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    Tuesday, August 18, 2020

    Took a bootcamp. More than doubled my salary. Not at all what was promised or how I thought the process would go. Here's what I learned. learn programming

    Took a bootcamp. More than doubled my salary. Not at all what was promised or how I thought the process would go. Here's what I learned. learn programming

    Took a bootcamp. More than doubled my salary. Not at all what was promised or how I thought the process would go. Here's what I learned.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    Hold up. This won't be one of those posts that starts "I took a bootcamp and some Udemy classes and in 8 weeks of programming, I got an offer for six figures". I do see those posts and if you are one of the lucky ones, I'm super excited for you. That's not at all how it went down for me. I'm writing this to give my perspective for those people at the beginning of their coding journey and for those potentially thinking about a bootcamp.

    Let's rewind a few years ago. I got my degree in design. Took a job at a startup where after designing for a bit, the owner asked me to take more of a role in marketing because the company needed my efforts there. I sacrificed my skillset for the company and shelved my design skillset. The startup sputtered and long story short, I was out of a job with a design skillset that wasn't developed enough to get a job and an atypical marketing skillset that wasn't up to standards for corporate positions.

    The decision to switch careers - After several failed interviews, I like many others, needed something. As much as I didn't want a career change, I felt I had to take the plunge. Programming seemed like a good option. I saw the quantity of job openings and the salaries attached to those positions. I knew I was a critical thinker and I knew I loved to tinker with puzzle-type situations. I also dabbled in solving and fixing minor problems with the Shopify-based website at my previous job and knew that programming was fun. I thought a bootcamp might be a good opportunity to learn a new skillset quickly and increase my market value and get me back producing for a company.

    I interviewed several bootcamps and heard all the stories: "We have a 94% placement rate." "Our graduates walk out of here with companies banging down the door." "Just last cohort we got a kid who got a job at Google." I heard it all. From what I gathered, bootcamps seemed to tout a high success rate of job placement and good networks in position to place their students. One bootcamp had two instructors that I found especially brilliant, so I pulled pretty much all my reserves of $15k from under my mattress and signed up.

    Day 1 of bootcamp - First thing I noticed was I was immediately put into a bait and switch. Which really pissed me off because I already signed the contract and paid the cash. The instructor that I really liked, was pulled into another location and they replaced him with a kid that just graduated a bootcamp 3 months prior. If I was paying $15k, I expected industry professionals, not some kid with zero industry experience. And come to find out, hiring recent bootcamp grads to be bootcamp instructors is not an uncommon practice. I was considering leaving and potentially making a fuss, but after talking with the instructors, I found that they had plenty of resources to learn from, projects to build and the experience would be entirely dependent on me and how much I was willing to pull from it. I recommitted to max effort regardless.

    The bootcamp - Of the 25 kids that started in my cohort, 10 finished the camp. The dreams of the students were big, but the work ethic was virtually nonexistent. Most kids treated the camp as a continuation of high school. They'd put their butts in the seat until class got over in the early afternoon, then they'd bounce. Many of the other students would play PC games during lecture or cruise social media. But when we'd talk about careers each student would ask questions like "So I want to live just off the coast in Hawaii so I can just surf all the time, what's the likelihood my first job will be remote?" or "I was looking at going salaries for programmers, I was thinking about asking HR for around $150k for my first job. Is that too much or should I ask for something more along the lines of $120k?" The point being, most people treated the bootcamp and programming as a life shortcut. They figured as soon as they had their certificate of completion, the job offers would rain from the skies. Let me be very clear for those who are thinking about a bootcamp. A bootcamp certificate means jack shit. Not one company will be impressed with a completion of a bootcamp. Companies want to see what you've worked on and what knowledge you've picked up along the way. The network that the bootcamp touted was worthless. We had a couple industry devs come and talk with us, but none of which were hiring. There were only 3 of us in our cohort that really pushed each other. I'd catch the earliest train at 5:30 AM and catch the latest train home at midnight. Many nights I'd pull an all nighter or I'd stay at the building and just nap on the couch for a couple hours. We'd pour over stack overflow. Every couple of days we'd ask the instructors for additional curriculum and projects to work on. We worked as hard as we could work in a hyper-focused setting. Even then, after 12 weeks we felt like we knew nothing. I was still bumbling through creating databases and my frontend React was only just slightly better.

