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    Tuesday, August 11, 2020

    I've modeled, animated and textured 20+ monsters and they are all free to use in any project!

    I've modeled, animated and textured 20+ monsters and they are all free to use in any project!

    I've modeled, animated and textured 20+ monsters and they are all free to use in any project!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    My marketing tips, a solo dev who sold ~ 6k units with 3 games published on Steam. If you are working on your first game, hopefully, this post will be useful for you.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    Hello, fellow devs!

    As the title says, I'm solo dev, I recently launched my game called "Golf Pool VR" and I released two games before that since the past 4 years. I've sold ~6k units so far, I wouldn't call myself a successful indie dev since none of my games going to give me enough cash that I can depend on it for living, but still, I see a lot of dev can't even hit $1K revenue for their game, so if you are making a living from your game this post might not be for you, I can't give you advice on how to make a hit and get your first million-dollar, but I can tell you how to successfully publish your first game and probably sell a few thousands of copies for the first year of your launch.

    If you are struggling with releasing your first game, then I'm here for you. You can ask me anything about my journey, and you can post a link to your game, I can estimate your launch success. and how many copies you can sell with your current state. I might able to help you on how to increase your sales and give you a few tips.

    Here is a few tips on how to market your game. I hope you find it useful.

    "Marketing your game"
    "Wishlist is the only thing matters, it's the reflection of your game success"

    *Not a native eng speaker here so pls ignore my poor eng if you found any...
    So here is my experience with marketing, I decided to write it down here in a new comment to get better visibility.

    My experience with marketing:
    Each game has its own way to market, just like in real life, let's say you have a vintage watch, You can sell it for a thousand bucks if you sell it in the right place but you won't able to sell it in eBay for a 100$.

    So back to our game, what kind of game is it? You will need to find the right audience so you could target them. where are they? where do they get news about upcoming games from?

    TLDR: Youtube is the best way to get a wishlist, then FB and Reddit come later, twitter is the hardest.
    Your time is the price you are going to pay for it, use it wisely, try to aim for one or two social media that works for you instead of targeting all of them unless you can afford to pay someone to do be your community manager.

    Youtube: This is the gold mine for wishlist, but you will need to use it later, you can't ask YouTubers to play your alpha broken game, you need to make sure at least your game is in beta stage, then try to research about YouTubers who play similar games as yours, If your game is side scroller game, then find YouTubers who usually play side scroller genera games, how to find them?
    1- Find a new release successful game on steam for the past month with a side-scroller tag (has > 10 reviews for the past month).
    2- Then go to youtube and search for that game, and contact all of the YouTubers who played that game. try to contact the one who has less than 1 million subs or even less than 100K sub, forget about famous YouTubers, they don't even read your emails. if the YouTuber has more than 100 views from his last video then worth sending him a free beta key for your game.

    Facebook: for me, I've joined the main VR FB groups, I never spammed my game with screenshots each week or months, but I posted a gameplay video after my game was in good shape to show (The first impression is really important). so my post was from the alpha stage, but here is the important part, what's the point of posting? people will forget about it in the next few hours, so make sure you have a steam store page ready, so you could ask people if they enjoyed the game, they could follow it and add it to their wishlist, at the same time, you should share it from your FB page, so people might like to follow your FB page too.

    Twitter: my experience with twitter was horrible so I never wasted my time there. maybe your experience will be different based on your game. I think its the hardest place to market your game.

    Facebook ads: back to the point, what kind of game is your game? If it's a mobile game or a web game then Facebook is probably one of the best ways to market your game since my game is for PC, then no, I've only tested 20$ and got thousands of likes and a few hundred followers to my FB page but all of them were random people, actually looked like a bot than a real person, so it was useless for my case, unless your game depends

    Reddit: Reddit was one of the best tools to market my game, since there was a good VR sub and consumers check it daily, I was able to get a nice amount of traffic from there to my steam store page. I've posted a gameplay video from my alpha stage, then another one from the beta stage than during release, and probably a couple more posts in-between.
    The most important thing is, you need to target consumers, no the Devs, devs are not going to buy your game, they don't even have the time to play their own games. so if you get a thousand upvote from a dev sub, don't expect your game will do well, they just liked the tech you showed them, same if you didn't receive any upvotes.

    Discord: I've used it during my beta stage for my game, it's a great way to gather people who will buy your game during its first-day launch, I think it's one of the best tool to test your beta game and get early reviews since these people invested a lot of time in your game, so they will review your game on steam without you asking them. Early reviews is really important.

