• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    Being self taught, I just got hired as a junior web developer learn programming

    Being self taught, I just got hired as a junior web developer learn programming

    Being self taught, I just got hired as a junior web developer

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Well finally my dream came true, I know it's cliche but hard-work really pays off, thanks to you all those who supported me, your simple comments/posts meant a lot to me and helped me go through rough times. I can't wait to help guide others get their first job peace.

    Edit: WOOW didn't expect this to blow up, I wish I could answer every single one of you but I just couldn't keep up.Thank you all very much!

    Edit2: Since many of you have asked, my next post will be about my journey, the resources I used to learn and how exactly I broke into this industry.

    submitted by /u/imatworkpleasenonsfw
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    Lerning Java as a beginner

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    Merely one week ago I started learning Java as it is the main part of my school education/work training. The problem is - I've never learned Java before; I have some experience with HTML and CSS, but the knowledge seems kinda useless here. It's also not like I don't know anything about programming. I've always been a tech junkie and my brother is a programmer but... He's in web design, while my work focuses on software more.

    The question is - how do I learn more and better? I am doing some of the courses/tutorials found on java subreddits but it doesn't feel like it's enough. Even worse - i feel as if I stopped getting better. I already can program simple things like a math quiz, calculator, text based adventure games, rock paper scissors and such stuff that you can run with cmd. But even though I can do all of this I sometimes don't understand why I'm doing something this way. Are there any tipps or textbooks you can recommend me, so I can start improving?

    submitted by /u/UnluckyProphecy
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    Free Programming/Software Engineering Bootcamp Round 2

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    On Tuesday September 22, I'll be running an 8 week, 16 part bootcamp called deCoded: A Journey into Software Engineering and Computer Science. This is an intermediate level bootcamp designed to learn how to practically apply the concepts we learned in the intro bootcamp we ran earlier this year. It is COMPLETELY FREE, and no signup is required. Just show up! All information can be found at the link below, but Ill include the information here to save you a click. Feel free to reach out with any questions!


    WHEN: Tuesdays and Thursdays from Sept 22, 2020 through Nov 12, 2020

    WHERE: https://twitch.tv/mastermndio



    Each week we will focus in on understanding and building with new concepts!

    Week 1

    • Syllabus Day
    • Development Environment Setup
    • Runtime Installation
    • Building CLI tools

    Week 2

    • Building Applications for the Web
    • All about API's

    Week 3

    • Data Structures

    Week 4

    • Searching Algorithms

    Week 5

    • Sorting Algorithms

    Week 6

    • Understanding Databases
      • SQL
      • NoSQL
    • Object-Relational Mapping(ORM)

    Week 7

    • Concurrent Programming

    Week 8

    • Whiteboarding
    • How to talk about what we know?
    • Interview Prep
    • Software Engineering Ask Me Anything Panel

    submitted by /u/brooksa321
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    Want to make sure we are doing the next step correctly here...first time building an app and next steps

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    We have been casually working on an iOS app idea as a side project. We've done sufficient user testing, finalised the mockups and did a prototype.

    Now, we want to make this a real app. We've explored a lot of the low-code and no-code platforms, but our design simply isn't something that can be easily replicated by those solutions. With covid, we are also uncertain with financial future. So we decided to roll up our sleeves and build the app ourselves.

    We don't know any coding, so we know we gotta learn. We just started going through Hacking with Swift and getting on Xcode. But as this is a new territory for us, it's sort of a blank for us between the prototype and actually building the app. Are we in the right direction? Or is there something else we should be learning before diving into learning Swift?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/MoveTowardsJoy
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    Connecting to a game's economy

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    How do people connect to a game to display a live update of its economy? For instance, escape from tarkov's flea market. Take this site as an example:https://eft-loot.com/ or this site: https://tarkov-market.com/

    I have experience in Python and R for data science type stuff, but this stuff fascinates me, I don't even know where I would begin to work on/learn something like this. Does anyone have any experience with something like this? Do I need to learn a new language to accomplish something like this?


    submitted by /u/htii_
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    How can you go back to a certain line once a condition is met?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    Principal = float(input("Principal: ")) Rate = float(input("Rate: ")) Time = float(input("Time: ")) Amount = Principal * (1 + (Rate / 100)) ** Time print("Total is:", round(Amount, 2)) print("") Interest_only = input("Would you also like the Compound Interest? (yes/no): ") while True: if Interest_only.lower() == "yes": print(round(Amount - Principal, 2)) break elif Interest_only.lower() == "no": print("Ok") break else: print("Sorry, I do not understand that") break """I want to go back to Interest_only = input("Would you also like the Compound Interest? (yes/no): ") after this condition is met """ 