    Post bootcamp - Immediately I began applying for jobs upon completion. I had a couple contacts who worked at dev firms whom I reached out to and they tried my hand on small contracted jobs. I completed the tasks, but my code was shit. I didn't really know industry standard for code and I was still just learning to bumble through things just to make it work. I didn't know how to make things fast or correctly. I asked for a job at the firm after completing the contracted assignments. The firm denied me. After that, my time was spent juggling filling out applications, doing interviews, completing interview code problems, building small projects, building my own site, finding interview prep questions, following tutorials on Udemy, Youtube and Pluralsight and then on tricky code problems on sites like Codewars and Hackerrank. The process sucked. No matter what I was doing, I felt like I should be spending more time on other aspects of development.

    Interviews - In this period I was getting plenty of interviews, but the results were usually the same. The initial interview with HR was always a breeze. I know how to talk about my work and I'm personable enough to be able to relate to people. The second interview with the manager was usually pretty easy as well. Generally they'd ask about my background and some basic coding stuff to see if I could hold my own. I'd try to be upfront about my experience while still sounding like I knew what I was talking about. Maybe about 2/3 of the time I'd get to the take home coding challenge or to where they'd call me in so I could get grilled in person. Most of the time if I was able to take the coding challenge home to where I could research things I knew nothing about, I'd crush it. They'd ask me to build small apps. Maybe I'd get asked to solve a tricky Javascript function. Explaining different terminology or how a certain technology was used was my biggest shortcoming. During the coding challenge, if it was timed or if they'd do a screen share and watch me or call me in and watch me code in front of a group, I was a mixed bag, sometimes I'd do well and other times I'd crash and burn miserably and completely embarrass myself. Pretty soon I got very accustomed to the rejection process. I'd make it to the end of the interviewing process, sometimes doing as many as 8 different interviews. I'd get passed the final interview and then the department managers would call me or I'd get a rejection letter so I'd reach out to them to find out how I could improve and they'd tell me identical stories. "Look, we're incredibly impressed by your skills and we feel you'd fit right in with the team, we love your personality. We got hundreds of applications for this position and we narrowed it down to only a couple candidates, and basically what it boils down to is we really just need someone right now with 3-5 years experience that can really hold their own and we don't have to keep an eye on." It's always 3-5 years experience.

    Job 1 - This job was kind of a fluke and I don't really know if it counts because I was hired on for such a short time. It took six months of grinding out code after graduation to get my first job. It was a very small start up that needed someone who could do several things. I had a background in marketing, design and development. They hired me to do all three. What they needed was three experts in all three fields. I could handle my own in all three fields but my no means was I an expert. They hired me with very little dev screening and just took me at face value thinking I was an expert front end dev, back end dev, IT department and security dev. There was definitely a misunderstanding of what they thought a dev was and me explaining where I was in the process. Upon being hired, I didn't do as much development as I'd hoped, but it was a job. My salary was slightly more than what I was making before all this started. But alas, money mismanagement was a pretty big problem in the company and within four months the company needed to lay off all their staff.

    Interviews Part II - This was the hardest part. This wasn't logistical or tactical. This was 100% an emotional grind. Firstly, I was incredibly fortunate to have a spouse making a good salary who could support me during this time and more importantly would build me up during the hard times. Without that, I'd have given up early and taken whatever low paying job I could find. During this time, it was a time of doubt, anxiety, depression, uncertainty, questioning my decision to go all in on programming to begin with. I went back to juggling my time between applying for jobs and working on projects. I'd work on small websites that some friends needed for pretty much zero pay just to get them in my resume. This time around, the interviewing process really sucked. I had around 120 phone interviews and about 40 companies do in-person interviews and coding challenges. Always the same response "You're super smart and a quick learner and we're incredibly impressed at how much you know. We think you'd be a great personality for the team. It just came down to you and someone with more experience so we opted to go with the person with more experience." Rejection. Depression. Try to put on an excited face for the next set of interviews. Rejection. Deeper depression. Rinse. Repeat. This is the part I never read about from other people on r/learnprogramming or bootcamp reviews. I thought it would be fairly quick. I thought that companies had a huge need and were willing to train raw talent to put butts in seats and fill positions. Suicidal thoughts began to creep in. Some especially hard days after a brutal rejection I'd just sit on the ground and cry with my dog laying next to me.

