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    Thursday, August 13, 2020

    Unity DARK theme free for ALL users! Unity 2019.4.8

    Unity DARK theme free for ALL users! Unity 2019.4.8

    Unity DARK theme free for ALL users! Unity 2019.4.8

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    The best advice I've ever heard for making an action-rpg: "Your game should be fun without any numbers"

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Heard from one of my gamedev friends remarking on another arpg he was playing. And he's right. You can have the most in-depth skill tree and itemization on the planet but if it doesn't feel fun to play from the first minute, no one will end up seeing them.

    I've made many arpg prototypes over the years, (abandoning them for one reason or another), and I always ended up in the same trap - working on things like skills and items before finely tuning the movement, AI, hitboxes, and level generation. I couldn't imagine something like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night being made without the groundwork from the previous more action-focused titles first. RPG elements work best when informed by the gameplay of the action-game base.

    submitted by /u/MortimerMcMire
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    How to add lights and brake lights to vehicles in UE4. (link in comments)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    Week #2 recreating the "falling floor" from Super Mario 64

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    I need random facts for my game

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    Hey. I have got an idea to display random facts about anything you can imagine in my game's loading screen. I want facts to be really short and interesting. If you post multiple facts, please do a line break between them like that:

    In a group of 13 people there is a 100% chance of a pair having birthday in the same month.

    North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can't buy Coca-Cola.

    Nose and ears continue to grow as you age.

    submitted by /u/hakuna_matata_dev
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    Making an RPG : Encounter & UI

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    Im needing help with stuttery movement

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    need help fixing stutery movement unity


    im new to unity and a complete beginner at coding

    I want to have a grid based movement but I'm having problems with stuttery movement and dont know how to fix it.

    I tried the update as well as the fixed update method

    Another problem im facing is that i need to press the dash key and wasd exactly at the same time and cant just hold down the dash key and start dashing as soon ans i pressany of the wasd buttons

    the code i wrote is pasted bellow

    if you want to i can also send you the code or the wwhole project

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class gridMovementScript : MonoBehaviour
    public float Playerspeed;
    public Transform movePoint;
    //th time you have bevore the next input
    public float reactiontime = 0.07f;
    // time tile runlogging activates
    public float locktime = 1.0f;
    // timer for funktion
    public float runing ;
    //time till it stops when runnlogig is activated
    public float alternativreactiontime;
    //used to normalise speed
    public float booster = 1f ;
    //speed when booster is active
    public float activebooster ;
    // distance the booster gets you to
    public float boostdistance;
    //used to normalise distance
    public float normaldistance = 1 ;
    private Rigidbody2D myigidbody;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
    runing = locktime /30;
    myigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
    myigidbody.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(myigidbody.position, movePoint.position,Playerspeed *booster*Time.deltaTime);
    if (Vector3.Distance(myigidbody.position, movePoint.position) <= reactiontime)
    booster = activebooster;
    normaldistance = boostdistance;
    if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, movePoint.position) <= reactiontime)
    booster = 1.0f;
    normaldistance = 1.0f;
    if (Mathf.Abs (Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal")) ==1)
    movePoint.position+= new Vector3 (Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal")*normaldistance,0f,0f);
    runing -= Time.deltaTime;
    if (Mathf.Abs (Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical")) ==1)
    movePoint.position+= new Vector3 (0f,(Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"))*normaldistance,0f);
    runing -= Time.deltaTime;

    runing = locktime /30;
    if (runing <=0)
    public void Runlogging()

    reactiontime = alternativreactiontime;
    Debug.Log("runnlog is activated");

    submitted by /u/mikeoxlong11111
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    How to smoothen Height Map-based terrain?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    How to smoothen Height Map-based terrain?

    I use my own custom game engine for my projects. I currently overhauling my environment system to enable more feature and improve its efficiency. In order to render terrain, I import a height map where each data point (i.e. height at a certain position in my grid) is represented by a float value. Adjacent data points are connected via faces and vertex-based lighting (Blinn-Phong Vertex Shader) is used to render it. Please have a look at the following image.

    Level editor

    My problem is, that the terrain is not very smooth, but you can clearly see the edges between vertices. Using only height maps to create the mesh, it was to be expected. However, I would like to ask for advice how to improve my terrain engine so that terrain is more smooth.

    submitted by /u/Masabera
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    Want to learn 2D art while developing a gritty top-down game similar to Darkwood and Sunless Skies. What are the best learning resources?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    For some background, I am an experienced game programmer professionally and I have recently completed some game jams and picked up some pixel art skills. I want to expand that into learning proper 'drawn' 2D art, similar in style to Darkwood or Sunless Skies:



    Now I understand that the simple answer to the question 'how do I replicate this style of art', is to learn how to draw, and practice practice practice, but I was wondering if there were some good resources I could use that would steer me in the correct direction?

    I assume it is most likely that this art was created digitally using a tablet? I'm guessing that my first action would be to get a tablet to draw on.

    Thank you for any advice you can give!

    submitted by /u/Calneon
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    I wrote an essay about everything I learned building network multiplayer in my game engine

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Darkest Dungeon: A Design Postmortem

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    My Images / Textures Generator is Free to download

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    The implementation for shooting

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Starting programming and gamedev with Commodore 64

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    I'm 42, a programmer of 20+ years and this is what I would recommend to teens and young adults, interested in programming and/or gamedev.

    BASIC is a very small and simple language, it's a great first language to pick up the programming "basics".

    Get the Vice C64 emulator, and download a few free BASIC books, these books are made for kids, and the C64 still has a dev scene and gamer scene.

