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    Saturday, August 8, 2020

    I made a Chrome extension to build responsive websites faster. web developers

    I made a Chrome extension to build responsive websites faster. web developers

    I made a Chrome extension to build responsive websites faster.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Folks, Backend dev here. I built myself my first personal website. I have always wanted a personal website. I had time these past 2 weeks to build one.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Link: riziovo.com

    It is not a portfolio website. I just wanted a personal space on the internet to host my code, writing, or anything really.


    a handful of goals I had before starting out: keeping it simple, classic multi-page website of the early internet era. But not the dinosaur. Still modern and clean.


    As for Stack I have used HTML + CSS + Vanilla Js.

    Two reasons for the choice of stack:

    • This website really is just personal indulgence, wanting to showcase my frontend skills or impress a recruiter is not a goal.

    • Since It is not something grand with any sort of dynamic element to it, I decided choosing anything other than the basic parts is overkill


    I might add a simple backend later though to manage the #blog section when I do start it..


    I want to emphasize it is a bit rough at the moment and the textual content needs a lot of work but i want to overlook it at the moment...

    submitted by /u/soeii
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    Thank you Dr. Boudville but our HTTPS is in another castle

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Some of you might already come across some rather curious claims posted in r/webdev and r/webhosting, among others, now deleted, posted by u/Wes_Boudville. There is also a Medium post and other posts I simply could not be bothered to screencap.

    What's the big deal?

    u/Wes_Boudville has made some pretty bold claims both here on Reddit and elsewhere. Although usually, I pay little to no attention to posts such as these, this time I am making an exception. Some of these claims could result in false conclusions made by those less familiar with inner workings of the HTTP protocol, what HTTPS is, and how it all works together. The bottom line, not only are some of the claims blatantly false, in the wrong context they can be dangerous and lead to the adoption of practices that could affect the security of unsuspecting web users. Quoted text excerpts from u/Wes_Boudville. Without further ado.

    Some said they still preferred to use https for privacy. But https://xyz.com travels as plaintext. The hotspot knows you are going to https://xyz.com. Eve runs the hotspot. She runs a program that also sens a query to https://xyz.com from her address. For a read only page the xyz server will give her a copy of the page you got. The problem is that many developers confuse the https query with its reply. The reply is encrypted, the query is not.

    This is completely false and light-years away from reality. All communications and all data between a user and web server is encrypted under HTTPS with few exceptions - the hostname*(1)* that is being requested, and the initial protocol negotiation and handshake. All other information parts of HTTP requests are encrypted both during request and response, including request path, query-string, cookies, headers, etc. The only thing anyone with control over infrastructure between you and a website you visit can ever hope to intercept is the domain name being requested. That is all.

    In practice, many security experts now suggest you https all the pages on your site. [...] This is an overreaction. You should only https pages where readers can input data to be sent to the server.

    HTTPS serves far more than just to ensure communication privacy. HTTPS works to also ensure the integrity of the data sent/received and prevents malicious actors from modifying both requests and responses to whatever is being sent over the web. Eavesdropping on what someone reads on the internet has high implications. Modifying what someone reads on the internet has even higher implications. Implications both on web security and trust.

    People use the world wide web for many, many things. Obtaining information is one of them. HTTPS by design helps ensure that information you retrieved from a web page you are visiting has not been modified, is originating from the website you are visiting, and is served as sent by the website you are visiting. The same works in the opposite direction - it helps ensure that content you are receiving from either anonymous or authorized users is as sent by said users. Sans certain exceptions (compromised client or server), this serves to be universally true. Without HTTPS there is no way to be sure what you received from somewhere when sending out a request is what the server responded.

    Bottom line is, as far as general web use is concerned, HTTP sans secure layer should be eliminated. There is simply no need for it, discounting edge cases of layered security - HTTP over already encrypted/authenticated overlay network is one of these, for internal APIs on a controlled network and such.

    Although HTTPS has its drawbacks, because no technology is perfect, it is much better than HTTP or elective HTTPS. The current recommendation is to enforce HTTPS-only, always, and for everything, by the means of strict transport security policy.

    The proposal here is even worse - using elective HTTPS can lead to a false sense of security, where some pages are protected and some are not. A malicious actor can deface the unprotected pages to eventually breach protected ones through content injection, XSS, social engineering, and others.

    I grew up with programming where we were taught that good coding meant reducing unnecessary computation. Your program was better if it achieved the same result with fewer steps.

    This is still true today, however, the result in between using HTTP and HTTPS is not the same. Not even close. There is no universe where what you claim is true in this context.

    HTTPS is always more computation that HTTP, given the same page.

    This is true comparing HTTP/1x and HTTP/1x over TLS/SSL, but misleading, because the performance impact is negligible to the point of being irrelevant, especially on modern hardware with modern encryption extensions and such.