    Steam Festival: This is the best thing you could wish for, try to participate in this event, it will x2 or even more if you do it right, you will need to prepare a demo for your game, then announce about it in your social media platform when the time comes.

    All other social media and dev logs are wast of time in my opinion, it might work for some type of games though, so don't take my words for it. but it's just my opinion.

    So the question is, should you stop posting about your screenshot each week in reddit or twitter? not really, but just make sure to concentrate on the main point like preparing your steam store, making a good early trailer to get wishlists, make sure to make a discord during beta stage and announce free giveaway key and direct people to your discord so they could give you their feedback, then contact YouTubers with beta keys.

    If you have $1K cash to market your game, what should you do about it? spend it on your trailer and store capsule images. Buy a better assets for your game, better SFX, and music. polish your game in the last month before release, delay your game if you have to, + 1 month delay is better than releasing a broken game. don't wast it buying ads or giving it to scammers on the web who claim to market your game, don't expect someone can market your game with such price. don't hire someone to contact YouTubers for you, use my tip, and get the right YouTubers to play your game. give yourself at least 1 month before launching your game to do the YouTuber marketing I mentioned, YouTuber don't like to play released games, they like to play new exclusive upcoming games.

    Once you do that, you can launch your game, don't launch your game with < 2K wishlist and expect to cross 1K revenue.

    If I missed any point, I will try to get back here and add it later, I do hope somehow this post might help you in your journey :)

    Have a nice dev day everyone!

    submitted by /u/dreamer_2142
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    Why Storing State Machines in ECS is a bad idea.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    Drag&Drop system in Unity

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:05 AM PDT

    Is uncle bob 's "Clean architecture" good for game development?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    I'm using uncle bob 's "Clean architecture" and TDD to develop my game in unity. but I got some problems:

    1, u cant "new" MonoBehaviour so I use it mainly to create usecases, factories, requests. but I don't know the type of the request yet so create a degenerate data structure and downcast it to the appropriate type, and for every usecase come with a new type of request. Is there a better way? assume I don't have a large team and every member familiar with the code?

    2, I feel like I'm fighting with the engine and things go very slowly.

    Is it because I do not understand the architecture or it is not a good fit for game development in general?

    submitted by /u/HughPhan
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    How to pitch your game , An article from TinyBuild that I found very useful.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    The turnover rate problem

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    This industry is infamous for employees being laid off very quickly after projects are completed and I'm curious as to knowing which companies are the least offending when it comes to this? Or are there simply no major companies that have high employee retention?

    submitted by /u/Erichall4
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    I made a game but it's not doing well.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    As the title suggests.

    I released a game to the google play store, just a simple Hypercasual game, where you just click one button.

    I took part in a game jam and posted the game on itch.io and developed my idea further, I wanted it to be available on Android. So I started sharing snippets of my work over Social Media.

    When I finally released it, I had ads set up with Google ads and Facebook ads.

    However I don't seem to be drawing in any audience, is it just people don't want to play it? or is it because it's so bad? I just graduated Uni with a 1st in Game arts and design and now I'm feeling really down because no one is playing my game. I feel like this isn't the path I was meant to take.

    So far 17 people have downloaded my game but I've only retained 9 people.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxgLMf4fwis here's a trailer which is also shown in the ads, I feel like this is what makes it flop so hard.

    submitted by /u/OberZine
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    Are there any Digital Asset Management/Libraries targeted for developers?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    I'm working in a team and we have a lot of unorganized assets that I want to organize. I've looked at Digital Asset Management softwares but it seems like most are meant to handle basic images. Are there any good softwares that will support 3D meshes, textures, audio, code - and has features like automatically showing you important details or live previews? Local or cloud based is fine. Seems like the closest thing is using Monday to manually add and organize all the data. But that's way too much work. Something like Quixel MegaScans for all types of assets would be a dream.

    submitted by /u/TinForge
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    Hey I could some help,so I tried making a new project and this just keeps happening.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Coming Soon: The Steam Game Festival: Autumn Edition!

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Looking for info on current pathfinding algorithms

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    I've worked with A* a long time ago, and I'm looking at a gig where working on pathfinding is part of the job description. Is A* still the gold standard? What else is currently being used by published games? If someone could point me to resources or papers I'd be grateful.

    submitted by /u/TiggerOni
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    Sprites in Unity: Full-Rect or Tight Meshes?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:35 AM PDT

    Sprites in Unity: Full-Rect or Tight Meshes?

    All of your Unity sprites are rendered as meshes.

    But what kind of meshes?

    Well, in Unity we have two types: full-rect and tight meshes.