    Programming isn't about how pretty the graphics are, but what you can do with what you learn, follow a few books and finish something simple.
    If you can't follow that and enjoy making something simple, then I would say programming isn't for you.

    After following a few books, try making something new from scratch and share it around, new C64 community will enjoy it!

    Why start with C64 dev? It's a relatively simple and very popular machine. It has a lot of free documentation and books, mostly targeted at teenagers and young adults.

    Starting books: https://usborne.com/browse-books/features/computer-and-coding-books/

    More advance books are here: https://archive.org/details/books?and%5B%5D=Commodore+64&sin=

    It's limitation is it's strength, coding, art and sound are very simple and small compared to modern gamedev (ie Unity3D), which you'll be lost in GUI's (menus and screens).

    C64 has a modern PC dev environments: http://www.ajordison.co.uk/screenshots.html

    And support forums: https://www.lemon64.com/forum/ and https://everythingc64.boards.net/ .

    Also learning maths (linear algebra, trigonometry, simple physics and artificial intelligence) is really more important then learning BASIC.

    If you want the authentic experience (I wouldn't recommend it) you can still buy them online, kinda getting up there in price now, or you can get "TheC64" which is a new, full-size Commodore 64 keyboard with joystick and 64 games, that is emulated but has support for programming (saving/loading).

    The jump from BASIC C64 programming to assembly might seem daunting, and it is more complex, but BASIC refers to the hardware a lot and that's part of the learning, assembly can be mixed with BASIC to optimise slower routines.

    Anyway, just some thoughts...

    submitted by /u/mgarcia_org
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    Steam Game Festival: Is it worth participating if you have a working demo?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    I'm currently working on full fledged version of a jam game that I intend to release commercially. I'm thinking about participating in the upcoming steam game festival. I have a demo ready that will only get bigger and better within the next month.

    There have been multiple festivals already. I know that there are a lot of lurkers in this sub who are successful and probably participated in the festival before. With that in mind, I have some questions:

    1. How much of a time drain is it?
    2. Did you get a considerable wishlist boost from participating?
    3. If your expected launch date was considerably far from the festival, was your wishlist conversion rate low after getting a large amount from the Festival? In other words, did the wishlisters lose interest due to the launch delay?
    4. Did you participate in any of the events? Did you feel like they were worth it?
    5. I saw some devs streaming Q&As. As a developer with negligible following, I don't think that anybody would even show up even if I did stream. If you were in a similar/opposite position, what was your experience?
    6. Did you contact any streamers during the festival?
    7. Did you do any marketing outside of the festival events?
    8. Can you submit a game that was already covered in a past festival?
    9. Lastly, do you think that it was worth it overall?
    submitted by /u/Krons-sama
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    I don't see any real discussion or links here relevant to games as art (not in aesthetic terms)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    I don't mean pixel/vector art or 3D models or the technicals behind making those.

    There are heated debates and discussions about this topic all over the internet, but we never seem to address it here. It might get mentioned, but never really fully talked about. I don't mean to start the same tired debate. Let's just say games can be art. What I want to discuss is the how?

    So, what are developer's views on games as art? What can we actually try to do to make games mean more in that sense? How do we balance that with all the other issues we face, like time constraints?

    submitted by /u/altmorty
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    NDK folder is empty.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    While trying to get started with unity remote 5. I came to find that the NDK files are not in the folder. This has completely put my project to a halt. I am using the 2020f1 version of unity. What should I do? Should I install 2019 version of the unity engine? Is that more stable?

    submitted by /u/XdemonXx
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    I'm currently updating my press kit and with the self-imposed deadline in a little less than 3 weeks, perhaps I should have asked this question much earlier...at what point should I release my press kit and be sending out keys to reviewers?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    For info, I am using the press kit available in Indie DB, which is just really http://dopresskit.com/

    I've just requested keys for distribution to YouTubers and Gaming press sites and wondering just how long before the release date should I wait? The game is in a playable state, there are just some minor polishing that needs to be applied before release. Should I be providing any disclaimers with regard to that?

    submitted by /u/centaurianmudpig
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    Making a small 3D game for your first game?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    How do you guys find ideas for your first game if you work in 3D? It's so easy to get sidetracked by the grandiose ideas, and when you're working in 3D even the small ideas are pretty robust and a lot of work, but I (personally) have zero interest in working in 2D.

    I've started a few ideas, and the last one I was working on went pretty well, but I started to get discouraged pretty hard by some words from others basically telling me that it's not achievable for me. I'm not even going to argue whether it is or not, I'm just going to assume it is and move on. But I really can't think of any smaller ideas I could make in 3D.

    What are the simplest types of 3D games to make? Does anyone have any advice for people in this kind of situation?

    submitted by /u/notMateo
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    While I've been working on my game, I did not found any free vertical fog effects Shaders (that fits my game). After some research on internet, I have made my own and have published one (actually two) on the Unity Asset Store for those who need it. Link in first comment.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Proud of my brother, who's making music for indie games!!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Which version of loot dropping do you find more engaging?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    When it comes to slower combat RPG games (so think game more like Pathfinder Kingmaker, Pillar of Eternity, Elder Scrolls, Fallout and not games like Diablo, Grim Dawn, or Path of Exile) which system do you feel provide better engagement with the user as far as loot "dropping", drop items on ground or a loot items off "container" (whether that be a chest, body, etc.) or a combination of both like Fallout / Elders Scrolls games do (or maybe you think a different system that I might not be familiar with is better)?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/ryanzec
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    I recently started using Unity and just finished my first short horror game. If anyone is interested in getting some chills can download and try my game. I would be more than happy to receive some feedback on it.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:55 AM PDT

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