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    Monday, September 21, 2020

    How to learn how to write good code for big projects without getting a job or being in a university learn programming

    How to learn how to write good code for big projects without getting a job or being in a university learn programming

    How to learn how to write good code for big projects without getting a job or being in a university

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    I spent the last few months learning Python basics and believe I know them quite well. I have written small messy programs and now want to learn how to write better, production code for real life big projects (especially software used for science and AI because I maybe want to become a Physicist or AI researcher). With big projects and good code I mean software used in big companies such as Tesla, SpaceX, Google, NASA, Apple, etc. Should I first learn how computers/technology in general works as I'm also interested in that?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/computer_man789
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    How many years or months did it take you to feel comfortable coding or create most of the things you want?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    When did you feel like you were a decent programmer?

    submitted by /u/Sincjefe
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    Help me understand the magnitude of developing a game for the N64

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Hello, I have below novice understanding of coding. I took some intro coding classes in highschool and we used Java so I understand some basic coding syntax and can understand some level of programming jokes, I'm trying to learn C# by coding in Unity

    While observing some N64 games I think it's fascinating how limited developers were with the N64 and how they were able to manage creating video games. It makes feel inspired to look at the N64 architecture in the documentation and learn C to make like a small game for it.

    I feel like working closely developing for an old console will give me more perspective about ge development in general and understand how games work in the first place

    This is probably super useless to learn something so outdated, old and obsolete technology really interests me development wise. How hard would it be to get a simple pong game going on the console? How big is the mountain that I'm looking at to achieve here?

    submitted by /u/reviving_society
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    Douglas college or Langara? + bootcamp?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm currently looking at IT courses in Vancouver and was wondering if anyone could offer some insight as to which one would be the most useful for the future. My first choice was a bootcamp in web development (Brainstation or Light house) but neither offer a PGWP after graduation. So I have to take a program at college or university, currently I have 2 options :

    -Information and Communication Technology (Post-Degree Diploma) at Douglas College (https://www.douglascollege.ca/program/pdict)

    -Internet and Web Technology at Langara College (https://langara.ca/programs-and-courses/programs/internet-web-technology/program-curriculum.html)

    I am somewhat familiar with coding but honestly I don't know what traits are currently in demand or what should I be focusing on. As a general strategy what u guys think about doing the program college and also the bootcamp, or no need ? And also as a side note, does anyone know how likely is for tech companies to hire an immigrant? (Maybe its a silly question, but hey, its 2020 and everything is crazy)

    Thank you for taking the time to answer.

    submitted by /u/Davidaste03
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    A short list of inspiring and educative Software Developers #Part 2

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    I want to share with you the second part of a list of software developers I use to follow on RSS, GitHub, social media, YouTube and other channels. They are very inspiring and educative to me, so I encourage you to keep an eye on the amazing work they do.

    The order of the list does not follow any criteria. I hope you find it really interesting!


    In order of appearance: Davis King, David Murray, John Carmack, Bob Nystrom, Kamil Debowski, Fabrice Bellard

    submitted by /u/anadalg
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    Consistency and understanding - not hours

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    Just wanted to give my $0.02 regarding the 'hours' that a lot of people are talking about on here. Now I've been learning HTML/CSS/JS the last 2 months I'd say and I've done a fair bit of lurking on this subreddit during this time.

    The advice is pretty much as it goes. Dedicate 14 hours a day if you actually want to make it within 3-6 months. Build a personal project and then get after a job role. I might be wrong but just the general feeling I get.

    Putting in the actual hard work via hours is super important and theres no debate on that, however I also have to argue that you need to understand what is the point at which for you the hours your putting in is the point of diminishing returns.

    What I mean is that are you just putting in certain amount of hours everyday because you feel you have to? Or are you doing it to actually tackle the next task? I've come to realise that consistency is the most important thing with writing code everyday. You may have the ability to do 14 hours one day but only 30 mins the next. I'd say as long as you are committed to putting in the work everyday you'll get there.

    I've had days recently where I've done a 14 hour day learning and understanding JS but the next day my brain is absolutely fried on a certain topic. If I'm only 5 hours in and I try push myself I get into a negative mindset because I can't solve it and it all starts spiralling downwards (for me that is). Instead I take a break or call it a day and get on with the rest of my day.

    Seems counter-intuitive but I know I need time to process the information and I can come back again the next day fresh rather than getting burnt out and I may feel anxiety towards coding altogether. It's a delicate balance and only you know where that point is.