    Once the code reaches the last line I want it to go back to the line that asks you for an input. Is this possible. If so how?

    submitted by /u/Alter_ego2001
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    How I Finally Made Progress With CSS (After a slow start)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    I have a lot of programming experience. But I recently started learning and using CSS and I was thrashing like crazy. After a couple of months, I finally figured out that I was approaching CSS the wrong way. Here are my tips that helped me break through with CSS (your mileage may vary):

    When people learn CSS they often focus on Selectors and Styles. They are important but don't spend too much time on them! Know they exist, know roughly what they do, bookmark your favorite reference site then move on to understanding CSS as a system.

    A key part of the CSS system is that Selectors and Styles cascade. Cascading means that Selectors can select the same element and merge or overwrite Styles. So your Styles might overwrite someone else's styling. And someone else (maybe even yourself!) might overwrite your styling.

    Where do these other styles come from? For starters, your web browser provides a default style sheet called the User Agent Style Sheet. This default style sheet is different for every browser. For example, if you write this style block:

    button { fill:red; }

    Then look at the styling in the browser, you will see something like this:

    button { fill: red; appearance: button; -webkit-writing-mode: horizontal-tb !important; text-rendering: auto; color: -internal-light-dark(buttontext, rgb(170, 170, 170)); letter-spacing: normal; word-spacing: normal; text-transform: none; text-indent: 0px; text-shadow: none; display: inline-block; text-align: center; align-items: flex-start; cursor: default; background-color: -internal-light-dark(rgb(239, 239, 239), rgb(74, 74, 74)); box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0em; font: 400 13.3333px Arial; padding: 1px 6px; border-width: 2px; border-style: outset; border-color: -internal-light-dark(rgb(118, 118, 118), rgb(195, 195, 195)); border-image: initial; }

    All that extra styling comes from the browser's User Agent Style Sheet. The User Agent Style Sheet can make it tricky to tell what your CSS is doing versus what the User Agent Style Sheet is doing. One way around this, especially while learning, is to cancel out the User Agent Style Sheet by using a CSS Reset. A reset is CSS that sets most of the styles to known default values that do as little as possible. There are many CSS Resets. A common one is Eric Meyer's CSS Reset. Just include the reset before your CSS.

    The cascade looks like this: User Agent CSS -> CSS Reset -> Your CSS.

    Note, a Reset may not overwrite all User Agent CSS styles so you may still have some random styles sneaking into your CSS. For example, Eric Meyer's Reset doesn't reset button styling.

    Next is to understand that your own CSS (or someone else's CSS that you include) may inadvertently modify your CSS without you knowing it or meaning to. An obvious example of this is specifying a style using a selector that modifies all elements of a type. All elements will get that style!

    Because of this, most people prefer to write Selectors using classes rather than element types. Classes tend to be flexible, you can create infinite numbers of them, and a single element can have multiple classes.

    Multiple classes let you mix and match your styles. For example, you can have a classes called button, dark and light. This lets you specify a dark button and a light button without writing the same styles over and over.

    <button class="button light"></button> <button class="button dark"></button>

    Another way to prevent your CSS from accidentally "infecting" elements you didn't mean to modify is to use more complex, specific selectors. Additionally, you can use scoped styling.

    As well as cascading Styles, Styles on a container of your element might also affect your element's styles. Because styles can interact badly with other styles for so many reasons, the best way to test your CSS is to use JSFiddle or CodePen with just the styles and bare minimum elements you want to test or understand. This guarantees your sample CSS is "clean and working". When you integrate it back into your main project and it doesn't work, you can assume it's a bad interaction rather than bad CSS.

    Browsers like Chrome and Firefox can show you the styles that are being applied to your elements, let you edit them, and even help you track down where the styles are coming from. Never believe that only your CSS is styling an element! How to see CSS on an element in Chrome. How to do it in Firefox.

