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    Tuesday, August 4, 2020

    Debugging should be in every beginner programming course. learn programming

    Debugging should be in every beginner programming course. learn programming

    Debugging should be in every beginner programming course.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    It took me a few years to learn about the debugging button and how to use it. I mean it's not that I didn't know about, it's literally in every modern ide ever. I just categorised it with the /other/ shit that you find in and use that you can pass your whole coding career without ever knowing about. Besides, when I clicked it it popped all of these mysterious scary looking windows that you aren't really sure how they can help you debugg shit.

    So I ignored them most of the time and since I apparently "didn't need" them why should I concern myself? Oh boy how I was wrong. The day I became so curious that I actually googled them out was one of the happiest days in my life. Debugging just got 100× easier! And learning them didn't take more than an hour. If you don't know about them yet this is the day that changes. Google ' debugging "your respective language" ' and get ready for your life to change.

    submitted by /u/xXDarkCubeXx
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    Advice on Getting Out of Tutorial Hell From a DevOps Engineer

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    Apologies for the text wall. I talk about my own experiences quite a bit, so I hope this doesn't come off as a self promotion. Links posted are intended to provide context, but more than happy to remove them.

    There's been a lot of helpful posts on how to get out of tutorial hell, so I thought I'd try to contribute to the topic.

    Background: my current position is a Senior DevOps Engineer, but I have a few years of experience as a Software Engineer before I transitioned. My very first job was remote, and after a little less than five years in the field, I get to work with great technologies like Kubernetes and Terraform everyday.

    I remember struggling with rejections and moments during interviews where I felt really stupid and embarassed. I used to have a spreadsheet of all the jobs I applied to which consisted of about 180 jobs in 2 months. Applying would take up as much time as a fulltime job sometimes! My GPA during university was average, but I had won a few hackathons and held positions as an intern and TA. All that, even with a college degree, I wasn't really getting any callbacks that resulted in much.

    I wouldn't really know why some of the things I learned in tutorilas were important, or how they were used. Aimlessly dong tutorials and putting out repo after repo in my Github wasn't really working out, no matter how green my Github heatmap was.

    I tried to apply advice that I see in a lot of posts here, along with some advice that people said not to do. I'd go through tutorials on projects and extend them a little bit, incorporate the knowledge into a project, and try to learn so many different things which would result in little depth in one technology/tool.

    For me, my most impactful project ended up being a very basic HTTP server that consisted of code recipes that I wrote. In case you were curious, here is the repo. I removed the website as it's insecure but I can send it privately or post a screenshot if you'd like to see.

    Creating such an app truly forced me to develop on my own, applying knowledge gained from a tutorial but not really following one. I followed tutorials on HTTP requests all the time as it was important for backend engineering, but I truly understood it when I had to write one for myself with goals/requirements for the project that I defined. I wrote tests for the app too.

    Then, I thought of ways to put the application online. Not via Heroku or Netlify or other hosted solutions, but to try and truly understand how to get an application on the internet. This led me to learning about servers, or virtual instances that you could rent hourly that were 'on the internet'.

    I setup a Linux VPS (Virtual Private Server) for $5/month, downloaded my app and started it up, then bought a domain name and modified DNS records to point to the server's IP address. It was insecure, but it worked All of this was done from tutorials hosted by Digital Ocean. Hell yeah! I put it at the top of my resume.

    The interview for my first job was a phone call. After the formalities and personal questions, the 3 people on the call looked at that project and asked me about it. I explained why I created the app and how I created and deployed it. I showed them where the app's HTTP and unit tests were and mentioned that I was currently in the middle of rolling out HTTPS support.

    The interviewers asked a few more questions on how I implemented some stuff, and then the call ended. There was no coding challenge or any questions on data structures and algorithms. Rather than a full time position, they offered me a contract position to see how I would fair for 3 months, with consideration for a full time job. I busted my ass, got the fulltime job, and kept going.

    My takeaways from this, in addition to all of the good advice shown on this subreddit:

    • Focus on Professional Level Competency: as a web developer, understanding how frontend components make requests to APIs or extrernal components was key. If you were hired as a frontend developer, some of your responsibilities would legit include tasks that involve doing EXACTLY that.

      As a backend developer writing APIs, understanding how those requests come in and knowing how to respond was my bread and butter. For me, communication was through HTTP, so I created projects that would truly force me to learn request types like GET, POST, PUT, etc.

      "To-Do list" level apps that store information only in the frontend should only serve as a stepping stone to utilizing those skills to building something more comprehensive.

