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    Friday, September 25, 2020

    How many languages does your project use and what is the balance? Ask Programming

    How many languages does your project use and what is the balance? Ask Programming

    How many languages does your project use and what is the balance?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    I wrote a prototype web application for our team. At the same time, another team member did the same. We both started with the same functional specs. Not counting included frameworks, here are the lines of code (LOC*) we each wrote of various languages to achieve more or less the same result...

    His implementation...

    Java 26,610 LOC, XML 161 LOC, HTML 108 LOC, CSS 55 LOC, Javascript 26 LOC

    Total LOC is 26,860.

    My implementation...

    SQL 371 LOC, Javascript 345 LOC, XSLT 192 LOC, XML 154 LOC, HTML 86 LOC, CSS 83 LOC

    Total LOC is 1,231.

    Currently we are a Java centric team. My Java skills are not in question here. What I have been criticized for is my polyglot approach. But I produced the same functionality with less than 5% of the LOC of the other developer. What I think is actually going on is a fear from the team of having to expand their skills to include all of these languages.

    *LOC... I realize that lines of code is a poor unit of measure, but it still conveys a contrast of the two styles.

    submitted by /u/dacracot
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    What's the easiest way to create a GUI, with no programming experience?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    I'm trying to make a GUI for my media player application, basically a media center, or XBMC-clone. The rest of the application is already working for the most part, just needs a proper GUI frontend.

    Just needs to be a floating selector, controllable by keyboard/mouse, similar to XBMC. When I interact with the GUI, I want it to execute the different functions of my application, which is a series of basic python scripts and API calls for the moment.

    This really ain't rocket science, I just want to move focus around between areas with the keyboard, like I can in Windows Media Center or XBMC, and hit enter or space to execute the function of the button.

    I've looked at Electron, React, and WPF forms, and it seems way too complicated for me. I can barely figure out how to install the stuff, really.

    • In the old days, I used to drag & drop stuff in Visual Basic Studio. That was good.
    • I can a build web-page in HTML by hand, that's no problem.

    Is there a way I can create a media center-like GUI?

    submitted by /u/thro_a_wey
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    How to become a better coder?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    Hello! I am an electrical and computer engineering undergraduate, with a great interest in software engineering. I really do love code - I think having to solve code is similar to puzzles and/or riddles, which I also love. However, I haven't been coding for an extreme amount of time - around 3 years. I want to continue to pursue it more, and create my own projects, but I just don't know how to start (or how to become a better programmer for that matter). Any ideas?

    Oh, the languages I am proficient enough in are the following: Python, JavaScript, CSS/HTML, C/C++

    submitted by /u/kamero0n
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    Learn to code for a career not just for fun

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:43 PM PDT


    I have been seriously considering learning how to program. I have toyed around here and there with a couple languages, but never spent enough time to do much of anything. Mainly making it through the first couple sections of a tutorial and then being distracted by something else.

    With automation, and other tech applications really being the wave of the future it has made me think about really sitting down and learning to program. I am not working in tech. I work as a civil servant in waste management. So other than personal stuff no real experience working in the tech field.

    That being said, if I wanted to learn how to program with the end result being hopefully to get into a tech career which language would be best to start with? I would think that with so much stuff happening online now that a language used for that purpose would be of benefit.

    I don't really have a career in mind that I would want to do as the end result.

    So any advice on what language path I should take would be really great. Should I start with Python, move to Javascript? Ruby, then PHP, then Javascript? Java first? I don't know. I am hoping to get some advice on that.

    One other question, if I were to buy a new laptop to learn to program on, how powerful would the laptop need to be? I don't want to program games or anything like that. More online, corporate, business application, web dev, type stuff. I have an old laptop that I do everything on and I'm not sure if it would suffice. My current laptop is Win 10, 16gb RAM (if I remember right, at least 8 for sure), and an older i7 processor.

    Thank you for any suggestions you can provide.

    submitted by /u/Eli_Waynne
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    The right way to look for a job

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I wrote an article about my job hunt experience. I'm hoping that it would be useful for some looking for a job.

    the right way to look for a job

    submitted by /u/Connect_Impression_5
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    Parsing JSON data into Excel from IEX API please help with this code

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    Hey guys I am completely tired, wiped, and defeated on this... I've been researching all day trying to find a solution to parse this IEX data into excel and I managed to find a youtube video that let me parse API data from IEX, but I don't want that data.. I want this data and I am failing to get it to plot into my columns and rows... Any help on the fix for this, and maybe even how to add multiple tickers to compare this data would be great... please help or show me the right direction to get help :\

