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    Sunday, August 9, 2020

    Internet Explorer should be removed from consumer versions of Windows. web developers

    Internet Explorer should be removed from consumer versions of Windows. web developers

    Internet Explorer should be removed from consumer versions of Windows.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:24 AM PDT

    I've created a react hook to grab a color palette from images. It also renders a skeleton color while your original image still loading. Feedback appreciated

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Made an English-only hentai website

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Yea I know most of you are probably disgusted and rather go fap on pornhub because it's the real stuff. Well, I enjoy doing both depending on the days! Anyways, this is what I've been doing as my summer project (and being stuck at home due to COVID).

    If you genuinely care about giving pro-tips or suggestions to improve the website. I'm all ears!


    And no, I'm not going to put this on my resume. ha ha. ಠ_ಠ

    submitted by /u/Ironbuns
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    What Setup Should I Use For My Project? Firebase vs Droplet vs React etc..

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Hey all, I have some experience with sass/css, html, and javascript, but no frameworks yet. Ive built a few projects with vanilla JS and ive made my own websites with Wordpress previously. I've come up with a project I want to create but with no experience in any of these realms, im tying to figure out what to use to build it.

    Here's the notable things this project should do when complete: ---On the very high end, maybe 10k users a month . ---2 types of user created profiles. ---1 type of that profile will be geographically searchable by distance and other extra filters ---The other will be able to leave reviews ---They will have profile pictures ---There will be a review system

    I've heard firebase, digital ocean, react, Drupal, Lightsail...

    I think the main setups would be firebase + react-bootstrap vs Digital ocean droplet + Drupal? Maybe these can intersect? I don't exactly which part of which is needed for what and how it all comes together quite yet.

    I just need something to be able to stick with to start looking up tutorials and building from without worrying about having to restructure to a new service 3 months in, or 1 month after I launched. Something that will take the least amount of time to setup and not cost a fortune, etc. I dont want to and am not interested in building my own back end, or similarly intensely involved things that will take a very great amount of time, as this will surely take a pretty decent amount of time even with the simplest setup I imagine.

    Any pointers?

    submitted by /u/pioneer9k
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    What do you call the technique to execute things without loading a new page.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Like the like function where you send the information in the background and also receive an answer in the background. Some websites use this in a way that you are technically not even loading any of the already loaded contents.

    E.g. reddit "popup" posts when you click on the post in the desktop version.

    I kknow how it's done but what do you call this?

    submitted by /u/luiluilui4
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    I'm a UI/UX engineer, looking for some portfolio feedback!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Styled Components: A Quick Start Guide

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    What is the process you need to follow before writing any code in web development?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    I want to know what all steps need to be taken before actually starting to code when you want to make a website. What tools are used to visualize the various design components.

    submitted by /u/Bictron
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    Best Way To Send A User To A Link On Mobile?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    I have a scenario where a user is on my desktop site, and I want to provide a link for them to launch on their mobile device.

    Is there a conventional or standard way to do this yet?

    I imagined a QR Code, but I have a feeling that there is an easier way to do this that doesn't involve loading a third party application to scan a QR Code.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/DamionDreggs
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    HTML download attribute not working in firefox.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    This line of code:

    <a href="test.txt" download> download </a> 

    works on falkon but on firefox, it displays the content of the file . I tried finding a solution on the web but nothing works. I've also tried it with html and pdf files . So how do I make it work on firefox?

    submitted by /u/Ilikeflufff
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    How to step up as a web developer ?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:47 PM PDT


    I'm a student in apprenticeship in a web development cursus, and I feel like I know nothing.

    Okay I know some things, in the company I work at I use Symfony and for my personal projects mainly node.js. But I feel that I only scratch the surface, I want to go deeper and go from junior/average to a good developer (and be able to negotiate a better salary).

    What should I study ? Algorithm, data structures ? A low level programming langage ?

    submitted by /u/Abstract1337
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    Freelance rates for a family member

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    My sister's husband recently reached out to me asking to build him a website from scratch. I am relatively new to web development, but have already developed much more complex web apps than what he is looking for.

    He works in sales, and when he brings in outside clients, he gets a larger cut of the commission, so he is looking for something very basic that can act as a glorified testimonials page for new potential clients.

    This would be the first time I've ever done any freelance work, so I was wondering what kind of rate should I charge him.

    submitted by /u/UMphrey420
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    Which offer to take for best growth as a new grad?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:48 AM PDT


    So I received two offers... I know I know... woe is me...

    The first offer is a full-stack internship but they're paying me well and itll be working on projects in the nuclear industry, which is awesome. However it seems kind of a like a hybrid consulting role as you also deal with clients and customer service. The company seems ...interesting. very disorganized - they were supposed to send me a new contract for this upcoming Monday as starting date but still hasn't despite asking twice (I pushed the date back 2 weeks). I was also supposed to get my work laptop this week and discuss a time for her to drop it off but she hasn't returned my messages all week. She decided to respond late Saturday saying she could come by today...