    Job 2 - After 12 months since being let go of my first job, and nearly 2 years since completing bootcamp I found another smaller company that again needed someone who was a bit more rounded and scrappy. They had a Shopify based website and needed some design and some development. I'd be pretty much on my own as a dev, but the tech stack wasn't too complicated and I could focus on some basic elements while slowly expanding my arsenal of skills. They weren't tech savvy and were again convinced that a dev just meant you knew all things about code without going into too much depth of my skill set. I asked for 150% of my pre-programming salary and they complied. This actually was the perfect position for me. I was able to fake it and they were incredibly impressed by very simple projects. I increased productivity on many fronts. The company grew. They were impressed by me, but much of it was due to the simple tech stack they were dealing with. Company was well run and we grew together. I was in a good position but the job just had a couple inconveniences (benefits weren't great, salary was good but not great, I wasn't doing as much code as I'd hoped, tech stack was dated, commute took about an hour one way).

    Job 3 - The dream position. A friend of mine who had initially helped convince me that programming was a good career change, just reached out one day and asked if I was looking for a change of position. I told him I was always listening. The new position was everything I had dreamed of: the latest tech stack, an incredibly gifted team to grow and learn from, the best company with all the perks and benefits. I had serious doubts I would be able to produce at that high of a level. They interviewed me. I crushed the personality interview. The take home challenge was to create a mini version of the app they were building with the tech stack they were using even though I knew nothing of their tech stack. I completed the task in 4 days with 2 all-nighters and just poured over tutorials and docs. The project ran great. I had 2 more rounds of interviews afterwards and did well on all of them. They asked my required salary I told them 210% of my pre-programming salary. I finished my interviews and landed the job. I've been working there for about a year and it's been a dream come true. Programming is everything I had hoped it'd be and more. I'm crushing the projects I work on and I've been growing at an incredibly rapid pace.

    Post experience - It took almost 3 years from the date I decided on a career change into programming to land my dream job. During the process I got rejected a lot. I cried. I worked my ass off. I got knocked down. I got back up. Then I got knocked down again. And finally I made it. At many times I questioned my decision and didn't know if it was the right career move. I had two major advantages many people don't have in getting my dream job: a friend willing to guide my career change and recommend me for my dream position, and a spouse willing to support me emotionally and financially during the career transition. Looking back I ask if I'd go through it all again with the knowledge that it would take years and a lot more work than I was originally anticipating to learn programming: without a doubt yes, I'd do it again. I mean, I wish I could have harnessed my expectations for just how much time I'd spend banging out code before I'd get the position. But the field is so rewarding.

    TL;DR - Did a bootcamp. Changed Careers into programming. More than doubled my salary. It took much longer than I was anticipating, a hundred times more work than I was anticipating, and took me to the darkest place emotionally I'd ever been. It wasn't rainbows and unicorns like most stories I've read on here. It's not the story that will blow sunshine up your ass. But it's my story.

    submitted by /u/LittleJohnsDingDong
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    I made a site that randomly generates python practice programs to teach reading fluency

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    I've been a programming tutor for about 7 years, and I only recently realized that a major weakness in the way programming is taught is that beginners don't get to practice reading code enough to be able to read quickly. I made this site to randomly generate python programs for the user to read and figure out the output. It can be configured based on your level of ability, e.g. you can include or exclude different variable types and the difficulty levels gradually introduce more complex statements, if/elif/else, loops, and nested loops. There are three different exercises currently: control flow, boolean expressions, and functions.