    This is completely false as far as modern HTTP is concerned - and here I mean HTTP/2 and HTTP/3. Although potentially consuming more resources for encryption, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3, protocols to which encryption is an essential part too, they are significantly faster and more efficient than plain HTTP.

    In maths, a solution is considered more elegant if it has fewer steps than an alternative.

    This argument is just stupid and has nothing to do with anything. You can't just take mc2 out of E = mc2 just for the sake of elegance, it is not the same thing.

    In conclusion

    To r/webdev users - use HTTPS, religiously, and everywhere. The benefits far outweigh any potential drawbacks, some as they might be. LetsEncrypt exists and obtaining certificates is trivial. It's just better for everyone involved.

    To Dr. Wes Boudville - as a self-proclaimed (since I was unable to independently verify, nor do I care to) member of the scientific community - you should be ashamed. You need to understand wild conjecture based in no reality at all will not fly, especially in a community packed with developers, engineers and generally clever people. Your statements will be evaluated by the community at large. I do not know, nor do I care to verify whether your academic title is real or not, but if it is - you should, more than anyone, understand that claims such as this will be held up to scrutiny and I suggest to keep yourself to a higher standard going forward. Nobody expects you to know everything. But before making bold claims, do your research. You ought to know-how.

    (1) Edit: there is ongoing work on encrypting even the SNI part of HTTPS request, making the entire request completely opaque.

    submitted by /u/addvilz
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    Find the tab you need instantly

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Found some awesome sites that give you fake clients/assignments to keep you creating

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    If youre someone like me who needs some kind of push or direction in order to create something I just found these awesome websites in my search for answers




    Really helps me get out of the creative block and lets me just do things

    submitted by /u/slick_pick
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    A GraphQL server that executes multiple queries in a single operation

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Sneaks API: A sneaker API for sneaker heads!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    The Sneaks App is a website that allows users to search sneakers, get product information and compare prices from StockX, Flight Club, Goat and Stadium Goods through the Sneaks API

    The reason I built this API is so developers are able to create sneaker based programs and websites without having to fumble with scrapping information on all 4 resell websites.

    Here's a demo of the Sneaks App using the Sneaks API

    I'd love to see what projects you guys can come up with this API! I always looking for improvements within the API so feel free to fork, edit, then submit a pull request. If you have any issues, submit an issue through the github

    submitted by /u/pd53199
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    [Showoff Saturday] Personal website - telling the story of my atypical career path

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Short story:

    Website: https://thomasmorice.com

    Source: https://gitlab.com/thomasmorice/2020.04.thomasmorice

    Long story:

    Since I received some pretty nice feedback on the gatsby subreddit, I've decided to post my freshly made website here which I'm super proud of 😊

    I believe I have a pretty atypical career path, with a lot of failures and even more learnings. I've always been attracted to development and design. Being able to create something that involves both of those aspects is a really fun experience, so I've created 5 or 6 different websites around my story during those last 5 years.

    I did it mostly because every time I re-do my website, it's an opportunity to learn new technology. This time it was Gatsby, react-plx (animation in general), and styled-components.

    I also want to have a placeholder for a blog that I might start when I find the time and guts.

    I'm not a designer, and I've always had doubts about my developer skills. This is another reason why I've done a lot of websites for myself. I can only get better, and I'm not afraid of disappointing anyone. I'm slow, much slower than most of the developers I've been working with. But I have a true passion for what I do, time flies when I code.

    Now for this particular project, I'm proud of myself. On the design side and the developer side, I think I've made a decent job, I hope my story, the way it's written and arranged, will speak to you too.


    If you have any feedback or question, please don't hesitate, I'm always opened to criticism, I always want to get better. This could've not be done without your help in this subreddit. Thanks a lot to anyone who has contributed, or will contribute, to this amazing community of passionate developers 🙏

    Edit - I've reposted it in order to update the post image. Looks better now in my opinion 😊

    submitted by /u/olafviking
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    useInfiniteScroll - two React hooks

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Two React hooks that I wrote that provide infinite scrolling capabilities together. Used in production

    A sandbox - https://codesandbox.io/s/goofy-montalcini-cjyz6

    The repo (example folder is source of sandbox) - https://github.com/netanel-haber/useInfiniteScroll

    submitted by /u/peekyblindas
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    Am i ready to apply for jobs?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    Hi there. This year i started to learn programming with the book „Java Head First". Then i switched to the odin project to learn web development.

    I made a simple website with links to my projects. novaknikolic.dev

    I understand basics of OOP, I know HTML, CSS, SCSS and JS. Am i ready to apply for jobs with the stuff i have done so far?

    Any advice and feedback is appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/setgetgo
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    I made a lil personal website for fun/learning, lmk what you think!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    This is my first web dev project, I recently learned JavaScript, HTML, CSS and React last quarter in school and I figured I'd practice a little more over the summer


    It's pretty much done, save for some aesthetic changes that I may still implement. I'd appreciate some feedback thanks!

    submitted by /u/alexginella
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    [Showoff Saturday] Website to support careworkers

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:16 AM PDT


    A friend and I have created this website (https://praisethenhs.com) to show support for keyworkers during the pandemic - where the main goal is to create a repository of positive notes for keyworkers to view.