    Finally, there is a lot of complexity how Styles work. It's not worth it to memorize, understand, or even recognize every style. However, it is a good idea to get a rough understanding of shared principles of most styles, as this understanding mostly applies to every style. Check out this article on CSS margin, padding, content, and border. Skim this style explanation, mainly to see how insanely complicated Styles can get. Then get a feel for standard flow, Box, FlexBox and Grid. But you don't need to understand them deeply until you need to use them.

    Cascading Style Sheets can be very powerful but also very frustrating. Make sure your styles aren't being overwritten or interacting badly by using CSS Resets and isolating your CSS in JSFiddles. Know that Selectors and Styles can be super complex! Don't bother trying to learn them all, just know they exist, know what they generally do, and study them when you need them.

    Further Reading: How to Learn CSS

    Also, I like to type longer posts in Medium since the formatting is nicer. The side effect is that I have a Medium copy of this post too: https://medium.com/@doomgoober/how-to-approach-css-as-a-beginner-66258fd95b50

    submitted by /u/DoomGoober
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    What does a timeline of someone going from no experience to a professional programmer look like? I finished learning Python, but now I feel stuck like I don't know what to do know.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Hi there.

    Around 4 months ago I finally completed the course for Python on Sololearn. I'm now trying to learn a new course (Data Science with Python), but I want to know what I'm supposed to do after I complete the basics. I really want to improve my Python, and it's been so long since I had the exhileration of learning programming.

    The big question is this: what do I do now? I hear people saying they are able to get jobs by 6 months of coding. Of course I'm looking not for a job yet (I'm a freshmen in high school), but I want to know ways where just as fast to the point where I could be able to score a job.

    Common answers to this is projects. Of course I think projects are a great idea, but I also need some elaboration on what projects I need to do to improve. I have been doing projects consistently for the last few months (just the basics, ticktacktoe game, rock paper scissors, etc.), but I feel like lost like I don't know where to go now.

    I have recently been getting into Hackerrank which people here really like to use, and I think It's great, but I want to know the proper plan of a beginner turning into a real programmer where I can release my creativity.

    If it isn't too much, can you please share your stories of what you did to go from a beginner who did absolutely no coding, to a professional level programmer?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Barusante
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    Freelancing questions

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    TLDR: I want to get into freelancing and i was wondering what would be the best lenguage for it. From my research it looks like php would be a good option, mostly for wordpress. What do you guys think?

    Hi everyone.

    I'm a neet that wants to finally fix his life, i tried this about a year ago and i loved it but i got burned out probably because i went from doing absolutly nothing to 8-10 hours a day trying to learn programming and eventually i fell into procrastination again.

    I undestand that freelancing is probably not the best idea for someone in my position but i live in a place where there essentially no jobs for programming. I want to get an stable job in the future but i'll need to move before, thats why i want to start with freelancing, i want to save some money and move to a city where there are jobs opportunities. And because i live in a developing country, making anything above $500 usd would be enough for now.

    I want to get into web development, preferable backend, a year ago when i got into programming i tried both backend (at that time node) and frontend, and i really really liked backend, frontend was fine but backend was way more interesting to me.

    Based on my research php seems the best one choice because of wordpress but i'd love to hear the input from this community. Also i'd be really thankful if you could show me a good, free, link to learn whatever lenguage you think its the best one to freelance

    submitted by /u/useless_neet
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    How can I create a hotkey that control's a certain program (zoom) even when I'm not on the tab

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    I just picked up an elgato stream deck and am trying to make a folder for school. My school is using Zoom this year (I wish we weren't with how many privacy issues it has but that's another story) and I wanna add a hotkey to my stream deck to easily mute/unmute my mic and turn on/off my webcam. I know how to make regular hotkeys but obviously it doesn't work if i click off of Zoom to go to google classroom for example. Im not the best in coding and by not the best I mean I know virtually nothing.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/TheAwkwardDyslexic
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    String splicing in python

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    I am in a python class and am really struggling with this assignment. Here is the prompt:

    Given 5 input strings do the following: String 1: rotate the characters right two. Ex. Hello turns into loHel. String 2: drop the last two characters. Ex Hello becomes Hel. String 3: Drop the second half of the string assuming it has an even number of characters. Ex Colorado turns into Colo. String 4: Swap the third character with the first character. Ex Hello turns into leHlo

    I can not seem to find the right commands to rotate the characters or to split the strings. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/Formal-Cockroach420
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    I guess they let anyone in here ...?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    Im a sophomore software engineering student, just started remote online classes today. Super apprehensive about my my first 200's programming class, but no fear because my professor has

    1. never worked as a software engineer, no work experience in cs at all actually
    2. never taught a class online before today
    3. never taught THIS class before today
    4. changed the programming language on us (the pre-rec class was entirely in c++. professor gave us a link to a long document on python and told us to "have python all down by next week" so we can get started.)
    5. intends on doing the entire online course through group projects and assigns those groups at random.

