• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 12, 2020

    Mozilla have laid off the entire MDN writers team. What's the best MDN alternative now it is likely to drift out of date? web developers

    Mozilla have laid off the entire MDN writers team. What's the best MDN alternative now it is likely to drift out of date? web developers

    Mozilla have laid off the entire MDN writers team. What's the best MDN alternative now it is likely to drift out of date?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Given that Mozilla have laid off the entire team of MDN writers. Where should we be looking for the most up to date web advice? Please don't make me use W3Schools.

    submitted by /u/xadz
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    Webdev can be a soul crushing journey sometimes. Hang in there guys. Your time will come.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    I see teenagers putting in their linkedin bio "Fullstack developer" or "Javascript for life" or "Coding for life" and all and showing off their cool projects and portfolios. And here I am learning html :(

    submitted by /u/anonymousguy271103_1
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    A question for React developers - do you like JSX?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I don't mean to start a flame war here, but as someone with a Java/Angular stack, using React has been very off putting for me. Especially JSX. I don't get why you'd like a soup of JS and HTML in the same file. Separating the HTML from the JS looks natural to me like separating the view from the model in MVC (which is how things are done in Angular with separate files for .js and .html).

    So please give your thoughts about JSX. Maybe I am missing something here.

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    Where can I learn to do 'ui interactions' like these?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Best language/framework for REST API backend

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    I need to write a REST API service that does conventional CRUD operations as well as user authentication and some business logic (math stuff, maybe machine learning at some point). I want to develop fast but also write maintainable code - so static typing and safety are strongly preferred. Run-time performance is not a big deal, and speed of development is more important. Which language/framework should I use?

    Stuff that I've looked at:


    Pros: Easy to learn, easy to deploy, good package management (Go Modules is a breeze), very easy to read other peoples' code, very easy to pick up old code, good performance

    Cons: Not null-safe, have to deal with some low-level stuff like pointers, type system is very primitive (no generics, subtyping, algebraic types, etc.), lack of full OOP or FP meaning that abstraction is hard, cultural resistance to big frameworks means I have to implement a lot of "boilerplate" (e.g. database access, form validation, user authentication) myself, not very fun to use


    Pros: Powerful type system, powerful abstraction mechanisms (both OOP and FP), good framework (Play), seems fun to use (although I haven't done more than "Hello, World" yet), good performance

    Cons: Really hard to learn, hard to find other developers to work with, tooling is over-complicated (Bloop? Metals? SBT?), slow to compile, not much good documentation, hard to read other peoples' code, hard to read old code, hard to maintain consistent code style throughout a project


    Pros: Powerful type system, powerful abstraction mechanisms (OOP), seems fun to use (although I haven't done more than "Hello, World" yet), good performance

    Cons: Tooling is over-complicated (Gradle), very immature, no good frameworks yet


    Pros: seems fun to use (like Ruby), multiple really great frameworks (Lucky, Amber), type system that helps catch errors but doesn't get in your face, easy macro system, easy C FFI, good performance

    Cons: really immature, not yet 1.0, not very popular so it's difficult to find other developers to work with, slow to compile, IDE support is not great (e.g., no autocomplete in VSCode yet), tries to imitate Ruby to the point of imitating its annoying quirks and inconsistencies, depends on lots of C libraries (libyaml, libgc, etc.), too much metaprogramming magic makes code hard to understand at times

    Dynamic languages: Ruby/Python/Elixir/Clojure/etc.

    Pros: Easy to learn, easy to use, really excellent frameworks (e.g. Rails, Django, Phoenix)

    Cons: No static typing, too much metaprogramming magic

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/jwinnie8
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    Are US companies willing to pay overseas freelancers the same that they pay to Americans?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    I know that a lot of US companies hire freelancers from countries like India, Brazil (where I live), and Philippines because the labor is cheaper. While an American freelancer could be paid from $70/h to $100/h, a Brazilian with the same skills would be paid $30/h.

    My question is: is it possible to charge the same amount of money that Americans charge being a Latino ($70/h to $100) or companies would want to pay me less based on my location? I mean, if I work hard to develop the same skills that an American would have, why should I be paid based on my location instead of my skills?

    I know this idea is bold, but I wonder what you guys think. Because if there isn't clear monetary benefits to this, it would make more sense to focus on getting local clients where I live instead of exhausting myself by competing in the global marketing for unfair payment.

    submitted by /u/realdumpsterdude
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    How do I keep a hidden element from taking up space?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    I have two divs in an HTML page. One or the other may be visible, but never both. (Both could be hidden). But even if the first div is hidden, it still takes up space, and the second div is drawn beginning close to the bottom of the page, leaving a big empty gap. Using Javascript, how can I make sure that the first div will not take up space uselessly when it's hidden?