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Feel free to share too!


    submitted by /u/qF_I_Leno
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    I finally finished my portfolio website and I wanted to show it off. What do you all think?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I finally finished my portfolio website and I wanted to show it off.

    Link: HERE :)

    So basically, I started getting really into coding and web design at the beginning of the quarantine (around April/May), and this is my third version of my website, but now I'm ready to get some feedback from the community.

    Obviously I still have a lot to learn, so feel free to criticize/give feedback as much as possible.

    Also, although the mobile version looks fine (I hope), I recommend looking at it on desktop because it has some cool effects which didn't carry of to mobile.

    Lastly, if it looks odd with your screen resolution, please let me know!!!

    Thank you all!

    submitted by /u/emmit12345
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    How are you doing these?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    I just finished Brad Traversy's html css course. I also just took Jonas' javascript course but haven't started. When I see the examples here or at codepen etc, I react like the little girl in this video. Most of the time, I think I will never be able to do this kind of thing. How can I beat this?

    submitted by /u/UnfairChart
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    How would you build this app?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:02 AM PDT


    I'm trying to figure out how to build an app exactly like this one https://create.thenightsky.com/en/design

    Specifically the star map. I know they getting their star catalog from the European Space Agency's Hipparcos as specified here

    but how? I couldn't find any API to query some sort of star chart based on dates.

    • How they getting the data
    • How they generate a map based on this data?

    I guess they using Canvas or D3 for the star map?

    Can you please write your ideas of how you would build an app like this?


    submitted by /u/Mooli88
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    My POC for a chat room with a unique interface, looking for feedback!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:35 AM PDT


    I've been working on this in one form or another for a long time. It's not feature-rich, responsive, robust, or scalable, but I still believe in the design philosophy. Basically, I wanted a chat interface that was easier to read and interact with when there are more than a few messages being sent per second. This site is a place to find what works and what doesn't. It's fairly unconventional in terms of chat interfaces, so have an open mind and know that I'm not married to any particular aspect.

    It's a MERN stack application that uses websockets and it's hosted on heroku.

    Nobody uses it, obviously, but I'll be hanging out in there today. Come chat with me!

    submitted by /u/Chamchams2
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    Anyone know of any good tutorials to make a functional search bar?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Preferably just using HTML, CSS and js. I've tried searching myself but most of them are just templates of the html and CSS and not actual functioning search bars.


    submitted by /u/fredsfashionboutique
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    404 logs from my Gatsby site, I'm guessing someone is trying to get in?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    JS library for animated slideUp/slideDown & smooth scroll

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Hi all. I use jQuery for easy animated smooth drop-down for menus and smooth scrolling for jump links (for one-page websites). I really don't care that I use and load jQuery just for that but also open to finding a smaller library just for animation purposes? Anyone know of a few to explore that are easy to use and set up?

    submitted by /u/codercafe
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    What do you consider are the minimums needed for a junior/entry level web development portfolio?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I know of course "learning HTML, CSS and JS with an understanding of jQuery", but I'm looking I guess for a bit more specifics. Multiple Design Examples? Resume Site, Fake store fronts? CMS?, fake mobile app websites etc. I am also learning PHP and SQL, so I'm not just looking for front end dev advice but full stack as well. And yes I am putting everything on a github account.


    submitted by /u/The_RedWolf
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    Recipe app I made with vue

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I'd love to have some feedback and thoughts on it!!

    Link: https://goob-hub.github.io

    Some things I'll change later: already searched recipes load after returning to homepage and duplicate links in about page

    Feel free to Let me know if anything else y'all find!!

    submitted by /u/OOF-stars
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    Managing an e-commerce site for a local business questions

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 03:41 PM PDT


    I have a potential client (a small local restaurant) that wants to have an e-commerce site for online ordering. I'm offering to manage the site which will be done through Shopify.

    What should I be asking the client to make sure that Shopify will work with their POS system?

    How much would you charge the client? (Design cost, maintenance cost, etc. on top of Shopify monthly cost) What other 'items' would you charge?

    What would a typical contract for this look like?

    Any other advice would be appreciated :)


    submitted by /u/simply_imperfect
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    Can I create intermediate certificates myself from a SSL certificate purchased through a CA?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    I couldn't really get a clear answer after Googling, so hence this post.

    If I purchase an SSL certificate through a CA for a domain I own, can I use that to create intermediate certificates for subdomains under that domain?

    submitted by /u/brianatlarge
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    [Showoff Saturday] Integrating Sanity.io into u/oloafviking 's Showoff Saturday project

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 03:29 PM PDT

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