    But that's okay because at least when we had a moment to "get to know each other" a guy in MY group asked the insightful question:

    "Why are there so many girls in this class? Is it because our professor is a girl?"

    I, being a girl, checked, and all of the other classes are full (except mine, imagine that), so clearly, this is going to be a GREAT semester:):):)

    submitted by /u/pardonmygiraffee
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    Is this Bundle worth it?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:20 AM PDT

    Hello, I need a quick help in the decision if this is worth it!


    submitted by /u/ArMaaaaa
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    Planning to enroll in Harvard University's Professional Certificate in Data Science Course, need advice.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    The course is a set of 9 courses (R Basics, Probability, Productivity, Wrangling, Linear Regression, Machine Learning, Capstone, Professional certificate details, and Job outlook). As someone from a mediocre college, I believe that this certificate will help me put a good mark on my resume. I know there is skepticism regarding online certificates - anyone can get a certificate, knowledge is important. I agree. The core goal is to get knowledge and in fact, I was thinking of auditing each course and learn from it. However, I thought, well I will audit and complete 7 courses anyway so why not just enroll? audit or not, I am thinking of adding the projects that I will complete in these courses, on GitHub, .

    My question is: How do companies look at these online certificates? Do they really enhance your resume? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/univlifesucks
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    What do you think are your gaps in knowledge?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    I'm curious what people who have made the change from boot camp/internships/university to full-time software engineering jobs thought were there biggest technical weak points. I felt like I knew how to use a few services and tools, without really understanding how they worked (SSH, build scripts, etc).

    For example, I used SSH daily without understanding exactly what made it secure and I'd also use dependency management tools without really understanding how they worked under the hood, etc.

    Are there any topics where people feel like they know how to use the technology, but don't understand how the technology itself worked or major gaps in knowledge that they wish they had known about prior to starting a full-time job?

    submitted by /u/aryamansharda
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    Contact Form Submission Sent to Gmail

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Contact Form Submissions with Email Sent


    I recently got hired to do a website for a local window repair company. The site is super simple, and only includes information with a contact form. I plan to host on GoDaddy, but am not paying for hosting right now. I am trying to test the contact form using PHPMailer and connecting to Gmail SMTP using XAmpp. I have a few different questions:

    1) is this possible to test on local host using XAmpp? I am using a Mac which I think matters given that I have seen applications available to Microsoft that assist with SMTP.

    2) does anyone have any resources that they can point me to to assist with contact form submission being sent to a Gmail account? Or is it better to wait till hosting is paid for by my client to test, and use a different email provider from GoDaddy?

    The PHPMailer is from GitHub and I have followed the examples, but it still won't work. My assumptions are:

    1) it's because I'm on localhost 2) Google recently made changes to LSAs connecting to things like Calendar, G Suite, etc. unless approved before ~June 15 (read an article about this a few hours ago when searching for a solution)

    Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/terpyterpstein
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    How do people write programs to connect stuff like a ps3 controller to a pc?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    As title really. I know your pc can see the device and connect to it but then how does a program actually take those inputs And convert them into something usable?

    submitted by /u/MightyGiant21
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    What is the most horrifying 'forgot to push' code experience you have seen?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    'forgot to push' or 'didn't write to the floppy' or whatever

    submitted by /u/11010001101001
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    I want to add multiple custom commands

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    const Discord = require('discord.js')
    const bot = new Discord.Client();
    const token = '';
    const PREFIX = '!';
    bot.on('ready', () => {
    console.log('This bot is online!');
    bot.user.setActivity('STUFF', { type: 'WATCHING' }).catch(console.error);

    bot.on('message', msg=>{
    if(msg.content === "!bot"){
    msg.reply('Yes Sir, I am MC Boi');


    submitted by /u/MChuNGus123
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    Why does this code reverse the word order? (Python)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    s = "ball" r = "" for item in s: r = item.upper() + r print(r) 

    I was expecting the outcome to be BALL but it is giving LABB. I can't figure out in codelens what is happening.