    Sub getData()

    'Array col headers
    Dim myarrow As Variant
    myarray = Array("reportDate", "fiscalDate", "totalRevenue", "costOfRevenue", "researchAndDevelopment", "sellingGeneralAndAdmin", "operatingExpense", "operatingIncome", "otherIncomeExpenseNet")
    arrSize = UBound(myarray) - LBound(myarray) + 1

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = Sheets("sheet1")

    Dim ticker As String
    ticker = ws.Range("R7").Value

    Dim lastrow As Integer
    lastrow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

    'Clear Range
    ws.Range("A1:O" & lastrow).Clear

    Dim rngTarget As Range
    Set rngTarget = ws.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, arrSize))
    rngTarget = myarray

    'write to sheet

    'send web request for api data
    u = "https://sandbox.iexapis.com/stable/stock/aapl/financials?period=annual&token=Tsk_66862b4b2a394bc5839be0e4fb6e899d"

    Set myrequest = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    myrequest.Open "Get", u

    'parse JSON
    Dim Json As Object
    Set Json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(myrequest.ResponseText)

    'get # of Objects in Array
    Dim arrayLen As Integer
    arrayLen = Json.Count

    'MsgBox (arrayLen)

    'Loop through elements
    Dim element As Variant
    Dim x, y, r As Integer

    r = 2
    y = 1
    x = 1

    While x < arrayLen + 1
    For Each element In myarray
    'ws.Cells(r, y).Value = Json(x)(element)
    y = y + 1
    Next element

    y = 1 x = x + x r = r + 1 


    Debug.Print JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(Json)
    End Sub


    in the immediate I get the data

    submitted by /u/seitypog
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    First HTML/CSS issue

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:57 AM PDT


    As the title says, I am currently working on my 1st HTML/CSS code for a scholl work and have some issues.
    I'll explain the code here to try to avoid the working parts of the code but if it's not understandable I'll create ImGur screenshots.

    I have a header which I gave the id Connexion (<header id="Connexion">) ; it doesn't change the code but it'll be a classic connexion frame (ID and password) ; I want this header to be placed in the high right corner of the page so I wrote in the CSS :


    But nothing happens on my html, could someone explain me why ?

    Similar problem with a logo in a header :

    <img id="Logo" src="../Images/03-23.jpg" alt="logo" height="130">

    Which I want to center :

    display: block;

    But this doesn't work.

    Sorry if the syntax and arrangement are not perfect, I've only coded in HTML for 4 hours now.

    submitted by /u/ThysGuy0
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    What job title best fits this description?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    I'm trying to change career paths (yeah not great timing, I know). But when looking for new opportunities, I get stuck not actually knowing what positions will give me what I want, so I'm hoping someone here can help.

    I was hired as a Mechanical Engineer, and over time just took the initiative to sort of morph my position into a programming one. Because of that, now I have a hard time knowing what job titles to search for. Ideally I'd find a position focused on similar programming content to what I currently do.

    Common things I do:

    - Pull data from database

    - Organize data into dashboards/auto reports

    - Create easy query tools so other people can access data more easily

    - Create new directories, file backups, etc.

    - Programmatically create populated files (templated docs for clients, internal cost reports, or whatever else)

    - Create network site for tool distribution [using Django] (this allows my computer to 'serve' my Python program output to coworkers who don't have Python installed)

    My company is very Excel based, so I mostly work in VBA. I've written some more complicated projects in Python, and a few of my projects have included SQL as well. I also know some C from college, though I don't use that nowadays. (My degrees are Mech Eng and Ind/Sys Eng -- not 'computer' anything)

    I'm looking for a new job with responsibilities in a similar vein to the things I currently do. Making tools/macros/programs, for data organization and task automation. What job title even does this stuff?

    Do I want to be a data analyst? Data scientist? Business analyst? Web developer? IT Manager? Something else? I don't know. Nothing seems to have the right responsibilities.

    I'm not necessarily into the business-decision-making aspect that comes with being an analyst, but it's not a turnoff either. I have academic experience with data analysis from my engineering background, but tbh I'm not as interested in the data side as I am in the coding.

    Hopefully there actually is a job position like this out there, but I'm beginning to suspect that it's all low-skill stuff that gets done ad hoc by other positions.