    I tried to post the actual code for the two divs, but HTML commands in a post conflict with HTML that Reddit uses to display messages, so I couldn't.

    submitted by /u/CedricCicada
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    How to add a React front-end to an existing Django project?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    How do I start making my app's front-end with React?

    I finished creating my back-end with Django and it is fully functional with Django templates. How do I go about making the front-end with React instead of Django templates? I plan to change the entire front-end to React, as it is basically a social network for food.

    I know this question way too vague, but if anyone could link me to a guide that would be great.

    Edit: Some things that might be correct below. Can someone tell me if this is the right process?

    1. Turn my Django project into a Django Rest API. I then use the API with React to use all the functions and stuff I need. Going by the following link: https://medium.com/swlh/build-your-first-rest-api-with-django-rest-framework-e394e39a482c and this picture
    submitted by /u/Aneeki
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    Can I implement a surveillance system with Nodejs?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    I want to make an app that receives footage from an IP camera, -- just like any IoT device -- and stores that footage in a database with some basic rules like only limiting to last 7 days etc.

    I would apreciate any stack/platform/libraries recommendations.

    How hard is it to make your own home surveillance app using IP cameras?

    Is Nodejs a good backend for processing and storing footage?

    submitted by /u/7haz
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    Giving a website to a customer

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    I hope this is the right subreddit for that, because it is only webdev related, so I thought it wouldn't be right on the r/cscareerquestions subreddit.'

    SO, I want to start making websites for small local businesses in my area, while I'm studying CS.I already have some experience with Wordpress and I'm currently figuring out NodeJS.The technical side wouldn't be the problem for me.But I'm asking myself:

    When I finished a website, how do I give it to the customer? (not hosting)Do I give them the Wordpress account and let them do their thing?Or is the normal way to do it, that I have a contract with them to maintain the website?

    Or maybe do I need to build something that they can easily upload files and texts, so that the content changes on their website? Sounds pretty complicated.

    I there a some freelancer webdevs reading this. How did you do that on your first customers.Mine were relatives, so I do maintain those, but is this the way to go?

    I'm happy to get some advice from more experienced people out there

    submitted by /u/leinilw
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    Interviewing Professionals

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    I need a little help with a school project if anyone has a second. I'm in a BT program for software development and need to interview professionals in the particular field I'd like to go into. I don't need super detailed answers but anything you'd like to comment would be very appreciated. If not comfortable posting public I can send a message.

    Who are you?

    Who do you work for?

    What do you do?

    How did you become interested in IT?

    What training and or degrees do you have?

    What's a typical week for you like?

    Any special advice for someone breaking into the industry?

    Thanks for the help!

    Edit: I just need a couple of responses, but I'll read as much advice as people are willing to give!

    submitted by /u/mrhand2031
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    How can I create and show Customer Data Reports?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    I have a web application in PHP that provides my clients a platform to create and store data, its sales related application, I want to design and show reports to my client, currently I have to create a new report for every request for each client, they are dynamic so multiple clients can use it, but I want to easily design and show these reports.

    I have found Pentaho Report Designer a good report designer, but I don't know how to make these report designs available on my site and let clients show them with their data. I know there are multiple modules in their suite but which ones I need to run on server to use report designs and populate them with data then show in HTML?

    If anybody has tried any other FOSS alternative I'm open to suggestions and will try them.

    submitted by /u/NoConversation8
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    Where should I buy my domain names from?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    I know GoDaddy is the most popular, but I see complaints from web developers claiming that they're unethical, apparently injecting JavaScript into customers websites.

    I've looked up a few others, but I'm not sure if those are sketchy as well, and I'm not sure how to find out other than asking real people with experience. Most of my projects have either been static, and can be hosted on GitHub, or I've used heroku, but I would like a custom domain in this case so neither of those options work.

    So my question is, is there a known, trusted platform that I can buy domains on?

    submitted by /u/Moony394
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    Japanese Website Guidelines

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Any special tips you can share regarding building a small, brochure site for the Japanese market?

    Examples of good Japanese websites will be appreciated too.

    submitted by /u/digitalshiva
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    Having problems with protected routes if my app is hosted on S3 / Cloudfront

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    LE: Fixed it by creating custom error pages for 403 and 404 in Cloudfront and setting the Error Caching Minimum TTL to 0 instead of 60.


    I just deployed my React app to S3 / Cloudfront (the users are all over the world, so I need it to load fast) and I'm having problems with my protected routes. In order to protect them, I'm making a call to /auth/me to see if the user has the (httpOnly) cookie. from express-session This works well in my dev environment. but it behaves weirdly in production. I can log in and view the data in my app, but if I refresh the page, I'm redirected to the login page. If I refresh again, I'm back in my app.

