• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 5, 2022

    Screenshot Saturday #587 - Precise Placement

    Screenshot Saturday #587 - Precise Placement

    Screenshot Saturday #587 - Precise Placement

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 10:23 PM PST

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    Marketing my game has been a catastrophic failure and I'm depressed and exhausted.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 09:15 PM PST

    I'm a solo dev and I've been working on a game for the last 15 months. The demo finally came out a few days ago.

    I've been trying to generate interest for almost 6 months now, and it's been a complete failure at every turn.

    Every Reddit post is a non starter. I was banned from a major gaming sub for reposting a link after having a post deleted for a formatting mistake. Trolls ruined an ad campaign with ASCII dicks. People went through my post history to leave hate comments on old threads. I got nowhere.

    Twitter has generated almost nothing. YouTube videos get views in the single digits. My TikTok got shadowbanned. Itch even de-listed my game from browse and search during the demo launch because of an unintended behaviour with the way free demos work on their site. In short, everything I've tried has just been a complete, irredeemable failure.

    Now that the initial traffic burst from the demo has died down, it looks like I'm going to end on 50 downloads. This project is really seriously personal to me and I've poured every ounce of my heart and soul into it. 50 downloads makes me feel like I've wasted my time.

    I'm just so fucking exhausted I want to give up. Digging deep for content and hustling every day is killing me. And seeing my friends and peers have wildly successful launches with thousands or tens of thousands of downloads just reminds me how much I really do suck at this.

    Rant over I guess.

    submitted by /u/jediment
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    I'm crying for help and don't know what to do

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 01:42 AM PST

    Hey, guys, hope you're all doing well in the development. The reason I'm writing this post is simple but sad. Over a year ago I registered my company in the U.S. as a non-resident, gathered young indie developers and we began our interesting journey in gamedev. So, right now we're developing action-adventure and are close to first alpha version.


    A week ago one crazy world leader decided to invade neighboring country and put all of his nation to poverty and restrictions. We don't vote for this hell and understand right away that we're screwed. All members of our core team are located in Russia which is under furious sanctions and banned almost every foreign service. Also, we banned from transferring funds to foreign banks and all of this was a big hit for us.

    Right we're URGENTLY seeking any funds, investments, small loans, contribution loans, anything to relocate core team to Turkey which for now didn't close its borders for us. The fear of losing everything because of some insane dictator is real and it's coming.

    So, if you can help us financially or know someone who could, please let me know in the DMs or comments. I will appreciate all your advices or help. We're ready for everyway of partnership.

    P.S. While I was writing this Paypal restricted access to us, Facebook and Twitter we're banned. All we have is a company's bank account without a penny because we cannot transfer funds and don't have them.

    Peace to you all ☮️

    submitted by /u/Kostya77
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    Super Nintendo Style Landscape Assets

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 02:56 AM PST

    Super Nintendo Style Landscape Assets

    Hello World,

    I'm sharing a landscape assets pack including Tilesets and seamless looped backgrounds made in pixel-art in a 16-bit style.

    You may use these assets in personal or commercial projects. You may modify these assets to suit your needs.

    Credit is not required but appreciated it.

    Download this pack for Free

    Video Demo

    submitted by /u/Ansimuz
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    I am so happy and relieved, my games has 435 wishlists after 1 day!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 04:14 AM PST


    I've promoted the game on Twitter and a polish website like digg. Both went really well and steam finally updated to show me a crazy amount of 435 wishlists in 1 day. The tweet went a little viral, is sitting at 600 likes and has 17.000 views. You can check the game here on Steam.

    I am very happy I can share a feel good story here on this subreddit, I've been reading all of your posts here for a long time.

    Thank you r/gamedev!

    submitted by /u/mr_ari
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    16-bit Underwater Environment Pack Assets

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 03:46 AM PST

    16-bit Underwater Environment Pack Assets

    Hello World,

    I'm sharing a pixel-art assets pack to create an underwater game. This pack contains:

    • Animated Diver Player Character
    • Animated Enemies and props
    • Bacgrounds
    • Tileset

    You may use these assets in personal or commercial projects. You may modify these assets to suit your needs.

    Credit is not required but appreciated it.

    Download the pack for free

    More of my work

    Gameplay demo

    submitted by /u/Ansimuz
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    Getting started in game development

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 04:14 AM PST

    As the title says, I would like to get started in game development. I'm a developer by trade and would like to get started in game dev.

    I've seen many talk about engines and languages to use and I have a rough idea of what I wanna use. However I noticed that I have a lot of issues learning because I don't know the basics of game development and the practices of it.

    I would like any pointers towards where I should get started, courses, good tutorials about the process of developing games, books I could read, and in general good resources I could learn from.

    Thanks for your time and any help you can provide.

    submitted by /u/Erokhar
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    Indie Game Business Sessions 2022 - Free talks about various game dev business topics

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 02:16 AM PST

    The Powell Group have been awesome enough to organize an event with talks about indie game marketing, publishing, and more from different industry veterans -

    https://www.powellgroupconsulting.com/indiegamebusiness/ | Discord for asking questions, QnA sessions and other stuff

    No, I'm totally not affiliated with them. So why am I shilling this?

    Because the last IGBS event had really worthwhile talks - especially loved this one - I think you stand to gain a lot from it.