    I've been using this with one of my students and it seems to have helped. He certainly got faster at reading code, and I think the skill has transferred over to writing code as well.

    Here's the link to the control flow exercise: https://trprt.io/python-practice-problems-ifs-loops-control-flow

    Let me know if this helps you!

    submitted by /u/palpalpalwarp
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    How r/learnprogramming has influenced freeCodeCamp over the years

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    I've been subscribed to this sub since 2015, and it has been a big influence on me and on freeCodeCamp's development over the years.

    My background is in teaching adult ed. I didn't even learn to code until my 30s.

    As you all may know, freeCodeCamp is under heavy development. We're completely overhauling the curriculum to make everything project-based learning. (Currently it's 50 projects, plus 1,000+ lessons that are what I call "interactive documentation." These are suboptimal, but better than video lectures imho.)

    We've already incorporated a ton of the feedback I've seen here on r/learnprogramming.

    For example, a lot of people want to build projects using their own local dev environment. We made that possible in 2018. You can even run freeCodeCamp itself locally on your network. Not many people use this feature outside of a few prisons here in the US. But it's there.

    Also, a ton of people here were asking for us to cover Python. We now have 4 Python-ecosystem certifications.

    There is also a lot of feedback I see here that we are not planning to act on. For example, a common critique of freeCodeCamp is that it feels too hand-holdy, and that people should start with Node School / Python Koans / Odin Project instead. Those are all awesome resources, but they are less accessible. One reason browser-based learning is so critical is that most people around the world don't own laptops and are learning to code on their phones. Many of the people who use freeCodeCamp are among the 2/3rds of humans living off less than $10/day.

    Even when I don't agree with the feedback I see here on r/learnprogramming, it is super helpful for me. I read what you all say and I hear you. This is all super helpful.

    Thanks for reading this. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm here. I'm a fan of the sub. I appreciate everything you all are doing to help newcomers to the field. And I'm happy to answer any questions you all may have.

    submitted by /u/quincylarson
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    I'm looking to mentor someone who wants to become a professional software engineer and learn Clojure.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    I'm a software engineer and startup founder. I also wrote a post the other day about learning Python that got pretty popular.

    My strongest language is Python, but I'm learning Clojure and rewriting my app in Clojure. I thought one way to stay motivated / have fun / learn a lot would be to mentor someone who wants be a software engineer and learn Clojure. What I'm offering to one person is to meet over a video call twice a week for the next six months to talk about how your Clojure study is going for free. I'll answer your questions as best I can and help figure out what you should study next.

    Who I'm looking to help

    1. Wants to be a professional software engineer.
    2. Wants to learn Clojure.
    3. Will spend 40 hours per week over the next six months learning to program.
    4. Has completed at least a semester long introduction to computer science course (e.g., CS50).
    5. US work authorization (in case you end up working at my startup).

    How to let me know you're interested

    Fill out this form and I'll respond within 2 weeks. If I haven't responded by then, it means I went with someone else and dropped the ball in letting you know. I'm sorry.

    A huge word of warning

    My experience with offering help is that I get way more response than I can handle. I'm probably going to have to say "no" to a lot of people. And if that's you, just remember it says nothing about your ability to become a software engineer!


    I don't meet the requirements in your list. Will you still mentor me?

    The only thing I'm flexible on is if you're almost done with a computer science intro course. Otherwise, no.

    Will you help me with this other thing?

    Probably not, but you could ask.

    Is Clojure the best language for a self-taught programmer to get a job?

    No. I don't know which it is (maybe Python or JS?), but I really doubt it's Clojure.

    Then why should I learn Clojure?

    I'm not saying you should learn Clojure. But if you do, I might help. People who like Clojure tend to really like it. Clojure is a lisp, which is neat.

    submitted by /u/TravisJungroth
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    I'm giving back - here's a free book on Python - keep learning during the pandemic!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    I started writing "Slither into Python" a little over a year ago and I have recently completed it. I decided to release it online for free as a thank you to the programming community, in particular the Python community. I know a lot of you out there are learning Python at the moment and I hope this resource can serve you well.

