• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 26, 2020

    Check out my project! I’m a high school senior who spent 300 hours making a doc editor to help my robotics team produce vibrant documentation without the headache of formatting text. web developers

    Check out my project! I’m a high school senior who spent 300 hours making a doc editor to help my robotics team produce vibrant documentation without the headache of formatting text. web developers

    Check out my project! I’m a high school senior who spent 300 hours making a doc editor to help my robotics team produce vibrant documentation without the headache of formatting text.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    Check it out: https://www.kilodoc.com/

    My hope is that there's enough people who like this because I really want to invest more time into making this site even better. I'm already using my editor to take notes in school and organize my college applications. Let me know what you all think!

    If anyone's interested in my stack, I'm using React for the frontend and a GraphQL API on Azure Functions that talks to a PostgreSQL database for the backend.


    People did raise a good point: that Markdown and LaTeX already exist. However, not everyone is a developer. I actually tried getting my robotics team to hop onto LaTeX, even suggesting a WYSIWYG editor. But, I found that it was a little too much of an ask for the average person to write stuff in these "languages." Hopefully, this project will give anyone control over what they're writing.

    Edit 2:

    Thank you for the gold, kind stranger! (Am I doing this right?)

    submitted by /u/axchen7
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    I made a website for my University Notes with Next.js, MDX, and Tailwind CSS

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    I updated my Twitter clone, Tclone 2.0.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Why are Relational Databases so disregarded?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    I worked on and have peers working on projects for which a NoSQL db was chosen in the hopes of faster and easy development.

    From my experience, the relational property becomes considerably complex after a few sprints. Also, the volume of data that some are afraid of, and thus avoid using a RDBMS, turns out to never be reached or can be offloaded by basic techniques.

    There's also the headache of compensating for the lack of relational constraints by writing code, which in most cases nullifies the fast inserts and/or retrievals of the NoSQL storage.

    I know the answer is "it depends" but IMO a good chunk of projects would do more than fine with SQL in them, and so much worse without it.

    Love to hear your opinions!

    submitted by /u/r-randy
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    Nova Code Editor (replacement for Coda 2) by Panic Released [Mac exclusive]

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    "Embeddable fields" in GraphQL

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    Web Developer Portfolios are all the same. So I made a funny Portfolio Generator using vanilla JS.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    I made a Bootstrap 5 admin template that doesn't use jQuery, is fully customizable by Sass variables, and is open source [MIT license]

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    List of remote jobs that I've curated from Hacker News who is hiring - September

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Here I would like to share all the remote jobs that I've curated from Hacker News Who is hiring thread. All these are 100% remote jobs not just allowed to work from home during COVID-19. These are 100% remote jobs and will continue to follow that after the covid.


    ✅ 100% remote full-time jobs.
    ✅ Each and every job is manually curated and verified. Spent more than 12 hours for this.

    submitted by /u/abinaya_204
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    I've created a sub with free illustration resources

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    Built an online workout tracker that can be accessed with a unique URL, no need for an account. Also calculates volume and lets you see your progress with charts !

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    [showoff saturday] I made a complete tutorial on how to make JavaScript and canvas games

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Hey all - super happy with how this latest tutorial vid turned out. I've basically had friends and viewers asking for one lesson: how to make js / canvas games.

    Took a while to overcome the initial fear of doing a video with so much to cover, but finally was able to get it out and create something that I really think will help anyone new to programming in general.


    submitted by /u/BuffloBEAST
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    How can we create modal walkthrough like this using css and js?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Fully Featured Live Chat Social Media Web App Made With Django Channels

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Unfortunately it's not open sourced as of now, but I'm happy to answer any questions you might have!




    Browse and open rooms

    Participate in conversations

    Form relationships

    theHang on mobile

    submitted by /u/TG_King
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    I made a social distancing friendly drinking app

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:21 AM PDT


    I made this drinking game where everyone can create and share cards/decks and play on their on device by joining an online session. It's simple, you do the action/task on the card to give sips to an other player or you take the sips yourself. It's really nice to have a good time with friends far away or when you can't go out during COVID.

    It's a PWA using Vue.js and Google Firebase for handling the authentication and database.

    My futures plans are to add automatic language detection for card, in-game chat, homemade icon for the card, localization, public lobby, and other game mode.


    Feedback is always appreciated! Thank you and drink with moderation!

    (sorry English is not my first language)
    edit: typo

    submitted by /u/Jtb066
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    I urgently need a Google Maps Places API replacement

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Hi. I took two weeks off work and made https://staysafer.net (think Yelp for pandemic response). Helps people boost up places that are doing well and shame places that are doing poorly. You can use it to decide where to travel, etc... review parks, beaches, cities, plumbers, pubs, schools, etc.