    Also, it's free!!
    Yes, there is a paid version that lets devs showcase their games to publishers, and meet with other devs and publishers, but it's completely optional.

    If you're a junky for GDC talks like me, you'd probably enjoy this.

    submitted by /u/deadmansArmour
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    Make Gun Equip and Unequip In Unreal Engine

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 01:22 AM PST

    How do you reach out to big Youtubers? Or is it just a matter of luck?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 01:19 AM PST

    And is it worth reaching a big YouTuber as a game dev?

    submitted by /u/-CawmunGames
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    I burned out of gamedev as solo last year and I'm going to do a gamejam next weekend

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 06:35 PM PST

    I used to be so intense about game dev, I was even watching GDC on my free time after an intense day of coding games and genuinely loved it. I was on a pretty good path as I won the last two medium sized game jams I attended and finally found an art style that looked good and that I could put out fast (as a solo dev, you have to).

    I think what made me snap is when miziziziz showed how he made his income in the year, and his games were barely 5% of it. He made all his money selling courses to other game devs. Something broke in me and I realized that I was the product, and that if Miz which in theory has everything to succeed, the talent, the creativity, the work ethic, the online following, and still his games aren't enough, that I would never make it.

    In fact I broke at an even deeper level because I learned programming initially because I wanted to make games. After leaving home early and working shitty dead end jobs for a decade, I finally found something I was passionate about. It was the answer! Sure I was coding web stuff during the day but at night I did the important stuff. Game dev!

    So you can imagine that when my gamedev dream shattered, a lot came down with it as well. I also kind of burned out of coding as well and fell into a depression that lasted for a year and a half. I lost my major long term goal and had not much to look forward to in the future. In fact I am still feeling that way.

    Next weekend I'll be attending my favorite game jam (it's a local one). We will see how it goes. I am planning on not putting too much effort into it but still want a decent outcome. It's a strange feeling, going back to what I used to be so passionate about. When I read all my notes and game ideas and sketches, there's something really cool about it all and that I wish I never lost, and it almost feel surreal because now I would never have the motivation to put so much effort into something like that.

    Thanks for reading my depressing rant. I hope everything is going well for you. Hug your loved ones.

    submitted by /u/RubikTetris
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    What goes into making a great video game and how should I market and advertise?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 12:02 AM PST

    So right now, I'm learning game dev and such and was wondering what are some things that make a video game great and also some great ways I can advertise and market my games. Right now I'm learning Unity and C#, and along side those I'm also learning digital art and will hopefully start learning animation soon. In a couple years(probably even more), I'm hoping that I can make a really good indie game and sell it on steam. And I'm hoping to make a lot of games solo too. So yeah, some advice would definitely be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ThadFTTG
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    Is the trope in stories of playing through something innocent and then "waking up" to realize you did something horrible overused?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 07:53 PM PST

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/UltraConstructor
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    I built an open-source login and session management, so I can add auth to my games in minutes, not days

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 07:34 PM PST

    Just as an example, how did the creators at Jagex make something like RuneTek?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 10:58 PM PST

    Would you mind maybe even explaining to me what RuneTek is and maybe compare what it is to other games?

    Maybe expanding on anything that limits any particular software compared to some others but also why it's been used so successfully. I love to compare things, it helps me open up my mind to something else.

    If you're knowledgeable on anything that I can compare in particular, I'll be happy to do my own research if you give me a few key words to start looking around with.

    submitted by /u/AmbitiousYoungMan
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    Hey guys I have collection of over thousand of background less png that can be used as game assets.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 10:20 PM PST

    I saw a post here asking for free chess assets that requires no attribute for commercial usage.

    I have huge collection of background less png including all chess pieces but i dont know if it can be used as an game asset so i thought why not ask the game developers for it.

    Note:All png are 512px*512px and are free to use for commercial purpose too without any attribution.

    submitted by /u/Da_____k
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    Simulating z-axis in a 2d game.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 05:54 PM PST

    Hello all. I have been working on a 2d game for a little while, and am trying to tackle a specific problem relating to rendering objects in front of or behind each other. Currently, the system works entirely based on "draw order". Objects that are drawn later will appear on a "higher level" than objects that were drawn before them. This results in issues like this however.

    I currently see two ways to approach this problem, neither of which seem ideal to me for reasons I will go into. The simplest solution would just to introduce an actual Z axis into my vertex data, and based on all the objects Y position increase or decrease this third axis to shift the objects. So something like...

    zPos = -yPos * (some arbitrarily small number like .000001) 

    The issue I see with this approach, is the game world is infinite. Although highly unlikely, if I have my "camera" positioned on Z level -1000, a player could feasibly walk downwards for hours and eventually move their z level behind the camera, making the sprite effectively disappear (the camera is using an orthographic projection). I could probably fix this by normalizing the Z values from zero to one based on only what is currently being rendered, never reaching the cameras level.

    The second option I was considering would be to iterate through all game objects every frame, look at their Y positions, and adjust the draw order based on this. I would really prefer to avoid this method as a big benefit of the engine I have been creating is limiting draw calls using a batching class and glBufferSubData. If the order of the objects changes, the benefit kinda goes out the window and I would have to use regular old glBufferData.

    The second method is the most common approach I have found online, but I'm curious if anybody has run into this and has any solutions that will play well with my method of batching draw calls. Thanks in advance for any help!

    submitted by /u/roflsausage
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