    If you have any questions, or feedback for me, then please let me know, my email is on the site!

    I know this is a difficult time for many of us but we can use it to our advantage! Many of us have a lot more free time now then we ever had before, so use this time to continue learning and really ramp up your skills!

    Check it out here: www.slitherintopython.com

    submitted by /u/BigTheory88
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    HELP working with C environment (MinGW)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:50 PM PDT


    I've only recently installed MinGW on my Windows 10 laptop in order to set up a C environment.

    I started following this course online (it is probably too advanced for me but I'll see how it goes), and the first homework assignment runs through some commands. One of them is 'make' which after some searching i found that i need to use 'mingw32-make' instead. When I run mingw32, i get the following printed: https://res.cloudinary.com/dtwopb4fp/image/upload/v1597658186/mingw32make_lkki8e.png.

    I also tried running './uwimg test' and 'python tryit.py' as in the homework, but I get the following error (I suppose since the 'mingw32-make command' didn't work?): https://res.cloudinary.com/dtwopb4fp/image/upload/v1597658186/running_vsn8jr.png

    Would anyone be able to help me solve this problem?

    I'm quite new to all this so apologies if this is too basic a question.


    submitted by /u/alfredborden00
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    Why does there appear to be no way to deploy files by SFTP with Gulp?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    There is gulp-sftp https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-sftp but is it deprecated.

    There is vinyl-ftp https://www.npmjs.com/package/vinyl-ftp but it doesn't support SFTP.

    Why is there seemingly no way to achieve this with Gulp?

    submitted by /u/MeltingDog
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    Just how wrong is my answer?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    We are to find the most repeated element in an array. I immediately thought of a histogram which is a graph or array that keeps track of how many times a number is repeated.

    class Solution { public: int majorityElement(vector<int>& nums) { int histo[10]; for(int i=0; i<nums.size()-1; i++){ int index = nums[i]; histo[index]++; } int biggest = histo[0]; int index = 0; for(int i=1; i<10; i++){ if(histo[i] > biggest){ biggest = histo[i]; index = i; } } return index; } }; 
    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    I'm confused on what skill should I learn (I know basic C++ programming)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Shall I do competitive programming now?

    Or shall I learn Data structures & Algorithms first.

    & when do I learn other stuff like ML/AI or Web development?

    I'm just confused on how shall I proceed.

    Help plz

    submitted by /u/daredevil005
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    Struggling in Discrete Math. Will Data Structures and Algorithms be immensely harder?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    Some background. I'm not struggling to the point that I won't pass the paper, but it defintely feels like I won't be able to get a decent grade for it. Will this set me back immensely in learning Data Structures and Algorithms? Just curious as I am planning on taking that paper next year.


    Particularly, I am having trouble with proofs, especially with the more complex exercises. Like I get the theory behind Direct Proofs, Contradiction, Contrapositive, etc. but I can only apply them to simple problems. Anything more complicated and I get stuck. Not to mention, our lecturer is boring as hell and I don't really learn much from her. Most of things I've learned so far are off youtube and her practice problems. :/

    submitted by /u/hermitfist
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    Does AWS API Gateway with Lambda replace a standard Java Spring Boot Rest API?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    I have a project written with Spring Boot which is simple query to database and now I am learning AWS and want to deploy the Spring Boot project on AWS. It looks like AWS API Gateway with Lambda could do the same thing and I don't have to create a whole server. Am I right? Is the spring boot rest api nature not needed anymore?

    submitted by /u/gunbuster363
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    Using web APIs with limited website access (raspberry pi)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    I'm using a raspberry pi as a server to host a program. Part of what this program does is interface with websites such as spotify, google sheets, and google forms through their respective APIs (or a library wrapper)

    In order to interface with spotify, i've attempted to use a python module called 'spotipy' which is a wrapper for the spotify API. However, i'm having trouble getting it to work, and I have a feeling its because the API requires authentication which utilizes the systems browser, i.e. chromium on the pi, but chromium does not have support for open.spotify.com due to its limited capabilities.