      Additionally, including tests in your projects are a great way to make them more sophisticated. I've worked at places that would not accept code unless it was accompanied by tests.

    • Market well: The recipe webpage I created was basically my portfolio. It gave interviewers a quick way to see what I could do and what I was all about. No need to dig through dozens of Hello World repos on my profile. For my second job, I was the only non senior engineer on the team. I had to keep up with people with years, even decades of experience. I created a portfolio page and emailed it to the manager, who later said, "You know, including that web page was a realllly good thing." Here's that page if anyone was curious. I did this with basic HTML and CSS along with Bootstrap.

      Having a green heatmap by committing often is a great way to show people how hard and long you've been working.

      Having open source contributions usually earns some kinda brownie points with whoever sees them, and it's a great way to convey comptetency to interviewers by proving that you understand GIt/Github enough to write code, open a Pull request to get your changes reviewed and merged, etc. That flow of contributing is basically what people do professionally. I mention my open source PRs during interviews as often as I can.

      Contributing to projects promotes collaboration. If your PR is merged, it proves you're knowledgeable enough about the project or technology to make it better. Some PRs that I open are reviewed by people who are wayyyy more experienced than me. In a way, you can look at that as free coaching! People in the FOSS world are generally welcoming to PRs and willing to work with you.

    • Take Notes: I should listen to my own advice, especially on this one, and I swear I do this more often than not. A Software Engineer I worked with who I really respect once told me, "taking notes on things you've done is like a love letter to yourself."

      As someone who has grown by doing much and is constantly being challenged, sometimes I spend a LOT of time solving solutions to problems that don't occur often, sometimes never again. When I didn't have notes, I'd invest a ridiculously unnecessary amount of time into knowing the same thing. So dumb.

      If you've got notes, you've got your time saving love letter to your future self. You can also use them as the basis for documentation, something that I do often to ensure that I can share knowledge with my team.

      I used to learn something, take notes, then upload them to a notes repo on Github or release it as a blog post. Having something to upload or share helps people and advertises my hustle. Win win!

    • Collaborate: learning with people on a similar journey or getting context from people who are already where you want to be can be extremely helpful. It's all about giving yourself the right kind of stimulus.

    One last detail that I'd like to add is that I think that one powerful way of setting yourself apart from the pack is learning a little bit of devops. I'm sure that the extra devops stuff that I did for my personal project helped, and the personal interest in understanding things at that level is actually how I jumped into Devops fulltime. Happy to answer questions on this, and let me also say that there's many other things aside from devops that you can learn in order to stand out.

    Definitely didn't intend for this post to get this long. I'll end it here but I'd be happy to answer any questions and welcome any additional advice and critique. Hopefully this helped.

    Keep going!

    edit: formatting edit 2: remove insecure link

    submitted by /u/bttrdvlpr_dot_io
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    Free Code Tutor

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Hey everyone - I'm offering my skills to help a code newbie get up and going. Free, no cost and nothing weird, I want to improve my teaching skills. So yea, if you're in the beginning stage of learning code and need some extra explanation or help send me a direct message, talk soon!

    submitted by /u/codetutor123
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    Beginner Web Development Question: how to deploy my website?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    I created a basic web application with React and Node. I can run and test the website on my computer's localhost, but how can I deploy it to the internet so other people can access it (i.e., get a domain name like 123abc.com where anyone can visit that link and access my website)?

    submitted by /u/druebob
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    How to tell if you just suck at programming and should quit?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Apologies in advance if this is not the right place for this. I've only recently started trying to teach myself Python at Codecademy, and while the really basic stuff wasn't too challenging, I'm getting into things like lists and loops, most of which I feel like is flying right over my head. It's challenging enough that I'm making what I think is painstakingly slow progress, and still not grasping everything. I'm sure to many, this must seem laughably pathetic, so I'd like to know, what should someone take as a sign that programming isn't for them?