    Just thought I'd offer a different perspective. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/rameezrk
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    How do I create a programming language?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:23 AM PDT

    Hello everybody,

    How exactly do I create a programming language of my own using Python? I checked a couple. of videos and read a couple of articles but they don't seem to make sense for me. Could anyone give a brief summary? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Proman28610
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    Is it possible to code from an android device?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Thanks to anyone who answered

    submitted by /u/kamine69
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    Java - What is the first <R> in this method signature for map on a Stream?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    <R> Stream<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper); 

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/SWEWorkAccount
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    I feel like I’m not allowed to post this here but I don’t know why not. I doubt anyone can relate to this or has any information for me but imma try anyways. I want to make a mod for a game called rim world.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    Edit one actually. It is the well known multiplayer mod. I want to make it to where certain players can only control certain characters. So say me and Henry and Steven were playing I want to make it to where Steven and Henry and I are all assigned a character and none of us can control one we weren't assigned to. How would I go about doing this. Also if there's a better subreddit to ask this to please redirect me. Also I'm not asking for you to write the code. But I've never missed before so I need some guidance on how. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/NathanTuc
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    Most efficient algorithm for searching object keys or arrays of objects using string similarity in JavaScript

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    First of all, I want to acknowledge that this is perhaps a very sophisticated problem; however, I have not been able to find a definitive answer for it online so I'm looking for suggestions.

    Suppose I want to collect a list containing millions of strings, values of these strings are sentences that a user has typed. For example:

    ["Hello world!", "Good morning, my name is John", "Good morning, everyone"] 

    But I also want to have a timeout for each string so if they are not repeated within 5 min, they should be removed, so I change it to following format:

    [{message:"Hello world!", timeout: NodeJS.Timeout, count: 1}, {message:"Good morning, my name is John", timeout: NodeJS.Timeout, count: 1}, {message:"Good morning, everyone", timeout: NodeJS.Timeout, count: 1}] 

    Now suppose a user types the following message:

    Good morning, everyBODY
    I want to compare this string to all the messages in list and if one is 70% or more similar, update the count of that message, otherwise insert it as a new message. For this message for example, the application should update the count for Good morning, everyone
    to be equal to 2.

    Since users can type a lot of messages in a short amount of time, the algorithm must also support fast insertion, searching, and deleting after the timeout.

    What is the best way to implement this? or are there any libraries to help me with this?

    NOTE: The strings do not need to be in an array, any data structure would work. I have looked at B-Trees, Nearest Neighbor, etc but I can't figure out what would be the best solution

    submitted by /u/AidenH74
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    What does it mean when people in the computer science industry say they know data structures and algorithms?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    I'm a second year CS student and I've learned and implemented data structures like linked lists, heaps, array lists, BSTs etc as well as implemented some algorithms in my projects, but when people say that they know them what level of knowledge and application are they talking about?

    submitted by /u/Escapee_Cheerio
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    How can I use the Observer pattern for GUI components in Java?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    I'm new to learning the Observer pattern. How can I use it for a GUI environment?

    submitted by /u/kp4ws
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    How should I implement the International Phonetic Alphabet in a program?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    I'm trying to represent the International Phonetic Alphabet and common phonological changes programmatically. I'd like to use Python, but I'm happy to use another tool.

    Most of what I intend to do is modelling language evolution, something like: "for a given string of IPA characters (word, morpheme, etc.), find a consonant between any two vowels and, if it is unvoiced, make it voiced; otherwise, elide (delete) it and merge the vowels into a dipthong." To my mind, this can be done with operations on a list of IPA chars (themselves maybe a custom-built class) and lookups on some kind of table-like structure (hash table?). One might be able to implement common changes in the data structure itself, i.e. lenition (softening/weakening of a sound) could just be a pointer from a given symbol to its lenition counterpart (t -> d, for example). I have no idea if this is actually a good idea, just a thought.

    As an example, a consonant in the IPA has 4 features that can be used to describe the character in the basic IPA chart: airstream mechanism, place of articulation, manner of articulation, and voicing. You can get a bit nuts with further subtle details, but these are the primary distinctions that define any given consonant in any given language. Here's the full table as an example: https://www.internationalphoneticalphabet.org/ipa-charts/ipa-symbols-chart-complete/

    I tried using a dict with 4-length tuples to store each character for lookup, but it feels... kinda ugly to me.

    What do you all think? Given the data and the use-case, where should I start?

    submitted by /u/Inquisitive_Kitmouse
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    I need a program for data analysis, but I'm not sure whether to write it myself or to find something that does what I need already

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    Hi. I want to keep track of daily activities and run some analysis on them, like occurrences, concurrent occurrences, search, frequency and averages etc.

    I don't know if this can be done with excel, or if I should try to write something.

    It should be mentioned that I really want to get into programming (again), so even if excel does all of this already I'm inclined to write something myself, I just need to know what language I should start with.

    submitted by /u/OktoberStorm
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    Storing a large-amount of persisting data of different things using Python?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    Howdy. Been working on a new project that has to do with tracking the positions of celestial objects using the RA/Dec coordinate system. I have a simple program that allows the user to input the RA and Dec coordinates, but I'm having trouble thinking of a way to store these for long term use in a single location.