    Thanks for any and all help!

    submitted by /u/StPeteTy
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    How to export an environment variable to one target in a makefile?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    I have a makefile that I'm using to run the same tests with a bunch of different interpreters. Most of the interpreters can add a directory to the library directories with flags like:

    top_dir := .. GUILE := guile GUILEFLAGS := --no-auto-compile -L $(top_dir) guile-test: test.scm $(GUILE) $(GUILEFLAGS) $^ 

    but some of the interpreters want library directories set with environment values, which up to now I've been doing manually like:

    $export LOKO_LIBRARY_PATH=../:$LOKO_LIBRARY_PATH $make loko-test 

    But if I have loko-test set up like guile:

    loko-test: test.scm $(LOKO) $(LOKOFLAGS) $^ 

    is there some way to export the environment there so I don't have to remember all of the environment every time?

    submitted by /u/SpecificMachine1
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    How to get *good* at Java?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    I am two and half years into my first true software engineering job. I work primarily in Java with SpringBoot.

    I've been trying to improve my coding skills, so I recently started doing challenges on HackerRank.com. This morning I tried taking their "Java (Basic)" certification test and really, really struggled with it. The questions seemed to be Object Oriented "gotcha" questions rather than basic syntax, coding style, or problem solving questions.

    A few months ago, I took a Java EE skills test as part of a job application and only score 72%.

    I've been learning C recently and already like it so much better than Java because its behavior is straight forward and logical. To me, even after working with it for over 5 years, Java feels like it was written by a madman having a fever dream.

    I'm not really sure where to go to become an "expert" in Java. I do fine in my day-to-day job because its just basic Java 8 with Spring Boot that isn't trying to get me to re-implement the JVM or anything crazy. How do I get to the next level and ace job screening tests?

    submitted by /u/OnlyDeanCanLayEggs
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    For you guys who program in multiple languages...

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    How do you keep the syntax for each language separate in your head? Are you constantly looking to the docs for the respective language or is there a secret to learning and coding in different languages? Obviously this is something that every programmer would need to do at a certain level so I'm trying to figure out now how to do it. For context the two languages I'm juggling are Javascript and Ruby.

    submitted by /u/Ubitquitus
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    switch around letters in Pycharm

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Back again with more questions. Let's say I have a

    def in_flat(word)


    assert(in_flat("apple") =="alppe")

    now what I know is I have a five letter word and I am trying to flip the middle. (in code it is read as 0-1-2-3-4 and I am trying to flip it to change the word to 0-3-2-1-4)

    I just don't know what to put into the return to flip around the middle.

    submitted by /u/Any-Bank-2498
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    How do P2P connections work

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    More specifically, how is one computer able to communicate with another computer without the use of a server? How can a computer become accessible on the open internet?

    submitted by /u/Corn_11
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    How is basic arithmetic originally programmed?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    There has to be someone who, for the first time, programmed operations like additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions, right? How was that done? All programming languages contain functions like this but I'm curious on what's behind it exactly.

    submitted by /u/itSmellsLikeSnotHere
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    Unorthodox programming articles or talks.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    I have this coworker that keeps like posting conference talks, articles and such about software development practices, scrumm and what not, and he's always very preachy and generally annoying about it. I want to troll him a little bit with some links of my own.

    My question to you is, do you know any unorthodox talks, articles etc, that are kind of trollish, but still well argumented? I want to play devils advocate here. Something like GOTO is awesome, or OO sucks, or something that rags on Go or Rust, denaunces Scrumm, Waterfall, Agile etc. I remember there was this one guy that had a series with titles like "OOP is embarrasing" etc, and it was well argumented and made some fair points, so that was a good one.

    PS Articles that decimate Go are especially welcome.

    submitted by /u/Ikkepop
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    Using DirectX instead of GDI to paint my Window (not a game)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    I'm writing a video editor in C++ (using Wxwidgets just to complicate matters, but I think that's largely irrelevant). At the moment, I'm painting my video frames on a buffer which is the same size as the window, scaled up according to the current zoom level, adding a nice shadowed outline and any compositing and markers and things, and then blitting the whole thing to the window when it needs to be painted.

    This works fine - I spent a long time making the code fast and efficient. Now what I'm trying to do is play back video smoothly, which is proving to be a bit tricky. Currently, I'm using a standard Windows/Wxwidgets message loop, then when playback is required I start using Wxwidgets idle events which effectively add a game loop. Right now I'm just sleeping for roughly the right amount of time between rendering each new frame to the buffer and blitting it to the window. This is okay, but I get judder because I'm not properly synced to the display.

    I've found some pages describing tricks that can be done to get smooth playback just using GDI, but it seems a bit mystical and unreliable. It seems like the "official" answer would be to use DirectX, which I have no experience with.

