûmûg Ugol Ûgakûga Ûggû Ûkbûk Ûkrom Ûkshak Ur-Dag Ur-Edin Ur-Lasu Ur-Lisak Ur-Masi Ûshbaka Ûshgol Uthûg Zâthra Zog (unique) Zogdûsh Zûgor Zûmug Zunn 

    There's a lot there, how did they get a theme for each one? Did they just get their sound people to record 141 different tracks?

    submitted by /u/Huw2k8
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    Small games

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    While I'm working on a project for making a bigger game, I want to have a side project as well. For this I shall let you decide. Comment what kind of game you would like to see me make, and I'll do the best suggestions. Go all crazy on it. The genre, the gameplay, anything you wish. Multiplayer is off the list tho. It should be just a small fun game that I can create in my free time.

    submitted by /u/DamienZdr
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    Unity FPS tutorial #2: Finishing Up Animations for Our Gun!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Are pixel art indie games outdated?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Excuse my ignorance since I haven't done a large amount of market research.

    To me it seems like the days of really popular pixel art games are kind of coming to an end. You have really good games like Terraria, Enter the Gungeon, and Stardew Valley that released 2016 and before, and to me it seems like these types of games aren't really becoming hits anymore compared to 3D indie games like Risk of Rain 2.

    If I were to get into indie game dev, it's hard to decide between 3D and 2D because while 2D is much less work for assets and can look pretty nice, it just seems like 2D pixel art indie games are just a cliche now.

    Am I just plain wrong?

    submitted by /u/wienour
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    Do you want OSTs for your game?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Greetings from Turkey (unfortunately).

    Expert multi-genre composer over here.

    I have worked on other music industries since 2016 but recently I joined the video game music industry and I ABSOLUTELY loved it as a gamer.

    I trust my skills and quality, so you will be happy with my portfolio.

    Turkey's economy is collapsing and dollar is so expensive that 100 USD is literally enough to live for 2 weeks. This is why I work for ridiculous prices, and I make it even cheaper if I like the game! (because I want to add to my portfolio).

    Email me and let's create something: yuketo.music@gmail.com

    submitted by /u/yuketo
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    Hey guys i have a question about unity and c#.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    I want to learn to create my games in unity. I have learned c++ just by watching a 10 hour guide(im not saying im a pro at it or something but i would like to think i know it), of course it took longer because i had to do some practice. The same guy i watched has a 6 hour guide on c# as in the whole language. So im asking should i learn and watch other guides that are specifically for making games or i should learn the language in general ? Sorry for bad English.

    submitted by /u/MilordDarius
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    Survey For A Potentially NSFW Game I'm Developing

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Hey guys! For all the Fall Guys lovers, here is a tutorial where we recreate the background using Shader Graph. Hope you like it! :)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    2D side scroller, level depth design

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    Hello all my fellow devs/aspiring, I've been trying to tackle an issue of depth in my side scrolling action rpg, and hoping you may help shed some insight.

    I'm aiming for a "vertical" setup, interconnected organically and many branching paths/exploring spots for loot and secrets.

    I've already made a few versions of the same level, they implore a castlevania stair system, paths behind what you see and in front of. Hiding and showing layers to keep the player visible, while hopefully adding a feeling of depth and exploration. But I also am toying with having vertical doors to exit/enter areas along with the typical horizontal frame to frame movement.

    I cant seem to decide what would work the best, or be less cluttered. I see alot of 2d games having a set frame size for a room, then it goes to a different frame for the next. Some are larger, some are a few screens wide/tall for scrolling. Currently im using a constant follow style, not even a hiccup from room to room. I even have the outside and inside of buildings, not just a hollowed black background.

    Then I even had a prototype trying to throw in some beat-em-up vertical movement for the various pathes, that seems to be the most difficult to implement.. The coding for the combat alone on 2-3 axis plains would be a chore and a half..

    Which method would work the best, or less of a cluttered mess for the player? Am I just way over thinking all of this? It is the project ive spent years writing and world building, so I may just be second guessing myself..

    submitted by /u/-SeaShanties-
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    Can you recommend some level design articles or perhaps some free tutorial?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    TUTORIAL - How To Create Special Abilities with Cooldown- UE4 - Link in the first Comment

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Help with new Input System. Having trouble reproducing Input.GetButtonDown or similar, to check that button is being held.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Hi guys.

    Very new to Unity and C#. Apologies if I use any improper terminology.

    I've been messing around with a basic car movement script to move my object forward with a single button and a rigidbody. It worked great when using the old input system with an Input.GetButtonDown, in Update.

    I'm having trouble reproducing it with the new Input System, because I cant figure out how to detect that I'm holding down the assigned button. It seems to register once, and doesn't recheck to see if the buttton is held. I've tried a few things, including changing the button interaction to "Hold". I put a Debug.Log text check to see if its registering the key, it is. I also have the rigid body assigned. CarControls (class?) refers to the script/class I generated when creating my Inputs.

    Sorry if I'm not explaining it great. Any ideas? Here is my (probably awful) script. Thanks!

    (also, is there a better way to post script then just copy/pasting?)

    public class CarMovement : MonoBehaviour


    CarControls controls;

    public float maxSpeed = 6f;

    public float timeZerotoMax = 2.5f;

    float accelRatePerSec;

    float forwardVelocity;

    public Rigidbody theRb;

    private void Awake()


    controls = new CarControls();


    private void Start()


    accelRatePerSec = maxSpeed / timeZerotoMax;

    forwardVelocity = 0f;


    private void OnEnable()


    controls.Movement.Accelerate.performed += DriveForward;



    private void OnDisable()


    controls.Movement.Accelerate.performed += DriveForward;



    private void DriveForward(InputAction.CallbackContext context )


    if (context.performed)


    forwardVelocity += accelRatePerSec * Time.deltaTime;

    forwardVelocity = Mathf.Min(forwardVelocity, maxSpeed);

    theRb.AddForce(transform.forward * forwardVelocity);





    submitted by /u/bertyschmews
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    Low Poly Bows Free NOW!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Low Poly Bows Free NOW!

    Hi, i have maded this low poly bows pack for your games.

    Its complete free and you can use for any games or projects, If u use them please send me a screenshot to see the work.

    Just give me some credit to grow my twitter and do more assets for you guys.

    If you have any questions or problem you can contact me on my Twitter.

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreativeSky2000

    Link: https://creativesky.itch.io/low-poly-bow-pack

    Cheers :D


    submitted by /u/Zsky2000
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