    submitted by /u/waste2muchtime
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    Im Looking to try and program an NES game, Where do I start?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    So I checked out the FAQ section, and was decently confused. I watched the video I was linked to as well. The *most* amount of experience that I've had in programming was using RPG maker back when I was 12. I have no idea what a programming language is, or what I should do to learn what's necessary for making an NES game. Are there any videos that help. I did a quick google search, and found a couple options. The First one was something called NESmaker. But it costs money, and I don't know If I want to commit to this yet. I saw a couple more, nesicide, and cc65. But even the tutorial's I've seen aren't very helpful, and I was confused as all heck to what I saw. I'm going into this knowing full well that there Isn't a "Mario Maker" level of ease of access programming tool, but is there something that a complete noob to programming would be able to try out and see if it works for them? Are there any tutorials that I should watch, or programs that are free to under 10$ to try out?

    As for my idea, I was thinking of something Similar to subway surfers, having a constatly scrolling top down game, where you duck, jump, and switch lanes to avoid obstacles, with it progressively getting faster throughout the game. Is this even Possible for the NES?

    submitted by /u/LittleGodess777
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    [C++] Turn a for loop into a while loop?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    I need to write a C++ program which gives the user all the factors of an inputted number. For example if the user enters 42 the program would output 1 2 3 6 7 14 21 42

    So far online I've found an example using a for loop

    int main() {

    int num = 20, i;

    cout << "The factors of " << num << " are : ";

    for(i=1; i <= num; i++) {

    if (num % i == 0)

    cout << i << " ";


    But I'm not sure how to convert this for loop into a while loop. From the above example I understand that i=1 initializes the i variable to 1, i <= num sets the condition for the loop, and i++ increments the i variable by 1 every time the program runs. the if statement below it says if num modded by i is 0, then print out the value of i followed by a space.

    I'm not too sure how I would go about converting this into a while loop. Any help would be appreciated, I'm just a beginner, sorry if this is a dumb question and for any formatting uses.

    Edit: Content covered in the class so far; while loops, if else statements, boolean operators.

    submitted by /u/Crativ390
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    SQL logic for dates

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    Hey all! Ran into a tricky one (at least for me)...

    I have one table, lets call it "daily", that looks as follows:

    Date Symbol ReportDate 20090903 ADP NULL 20090902 ADP NULL 20090901 ADP NULL ... 20090603 ADP NULL 20090602 ADP NULL 20090601 ADP NULL ... 20090403 ADP NULL 20090402 ADP NULL 20090401 ADP NULL .... 20090103 ADP NULL 20090102 ADP NULL 20090101 ADP NULL 

    I have another table, lets call it "reports", as follows:

    corpSymbol report_date ADP 20090505 ADP 20090203 ADP 20081103 ADP 20080731 ADP 20080501 

    What I'm essentially trying to do (without using a stored procedure), is update the daily table column ReportDate with the report_date column from the reports table.

    The idea is simple, but I can't seem to come up with the logic outside of using a SP. The report date should begin the exact date of the report and repeat until the next report date is reached.

    For example, if ADP has a ReportDate of 2008-11-03, it should start on 2008-11-03 and repeat in each row up to the next ReportDate, which in the example below is 2009-02-03.

    So, ultimately the output should look something like this:

    Date Symbol ReportDate 20090403 ADP 20090203 20090402 ADP 20090203 20090401 ADP 20090203 .... 20090103 ADP 20081103 20090102 ADP 20081103 20090101 ADP 20081103 

    Anyone have any ideas? Let me know if I should clarify anything.

    submitted by /u/flymoosey
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    Looking for book recommendation for scientific python work

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    I've done many of the basic books and online courses recommended here and I'm looking to learn intermediate items more related to my job (meteorologist) in order to grow to the point I can efficiently do work related projects, so more dealing with science based libraries and touching on geospatial items. I'd also like some more data analysis background so I can build up to machine learning.

    The book Python Programming and Visualization for Scientists looks great but appears to be written for python 2, and uses basemap which appears to have gone out of favor. Any recommendations for similar books that might be a touch more modern?

    Many thanks to this group btw! When I got promoted recently, my boss mentioned my willingness to expand my technical abilities as one of the key reasons. I'm getting quite good at SQL but my python isn't quite there yet. Really wish I had minored in CS at this point, learning on my own has been much harder than I imagine it would have in college.

    submitted by /u/wxduff
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