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    Tuesday, August 18, 2020

    Hacktoberfest 2020 details! web developers

    Hacktoberfest 2020 details! web developers

    Hacktoberfest 2020 details!

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    React material vs material-ui

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Is 'material' framework a completely different framework than 'material-ui' or is one built off the other?

    submitted by /u/geriatricgoepher
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    How do you get over bad, incompetent management?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Do you just look for another job or you fight against the ignorance?

    Long story short, the company was restructured a year ago and we get the crappiest website designs from the same person that used to design paper cards. I mean horrible, floated things everywhere, lists of hexagons, forms without a submit button (and they wanted a LABEL to be submit lol) .... you name it. This person was not trained as a web -anything- and does not include the development team at all.

    What is worse is that person has an in with upper management and they let design be whatever the person pleases with no push back. In the end we end up doing garbage work just to keep her quiet and continue being paid during Corona.

    Time to star job searching? Or is there a magic solution I/we haven't tried?

    submitted by /u/Mentalv
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    What is a <Container> in material-ui?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    I read through the material-ui docs a few times and still am wondering what <Container> is used for. Is it just for centering content on the page? Can you add a background color to it?

    I'm familiar with css and bootstrap, but I'm just trying to wrap my head around material-ui.


    submitted by /u/geriatricgoepher
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    noopener, noreferrer, and nofollow - When to use them? How can these prevent Phishing Attacks?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    How common are ASP.NET MVCs in web development?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    I recently had a client asked if I could build an MVC. My C# is a little rusty, and the project as a whole would probably be a pretty big undertaking... So my question is: is it worth diving into the world of/becoming proficient in asp.net... or is web development as a whole moving away from this?

    submitted by /u/woof6
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    How can I mock i18next using ES6 JavaScript (Not React)?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    As the title suggests I'm looking for a way to mock the i18next library that doesn't involve react.

    The i18next documentation doesn't seem to have anything on this. The only thing I've found online are references to mocking the React version which I can't use. At work we don't use React or other similar frameworks.

    I tried mocking from my i18next init file that has the default configurations and imported a library abstraction my team lead wrote that registers multiple namespaces for our JSON files in tandem. I tried initializing i18next via modulenamemapper in package.json and followed guides on the react-i18next documentation and modifying to support a non react configuration, but without much success. I'm also using Jest mock functions to call the init configuration.

    For context I have a moderately complex JavaScript app I built at work that I want to set up tests for. This app processes health claims. The form fields get their data from a JSON file which we have localization setup via i18next. Even though our team has only just started writing tests for our apps, I want to get ahead of the curve and implement them while I have spare time to kill at work. Moving forward I want to write tests for all apps I make before they go to production instead of playing catch-up afterward.

    Thank you for reading my post! I'm really new to writing tests. If anyone could point me in the right direction as far as setup goes I would really appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/fluoridationMandrake
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    Where to go for actual issues in which troubleshooting leaves one wanting to shoot oneself or go to Linux or Mac to solve everything

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Hey so I recently started a job in web development with limited skills. I have skills, but they seem totally irrelevant since I can't even get wordpress to run on my computer. I've bought a couple of Udemy courses to learn WordPress since I have no experience with it - literally have only used html and html5 and learnt some basic css. To say i have no idea what I'm doing is an understatement but my boss has faith in me, more so than I have in my ability to navigate windows.

    I seriously considered going to Mac or Linux again however I'm also an audio engineer so I have an i7 brick of a laptop with decent specs running windows, primarily for my music software. I can run some of the programs on mac or Linux, but Mac will put me back 500 and Linux will mean i have to virtual boot windows to run the vsts i like to run. So tldr I'm feeling trapped in windows, have no idea how to navigate through or troubleshoot various errors.

    I've installed MAMP, have no errors there, however just downloaded Local for WordPress and getting errors about file path permissions. Now, I've undone all I can with the UAC stuff but I'm just clicking through things trying to just open when needs to get open. I can bring up a localhost page in my browser.

    I don't know how I can learn this stuff, or who would teach it, or if it's worth doing. I feel like giving up. All I have working is a sandbox page so I can at least learn some front end stuff.

    But my boss is assigning a fresh WordPress install on a client's server, and i have all the details, but if I can't even get a local server to work on my computer, I don't want to screw this up --- I've already said I'd do it and "learn by doing" but seriously.

    Long term I will be doing sass and cms stuff but in the meantime this is WordPress immersion stuff however this isn't a WP issue but an issue with the fact I'm using windows when most devs use Unix SINCE IT MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE

    If anyone has ANY advice please help. I'm losing the plot here.

    submitted by /u/data-bender108
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    Internet Explorer Bids Farewell In August 2021

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    Any advice on responsive design.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    I've been doing web dev for a few years now, but can never seem to perfect my responsive design. I know about viewports and setting sizes of things according to that. But can never seem to understand how to make things scale properly on mobile AND desktop. Any tips would be greatly appreciated as this is a gap i have in my knowledge that would be really nice to have filled!

    Would've posted this on my main account but haven't enough Karma so this one will have to do

    submitted by /u/Femboy_Queer
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    sites that could have been good but aren't

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    I'm looking for examples of sites that would be good but end up being virtually useless because of poor implementations.

    There was a site about an electric(I think) motorcycle manufacturer in the UK a few years ago that was really amazing - if you waited the 2 minutes for it to finish loading. They basically had the motorcycle parts fly off with details and descriptions as you scrolled down and overall it was a very cool look and smooth experience after it finished loading. It was just waaaay too long of a load time and it was the home page on top of it all. I wish I could remember the site but those are basically what I'm looking for. Anyone have examples of things like that?

    submitted by /u/RodgerW
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    Im looking for a best practices full website example that shows html 5, css grid and maybe light js to educate myself on good coding

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Is it possible to buy a domain name I stead of renting it?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 03:10 PM PDT


    Currently I have a .com domain name hosted with a company. However, I want to change for a .co instead, but my server provider can't get .co and I need to get this domain from somewhere else.