    I could have text files for each and every body, IE: "mars.txt", "mercury.txt", "saturn.txt", etc., but I plan on tracking a very large amount of objects, and I would really much like to have one central way of storing this information. Could it be done in a single text file? Maybe it's possible to separate the text file into "sections?" I don't have a lot of experience with this and would appreciate the help. Thanks guys.

    submitted by /u/JellySugardust
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    How do search engines work for mispellings?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    Do they just do an Edit Distance on your search query with something like "at most 2 edit distances" and check everyone of those to see if it's in their database and return the ones with the highest page rank?

    submitted by /u/Professional-Lion-77
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    DSA Study Group

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    Hello Learners,

    I am an engineering student from India, and recently I have started preparing for coding interviews.
    Before Covid-19, I used to study anything with my friends in college, which made me realize that group study is much much more effective than solo learning.
    Now that we are locked in our homes due to the circumstances, I want to create a virtual study group for Learning Data Structures and Algorithms for coding interviews as I will be applying for jobs in a few months. I welcome everyone interested or experienced SWE (to be our mentor) to join the given Discord link and do collective learning.

    Discord link: https://discord.gg/NxTTbZ4

    submitted by /u/ayush_parhi
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    [C#] Questions about trying to display data from an API using POST request

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm trying to display the response from an API POST request on a C# ASP.NET MVC web app.

    I'm pretty lost, just a new student, no idea what's going on.

    The code which does this must be in C# and the results from the POST request need to be taken and displayed on the website. I have absolutely 0 idea how to even start, I've tried googling but the problem is I don't even know if the guides are what I'm after. One of the guides I've looked at is this, but I'm not sure if it's right.

    I have Postman, not even sure what it does but I'm basically trying to get the results from the bottom to be displayed on the site. https://imgur.com/a/kxjitGA (don't know if these things are sensitive so I just blurred the important-looking stuff)

    The thing I'm confused about is aren't post requests suppose to put something up through a form or something while GET requests pull the data. However, I was told to use this POST request to get the data onto my site.

    If anyone has a link to a guide or can help clear things up a bit will be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/xMuGetSzu
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    C++ Descending Order confusion help!!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    Hi so my assignment is to write a functino in descending order but I can't use a index operator. I made my ascending order just fine I just don't understand how to do the descending order.

    Here's my code for ascending order:

    void SortAscending(int *array, int N) { for (int loop = 0; loop < N-1; loop++) { for(int loop = 0; loop < N-2; loop++) { if( array[loop] > array[loop+1] ) std::swap(array[loop] , array[loop+1]); } } } 

    Here's Descending order and the instructions along with it:

    / SortDescending // template function // use pointer arithmetic and the Indirection operator (*) DO NOT use the index operator ([]) // use the BUBBLE sort logic below and the logging suggested there as well void SortDescending(int *arr, int N) { } 
    submitted by /u/Homeinboy
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    How is programming for embedded systems different than for regular computers/servers?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    What considerations should a programmer take when writing code for an embedded system vs something larger and more general purpose like a computer?

    Are there any data structures/paradigms to avoid implementing in an embedded setting?

    Any other unique things that come with programming for something embedded that a recent graduate might not be aware of?

    submitted by /u/JamieOvechkin
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    can i program with two libraries at the sametime?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:44 PM PDT

    I want to import 2 libraries and simultaneously want to work with both, Can i do this in any programming lang ?

    submitted by /u/darkblueknight22
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    How can I explain Classes in an object oriented language like C# the best.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:35 PM PDT

    I have to held a presentation about C# and want to explain the concept behind classes that's what I already have written (it's translated from German):

    Classes are plans to build objects Classes usually contain several objects. Classes are usally out of several methods.

    I read a lot of websites which discribed classes and that's the result. That's how I understand classes. Is it false? Have I forgotten important Things?

    submitted by /u/prof1noergel
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    [Status: Total Noob] I want to create an app for my personal use on my current job

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    Quick background:

    -I'm a Mech. Engr. but work as a Safety officer (basically i don't do much technical engineering plans and stuffs )

    -I'm a total noob in programming but started learning "Automate the boring stuff using python" last month but haven't finished it yet because I do a lot of side quests (trying codes that suddenly pops out in my mind, doing 1 kata a day;literally spending 1 day for 1 kata at codewars, "oh that's cool! How about i try it..." stuffs, lots of googling and how to this and that but stopping at the middle because i realize that this is too advance for me and so on).And I'm currently on dict topic.

    -Just read the faq's today and watched the 4 min video on having the mindset as a programmer and realized that maybe I should've read the faq's earlier.

    So that's it for quick background.

    Now, I want to do a project. Something that would benefit me. I realized that I have problems checking on the status of all the works I've done in my current job as a Safety Officer, things to be done, ongoing tasks and some other related stuff when I'm away at my workstation.

    I realized that it would be cool and make my life easier if I can access all of that in my android phone and can update it also in real time.

    Basically this is what's in my mind: My App ( i think this is like a file manager, no?)

    As what I've read in the faq's it would be good to think for a project while learning how to code, so I decided this will be my first project since I can really use this.

    However, I've read also that if I want my app to work in android i have to learn java?

    Is this doable in python? or should I start from scratch again and learn java instead?

    What resources should i search for on making this app?

    Is it wrong that I'm thinking on starting to build an app first as a project while I'm still a noob? Should I learn first all the basics that I can learn and stick with it for a couple of months, accumulate enough experience?

    Can I do the app while learning the basics/ how to code at the same time?

    Thank you so much for your input. I'm sorry if my english is a little awkward since english is not my main language.

    submitted by /u/siyaktigm
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