    Is it reasonable to say that a web API wont work without access to the website you are attempting to interface with?

    Hopefully this is provides enough information, thanks.

    submitted by /u/-heyhowareyou-
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    How do I become a desktop developer?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    -Can someone suggest me the best way to learn app programming, the steps should I follow to learn it in the good way, currently I am learning Java and JavaFX

    -I want someone with good experience to tell me all the steps from beginning to the end like from databases to the GUI designing

    submitted by /u/py_charmer
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    How practical is it to learn the implementation of RedBlack/2-3-4/AVL trees?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    I was contemplating the idea, whether it is practical to learn how to implement the RB/2-4/AVL trees. I did some coding this weekend, and I'm looking at many lines of code that still doesn't work perfectly.

    So I came up with some pros/cons points and I need your take on this:

    * The concept is very interesting and I learned how these tree data-structures work.

    * I can struggle through and make a working implementation which would take like ~12 hours.

    * There are many niche cases in each implementation that I need to remember while coding.

    * Would I even remember the implementation? The concepts are going to stick, but the implementation?

    * I argued that it is not about remembering the implementation but rather the problem-solving/coding skill-set that I'll hone while trying to implement this.

    * Again, for this, I can do other problems on dynamic programming which, I think, will hone the same skill-set while also being very interesting.

    * It is very low-level and not much inspiring. If there was a front-end way to do this, so that everything could be more visual, then it'd be much more interesting. (So I was thinking if I should learn some JavaScript and do this as a front-end powered DS project?)

    * I would probably not need to implement a Red-Black tree in real-life development.

    I would appreciate any insights on this. How do you suggest one should about learning data-structures?

    submitted by /u/No_Blacksmith_902
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    Programming course/program for kids age 13

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    Hey everyone was wondering what resources or online classes would be useful for my 13 year old nephew interested in coding/designing/programming. He already loves roblox(plays all day) the game but I'm wondering if there's anything else that could continue developing his interest. If he's too young to be taking an actual class I get that too. Just want to fuel his interest! Free or low cost is fine. Much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/DescriptionFull7469
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    PayPal Smart Button Coding

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Hi there, I'm trying to create a PayPal smart button with drop down list of different options in order for client's to purchase desired options. But, I don't know how to code it. The feature will looks like the "Buy Now Button" with drop down list. Instead of bringing me to another site, I wish to create it with option 1 - $ xx , option 2 - $ xx, and so on ). Then they click on the button to purchase ." Would appreciate help from any pro . Please help 🙏🙏Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Naomi_ye
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    React Spread operator "Unexpected token" - Alternatives?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm following Udemy's React front to back tutorial. I'm having a problem with the spread operator. It gives me an "unexpected token error". I've tried installing the transform object rest spread plugin and it doesn't work. I've added the line to all the .babelrc files (there were so many I didn't know which one, so I added it to all of them) and still nothing. Are there any alternatives? Here is the code:

    import { SEARCH_USERS, GET_USER, GET_REPOS, SET_LOADING , SET_ALERT , REMOVE_ALERT } from '../types.js'; export default (state, action) => { switch(action.type) { case SET_LOADING: return { ...state, loading:true } case SEARCH_USERS: return { ...user: action.payload loading: false; } default: return state; } } 
    submitted by /u/Prestigious_Tennis
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    How do I ensure I am working in a virtual environment in my IDE

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:00 PM PDT


    I have set up pyenv and installed python 3.8.5 using iterm2. And now I want to start writing python script in my IDE (Atom) but I am unsure if the virtual environment is currently active. Is there anyway I can check this? Or some steps I should take?