    The other offer is a front end permanent role. I really like the people and I seemed to gel well with them. They have some cool perks and they matched the salary from the first job (though that's an internship so I may end up getting paid more afterward assuming I get the job). Its also in a location that I planned to move to.

    I guess the dilemma is that the perm role is front end only and as a new full stack dev, I dont know what I prefer and my goal was to find a full stack job as my first opportunity.

    On the other hand, I dont have a bad gut feeling about the perm role in the same way I do with the internship. I honestly don't know if I would enjoy working at the internship place. I know I would at the permanent role. It's also permanent vs an internship...

    BUT again as a new dev my priority is learning as much as I can and the last thing I want is to not learn and improve my back end skills by taking a front end only job. The perm role software isnt nearly as cool or as interesting as working on projects in the nuclear industry though...

    I did already accept the internship but I dont feel too bad leaving since it is just an internship. I had to push the dates back because I wanted to see what else I could land but I could only push it back so far. I actually start tomorrow but they have still refused to give me the new contract (she seems to be actively avoiding the question for some reason) and still hasnt even given me my laptop - and I start tomorrow.

    The people at the perm role seem to adore me and part of me wonders if I can ask how back end work can be incorporated into my role. Is this too much of an ask? If you have any suggestions please let me know.

    Do I tell the internship no before I start tomorrow? And accept the permanent role?

    Thanks for any advice

    submitted by /u/juroden
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    How do you guys go about making responsive site in 2020?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    So these days there are a lot different devices with different widths and different browsers. Im getting overwhelmed with the breakpoints I need. How do you guys go about making the website responsive? And do you use the same sytem for each website?

    submitted by /u/MrEscobarr
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    How do you keep track of small bugs during the development process?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    To keep track of small bugs that are not worth fixing right away I usually have a text file containing list of the bugs bugs and how to recreate them.

    Just wondering how other developers do it?

    submitted by /u/seekdiscomfort
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    Looking for an article about a bug tracking app that was posted on this sub.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Hey folks, I'm looking for an article that I believe was posted on this subreddit.

    It was a guy who explained, in detail, his development process when building and launching his first application and business. It was a sort of bug tracking application that told developers what issues users were having with the application, instead of having to rely on user feedback, which sometimes does not come. He took three months off of work to develop the program and has had a few clients sign up already.

    Does anyone know where I can find this post?

    submitted by /u/GonnaBeTheBestMe
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    Is there a place where I can pay for debugging help?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I'm working on a personal web app using spring boot and I've been stuck on an authentication bug. I've been debugging for the better part of 4 days and I'm at the point where I just want to test if my laptop can fly. Is there any place where I can get debugging help paid or unpaid? (Except stackoverflow)

    submitted by /u/GuerroCanelo
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    Gsuite alternatives

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    I am looking if there is any gsuite alternative.

    I just want to features of other alternatives against gsuite be it opensource or paid one.

    is there any gsuite alternatives ?

    submitted by /u/jagdishjadeja
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    Learning Web Frameworks or Build projects using Html/CSS/Vanilla Javascript First (new web developer)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I programmed in the past (primarly Java) but stopped because I pursued a different career. I found out I feel the most fulfilled by when I program and decided to pursue web development.

    I have started learning web development about a month and a half ago using the following course (I skipped Bootstrap): https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-web-development-bootcamp/

    Now, I am not done the course - I still have the backend modules and React. I also have a lot to learn as the bootcamp teaches the basics, but my question is: should I build some projects using html/css/vanilla javascript before I learn frameworks like React? Or should I learn React before building a portfolio?

    I don't know how to proceed and I appreciate your support!

    submitted by /u/yinyangfail
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    Need advice for building a "3d model" site

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    I just developed a discord bot in javascript and seen that it seems to be growing I would like to have a dedicated web page for it.I know how the website is gonna look like, the problem is developing it.

    I did some minor html/css websites before so I come from very little experience.

    My website should look like this: I have a static background (a space background) and then in the middle of the site there will be this 3d model of a spaceship. The user has to be able to rotate the spaceship around. Then this spaceship will have some pointers on it which, on click, will display some sort of information about my discord bot (in a sort of hologram panel).

    I read that I could use tree.js for 3d modelling, the problem is that I don't know if clickable pointers attached to the 3d model would be possible.

    So what I'm asking for is:

    - What's a great place to start learning about 3d models in websites

    - What tools would you guys recommend to build something like this (tree.js, react...)

    Any advice is happily appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/GPime
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    Does anybody want to trade web design work for my graphic design work?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    I would spend as many hours on graphic design for you as you spend on my portfolio website.

    My concept for the site is complex though and requires animation skills.

    submitted by /u/Snuggly-Muffin
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    Best online tools to test the performance of a new website I'm creating?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    Best online tools to test the performance of a new website I'm creating?

    submitted by /u/adrenaline681
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