    I don't intend to make a living as a programmer. Just wanted to learn a new skill I thought could come in handy some day. Figured learning programming could help expand how I think and that would make it a useful exercise. I don't want to be defeatist and just hang it up, but if it's clear to anyone who is good at programming that I don't have the aptitude, I don't want to waste time rolling a boulder up a hill that will never make it.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/JunosCunt1001
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    What did I do wrong? [Python]

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    My code is

    x = int(input("Enter: \n")

    if x % 2 == 0:


    if x % 2 == 1:


    I input an integer then it says SyntaxError: invalid syntax and it points to the colon on the second line. Why does it do that?

    submitted by /u/KaizenCyrus
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    How do people make apps using more than one programming language?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    I was casually searching through repos on GitHub when I noticed that many apps and programs use more than one programming language. Take Notepad++ as an example, it uses C++, HTML, JS, Python and some others too. How is this possible?

    submitted by /u/NMrocks28
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    Using figma to prototype website

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    I want to create a website as a personal project but before everything else, I wonder if using figma to scale out what I want on the website is a good idea

    I appreciate if anyone has other suggestions 🙏

    submitted by /u/Dsa_red3noH
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    Unrelated degree and self teaching

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    Hi everybody, I have been studying Front end web development for a few months and I'm trying to learn as much as possible by myself and practice with different projects/websites (very simple, nothing crazy).

    My plan is possibly apply for jobs in a year and taking advantage of this pandemic to learn since I'm currently unemployed.

    I know that having a bachelor degree is a big advantage when applying for jobs. Would my unrelated degree (foreign) help getting an interview even if it's in a unrelated field?


    submitted by /u/6strings32
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    What's the quickest way to replace a letter in a string in Python (without getting an error for the final index)

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    I know the two most common ways of replacing a letter in Python: 1. Turn string into a list, replace the desired index, use join 2. Use String slicing (eg. str[:i] + 'B' + str[i+1:])

    However, in a coding interview, where you're expected to use the most efficient code possible, the first method would be slow and use additional space. Also, even though the second method is faster, what if you were using it in a for loop (eg. for an algorithm where you need to replace every xth consecutive letter with something else) - you would inevitably get an out-of-index error for the last character because of the 'i+1' component.

    I was wondering if there is an established way to replace characters in strings in Python that's acceptable in a coding interview. Am I overthinking this? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/sqweezy
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    [HTML] Area tag

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    The following is from w3schools.com: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_areamap2

    I have a couple of questions about this code:'

    1. How did they make it so the sun has a larger clickable area than the planets? I don't see the size explicably written anywhere

    2. How did they figure out the coordinates of the planets within the image?

    submitted by /u/2kfan
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    ps1 powershell scripts to c++ or C# or Java

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    hey guys, I have written a bunch scripts in powershell, I would like to convert them into any of these languages like C++, C# or Java, I may sound foolish, but I am learning, guys, tell me what will be my best options what challenges will I have/may face or what is best choice?? I know as far Java & C# is concerned there needs to be dependency in place .... and remember I am targeting windows OS at this point in time....

    submitted by /u/ChiTech121
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    What was the hardest programming concept to understand that you’ve encountered, and if applicable what made it easier to learn?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Just figured this might be helpful for some people.

    submitted by /u/SolemnWolf123
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    For degree-less self taught devs, is it even worth it to keep going?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    I've (29m) been working on my portfolio, though my motivation has severely decreased due to feeling like it may be pointless to continue building out projects for potential employers to see.. Before anyone states that a degree is needed, I have multiple buddies in the field making well over 6 figures with no degree. My main question is, due to the current economic stand point, are self taught developers without a degree pretty much exempt from receiving job offers? Is it even worth it?

    submitted by /u/platonic_thoughts
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    Imposter syndrome or something else?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I've been doing a class through EdX for a while now (CS50) and I'm doing decent. There are a few topics I still struggle with but I'm doing okay. Recently I've been getting this weird feeling where I think that my progress isn't really my progress. It's because of the walkthroughs and YouTube videos Is this imposter syndrome or am I really not meant to be here because I need to watch walkthroughs and YouTube videos to figure out how to implement different things. I'm still pretty new but I just feel like I'm stupid and like I don't belong and that my progress isn't because of my work. How do I combat this? Is it a sign?

    submitted by /u/pripri721
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    What is better, create different groups or use a system of tags?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    I'm pretty new to python programming and I am currently making a game with pygame, and I was wondering what would be the best way to manage the components of the game: Should I put them all into the same group and manage them with kind of tags to recognize what they are? or should I create different Groups for different components? Or are there another ways I haven't thought of?

    submitted by /u/Qernan
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    [Java] Beginner - Is there a cleaner way to do this leap year logic?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:54 PM PDT


    A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4. However, if the year is divisible by 100, then it is a leap year only when it is also divisible by 400.