    I have the console package installed in Atom where I usually work from with venv but I wan to start using pyenv as better practise.


    submitted by /u/deadant88
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    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    i write as short as possible , i am in middle of the way to learn programming , after html css and js i wanted to learn c# and asp.net but one of my friends insisted me that i should learn python because it was better job offers , i did it and i am almost learned half of python and i am doing some projects , but i heared someone said asp.net has fat better job offers and i should've learned that first , also i am a newbie and have kinda poor information , did i made the wrong choice here?

    submitted by /u/rezabarkhi
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    How do you make frontend work with multiple backends?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    In other words a front end that is backend agnostic. Say I have a website that can be set up in two ways: one with firebase and one with a custom back end, like express with mongo.

    How do I design the front end and/or backend so that switching between firebase and the custom backend during set up, is as simple as changing a config file?

    What i was thinking is to abstract away the backend. I would wrap all my backend interactions in some functions on the front end client side. Those functions call different backends depending on how the front end was set up.

    Since the custom backend and firebase are both nosql and can be structured in a similar way, the backend abstraction functions can be called with the same parameters.

    Should i instead do this on the server side?

    Im not sure if this is the best idea and I couldnt find resources on this online.

    submitted by /u/granite_towel
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    Help me

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I developed my interest on the field of programming and constantly looking for how to learn it . And most websites do tell me what to do ,what steps to be done , which languages to learn and how to start . But they don't tell me where to start . I mean , is there a software to start programming?,is it available in pc system or I have to download it !? . I am trying to learn python but I am confused what the hell is hello world? It's all so confusing for me. But I am continuesly Tring from weeks .

    Help me if you can . Just tell me the steps you did to start learning.

    submitted by /u/Anubhaba1053
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    why is nodejs so popular?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    ok i may shed some ignorance here but i am a php programmer by trade, slowly making my transition into nodejs because my new job requires it. I hope we can have a good discussion here and not get too personal.

    Looking at nodejs it just baffles me. Why would anyone want to use this thing? its a monster. nodejs needs to rely on external module just to read POST data. It needs to restart every time you make a change (i know there is nodemon, but thats an external dependency). node_module folder is a mess, and its quite massive. Managing dependencies is a nightmare. Callbacks are a nightmare. JSX for react is an abomination.

    The advantage of node over PHP i would imagine is its asynchronous nature, but is it really that important?

    submitted by /u/HuckTheForde
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    Python Project Review: command line flash cards

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    Hi team,

    I posted this to /r/learnpython, but I guess they aren't allowing projects anymore.

    This is my first 'large' project that isn't the product of a tutorial. It's a little over 600 sloc, I feel like that's a lot to ask people to read. I would appreciate it if someone would just look over the structure though and give me a little feedback about whether things appear to be laid out well, if my docstrings are too long/short, if I need more comments in the actual code blocks.

    I did a more detailed write-up for /r/madeinpython, but that sub is tiny, so I'm hoping to get a few more eyes over here.

    Here's the github

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/duquesne419
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    Is this the right way to move things around in Javascript?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    I was planning to make a carousel that moves product images around. This is just a solution to a subproblem: getting something to move. Is there a better way, that's more standard and efficient? Right now I'm just using setInterval and absolute positioning.


    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="ISO-8859-1"> <title>Insert title here</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="index3.js"></script> </head> <body > <div id="viewport" style="width:100%;background-Color:lightyellow; display:block;"> <button id="button" style="margin-bottom:20px;">click to move right</button> <div id="square"style="background-color:lightblue; width: 100px; height: 100px; position:absolute;"> moving object</div> </div> <script>moveRight();</script> </body> </html> 


    function moveRight(){ var movepos = square.getBoundingClientRect().left; //on click button.addEventListener("click", function(){ //delta, so if the square has moved 200px's then stop the continuus call var delta = 0; //continuously call adding to position var intervalAdd = window.setInterval(function(){ //stopping condition, if square has moved 300 in x direction, or current position less then or equal end of browser width if(delta==300 || movepos >= window.innerWidth -108){ window.clearInterval(intervalAdd); } else{ movepos+=3; //add to the position square.style.left = movepos +"px"; //set the position for the square delta+=3; } }, 1); }); } 
    submitted by /u/ThisSoFrustrating
    [link] [comments]

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