    Discover the differences and when to use each in my latest blog post.


    submitted by /u/rubentorresbonet
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    That's how it feels to play Drifters Don't Brake. It is harder than it looks, trust me.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Need help with improving art and game design of the game.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Smash 'n' Match

    This is a small mobile game am working on, I got a really good feed back on the game's idea but I want my game to be iOS and android feature worthy how do I make it so?

    Please give me ur suggestions and what u thought when u watched the game's video and how it can be improved on any information is useful.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Lochan7000
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    Question on unity Photon pun, was hoping to get some help

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    So I've recently been working on a project for school using photon pun and I've been having issues understanding how it works.
    1) is the master client a player also?
    2) if so, won't the master client be able to see everything on the map? Like for example I wanna create a MOBA game with 2 teams of players, won't the master client be able to see the location of every other player regardless of team on the minimap, cause all the other players sync based on the master client?

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/MonCock
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    What makes a hard games fun?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    What makes a hardcore / "tough as nails" game fun? We have seen a lot of games from different genres that cater to being difficult, but at what point does a difficult game stop being fun?

    Of course setting the difficulty can be done in most games, but if a game was designed to be hard in the first place, does changing the setting also drastically change the game itself, at least for what it was intended for?

    And most important, what makes a hard game fun even when you lose? Is it the potential and drive to overcome the challenge, or is there something deeper, less tangible that players strive for?

    submitted by /u/RulesofAlchemy
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    Scaling Real-time Gaming Leaderboards for Millions of Players- a tech talk

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    I'm with Rockset and we're hosting a tech talk for scaling gaming leaderboards to millions of players. You can register for the tech talk here: https://rockset.com/gaming-leaderboards-talk

    submitted by /u/nfarah86
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    How would a game like Persona program its social links?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    I'm making a game that involves, among other things, walking around town and progressing quest chains that are concurrent. The player wakes up in the morning, is allowed to go into any of the separate chains, and then go to sleep after the event is completed. The next day all the quests he didn't go into are set to the same quest stage they were the day before, and the quest he did the day before is available again, but is set to its next stage.

    What would be the best way of handling this? I was thinking of simply reloading the main scene for the town and loading each quest chain to its proper stage in the Start function, but are there better ways of doing it?

    submitted by /u/dnjksandkj
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    What's the best way to run a limited alpha on Steam? Separate app ID, or keys for the main app?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    In a few months time I'll be running a limited alpha for co-op roguelike This Means Warp (think FTL meets Overcooked) on Steam. There seems to be a few approaches to running it:

    1. Give out preview keys for the existing app
    2. Create a new app specifically for the alpha and give out keys for that

    If we do option (1), I believe any alpha players who have previously wishlisted the game will be have their wishlist removed. Not ideal for launch if we have large alpha/beta playtest numbers.

    Given it's primarily a co-op game, there's a lot of interest in players for online multiplayer using Steam Remote Play Together. If we do option (2), I believe we'd need to create and publish a new Steam page for the alpha for Remote Play Together to work. This risks other people wishlisting the wrong app (the alpha) and confusion in the store.

    So my questions is: are my assumptions above correct, and any advice?

    Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/BornInABottle
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    I need you to choose the haircut of my main character for my game !

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Help skeletal animation :(

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Hi i created a simple collada parser in c that outputs this struct:

    struct Model
    vec4* vertices;
    UINT32 vertices_count;
    SIZE_T vertex_buffer_size;
    UINT32* vertex_indices;
    UINT32 vertex_indices_count;
    SIZE_T index_buffer_size;
    ////////BONE INFLUENCE
    vec4* bone_weights;
    uvec4* bone_ids;
    struct Bone_animation
    FLOAT* time_stamps;
    mat4 inverse_bind_transform;
    mat4 bind_pose_transform;
    struct Bone_animation* bone_animation;

    for now i simply loaded a sphere with 2 bones,1 animation and 5 time_stamps,i can render the sphere,i rendered also the weights influence changing the color in the shader and they look correct...now i want to render each transformation of the timestamps,switching timestamp index every second and i have no idea where to start,i followed assimp tutorials but i barely understand that assimp's data meaning(like how can i extract the bone_offset from my data?),the only tutorial i found was from a guy using java and he said that in the bones_animation matrix should be a mat3x3 quaternion for the rotation and the last vec4 row should be the position,so if someone can help me would be amazing,also just linking me good tutorials about the argument<3...PS i just want to render each trasformation in his timestamp,i don't want to interpolate between different frames in a given time between time stamps for now :D

    submitted by /u/1bytecharhaterxxx
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