• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 12, 2020

    My startup hired an outside developer to build a web application. We're making good progress but are encountering so many tiny details we didn't expect to have to mess with, and I'm wondering if this is normal since we are about to be 2x over time. Ask Programming

    My startup hired an outside developer to build a web application. We're making good progress but are encountering so many tiny details we didn't expect to have to mess with, and I'm wondering if this is normal since we are about to be 2x over time. Ask Programming

    My startup hired an outside developer to build a web application. We're making good progress but are encountering so many tiny details we didn't expect to have to mess with, and I'm wondering if this is normal since we are about to be 2x over time.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    I have a startup that provides a B2B2C service. We are transitioning onto our own tech platform that lets us add clients to it and then allows our clients to add and service their own customers. It requires a high degree of security and scalability.

    We interviewed a few firms and ended up selecting someone who we have worked with before on other IT projects who has extensive programming experience. He's building the whole thing in AWS from the ground up.

    He jumped right into the project and started sketching out a very basic UI to serve as a roadmap for the functionality we want to include. Now a lot of backend work. The trouble is that requirements were not clearly defined up front, he just wanted to sort of lay things out as we go. Fine. But, SO MUCH STUFF keeps coming up.

    For example, 2FA is set up, but little things like "if they enter the wrong code for 2FA, we have to clear out the input box and tell them they entered the wrong code." I didn't expect to have to spec that sort of thing out for them. Or "when prompting them to change their password on first login and then having them log in again, tell them you're going to have them log in again instead of just routing them back to the login screen."

    I wanted to focus on the business, and I'm getting pulled into having to identify these crazy little user experience things. Does that make sense? It seems like there are frameworks for this and we are just reinventing the wheel on basic stuff like login screens and uploader modals. 6 week project now in week 12.

    My other issue with it is that it seems like it's irritating him that we're coming up with these things, and it's actually more irritating to me that he ISN'T coming up with them. Like, telling the user what's going on is not optional, they have to know why their password was rejected or that the 2FA code was wrong or they're just going to click submit 10 more times and then call us for help.

    submitted by /u/questionAboutThing
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    Computers can't generate truly random numbers...

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Computers can't generate truly random numbers, and a dice roll is considered "truly" random. If you use a physics engine to create dice and roll them, would those numbers be considered random?

    submitted by /u/scotty675
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    Solution for faster web server loading time

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    What is the best way to run a web site even faster with a web server. If I build my own web server it could run my web site faster than if I use Nginx or Apache, because I will have less code and fewer background tasks. Is my opinion building my own web server true, or not at all?


    submitted by /u/Amazonseller1976
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    Super Simple Html Website help

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, for digital tech at school we have to create a very basic website, but we had a teacher change just before the topic and he knew nothing about HTML, im stacked on assignments and was wondering if someone could whip a website up quickly, can't imagine it would take much more than 20 minutes (yes that basic) Msg me and ill send pictures of what need to be done. thank you

    submitted by /u/I_Stole_YiGiOh_Cards
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    What are your productivity hacks or tools that make your life simpler?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    How come Windows calculator deviates from 1/3=0,333… around 140 digits behind decimal?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    When calculating 1/3 using Windows 7 Calculator (inside virtual machine on Linux), the result is 0,33333…, where the first 32 digits behind decimal are shown.

    When subtracting the visible number from 0,3333333333333333333333333333333, I get 3,3333333333333333333333333333333e-33, and subtracting it again yields 3,3333333333333333333333333333333e-65, and again: 3,3333333333333333333333333333333e-97.

    But on the fourth time: 3,3333333333315929820227883584695e-129 .

    As can be seen, the number actually starts to deviate!

    What is the technical reason for that?

    submitted by /u/ThrowAway237s
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    How did/do people write games in Assembler?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    As someone who is primarily a programmer for games today, I use C++, C# and Java primarily, and how they work makes sense to me.

    What I can't get my head around is how people coded games with visuals and audio etc in raw Assembler. I know that compiled languages are compiled into Assembler, so it's clearly possible, especially since plenty of people have done and still do it. It just blows my mind how they do it. Surely all you can really do in Assembler is move memory around, compare values, and perform math operations on them. I mean, strictly speaking that's about all you can do with ANY programming language, but with Assembler, there's no semblance of organization. How do you keep track of which values you put where? How do you know which memory addresses are available to you? How do you determine which device you want to communicate with?

    Can anyone recommend a good way or tool to learn how it works?

    submitted by /u/kutuup1989
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    How can I make it so that videos/PDFs I create and send can't be downloaded and accessed offline or shared?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    I'm creating a service that provides customers with digital content to help them with their college coursework. They will be able to buy bundles of videos and pdfs that only they can access. I'm concerned, however, that people will just share the pdfs and videos with each other, so I'd like to make the material available only to the paying customer, in such a way that they can only access it on their personal computer.