    The problem is the cost. I am trying to launch the app and have an interview with CBC French (Canadian TV) lined up, and have a french translation being worked on, as well as some other languages. But if the app actually takes off, the API costs will murder me, and I was declined for Google Adsense and Media.net. Google Maps Places prices are just insane.

    I want to replace the backend API (leaving the frontend Google Map for now) ASAP, obviously. I've coded it in such a way replacing out the domain layer will be easy and not affect the app.

    TomTom looks like the best for the buck, but I can't get the damn radius to work for the life of me. There's no Go client so I built one myself today, but even using their API explorer (https://developer.tomtom.com/content/search-api-explorer#/Search/get_search__versionNumber__search__query___ext_) I can't get my search results to limit within a radius. If a radius is applied, I get absolutely no results.

    This is obviously bad for my app, because if you want to look for "sushi" near "Vancouver, BC, Canada", or just the city "Vancouver, BC" itself, you're getting back sushi in Russia, or the australian municipality of Vancouver, or Vancouver, Washington.

    So: does anyone have a good competitor to GMaps Places API, or know how to get TomTom's radius to work?

    submitted by /u/thehealthywindow
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    [Showoff Saturday] PayDay - The Crypto Wallet designed for everyone

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Web app I made for AlgoExpert SWE competition (link to the app and github repository in the comments)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I made a program that modifies images randomly

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    I made an interactive map of Earth visualizing coastline changes if all ice melts using Svelte and PixiJS

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    I used NASA imagery to make an interactive map and video of what sea levels could look like if all ice on the planet melts. Estimates of potential sea level rise that I've seen vary from 60 to 75 meters or higher, and this shows about 65 meters. It's an extreme hypothetical - the Wikipedia page on sea level rise puts it into perspective.

    The original implementation was all Svelte but DOM rendering is just inefficient for these images. I added PixiJS to do the heavy lifting, which adds 400k to the JS payload, but it's a big performance improvement, the bottleneck being the DOM and not Svelte. You can test the difference yourself on the map by pressing ctrl+backtick and clicking "webgl" to toggle back to the DOM renderer. For the DOM version on my machine, Firefox performs much better than Chrome/Edge. The source code readme has some technical notes discussing Svelte and Pixi, and it links to original DOM implementation with brief notes if you're curious.

    submitted by /u/overtowed
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    Is my approach to storing products in the back-end suitable?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm building a small website website for selling furniture. I'm very new to website development. I've got a 'shop' page, and I need to list products for sale with attributes like name, an image of the item, a description, whether it is available, and category/colour etc. I'm thinking of using a JSON file with an array items, and writing a Javascript program to CRUD to that file. Will this be enough? Is there anything I should be careful of when doing this?

    I was thinking of trying to use a document DB like mongo but i'm not sure if I really need to. The actual sale of the items would likely take place via email or on ebay. When it comes to updating their availability, this is a very small-scale business so it can likely be done manually.


    submitted by /u/bilcsm
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    Is there any mobile DevTools library?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I saw some time ago a JS library that re-implements the devtools panels in the browsers. You just add the library to your web site and it shows a button. Click on the button and you see the devtools with inspector, console and a few others. This works without a desktop computer and without remote debug protocol.

    I can't find it. I can't remember how it's called.
    It's kind of like https://mage.tools/ + https://jsconsole.com/ but looks like Chrome DevTools
    Does anybody here know it?

    submitted by /u/kickass_turing
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    Need help starting a project

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    I'm not from a CS background, I'm a major in electronics engineering but I know a few programming languages (C, Python, HTML). I want to make a website where people can have their own accounts and do things like scheduling/ budgeting. Not a million dollar idea, but I figured it would be a fun and useful project to get my feet in web dev waters. My question to you lovely nerds is, how do I start? I'm working on learning CSS, I know I have to learn JS, but how do I work on actually building it on the internet? I can't pay for my own domain name, at least not for this project. What free sources can I use to host my site and even find some basic templates ?

    I've looked into Wordpress and bootstrap so far. Wordpress doesn't seem like the right forum for my project because I'm not sure I'll be able to customise it for each user. I want to be able to insert a calendar feature that links with Google/Apple calendar. Would Wordpress support that? If I decide to instead use a Bootstrap template and customise my site from there, what free options are there to host my site?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated :))

    submitted by /u/ash2784
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    [Showoff Saturday] Portfolio Rebalancer

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:38 AM PDT

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