    I found some website where I can rent .co domain for x$/year, but is it possible to fully own the domain we want and host it directly from our server provider instead of passing through DNS and other complicated stuffs?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Nic727
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    Should I Make a Portfolio?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    I'm almost two years into my current dev job, but I'm thinking of finding a new one soon. I've heard it's a good idea for new developers to make a personal portfolio to showcase personal projects, however, I got my current job without having one and just putting my projects' urls on my resume and LinkedIn. Would creating a portfolio help my chances of getting a new job or is it only useful for people trying to break into web dev?

    submitted by /u/Varg_and_the_Burzums
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    Could I do this with a script?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    I'm very new to website stuff. I run a phone repair shop and am trying to make my own website. I know I could pay someone to do it but this is more fun, I'm cheap, and I like learning new stuff. Anywho it's on wordpress, I have a miniscule amount of programming knowledge and a pretty solid amount of general computer and IT knowledge. I had an idea that when the website loads it takes the useragent and if its a cellphone, pop up and ask if thats the phone they are trying to have repaired with a button to see those prices. How hard would this be to implement?

    submitted by /u/parkinginrear7
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    ARIA: poison or antidote?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    How to build simple games for web that integrate with my backend?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm thinking about starting a new project where my users can play a variety of games on my website and gain rewards that can be used on my platform, not just on the specific game where the "points" were earned.

    I was thinking of using something like phaser because I'm not well versed in game development and it would simplify some things but (now comes the real question) how would you send in-game events to my backend in order to update users accounts?

    Also, it would be very important to prevent client-side cheating, but I have no clue on how to do it.

    submitted by /u/Curiousgreed
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    Microsoft will bid farewell to Internet Explorer and legacy Edge in 2021

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Golang implementation of the traceroute tool (along with blog post explaining it)

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    How to design a portfolio site?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Hey there!

    I'm still pretty new in the world of web development but I've learned enough to be comfortable in HTML and CSS. I'm currently learning Javascript right now and building some projects but I'm wondering how you guys would come up with a design for your portfolio?

    I'm trying to build mine from scratch, but I am by no means a designer( A skill I hope to work on along the way). Are there websites you guys use to get some design ideas?

    submitted by /u/ma0407
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    Looking for a better WooCommerce Product Filter

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    We are currently building a WooCommerce store for a brick and click business (thousands of products with variants). Obviously we need a good product filtering solution. I guess one can say, that we have checked out the full spectrum of popular commercial tools but considering data-flow between ERP and Woo and also Search Engine Optimization none of them (including those, popular amongst developers), really makes us happy.

    Factors we are looking for:

    • Basics: Filter picks up all default and custom taxonomies /post types and serves all possible combinations of object properties and categories in a flexible filter GUI.
    • User makes a manual / rule based choice of archives, which should be visible to Search Engines (SE). Selected archives show pretty URLs, are added to the sitemap and allow for typical SEO-Elements (Title, H1, SEO -Text)
    • Remaining filter combinations (typically the vast majority) are consequently hidden from search engines (using typical strategies). Obviously such archives may show parameters in URLs.
    • SEO-optimized filter-archives and hidden archives for complex, SE-irrelevant queries are accessed through the same filter-Interface.
    • It should be possible to convert an archive from index-able to hidden and vice versa. Rule based assignment to index-able or invisible to crawlers may get overridden by user.
    • For this purpose the tool should come with a query builder (as most tools have). Users should be able save any number of filter-templates, which may get used as a starting point for further customization. It should just as easy, to only serve the result of a custom query, with no filters whatsoever visible on that particular page. Possible reasons: Filtering makes no sense, overall volume of products in this portfolio-section is low.
    • Visible to search engines filter-archives (possibly many hundreds) are stored as a custom post type.

    Factors we would like to avoid:

    • Filtered archives are either fully visible to Search Engines or fully hidden.
    • The list of SEO Landingpages is stored somewhere inside a custom plugin interface.
    • Redundant creation of index-able SEO Landingpages and perfectly identical, but hidden from SE archive pages. This is the needless duplication we would face, when utilizing any of the Ajax driven options.

    We have good developers on board, but would like to avoid building a fully fledged product filtering plugin on our own. We also don't want anyone to start building such a tool from scratch for us. Still – everything which brings us closer to what I just described would be helpful. If you have already written your own filter which works similarly (or extended one of the better existing tools) please drop us a P.M. Thanks for any input!

    submitted by /u/oslogrolls
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    How to contact potential client

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:53 PM PDT


    I'm currently in recruitment process for a new job - web development consultant. As a part of it I have to write an e-mail to a potential client interested in having a website done. It's my first job in IT so I don't have much experience so I want to ask you guys where you usually find your clients? What do you ask your potential clients about while contacting them for the first time?

    I'm very thankful for your advice ;)

    submitted by /u/AngelikaLi
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    How do I make form data generate a label?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    I need to make a website which uses form data to create printable formatted labels. At my work, the staff often needs to make labels which include a photo and a few lines of text. This can be easily done in MS word, but the staff only have access to an iPad. If I can create a system that allows them to simply upload a picture and input a few lines of text in a form to generate these labels it will make everyone's lives much easier.

    I have experience in HTML and CSS, but I have often struggled with Javascript. I'm happy to do the research myself but I can't find anything for this particular method. Can someone please point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/TMonahan2424
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