    All the tutorials I've found are for game situations where you always have a game loop running, but for the most part my program is not going to be updating the screen continuously. Can DirectX still work in this situation, where the program only updates when it wants to?

    If I continue as I am, rendering to my own buffer and then painting it with DirectX, is that just adding more unnecessary overhead? Should I be rendering my/a buffer directly with DirectX, which (I assume) means sending the video frame to the graphics card along with instructions to scale it up/crop it, add grid lines added, etc?

    Lastly, am I right in thinking the basic DirectX loop goes as follows? (All the tutorials I can find take you through the whole creation process, but I just want to sort of skip to the end right now)

    1. Program paints what it wants to display in the next frame to a back buffer.
    2. Program signals DirectX that a new buffer is ready.
    3. DirectX flips the buffers and displays the new frame, and only then is the program allowed to return to step 1 to draw the next frame

    In other words, do I at some point make a blocking call to DirectX which only returns when the buffers have been flipped and the back buffer is ready to be painted on?

    submitted by /u/wonkey_monkey
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    OCR Mobile app

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Hey !

    Recently found out that in my job I could use the OCR system to ease my life.

    I rewrite 16 digit number code from paper to .txt file on PC.

    OCR apps that I found online are too slow, copying text takes too long.

    What would you suggest me in order to simplify my job?

    Was wondering about creating app by myself, but have no idea how to start - which language etc.

    So basically, I am asking for help to take my first step in mobile app development.

    I imagine the app like this take photo -> 16digit number code scanned -> stored -> uploaded to server,email message or whatever | max 5sec

    Is that a possible thing to do?

    Thank you a lot for your help!

    submitted by /u/adamskoruba
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    What do you wish you could tell your boss about Testing?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm a Software Testing/QA/SDET Manager. What is something about testing you, as a software engineer, want your manager to know, or wish you could say to your boss?

    I was a full stack engineer for most of my career. I wished I could impart to my manager how I (and really my whole team) didn't have time to prioritize writing tests. The result was that the tests we did write were rushed and sloppy.

    Stories or thoughts?

    submitted by /u/rO_os
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    Can my teacher really see what windows I have open on my laptop over a teams meeting and canvas application?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    I'm in high school and my teacher says she can tell who cheated on an online test (by clicking on a new tab and using google) because her teaching applications (which are only canvas/clever and Microsoft teams) tell her exactly what windows we opened during the test. I know I'm bound to find out if she's bluffing or not when I get my results, but if its true that she can see all that, how can I protect my privacy to make that impossible?

    submitted by /u/Lukas_1274
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    Datamining project help!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    I am a student of an IT faculty and I am in love with data. Right now I have a dataset, which was made when I played with website parcing on python. The dataset is a base, in which czech police records all the traffic accidents. In this semester I have to choose my thesis topic and I want this topic to be about data mining. Is it possible to extract any new knowledge from this dataset, and if yes, then which algorythms would you suggest to use?


    This is a tiny part of the whole dataset.

    There will be around 100-130k rows.

    submitted by /u/moistbluewhale
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    Wrong Coding and Output

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    Hi, it's me again. So I've been having a hard time getting the sum of all prime numbers in my 2d array(5 by 5). I do not know what I did wrong. I am not allowed to use Arraylist or any methods/coding that are not basic.

    this is the coding: https://pastebin.pl/view/4131a0c1

    random generated elements:

    2 4 4 0 4

    9 6 1 1 8

    9 0 6 6 3

    6 9 9 5 6

    5 7 0 3 8

    output: Sum = 3

    expected output: Sum = 25

    submitted by /u/Agapepe
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    what are the technicalities of backend development and questions to ask?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    i recruited some developers for a semi social media platform and has moved to the backend stage. im a software engineer student but its my first semester in my bachelor, i dont know anything about the backend side.

    what are the things i need to ask and specify to the developers?

    submitted by /u/yajveer
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    Resources needed for learing about arrays in C?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    I want to learn about arrays(mainly address, pointer related stuffs related to arrays), what are some good resources for it?

    My focus is on 2D arrays. Any good books or any resources to learn it? I prefer practical learning but can't skip theory as that is also important.

    Language preferred is C.

    submitted by /u/djangonotlaravel
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    My program is working but technically shouldn't

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Hello there! I started this week learning C language. I am using Code Blocks and today something strange happened. In order to use sqrt() function, you have to include math.h header. I forgot about it but my program still worked somehow. Can someone explain why this happened in simple language, I am new to C and to programming in general. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Electroboy001
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