    Of course, I don't want students to be able to just download these videos or pdfs so they can share it between themselves. Thus my question is just, how can I make these videos and pdfs exist in such a way?

    submitted by /u/progressacnt
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    Is there a decent modern PHP onboarding course/tutorial around?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    I'm starting a new job at the end of this month focusing mostly on PHP dev. I'm pretty competent with programming in general (Python, JS, and Java), but haven't spent much time with PHP (past minor bug fixes or one-off database conversion scripts).

    Most courses/materials I've been finding are either old or target at a beginner leave.

    Are there any decent modern resources for PHP (paid or free)?

    submitted by /u/joshamoreYO
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    Visual Basic C# vs Java

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    Hey y'all,

    So I want to make an exe for work that will help classify some rocks. It's meant to be used by others and outputs a string at the end (by way of text boxes and such). What's easiest for others to just download and open (without knowing how all the under the hood stuff works)? I have done a quick binary tree in java as well as C#. It seems easier in C# to make different text boxes but maybe that's just some advantage that is outweighed by something I don't see in Java?


    submitted by /u/grouchgeologist
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    exiftool question

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    No clue where to ask this. I've looked for an IRC or something similar but couldn't really find anything useful.

    I have an .aif file (MIME: IFF data, AIFF-C compressed audio). I want to extract a tag called APPL. I just can't seem to make it work: $ exiftool file.aif -v [...] AIFF 'APPL' chunk (352 bytes of data):

    Running exiftool -appl file.aif doesn't return anything though. Running exiftool file.aif -a does not list the tag directly, only if I use -v.

    Any help appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ICosplayLinkNotZelda
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    Linux Distro

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    How much time it will take to build a Linux Distro from scratch?

    submitted by /u/amanvkhatri
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    Newbie question about timeframe of coding new p2p ride-sharing app

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    If I'm just learning to code right now (no experience) and I want to develop a peer-to-peer ride-sharing app completely from scratch to add in my portfolio, assuming I have full time to dedicate to it, how long is gonna take?

    Actually, 3 apps will need to be built.
    1) Passenger (iPhone and Android apps), 2) Driver (iPhone and android) app, admin dashboard, QA/bugs/management.
    Key Features for Passenger App:
    • On-demand booking
    • Scheduled bookings
    • Vehicle tracking system (GPS)
    • Flexible payment options
    • Automatic fare calculation
    • Android & iOS device support
    • See estimated time of taxi arrival
    • Notification to passengers
    • Address History
    • Multi-language support
    Key Features for Driver App:
    • Vehicle Tracking System (GPS)
    • Multi-language support
    • Notification to drivers
    • Flexible vehicle options
    • View trip routes using GPS
    • Automatic fare calculation
    • Scheduled bookings
    • Android & iOS device support
    Advanced route optimization
    Driver destinations
    Accept or decline passenger requests
    option that lets drivers be visible/invisible on the map
    In-app call to the passenger
    Personal profile editing
    Driver reports of past bookings and earnings on a weekly/monthly basis
    Other features
    • Easy Sign Up And Registration
    • Real-Time Tracking
    • Booking And Scheduling The Cab
    • Rate And Review
    • Multiple Payment Methods
    • Search, Browse And Choose The Car And Driver

    submitted by /u/dogguardwhitle
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    Help in python project

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    https://pastebin.pl/view/b30310ab This is my python project, i am struggling at the end, i am using a dictionary which takes only one of the values if the term asked for is repeated, i need it to sum all the values for that part and print it for me.(in this project for example if i type 2 then New York it will give me only the last values of New York in the csv file but i need the sum of all the values)

    submitted by /u/the--gate--keeper
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    Identify "peak" of a scatterplot to plot a normal curve in python

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:33 AM PDT


    I can't get my normal distribution up and my lab partner is disappointed :'^(

    I want python to identify the peaks of some datasets but the peaks are close together enough to be seen but not far away enough so that you can just separate the data at some "eye-picked" value.

    long version:

    Basically i have 6 datasets of wavelenght (lambda) vs absorption (A) that have 2 peaks each, the problem is that they're close together, close enough to be identifiable by eye but not far away enough to really define a domain as to calculate a max. It does look like 2 local maxima (if it were a function) and i have to identify the corresponding peaks for these (so the x values corresponding to the peaks). This will allow me to know where to position the mean of the normal distributions i want to graph. As for the standard deviation, i tried getting the stdev from the y values and then graphing them just like that, but, the normal curve comes out incredibly skinny, aka, wrong.

    Here are some of the graphs: https://imgur.com/a/UDywnkq

    My code is systematic, i wanted to do 1 for loop and have all my data systematically analyzed, any suggestions with that are also welcomed.

    submitted by /u/Successful_Exchange4
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    Want to change a websites camera refresh time

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I'm a surfer and I use a camera for my local break from a website. Unfortunately, they made it so it refreshes every 35 seconds... I've been trying to go into inspect element and try and change it to a smaller number but it doesn't affect anything... Was wondering if someone on here could give it a go and if you have any luck tell me how you did it... Thanks!