    Write a program that reads a year from the user, and checks whether or not it is a leap year.

    import java.util.Scanner; public class LeapYear { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Give a year: "); int yearNum = Integer.valueOf(scan.nextLine()); if (yearNum % 4 == 0) { if (yearNum % 100 == 0 && yearNum % 400 != 0) { System.out.println("The year is not a leap year."); }else{ System.out.println("The year is a leap year."); } } else { System.out.println("The year is not a leap year."); } } } 

    Ive literally been sitting here for an hour and a half trying to figure it out without help and finally this is what I came up with. It works, but since I'm new to java and programming, now I want to know if there's a cleaner, less noob looking way to do this.

    submitted by /u/withoutprivacy
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    I'm currently halfway through Hack Reactor. How can I improve at DS/A for future coding interviews within a short amount of time? Any great resources that teach DS/A and attacking these problems with javascript?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    The DS/A curriculum for HR is pretty much just implementing Stack, Queue, Linked List, Tree, Hash Table, and a Graph in javascript along with toy problems every morning. Not sure if this level of understanding of DS/A is enough for tough coding interviews and Leetcode type questions. Because I'm still in the program and now we're focusing on front end and back end capstones which aren't focusing on this topic, I want to dedicate about 2 hours a day to DS/A and solving LC type questions.

    Any recommendations for resources to use to get better at DS/A and then would you just recommend attacking LC with my remaining time? I know many people mention Coursera's sedgewick's algo course or MIT 6.006 to learn algos but would that be the best use of 2 hours a day for me right now? CTCI is another option. One issue is that while I've gotten pretty good at JS, I don't really know Java at all, and I'm not sure it would be time efficient to learn that right now vs. leveling up in DS/A with javascript.

    submitted by /u/LebronManning
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    How to denoise ECG Signal with median filter using WFDB for Python?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    Anybody familiar with WFDB application for Python?

    So I'm trying to denoise MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database (mitdb) downloaded from Physionet using median filter. Using WFDB, I can read the signal data with the following code:

     record = wfdb.rdrecord('mitdb/100', sampto=3000) ann = wfdb.rdann('mitdb/100', 'atr', sampto=3000) 

    Then, when it comes to denoising, I read the WFDB documentation for Python and there is no such function to do median filter, unlike WFDB for Matlab which has the function medfilt

    I am aware that SciPy Signal has medfilt function but if I read the signal data with WFDB, how can I input the data in the medfilt SciPy Signal function? Or should I use another method to read/open the data so I can use medfilt in SciPy? Or perhaps anybody know how to do median filtering with WFDB in Python?


    submitted by /u/fhp0223
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    What algorithm is used so that programs like Microsoft Word know to correct your spelling.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    So I'm fascinated by how fast and how reliable things like Microsoft Word or Google's did you mean are. I tried searching and found out about levenshtein distance (which measures, from what I can understand, the distance between words, a.k.a. how many characters need to be changed or in some cases how many characters need to be added or cut in order to form a different word from a given one).

    So for instance if you spell "authenfication" you need just to turn 'f' to 't' and get "authentication", and that would be a levenshtein distance of 1.

    My questions are: are there more algorithms like this used in spelling correction? How do those algorithms search a vocabulary in order to find the word you want, I imagine is something like binary search but on the entire alphabet, like there is a node and its children are all the characters, and each child has all the characters as their children, or something like that.

    submitted by /u/__dp_Y2k
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    How to use installed npm packages? How do I include them to an html page?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    I apologize if this might seem to be a stupid question but I am just getting started. I am currently learning laravel, and I'm trying to install a package with npm. The question is how to I use/include the npm package I just installed to my directory? I see the node_modules folder but I am not sure how to use, or which file should I be including in the html file that will be rendered to the front-end. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/maxwellkurt
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    [Conceptual question] What is meant by: Classes with one method and a couple of fields, where you have to set the fields as the way of passing parameters to the method

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    This is picked from the article: Signs that you're a bad programmer

    • What does statement mean? What kind of implementation is this referring to?
    • Why is it wrong/discouraged?
    • Does this also refer to constructors?
    • What if the fields save state across different invocations of the "one method"?
    submitted by /u/Fa773N_M0nK
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    Whats the point of functional interfaces?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    I don't get the point of functional interfaces (interfaces with just one method that can be implemented). Here's an example from the Spring source code:

    public interface CorsConfigurationSource { @Nullable CorsConfiguration getCorsConfiguration(HttpServletRequest var1); } 

    This interface is implemented by UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource. Well, why not just add getCorsConfiguration to UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource?

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    how to create? I just started studying

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    1. Write the program to display the message "I love you." According to the number of cycles that the user wants with 5 repeated calls.

    2. Write the program repeatedly to calculate the sum of numbers from 1 to n according to the desired n value. 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n

    submitted by /u/noobboyez
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