    The cookie is still there, but it's like the app doesn't let the API call finish and treats the user as non-logged in directly. I also get a 404 error from /login after I refresh again. I set both my error.html & index.html pages to index.html in S3, because otherwise I'd get lots of 404s.

    Is there any alternative to checking if the user is logged in via an API call? my user IDs are generated with BSON ObjectID, so I thought of storing just the ID (which I think is random and unique) in localStorage or a non-secure cookie that I can retrieve without calling my API and then validate the permissions server-side when needed. Is this a bad idea? Would storing the ID in a signed JWT that'd still be accessible on the cllient side make it more secure?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/deiuma
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    what are some best certifications/courses to improve hiring chances

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:44 AM PDT


    Last year student here, wanted to know if there any specific certifications and courses which are preferred by the industry. I would love to do them.

    Right now I have UI/UX Designing Master Certification from California Institute of the Arts: CalArts. Thanks for the help in advance.

    submitted by /u/ImThour
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    Create a ripple animation inside an input field ?? (React)

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    I have a password input field. Inside absolutely positioned is an image which if clicked it changes( its a padlock locked/unlocked). On the click of that padlock image, how could i create a ripple animation inside the input field with the origin of the ripple being the center of the image.

    Ive seen loads of people do this with buttons , but ive been seriously trying to figure out how i could do it in my case. Im sure ive seen websites do this too somewhere

    submitted by /u/NinjaInShade
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    What's needed for minimum viable webdev production?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    I'm sort of a double-hobbyist in webdev: I'm not doing any programming as a career, but even as I hobby I mostly avoid anything that looks like UI design or the web. Mostly I've been writing little utilities in go, and anything more complex in Clojure. It's been a lot of fun, but honestly past a point all roads really lead to webdev.

    I'm working on a few projects that would all have more utility to my friends and family if there was simply a web interface. I'm not really a webdev person, but I'd like to just get something out. What's the best way if you already know how to program (especially in a more functional way) to just get something up and running. Ideally I'd like a one-pager that just makes API calls, because until now writing APIs basically was my webdev and I already have some projects sitting around.

    Is the best way just toughing it out and learning Javascript? Cheating and using webassembly to work in a language I don't hate? If I'm stuck with Javascript, should I stick with Vanilla? Vue? React? Every tutorial I see is based around giving a foundation to do this as a career. I just wanna do bad web design damn it, stop trying to make me good.

    submitted by /u/grettathemonk
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    How much of the code should I just accept for working a certain way and how much of it should I explore in detail?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    I have a problem where if I'm using a function from a library and sending arguments, I have to dig into the function to see what I'm really doing. I end up wasting a lot of time doing this and end up overwhelmed because I don't understand all the bits. Is it good practice to just accept what the code does and use it or is it worth investing the time to learn all the underlying code that lies within libraries?

    I ask because I've been taking a Udemy course and the instructor writes code and he says to just accept it for now without explaining what it does at a low level. I look at the code and understand why we are using it, but don't understand how it works under the hood. So then I go digging and end up wasting an hour or so.

    submitted by /u/clit_or_us
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    Generative art with CSS

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Just started web dev a couple of weeks ago and I need some help related to CSS.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Just started web development a couple of weeks ago, and I mainly focus on JS and HTML(, BTW I really love JS). Now I started making some projects and CSS makes me waste many time on it because it is really hard and isn't really fun. Now, what I really want is to program in JS and HTML but every time I start making a project I spend many hours on just making my CSS compatible with other devices and making it look good. I absolutely love web dev but every time it annoys me that I need to mess with CSS, I just want to JS... I'd love like suggestions on things you think will help. I heard a little about bootstrap and that it helps with compatibility and makes CSS easier so I'd like to know what you think. BTW, I'm 14 so it's not job related I just like programming for fun (programed for 7 months in python). Thanks in advance👍

    submitted by /u/ItsJustZiki
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    How can I send emails securely from a website?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit!

    I'm working on a website where users can send multiple emails at once via their personal email through he site. So, I've been using node mailer where the users enter in their email and password and then they can send customized emails in bulk via the website. I'm concerned because users will most definitely be turned off by being asked to enter their email and password to send emails via my site. Does anyone know of potential work arounds for this? Are there any reputable 3rd party services that I could plug into my website that could do this securely?

    I appreciate any advice or insights. Thanks Reddit!

    submitted by /u/ObscuredByClouds95
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    Free Domain Name: Is it possible with an EDU Email?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    I currently have an Australian Edu mail from University of Adelaide. Are there any domain name and hosting providers which give a discount/free services to students? I'm talking about a premium domain name with either a huge discount code or possibly free hosting from a reputable company?

    submitted by /u/StunningBowler
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    Add a "Skip Navigation" Link to Help Keyboard Users Reach Main Content Faster

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:09 AM PDT

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