    The website is:


    submitted by /u/MNIDark
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    Help make Python better: talk to the Python pip UX Team and help us improve pip

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Where to start: Making a little script to do tedious tasks between Adobe CC, Finder and Web

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:59 AM PDT


    I'm a TV/Film freelancer and do a lot of video editing. I found an SEO service that needs simple videos edited for $20 a pop. These videos all require about 3-5 simple animated title screens, b-roll from a stock site and the main talent video and voice over. I have three days to complete a video, but in order for it to make financial sense, I assign myself as many as possible at a time, and then get swamped.

    I've done over a hundred this summer and am seeing some patterns that I could definitely automate.

    It would save me an immense amount of time if I could have a program:

    • make a folder for each video and download the raw footage into that folder
    • retrieve all text needed for the title screens from the SEO website (usually a bolded heading)
    • roughly copy and paste text into an After Effects template ( I will go back and resize and
      position by hand so it looks good)
    • render completed animations into videos folders
    • import animations, broll and raw video into premiere into bins for each video
    • render and upload completed video
    • (bonus points if existing software can combine voice recognition and text and text of script to edit out any footage that is not in the script, just for a rough cut)

    These functions will just help me do tedious stuff. All the color, design, motion, and broll cuts, music and etc will be filled in and adjusted by hand.

    I have some JS experience from simple web apps I've built, and some C++ and Processing experience doing some Arduino projects. So I kind of know how I'd want the script to loop through the tasks, but I honestly have no idea what language or approach to take. Every other coding project I've done either showed up instantly on web browser or triggered some mechanical action through a microcontroller, so idk how to make a desktop app or script.

    Where should I start? What terminology should I use to Google solutions? How would a programmer even describe my problem?

    TLDR: I need a language or approach to build a script that moves files and text around different applications including Finder, Adobe Premiere, After Effects and Web Browser.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/timothybaus
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    Trouble with JavaScript API not displaying data on web page

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    I'm a super noob, and have been struggling with api for the past few days. I'm getting JSON data back from my api but I cant for the life of me get anything to display. closest I've gotten is Object,Object. What am I missing?

    I'm a super noob, and have been struggling with api for the past few days. I'm getting JSON data back from my api but I cant for the life of me get anything to display. closest I've gotten is Object,Object.

    // References from HTML

    const keywordInput = document.querySelector("#keyword");

    const searchBtn = document.querySelector("#search_btn");

    const search_container = document.querySelector("#news_container");

    searchBtn.onclick = doSearch;

    function doSearch(){

    search_container.textContent = "Send News..";

    const keywordText = keywordInput.value;


    if (keywordText.length == 0 ) {

    search_container.textContent = "Invalid Input ";



    let url = 'https://api.currentsapi.services/v1/search?' +

    'keywords=Amazon&language=en&' +

    'apiKey= // omitted'



    .then(response => response.json())

    .then(data => {

    if(data.error) {

    search_container.textContent = data.error;

    } else {


    search_container.textContent = "";





    function showNews(title,description,author){

    let titleheader = news.title

    // let titleheader = document.createElement ("h2");

    // title.textContent = title;


    let newsdescription = document.createElement ("p");

    newsdescription.textContent = description;


    let authorheader = document.createElement ("h3");

    authorheader.textContent = author;



    submitted by /u/LastIronAstronaut
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    Python: Need help with the 'asyncio' module - Details in the description.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    I am building a discord bot where there is an 'async' function that resets a flag after asynchronously sleeping for 15 seconds and there is another 'async' function that sets the flag if the input arrives within 15 seconds. How do I stop executing the first function (which sleeps for 15 seconds) after the input has arrived? The input is given in the form of a discord command. Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/benkiman
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    Need some pointers as to where to start with my project

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    So I want make an app for android, a really simple one (at least I think it's simple). You enter a number x and then it gives you a set paragraph of text, you enter 1 it gives the text for 1, 2 it gives the text for 2 etc.. But my entire programming knowledge is some vague memories of php in highschool. What language would you recommend for an app like that and do you know any other resources I should look into for this. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/trueDano
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    I want to read multiple .csv files in a systematic way but don't know how

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    So i am doing some data analysis on cyanines, and i have 6 datasets all of the same shape and form (3 columns and n rows). All the data have the same file path and are named Data_#, #=1,2,3,4...

    I want to use panda's read_csv to systematically load and process the data, I thought about doing a for loop but i don't know how to include the variable index, i, in the file path.

    The idea would be:

    for i in range(1,7):

    df_cyanines_i = pd.read_csv( ' C:\\File_Path\\Data_i')

    Now, i would like for the result to have 6 new variables named df_cyanines_i, with i between 1 and 6 with the corresponding dataset.

    The problem (as far as i am concerned) is in making python somehow vary the i in the "Data_i" If this is possible.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Successful_Exchange4
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    Is there an app that will track a website and notify if the content changes?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    How to implement web scraper into a website?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    I made a simple python web scraper for comparing prices by using Beautiful soup, I want to make it into a website,how do I proceed?

    Do I need to write the whole thing in javascript and then proceed to make the website or what? I am just starting out,and do not have experience with web development,so any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    This is the github link for the project I made.


    submitted by /u/awol_man
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